Misc Fun Idea, Trump runs for Congress in FL, gets Speaker of House, Impeaches Harris, Runs for Pres.

Saw it on Bannons War Room.

Screenshot_2021-01-22 Ep 671 Make a Stand Now (w Rogan O'Handley, Ken Blackwell, Terry Schilli...png



Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Not expected but funny to think of and a great idea to keep the john q public splodey heads spinning. Until the computer and mail systems are fixed, not happening.

The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Congress is also by district. So if he picked a fairly reliable district, he'd have a better shot. Not that they still wouldn't throw the kitchen sink at him.

I'm not sure what he's thinking. I can equally see him going big with a media company and a 2024 run, or washing his hands of the whole thing and trying to slip into a fairly quiet retirement (which they would also not want to allow him to do...).


Veteran Member
everyone is conveniently forgetting that the voting process is corrupted and so far the dems decide who wins in the big elections
Actually it was the Republicans who decided because while there was fraud, the Republicans chose not to fight, it was the SCOTUS with all it Republican placements that chose not to fight. So no, we Republicans were betrayed. The Crazycrats did their Bolshevik job and our sellout Republicant's did theirs.


What part of TINVOWOOT do you not understand?

Voting only works when there is mutual recognition and respect for the will of the people. When politics is weaponized and winning at all costs is all that matters, voting is irrelevant.


Actually it was the Republicans who decided because while there was fraud, the Republicans chose not to fight, it was the SCOTUS with all it Republican placements that chose not to fight. So no, we Republicans were betrayed. The Crazycrats did their Bolshevik job and our sellout Republicant's did theirs.
Interesting twist ,do you believe it will somehow turn out different, next time?


He would be running in Florida. Florida seems to have their shit together on the voting part.
If they are the same machines and dems are in control of the process or have their hands in it in any way, its all suspect at this point.


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit...
Yes, I would love to see all the millions and millions of people migrate to the district he runs from. It would be just like the 2020 election... but because it's a congressional district, vice several states, the fraud would be undeniable.


This too shall pass.
Trump was born June 14, 1946, so he's 74 right now. Still getting up there, but not quite as old as 77.

It will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years, assuming we are here to see it. I hope that some of the voter fraud will be cleaned up. If people are angry enough about it, I think it will be.



Veteran Member
I think this will depend on how mad the dims make him, if they screw up his life, his bank accounts, mess with his business, he WILL be back, and I pity any who get in his way.

can you imagine the crowds at the rallies in Florida> hold them up and down the state, even other states, would be Glorious!


TB Fanatic
Fair enough

Georgia is only 51.8% White these days. It actually might be less as this was a couple years old. That means whites are most likely the minority when there is a solid reason to vote, such as "where is my $2000 cash Warnock who also was black.

He took it pretty easily on that basis.

Purdue just barely lost against another white. He lost as the other guy had Warnock coattails to carry him over.

The Dims (blacks in this case) has a strong motive to vote.

They may not have that next time. Unless more cash is promised and previous cash was delivered.

db cooper

Resident Secret Squirrel
everyone is conveniently forgetting that the voting process is corrupted and so far the dems decide who wins in the big elections
How correct you are. People are also forgetting Jan 6th.

Back to the basic idea of Trump running for a FL rep seat.

It's absurd and not even a realistic fantasy. I really don't know where to begin, but as just stated, the dems will decide who is elected from now on.

People need to realize we are defeated. I do not like it myself, but we need to figure out how to live within a corrupt system just like the Russians did. Maybe, just maybe there may be a plan of some sort that will correct this. Right now the only viable plan that sidesteps voter corruption is secession. And until voter fraud is corrected, anything else is pure fantasy.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If they are the same machines and dems are in control of the process or have their hands in it in any way, its all suspect at this point.

Looks like the use ES&S and some dominion according to this.
As long as whoever is in charge of programing them at the state level keeps these machines locked down and not connected to the internet they could still technically be secure.



Georgia is only 51.8% White these days. It actually might be less as this was a couple years old. That means whites are most likely the minority when there is a solid reason to vote, such as "where is my $2000 cash Warnock who also was black.

He took it pretty easily on that basis.

Purdue just barely lost against another white. He lost as the other guy had Warnock coattails to carry him over.

The Dims (blacks in this case) has a strong motive to vote.

They may not have that next time. Unless more cash is promised and previous cash was delivered.
You leave out the cementing and acceptance of the various forms of cheating that were done, which will likely be employed each and every time now, this was no one off or fluke


TB Fanatic
You leave out the cementing and acceptance of the various forms of cheating that were done, which will likely be employed each and every time now, this was no one off or fluke
No it wasn't but unless they are motivated, they won't cheat more than in the past. At least in Georgia.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Monkeys will come flying out my butt before this happens. It reminds me of the morons who posited a “way” for Hitlery to become president.


Veteran Member
Assuming china doesnt start a kinetic war,

Assuming the commies dont go full bolshevik on us,

Assuming the military lets all of the fraud slide,

The republicons wouldnt allow him to do it.

Either the military does its job soon or america is done.

I hope the normalcy bias monster hasnt caught the majority of americans already.
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