POL Glenn Beck breaks down in tears over what Obama is doing - Powerful


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm watching Mr. Mason, thanks.

Please tell your wife I believe she is half right.

There will be nothing civil about what is coming.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
My God.

I just finished watching this.

"We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that ALL MEN are CREATED EQUAL. That they are endowed by THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

By God, I will fight what ever foe, be him foreign OR domestic to ensure that those words which helped birth a nation AND a REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT are allowed not only to survive but to flourish once again.

I am sick of the progressive, NEO-SOCIALIST bastards who seem to mindlessly spout their bull excrement in the guise of "academia".



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Powerful stuff... My wife just watched this with me. When it was done she wiped a tear off her eye and said "we're getting ready to have a civil war" then burst into tears.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btIgWbJ89cI

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggy3Gi1f1Do

I saw his program yesterday. I was shocked and saddened to hear he has a daughter who has Cerebal Palsy and I can certainly understand his fear. All one has to do is remember history and see we are in the beginning of history repeating itself!! :mad:

Tell your wife I was crying too.


Anyone read the comment from the Aussie person over there?

I'm from Australia and let me tell You all Americans citizens ( with all respect ) there's not way that was expecting to live and see the day when AMERICA WOULD GIVE UP PATRIOTISM , FREEDOM , AND PROSPERITY .
Don't let Obama put in the rubbish bin everything that You have always fought against .
GOD BLESS AMERICA .....it needs it .


Veteran Member
I'm a veteran and I smell it coming too. So do a lot of others.

ssbn sailor, I also am a veteran and I also have this uneasieness that something catastraphic is comming sooner than later. In fact I have this feeling that it might happen between now and the 15th of this month. The Vibrant Response Exercise is going on thru the 14th. This would be an oportune time for something to happen as TPTB would have all the troops, both foreign and domestic, here to initiate martial law.



Goin' where the lonely go
I'm watching Mr. Mason, thanks.

Please tell your wife I believe she is half right.

There will be nothing civil about what is coming.


I have read every other quote but let me reassure you that there is STILL TIME to stop the dawg in its rabid tracks.

And if NOTHING else, TRAIN your wife in the use of a GD firearm. TEACH the woman how to survive, tears will NOT pierce the skin.
Peace out, don't mean to sound like a bitch, but yeah I gotta sound like a bitch.
Lock and load.
That's all she wrote.


Veteran Member
I had a sister who had cerebral palsy. She couldn't walk or feed herself. She died at the age of twenty. I miss her often. She enriched my life in many ways. Though I had to take care of her from an early age I wouldn't have traded her for anything.

To devalue life or to raise the value in one group over another is nothing new. To enslave a race or groups of people is nothing new. Only the method changes with time and technology.


ssbn sailor

Senior Member
ssbn sailor, I also am a veteran and I also have this uneasieness that something catastraphic is comming sooner than later. In fact I have this feeling that it might happen between now and the 15th of this month. The Vibrant Response Exercise is going on thru the 14th. This would be an oportune time for something to happen as TPTB would have all the troops, both foreign and domestic, here to initiate martial law.


That sums up what I feel also. its a deep in the bones type of gut feeling, mixed in with the "aww sh*t, I've been here before" type feeling that we all know all too well..

I didnt know about Vibrant Response on the 14th. Thanks for the heads up.

"To devalue life or to raise the value in one group over another is nothing new. To enslave a race or groups of people is nothing new. Only the method changes with time and technology."

There is a common law tradition of "right to revolt". In fact, some philosophers of the past considered it a duty to revolt, when faced with tyranny. Tyrants fear the masses for exactly this reason.

Rex Jackson

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Civil war or not, the sick bastards get their way. Population control.
We must nit forget this time, who the puppet masters are.


Goin' where the lonely go
Well why can't WE be the puppet masters and STOP these sick SOBS????
WHY in the hell are we even DEBATING this?
And quite frickin frankly, IF you have an agenda tht harms an INNOCENT, then you'd best know here and and NOW that I AM YOUR ADVERSARY!!!
I'm finding it very hard to believe that the things I fear in the deep recesses of my mind and rarely have the nerve to speak out loud - even to my husband - are so obvious that GB is covering them on his show.


On TB every waking moment
GB is on here at 4 PM and not again until 1 AM. I always miss the 4 PM show, and I fell asleep last night before he came on at 1 AM. Wish I had gotten to see the whole show.

Thanks for the link to the clips.


Veteran Member
I sense that of what others here are saying. The coming storm is with me always these days. Some of the loved ones around you may see it, but will have a hard time dealing with it, reconize their feelings and understand, for they will need you when the realization that the `change' has indeed come upon us, and that there is no going back, they will need you, and you them.

That said, Glenn Beck, to me, is Thomas Paine and Paul Revere rolled into one. His days are numbered and he knows it, along with a large number of us. God bless him.


Glenn Beck's staff must be listening to Alex Jones, who broke the story about Holdren, Obama's eugenics czar, a couple of weeks ago.

The country is bankrupt and all wealth is being looted into the pockets of the bankers, whom Obama serves. Do you really think that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is going to be around much longer as approximately 500,000 people (who formerly paid into those funds) are now unemployed?

Do you think the Chinese are going to fund our health care?

Game's up!

"In republican governments, men are all equal; equal they are also in despotic governments: in the former, because they are everything; in the latter, because they are nothing."
-- Charles de Secondat, Baron de la Brede et de Montesquieu


Powerful stuff... My wife just watched this with me. When it was done she wiped a tear off her eye and said "we're getting ready to have a civil war" then burst into tears...
I have tried to explain this stuff to my wife. She thinks I'm nuts. After all, there is nothing like what I say reported on CNN, so it must not be true. :sheep:
I quietly prep, sometimes she finds some and gives away a case or two of foodstuffs telling me:"You bought too much, that much would last for months." :bhd:
Can't convince her I'm mentally stable and not delusional and/or paranoid. I've started using the lifeboat analogy "If you have it, chances are you won't need it." :whistle:


On TB every waking moment
I have tried to explain this stuff to my wife. She thinks I'm nuts. After all, there is nothing like what I say reported on CNN, so it must not be true. :sheep:
I quietly prep, sometimes she finds some and gives away a case or two of foodstuffs telling me:"You bought too much, that much would last for months." :bhd:
Can't convince her I'm mentally stable and not delusional and/or paranoid. I've started using the lifeboat analogy "If you have it, chances are you won't need it." :whistle:

OMG...you must be my brother-in-law. I won't tell Ann you posted this.

just kidding...but I do have a SIL who says the exact same thing all the time.


It has now come down to this.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

Fer God's sake people, LOCK AND LOAD!!

members, including myself, have been trying to educate many of you between the strong HISTORICAL ties between fascist movements and wealthy American and British families and interests and the strong links to eugenics for almost a decade now.

yeah, we all got labeled as 'conspiracy' nuts. funny how SO much of what we warned about has/is happening. where are all the debunkers now?

just remember, in the main there are NOT two parties. that is part of the scam also.


I'm beside myself....wondering....what's in ME right now? Do I have the strength to fight? To fight this...this...THING?

Oh Lord........I didn't think Glenn Beck would ever get inside me and make things happen...but he just did.


On TB every waking moment
Rupert Murdoch writes Glenn Beck's checks. Better be careful what you let inside you. Division and dissention is being sown heavily in America today- but by whom and more importantly, TO WHAT PURPOSE?

If it is so apparent to many that strife is coming... ask yourself... what end does that strife serve? Who intends to win in the end, and how do they plan to do it?

dd (Ever hear of "Divide and conquer?")


Leska Emerald Adams
Exactly. Being political or ranting or raving about one prez or another isn't going to do much. Bush was a disaster and Obama is not even human. The country's been heading for the drain for a long time and I don't focus on any one person. It takes the whole population to allow this devolution.

Don't think violence is the answer -- violence destroys. Civil disobedience (think Ghandi) is more powerful. Coming together for constructive good, and prayer, is powerful.

Funny how at this point ex prez Clinton doesn't look as bad -- at least fiscally he was a good manager and initially did good things. But then ... it's such a circus it's hard to take any of it seriously. Feels too much like being jerked around on puppet strings.

And yes, so obviously depopulation is a major endeavor now. Why oh why is nobody noticing the Death Lines killing all the air and moisture? Visible every day and night via satellite and right above eyeballs / noses. We are being slaughtered. A species so dumb as to no longer be able to see, literally, no longer deserves to live.

Lone Wolf

Lives on TB
No cable, no TV.

Working on antenna (s) for AM.FM. & SW 1 2 & 3 + HAM freqs.

Can't dl vids.

Can only surmise what GB, has said from the comments posted.

Situation normal, (snafu)



Exactly. Being political or ranting or raving about one prez or another isn't going to do much. Bush was a disaster and Obama is not even human. The country's been heading for the drain for a long time and I don't focus on any one person. It takes the whole population to allow this devolution.

Don't think violence is the answer -- violence destroys. Civil disobedience (think Ghandi) is more powerful. Coming together for constructive good, and prayer, is powerful.

Funny how at this point ex prez Clinton doesn't look as bad -- at least fiscally he was a good manager and initially did good things. But then ... it's such a circus it's hard to take any of it seriously. Feels too much like being jerked around on puppet strings.

And yes, so obviously depopulation is a major endeavor now. Why oh why is nobody noticing the Death Lines killing all the air and moisture? Visible every day and night via satellite and right above eyeballs / noses. We are being slaughtered. A species so dumb as to no longer be able to see, literally, no longer deserves to live.

great post, I concur.

I sympathise with you all who have DGI spouses... in my case DH gets it- and then some. He is a walking ball of rage these days... sometimes he is just defeated & depressed, but mostly just MAD. It is very hard to deal with, but those are perfectly natural things to be feeling, given what is in our faces every day- how can I blame him? Would I prefer he continues along in ignorant bliss, as most of the people we know seem to? Truly, no.

Today for the first time in a LONG time I found myself praying for our leaders... not just those in public office but also those behind the curtain holding the REAL power and pulling the strings. It felt so insincere & useless, even as I prayed that their evil could be traded for good- I know that they are being used as part of God's plan to usher in the Final Days.

As much as I'd like to see our country restored, I know it goes so much deeper than that- evil is enveloping the entire world, tightening its chokehold ever more by the day... and the Bible says it must be. It is prophesy being fulfilled. Still, it saddens me to see people I care about going through such anguish. Jesus, give us peace & strength to endure to the end- in Your name I pray.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Glenn Beck is a paid entertainer, just like Rush and Ann.:sheep:

That may be, but he sure is a brave entertainer. (And the only one I can laugh with at the same time he's showing the dirty laundry.)

At least he puts out information and connects the dots which can be verified from other sources. Ezechial Emmanuel is a good example. We would have NEVER known about him, his agenda and his connection to Obama's Healthcare.

Glen Beck reminds me of us here. Maybe a little bit of fear mongering goin' on but isn't that what happens when we connect the dots? It IS fearful out there!! The only other choice though is hide our heads in the sand and watch Katie Couric. (Which sometimes I want to do but I do have children and grandchildren to try and protect.)


Veteran Member
Thanks TheSearcher, but I needed to see that poster yesterday afternoon, not this morning. It takes my printer about 3 minutes a copy to print one out, not to mention all the yellow and red ink, and I have a meeting with my congresscritter at 1300 today! I can't print out enough before the meeting to make a real impact. As the meeting is on private property, I can't post them up.

I saw that poster and and instantly thought of standing at the door, handing them out. Just the thing to set the proper mood. I just set my printer to produce 6 copies. Hope it works out.
My God.

I just finished watching this.

"We hold these truths to be SELF-EVIDENT, that ALL MEN are CREATED EQUAL. That they are endowed by THEIR CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

By God, I will fight what ever foe, be him foreign OR domestic to ensure that those words which helped birth a nation AND a REVOLUTION OF THOUGHT are allowed not only to survive but to flourish once again.

I am sick of the progressive, NEO-SOCIALIST bastards who seem to mindlessly spout their bull excrement in the guise of "academia".


Thanks, Mike. I am in complete agreement with all of you who see this as a threat. It is. God help us!