For those who have wondered about Romney and Romney/Care in Mass.


On TB every waking moment

llinois senator Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat in the Senate, said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe today that Mitt Romney is the “the baby daddy of Obamacare.”

In a piece I wrote for The American Spectator this spring, “Romney’s best defense: The truth about Romneycare,” I explained that the final version of the Massachusetts law diverged significantly from Romney’s vision for reform. He vetoed eight provisions, all of which were overridden by the overwhelmingly Democratic legislature. And Romney’s successor, Governor Deval Patrick, has taken a much more liberal approach to implementing the law.

I argued that Romney could calm conservatives worried about Romneycare “if he were to more fully explain the difference between his vision for reform and the law that ultimately was enacted in Massachusetts.”

Here are the relevant excerpts:

During the presidential debate in Jacksonville, Florida, in late January, Romney took a small step in this direction when he acknowledged that his successor, Gov. Deval Patrick, has taken a much more liberal track in implementing Romneycare. ”If I were governor,” Romney said, “it would work a heck of a lot better.” Indeed, when it passed the law, the legislature was counting on a Democrat governor to succeed Romney to put the real regulatory thumb screws in place.

The Massachusetts law is different in important ways from the plan that Romney pushed as governor. Few voters know, for example, that Romney strongly opposed the employer mandate and wanted an escape from the individual mandate — allowing people to instead be able to post a bond if they were uninsured and had big medical bills. When Romney signed the law, he believed it contained the escape hatch, but legislators removed it before final passage.

Romney vetoed eight provisions of the Massachusetts bill, and every one of his vetoes was overridden by the legislature. Should Romney have known this was likely? Yes. Should he have known exactly what he was signing? Absolutely. But voters may be more forgiving if he tells them he wanted to give citizens and employers a way out. . . .

Gov. Romney’s support for states’ rights is important, saying the law worked for Massachusetts but that other states need their own solutions in our diverse and complex country. But conservatives would feel better knowing what he initially proposed in the Bay State. For example:

• Mandate escape. Few voters know that Romney wanted an escape from the individual mandate. Voters may be more forgiving if he were to tell them he wanted to give citizens a way out and that he strongly opposed the employer mandate.

• Real insurance. Romney wanted people to be able to purchase real health insurance that would have covered catastrophic events. Instead, the legislature insisted on including all of the 50-plus health insurance mandates already on the books. The legislature allowed the high-deductible plans only for some young people aged 18-26.

After the Massachusetts law was passed by the legislature, Romney continued to try to reshape it with his line-item veto.

For example:

• Employer mandate: Vetoed. The bill called for a mandate on employers with 11 or more workers to provide health coverage or pay an annual fee of $295 per worker. Overridden.

• Covering certain immigrants: Vetoed. The bill included a provision that would allow some non-citizens to qualify for coverage under the new health plan. Overridden.

• New bureaucracy: Vetoed. The bill created a powerful new bureaucracy, called the Public Health Council. Overridden.

• Limiting improvements to Medicaid: Vetoed. The bill restricted changes to Medicaid to make the program more efficient. Overridden.

Gov. Romney must clarify that in working with a Republican Congress on a new health reform agenda, he would start with a very different vision than Romneycare and work much harder to make sure the consumer-friendly structure is what becomes law.

The Manhattan Institute’s Avik Roy (a Romney health-care adviser) takes an even deeper dive into the differences between the two laws. Highly recommended.

I find it very intriguing that I see very little of this on TEEVEE. One would think that one side or the other would have herds of people supporting (or objecting to) RomneyCare. But all there is is crickets. Strange.


Those differences will never be widely known.

THe problem with elections is that most people get their news from the television and rarely research for themselves ON ANY SUBJECT.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
People are delusional if they think Romney is going to get rid of ObamaCare ...


Romney says he won't repeal all of Obamacare

by Associated Press
September 9, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitt Romney says his pledge to repeal President Barack Obama's health law doesn't mean that young adults and those with medical conditions would no longer be guaranteed health care.

The Republican presidential nominee says he'll replace the law with his own plan. He tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that the plan he worked to pass while governor of Massachusetts deals with medical conditions and with young people.

Romney says he doesn't plan to repeal of all of Obama's signature health care plan. He says there are a number of initiatives he likes in the Affordable Care Act that he would keep in place if elected president.

Obama has been campaigning on the benefits in his plan for the uninsured, women and young adults.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Troke, what FarmerJohn is to Obama, you're becoming to Romney. Pull your head out of his ass man, before you suffocate...


On TB every waking moment
Gee DO, you keep this up and I am going to think you are some sort of secret shill to get O re-elected. Because that is the way things will go if you and other persist in this attitude. Right now, a whispering campaign has started out there in the hinterlands that Romney can't win, he is a loser, that all the polls show him losing. The goal of course is to so depress the GOP types that they stay home.

Got the idea for you folks, maybe?

Meanwhile, my DD is pounding the sidewalks trying to get people up for Romney and also for the GOP senator and representative in her State, all for the goal of getting O out of office and getting Romney a Congress he can work with.

I gather you figure she is just a natural born damned fool?


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Spoken like a man with his head so far up the ass of the "other" elite scum candidate that he'll never breathe free air again. Don't you ever tell me I'm pro-Obama again, or I'll smack you harder that you want. Trust me on that. But you ARE a direct supporter of a globalist elite who does the bidding of those elites, and WILL destroy the country as surely as the anointed one. AND YOU LOVE HIM.

I think YOU are a natural born damn fool. I think SHE is a natural born damn fool. I think ANYONE who votes for EITHER OF THEM is a natural born fool. I used to have a lot more respect for your positions on things until this cycle man. Now I think of you as a sellout and a chickenshit. But I feel the same way about anyone who'd vote for him, so I guess you have a lot of company.

But Rombama doesn't deserve positive propaganda, and I'll move any I find off Main.


On TB every waking moment
But Rombama doesn't deserve positive propaganda, and I'll move any I find off Main.

I call that Philosophical Masturbation (post only what is already agreed with) and I sorry to see that you indulge in it.

Not good.

As for your Death Wish (based on what you are proposing, O gets in and if he does with a Demo Senate, we are dead) well, what can one say.

As for those of you eager for chaos after O wrecks the culture so a new one can be built based on Constitutional Principles, I will again post the list of those that took advantage of chaos.

Pol Pot

No G. Washington there? Gee. Maybe he didn't come out of chaos.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
As undead said on another thread: "It's going to be shit in a handbag no matter who wins, but I just want O out," at least that's intellectually honest, and a PoV that, while I disagree with it, i can understand. it's those of you who think Rombama will somehow "ride to the rescue" or "slow down our descent into destruction" that are absolutely freakin insane. Nuts. And no amount of therapy or medication will help you. Bat-shit crazy.


On TB every waking moment
What are you talking about?

I have already stated that R was not my first choice, Hell, not even my 3rd. But he is all I got to work with.

One more time;

Get Romney with a TP Congress and you might surprised. I think along with the correct Congress we might see some good results.

Get Romney just scraping in with a hostile Congress and he will RINO 100% figuring that is what the electorate wants.. I guarantee it.

The trick? Get the right kind of Congress in there.

One thing for sure though; We got to get O out.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon

ANY "hopes" you have for positive movement AT ALL are crazy.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So they are telling us that Romney will be another Bush? Who sets things up so that the next demoncrat has everything set up for him to take over?

Remember, Bush set up Homeland Security. Obama is making people get their starbucks tested after the security gate.


On TB every waking moment

ANY "hopes" you have for positive movement AT ALL are crazy.

Holy Smoke! You gonna sit there and let O run wild with a complaisant Senate? The likes of Rahm E. and Valerie J on the SCOTUS? (Not them but equivalent, or Hell, maybe them anyway.)

The least we can do is get a GOP Senate. And the easiest way to do that is for Romney to win and take some people along with him.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Troke, you're talking about multiple different things, so I'm having trouble making sense of what you're trying to say. There are three possibilities for the congress and senate:

1) Democrat majority

2) Republican majority (RINOs)

3) TEA Party majority/plurality

You are NOT going to get #3, and #2 won't help at all. In either the congress or senate. Clear enough?


On TB every waking moment
Troke, you're talking about multiple different things, so I'm having trouble making sense of what you're trying to say. There are three possibilities for the congress and senate:

1) Democrat majority

2) Republican majority (RINOs)

3) TEA Party majority/plurality

You are NOT going to get #3, and #2 won't help at all. In either the congress or senate. Clear enough?

Oh, c'mon DO. RINO'S serve a useful purpose. They help organize Congress. I'd rather have a couple of RINO'S in just to get Reid out. It would be worth it to me, if not to you.

Ditto the House; I'd rather have some RINO'S in just to make sure that Henry Waxman stays a minority where he can't throw sand in the gears.

Keep looking for purity, you will always be bitterly disappointed.

Border Collie

keep it coming, Troke

Hi Troke,
Please keep posting. I value most of your posts.

I'm a die hard Ron Paul advocate. he's not perfect, but I don't see a close second any where. At least he says the right things (IMHO) and his voting record is admirable for those who love the constitution. I will likely write him him for president (wasted effort in principle) or vote for the Constitution party candidate (sigh, I wish they'd let go of the unconstitutional War On Drugs, such an irony for a party with that name).

That said, I encourage you to post articles on Romney. Proverbs 22:1 says God rules the heart (decisions) of rulers. And the problem with this country is not *any* politician, but instead is the public who votes and who do not vote, for those politicians. The public must be radically changed, not the politicians. Correct the public and the politics will be fixed. I think it importat to read other points of view and be challenged in what I think and why I think it.

One member's opinion,
Border Collie

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Oh, c'mon DO. RINO'S serve a useful purpose. They help organize Congress. I'd rather have a couple of RINO'S in just to get Reid out. It would be worth it to me, if not to you.

Ditto the House; I'd rather have some RINO'S in just to make sure that Henry Waxman stays a minority where he can't throw sand in the gears.

Keep looking for purity, you will always be bitterly disappointed.

You're going senile, aren't you? I can tell by your fantasy world of "useful RINOs." Well, at least I got to know you before you turned...


You were a good man Troke.



WTF is wrong with you? Are you off your meds?

Seriously dude. Get a grip. Now yer attacking yet ANOTHER member for his views.

And with little logic in your attack, or stated reasons as to why.

Think, take a minute take a breath.....BEFORE you have to apologize again.

Troke may be wrong, he may be right. But seriously, you are going rabid again.