Herbal Flu and ILI Remedies

Be Well

may all be well
Here is some info about herbs, formulas, tinctures and essential oils I put together for myself, DH, friends and relatives, and clients. I will post exact directions and recipes soon, hopefully tomorrow. Been busy making stuff for clients and other things. I also can sell these if anyone wants, although I am happy to tell how to do it, and provide my sources. Most of these brought me through swine flu in 2009, although I have learned a few things since then. All my ingredients are organic or wild crafted except the grain alcohol and vegetable glycerine (I use some in the cough syrup). I will think of more things tomorrow plus ingredients and directions.

Herbs etc for flu and like illnesses, some like Trikatu are very good for allergies. Also doing Neti several times a day is very helpful to reduce allergy symptoms. Chewing raw peeled ginger (very small chunks) is helpful for sore throats, mucus and lung involement. What I do is peel a big chunk, dice it up, and put it in a cup of water for the day and every couple of hours or whenever I think of it, eat some, chewing until dissolved if you're fortunate to have nice tender ginger, which I usually don't have. And NO cold food or drinks, especially NO ICE at all, coagulates any excess mucus or phlegm and makes it harder to get it out of the lungs or sinuses. I do have directions for fomentations if anyone is interested, a very soothing and healing therapy for coughs and flu, easy to do.
Many of the herbs below have other benefits such as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, detoxification, improving circulation or digestion and other uses. If you have questions about any of them please ask.

Flu and Flu Like Illnesses

Elderberry syrup - elderberries, natural sugar and less than 10% grain alcohol - for prevention during flu and respiratory illness season and for treating flu and related type illnesses. Tastes good and can be taken by spoonful or mixed in hot water as a drink. For flu prevention, 1 Tablespoon a day straight or in a drink; for use in illness 1 to 2 Tablespoons 3 to 4 times a day.

Prunella Extract - Prunella herb, well water and pure grain alcohol. For treating flu and other infectious illnesses including sore throats or viral illness. Can also be used externally on cuts, scratches cold sores and hemhoroids. Use during illness - 20 to 30 drops in very hot water, let sit to evaporate alcohol, 3 times a day. Or use 5 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 to 4 times a day.

Lomatium Extract - Lomatium root, well water and pure grain alcohol. Used by Native American Indians for flu and other respiratory ailments, very helpful in flu and similar illnesses. Use during illness - 20 to 30 drops in very hot water, let sit to evaporate alcohol, 3 times a day. Or use 5 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 to 4 times a day.

Trikatu - Ginger, Black Pepper and Pippali [Long Pepper] - anti-microbial, burns up toxins in the body, helps dry up and expel excess mucus and phlegm, helps clear the breathing passages, improves digestion and metabolism, assists and absorption and digestion of other herbs as well as food. For prevention during flu season and during illness. Tastes pleasantly hot and can be added to hot drinks and other herbs. Several times a day when treating illness.

Flu Fighter - For treating flu and related respiratory illnesses, helps to strengthen and clear the lungs, fight off microbes, stimulate the immune system, and reduce toxins in the body. Use during illness - 1/2 Teaspoon in a small amount of warm water or juice, stir well, honey or raw sugar can be added, tastes very bitter, 3 times a day.

Wild Cherry Bark Cough Syrup - helps dry up excess phlegm and mucus and assists expectoration, can help relieve sinus congestion as well. Take 1 to 2 spoonfuls several times a day as needed. Shake well before each use.

Lemon Oil - pure essential oil - strongly anti-bacterial and anti-viral, helpful as preventative during flu season and during illness. Take 1 to 2 drops in a mug of warm water, juice or tea with sweetener added for a tasty drink (can take with Trikatu and/or Elderberry) 3 to 4 times a day. If you have access to organic lemons or limes you can use the fresh peel instead - grate some peel or cut in thin strips, add to a small pot of water and simmer gently for about 5 minutes with the lid on and drink similarly.

Breathe Well - pure essential oils mix. Helpful for opening bronchial passages, aids in clearing the respiratory system of excess mucus, helpful for respiratory illnesses including flu and sinus problems. Uses: Put drops on clothing or pillows, use in any aromatherapy devices, use in steam inhalations, foot baths, tub baths or fomentations. Can also relieve headaches or muscle aches.

Lung Support - helpful to support lungs in respiratory illness, as well as for supplemental use for asthma or people whose lungs need strengthening. 1/2 Teaspoon in a small cup of warm water, or milk and water, sweetener added if desired 2 to 3 times a day. Can take with Trikatu.

Sitopladi - Traditional Ayurvedic formula for prevention and treatment of respiratory illnesses and symptoms, can be taken as a drink by itself or mixed with other things. Tastes good.

Talisadi - as above, with added ingredients for cough/lung involvement.

Be Well

may all be well
First batch of cough syrup, I can amend later with exact or pretty exact amounts of everything. I made some changes in the second batch, one thing is I found how hard it is to strain out powedered herbs from such a mix, c/s of whole is much easier to strain.

Wild Cherry Cough Syrup

Ingredients listed in order of volume, all are organic or wildcrafted except the essential oils.
Wild cherry bark
ginger, thyme, ajwain, peppermint
black pepper
dried citrus peel
The above is made into a strong decoction, the bark is simmered slowly, then the next day strained, heated and other ingredients added. The whole seeds and ginger are simmered, the leaves are added to very hot liquid and then let sit for some hours.
Then I strain and add when only warm:
8 c. honey
10 oz vegetable glycerine
Essential oils:
10 oz crystal springs grain alcohol (that isn't organic either, don't know where to get org. alcohol).
I store in glass jars in a cool dark place.

The second batch had these herbs and these essential oils:
Wild cherry bark
black pepper

And these essential oils.

Be Well

may all be well
Okay, a couple more, I will edit with amounts when I have time later. Obviously some of the herbs I use are specifically Ayurvedic and others with similar properties can be substituted if one knows how to do that, but fortunately Ayurvedic herbs are getting more commonplace and thus easier to locate. If anyone reads this thread and has any questions about any of these ingredients or formulas please ask, and I will be adding more info to make it useful for anyone interested.

Flu Fighter

Lemon Peel

Lung Support

Vamsa Lochan

Be Well

may all be well
I wrote this up after getting a wicked case of swine flu H1N1 (NOT tested but there is no doubt that's what it was) in late October 2009 and have added bits since then. I will edit later as needed; this describes home treatment methods that often were used by mothers aunties and grandmothers and were comong knowledge; and are easily done at home.

Flu Protocol – “Flu Like Illness”

Disclaimer – this is merely a record of how I dealt with having swine flu*, lessons learned, what I could have done more of, and what seemed to help. I am hoping to present this information in a way that will be helpful for others to both prevent, and if necessary, treat flu. It is very far from being an all-inclusive protocol. Most people cannot do everything; but as the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are many other treatments and remedies, both natural or pharmaceutical, that may (or may not) be useful. I may have had a strain which was not destined to be very dangerous, or perhaps my treatment plan helped prevent a more severe manifestion of the flu, taking into consideration that I do have asthma. I was never diagnosed with flu, tests are rarely done, and the rapid flu test is notoriously inaccurate. That said, I am 100% sure I had swine flu, as the symptoms were classic.

Early administration of herbs is essential for flu like illness. Since flu viruses replicate very fast, and the greater the viral load the worse the course of illness, it is recommended to start herbal protocol as soon as the slightest hint of illness symptoms manifest themselves. Alternatively, the protocol can also be started if you have had contact with a sick person, or someone subsequently found to be sick. If in such cases, no illness symptoms present themselves, than you can stop the protocol after a few days.

*I was not tested, so cannot know for sure, although rapid tests are notoriously inaccurate anyway. But my symptoms were not usual seasonal flu symptoms, they were quite different and the main ones were extreme malaise to the point of exhaustion, very loud tinnitus, very reduced lung capacity with some pain, a bit of coughing mucus but surprisingly little, dull headache, visual disturbance, extreme brain fog to the point of feeling drugged, dry and sore mucus membranes in the head, neck pain, and inability to really do much of anything at all for at least two weeks. I felt so exhausted with such breathing difficulty there were 2 days I considered calling 911 if my breathing did not improve. A bit of nausea and very little appetite as well. Absolutely no fever ever. It started off with a small spot of sore throat.

Pre-Flu – Avoiding Infection

The Outside World

Avoid close contact, especially indoors, with potentially contagious people, who themselves can be symptom free; as a person can be contagious one to two days before manifesting symptoms. I got the flu from one person who was at that time symptom free, or one other person who was coughing, working outdoors with my husband. So you don’t need a large group of sick people to catch it from; just one will do.
Shopping early in the morning as soon as stores open, or very early at places open for 24 hours. Disposable gloves or hand sanitizing, wiping down shopping cart handles, or wrapping a plastic bag over the handle can help. Wearing a mask doesn’t guarantee protection but it also helps keep others at a distance! When arriving home leaving goods outside or other porch for some hours, removing wrappers outside, double bagging produce and taking off the outer bag before bringing inside can help.

From what I’ve read, flu virus degrade in 8 to 12 hours on smooth surfaces, up to 24 or longer on rougher surfaces.

Applying oil to the inside of the nostrils protects the mucus membranes from viral invasion; I use refined sesame oil often with some Tea Tree and Lemon essential oils added; some people use lip balm or Neosporin. This keeps the membranes from cracking (which helps viruses get inside the body) as well as provides a barrier between your skin and invaders.

When returning from work, shopping or other outside contact, at the very least change clothes and wash hands and face well. Covering the hair when out and about is helpful. I generally shower as well. Practice of Neti or saline nasal wash is very important, as well as gargling with salt water. The larger the viral load ingested, the better the chances of infection, with more likelihood of a severe case.

I make my own Neem based hand/thing sanitizer, and spray constantly when out and about, and spray or wipe "things" that I bring inside the house. Door knobs, car handles, etc. Use something. Remember that 90% of flu is transmitted by breathing in virus.

A Note About Neti

Daily use of Neti – saline nasal wash – and gargle, using salted lukewarm water is not only a general health practice but especially important to avoid getting flu. Sea salt with no chemical additives is best; often salt advertised as “Sea Salt” still contains additives for free flowing, non-caking,etc. Boxes of canning salt (finer grind) works well as that kind of salt has no other chemicals. Usually ½ teaspoon to a pint of slightly warmer than lukewarm water, adjust to your liking. Important to stir the salt well. Neti not only washes out debris that can harbor virus, but also the viruses themselves, and also promotes the free flow of air and thus Prana into the body, facilitating general health. Especially important upon return home from outside or after contacting other people.

The Inside World

The immune system can use some help. Here are some ideas.

Enough sleep.

Deeply nutritious food – no junk (artificial ingredients and preservatives), fast food, hydrogenated oils, tons of sugar, etc. Make all food count. Very cold or refrigerated foods are, according to Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, much harder for the body to digest, and thus weakening, especially in the winter and during flu season. Avoid dehydration not just by drinking, but also by eating foods with liguid such as soups and hot cereals.

Many sources cite Vit D as helpful. Spending even 20 minutes in the sun several times a week will help.

Drinking pure water. A home water purifier such as a Berkefeld is much better than buying water in plastic bottles as the plastic itself isn’t good and the water quality may not be as advertised. For certain constitutions it is best to drink water mixed with other substances as in herb teas, juices mixed with water, or even water with pinches of citrus peel, cloves or other spices, also drinking water warmed or even boiled.

Using ginger and other hot spices such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, black pepper and hot chilis (in moderation) in foods can be helpful. Avoid cold food and drinks.

Use essential oils preventatively – sprinkling on the neck of shirts or using some kind of aromatherapy device – there are many for household use or in cars, as well as ones wearable around the neck. They help keep airways open and have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Herbs: Daily intake of Elderberry (tincture, syrup or other form) is said to be very good. Studies have been done proving the efficacy of Elderberry – it prevents flu viruses from entering the cells and protects the cell walls against attack. Two tablespoons a day recommended. (Note: I was slack in this regard, my husband very regular. I did take Elderberry syrup for a long time and had gotten sick of it....stupid me.) He got a much lighter case of flu than me.)

Ojas Builder Formula: Strengthens the Ojas or vital force of the body, the deep immunity. One teaspoon twice a day, or more, taken in a bit of water or water and milk, before eating. [Note: later I will post how to make this and Nat.C below]

Natural C Plus: Up to two teaspoons a day, added to drinks or water or even stirred into applesauce, yogurt or other foods.

Sitopladi and/or Trikatu – Trikatu is one of the main ingredients in Sitopladi, which is helpful for intitial cold or flu symptoms and taken as a preventative as well as for symptoms. Another variety of Sitopladi is called Talisadi, which has additional ingredient for cough. They are both tasty, which is very helpful - they can be added to other drinks. Trikatu is made from equal amounts of powdered ginger, black pepper and long pepper, or pippli. A few pinches of Trikatu a day in drinks, 1/3 to ½ t. of Sitopladi two to three times a day in drinks.

Lemon and Orange peel powder – or fresh grated from organic fruit if you have it or can get it) ¼ to 1/3 teaspoon twice a day in drinks or added with Natural C Plus. Although these are ingredients in Natural C Plus, they are useful taken by themselves, as the essential oils in the peels contain anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, bioflavanoids and are considered in Chinese medicine to unblock digestive stagnation and are helpful for the liver and spleen and may help with lung mucus. These are tasty powders and can be added in small quantity to many foods and drinks.

Keeping warm. This includes hands and feet, head and ears. Hats, gloves, warm socks and even cotton balls in the ears are useful. It is much easier to get sick when the body gets very chilled.

Part Two

When Symptoms Appear

Since there are many strains of flu, some of which cause quite severe illness, it is vitally important to immediately address any symptoms of flu-like illness the moment they appear. The longer you wait, the more the virus can replicate, causing more severe illness, as well as potentially infecting others. Whether it’s a tiny sore throat, a slight fever, runny nose, unusual headache or eye pain, lassitude or any other flu like symptom, it needs your immediate attention. Keep in mind that many cases of swine flu (H1N1) exhibit no fever at all, or not until the later stages when it has progresses to viral pneumonia or other very severe and hard to reverse manifestations.

The most important considerations are Regularity and Constistency. Herbs will do little to no good if taken occasionally. Several times a day is mandatory, if you expect any benefit from them. You want to keep them circulating in your system at all times.

1. Gargle and Neti often with salt water. A tea can be made with weak Peppermint, Basil or Eucalyptus tea (strain well, salt added as usual) for additional potency.

2. Chewing small peeled pieces of raw ginger during the day.

3. Drinking hot drinks such as Ginger tea, Yogi or Chai tea [Again, recipes/directions will be posted for these later], other spicy teas. Cutting milk products, especially any cold ones. Drinking boiled hot milk with spices once or twice a day helps the lungs, according to Ayurvedic principles. Especially when simmered with Pippali herb (aka Long Pepper, recipe below). Eating hot soups and easy to digest warm foods.

4. Flu Fighter Start intake of 1/3 to ½ teaspoons, three times or better yet four times a day with a pinch of Trikatu or ginger. Warning - this tastes very bitter, drink with just a small amount of water, honey added is fine but it won't help the taste much.

5. Lung Support – take ½ teaspoon three to four times a day, can be taken with Ojas Builder which you should continue during illness.

6. Prunella extract – 5 drops under the tongue, can be every hour; or 20 to 30 drops in a cup of hot or boiling water, 4 to 5 times a day.

7. Increase intake of Natural C Plus to more times a day – every couple of hours, another 1/3 to ½ teaspoon. (an Amalaki based formula that provides natural and assimilable Vit C plus many other benefits, other ing. are Hawthorne, Rose Hips, Hibiscus, and Oranage and Lemon peel.)

8. Increase intake of Elderberry – take a couple of tablespoons four times a day. Can be mixed with Natural C, mixed with water and a bit of honey – tastes good.

9. Intake of herbs is best in small doses, very frequently – try to take something every hour or two hours max. Stagger the herbs you take so you can take something very frequently. If you get up in the middle of the night, have a dose of Flu Fighter and/or Elderberry on the counter to swig down. If you don’t get up, try doing so just to have regular intake.

10. Keep taking the Sitopladi or Talisadi as desired in small doses, for sore throat, mucus, cough and other like symptoms. (These are available from Ayurvedic sites)

11. Slippery elm tea made with powder is helpful for relief of inflamed surfaces, tastes good with a bit of honey and pinch of cinnamon. Soothing, strengthening and nourishing and easily taken by children. It is considered to be helpful for lung bleeding, dry or sore throats, other lung problems and digestive difficulties including nausea. In a large mug put about 2 or three teaspoons of the powder, fill with hot water while stirring and let sit a couple of minutes. It thickens up and can be flavored.

12. Lomatium Tincture – Take 5 drops under the tongue frequently like the Prunella tincture, or a larger amount (20 to 30 drops) in a cup with boiling or hot water 4 to 5 times a day.

13. Have cough syrup on hand – especially one with expectorant qualities; suppresents should be used only if there is nonstop spasmatic coughing. You want to cough judiciously to bring up junk from the lungs. I make a wild cherry bark based cough syrup that also acts as a decongestant.

14. Fever Reducer – Use of some kind of fever reducer is, in my view, good, if the fever is very high or prolonged, and children especially can get convulsions from high fever.

15. If nausea is present, a very weak solution of pure Peppermint Essential oil in water (one drop to a pint of water) is helpful to sip, splash on the face and hands, or to spray in the air. This can also help with headache.

16. One drop of pure Lemon Essential oil in a cup of hot water with optional honey or raw sugar is a good drink for illness and can be taken three times a day. Can be added to other drinks. Orange juice is not recommended as according to Ayurveda it increases mucus production. Lemon or lime juice added to drinks is preferable.

Helpful Hint: Since there are so many nostrums to take, think of a way that will be easiest. I found that making a big dose of each powdered herb, and a large dose of the Elderberry and Natural C Plus, and taking portions of them during the day saved time and energy. Just rotate and make sure that something is taken at least once an hour if possible.

Other Measures

1. Hot baths or showers using essential oils – use oils with care, a few drops are enough, can add more as they evaporate in a bath, stir before getting in to disperse. For a shower, you can sprinkle them in the shower and even put your foot or a washcloth over the drain a bit to keep them from going down the drain.

2. After the bath or shower, put a small amount of massage oil in the palm of the hand, add two to three drops of useful essential oils, rub your hands together, and massage the chest area and upper back or spine. Someone can help with the back.

3. Hot foot soaks – especially relieving if symptoms get more severe. A bucket, bowl or other vessel (preferably not plastic) large enough to put both feet. Put enough hot water so the ankles are covered. Put a towel on the floor to catch drips. The water should be hot enough so you have to gradually get your feet used to the heat. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oils in the water, add more as they evaporate. Soak feet for at least 20 minutes, adding more hot water as necessary. (We would take some water out as it cooled and more very hot water.) Helps increase circulation and detoxification, especially if there is no or a low fever.

4. Steam inhalations – this can be done simultaneously with the foot soak if you sit at a table. A moderate size bowl should be filled 2/3 to ¾ with very hot to almost boiling water, a towel placed over the head, and sprinkle a few drops of essential oils in the water. Breathe in the medicated steam, if too hot, open the towel. Helps open the lungs, increase expectoration, essential oils work as well as the steam. Very relieving. If you have dry air in your house, try to use some kind of means to humidify the air at least in your main room or bedroom. We always have an iron teakettle on the woodstove with water in it, plus I have an old humidifier with a green glass bottom, called "Prak T Kal" which works very well. In fact I just got another one on Ebay.

Make sure you drink enough liquids after this procedure. Usually a deep feeling of relaxation occurs, a good time to lie down after drinking some hot tea.

5. Hot compresses or fomentations – The hot water from steam breathing can be used, may need extra hot water. Essential oils can be added, or even using teas such as Peppermint, Basil or Eucalyptus. The water should be so hot you need to use rubber gloves. Get two or three washcloths and soak in the water, wringing out one or two at a time, and placing on the upper back, alternating with the chest. THe person receiving this treatment should alert you if the wash cloth is too hot, it should be as hot as can be borne and not be burning. Leave on only until the heat starts to reduce, than immediately replace. As soon as the hot cloths are in place, cover the person with a wool shawl or similar wrap. Continue for about 15 or 20 minutes. Very good for helping decongest the lungs. Do not place over the heart area.

6. When sick, no one should try to work, go outside shopping or for exercise, or even do much mental work. All these tax the system, which needs all its energies to fight off illness. Resting as much as needed (and maybe even more than seems “needed”) is essential.

7. Pay attention to any changes – there are lists of danger signs, learn them and pay attention to any changes in breathing (i.e. more difficulty, rapid or shallow), pain level, increased heart rate, high fever, bloody coughing, discoloring (i.e. turning grey or blue, lips, fingers, toes, etc), etc and do not hesitate to go to the ER if any dangerous symptoms manifest. This is especially true for children. If you choose to take any pharmaceutical drugs learn about possible interactions with herbs and use your common sense.

8. Vegetable soups, perhaps with some rice added, are good foods for illness. My favorite is thin mung broth with mild spices, it can used as a monodiet in illness especially if there is little appetite. Oatmeal water or barley water are good for keeping hydrated and add some very easy to digest nourshment. Just simmer a handful of oatmeal or barley flakes in a good size pot of water with a pinch of salt, until totally broken down. Can blend, strain, or drink/eat as is, a pinch of honey and cinnamon is nice.

Relapses are common with this flu. (This is from the swine H1N1 2009, do not know if true for the current versions.) Expect to feel a bit better, than worse. When feeling better, be on the lookout for any increase or return of symptoms, and take it easy. This flu often causes nervous system involvement, so vision disturbances, dizziness and extreme mental fog are common.

Be Well

may all be well
BTW I welcome any other additions of flu/flu like illnesses remedies or treatments to this thread. Whatever has worked for others whether herbs or "regular" medicine, I hope people post their remedies.

Be Well

may all be well
I'll post some more info tomorrow; exact formulas and also healing drinks such as medicated milks and different kinds of ginger teas that are easy to make at home.

Be Well

may all be well
I keep hoping other people will post what they do for flu and like illnesses!

Here are uses of Ginger, and more medicinal drinks later today.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a pharmacy in itself. The fresh root and its juice helps allay nausea, aids digestive power and circulation, improves lung function, helps sore throats, and generally helps tone the whole body and add needed warmth. The dry ginger powder has similar uses but helps digestion more and lungs a bit less. Both kinds of ginger, especially powder, also burn up "ama" which means accumulated toxins in the body, as well having anti-microbial potency. Ginger is often added to Ayurvedic or Chinese herbal formulas to "carry" the energy of the other herbs around the body and to help digest the other herbs. Really, no home should be without ginger. Plus, it tastes good and adds relish to food.

Ginger tea is soothing to the stomach, throat, and helps also with fevers, as well as the benefits above, and is a good drink to drink freely during flu or like illnesses. Sweeten a bit with honey or healthy sugar (like organic raw, etc). In India people often drink with some boiled milk, (see medicated milks when I add that), or a squeeze of lemon or lime, both are good.

Basic Ginger Tea

Buy the best quality ginger root possible, organic is always preferred, but around here the organic kind is often dry and hard, the best ginger root is plump and juicy looking with thin tight skin, not shrivelled or tough looking. In Hawaii often the very fresh ginger had a pinkish hue. Yum! Store in damp potting soil or clean earth to keep it alive and fresh, and it may even grow.

Scrape or carefully peel off the skin of ginger root and dice or slice into small pieces, the amount of root depends on how much tea you want to make. I usually make about 2 quarts of very strong tea which can be diluted, and lasts us 2 or 3 days. Put the chopped ginger root into cold water in a heavy pot and slowly bring to a simmer, always keep the lid on to keep the volatile oils in the tea. Simmer at a low heat for about 45 minutes, if you are making a goodly quantity. Cool and strain, and I find I can often do a "second simmer" with a smaller amount of water, being a pinch penny I do stuff like that.

Fancy Ginger Tea

Prepare the same way as above, but these other spices can be added along with the ginger -one or more. Adding all of them makes a home made "Chai" type tea, black tea can be added or not. I make this a lot in the winter; the proportions can be changed around, I am listing them from larger to smaller, and BE CAREFUL WITH CLOVES. They can easily be overdone; a few is nice, a lot is awful. If you make this the first time, be cautious, next time you can add more if you want. The finished tea should not have any overpowering taste of one spice, they should make a nice blend, and they all have therapeutic uses, including expectorant, digestive, promoting warmth and sweating, anti-microbial, helping lung function, circulation and warming the system.

Cinnamon sticks or chunks
Whole Cloves
Black pepper corns (also helps dry up excess mucus)
Cardamom seeds
Fennel seeds
Black tea - add towards the end if you want to

Store the cooled and strained tea in the fridge, I put in glass jars, and heat up what you want as you go.


Veteran Member
Thanks for posting these, BeWell.

We usually try grapefruit seed extract - 16 drops in something sweet (cause it's BITTER!!) twice a day. But it only seems to help if you can start taking it at the very first tiny inkling that you're coming down with something.

Hot tea (I put hotsauce in mine), broth, lots and lots and lots of fluids.

Be Well

may all be well
One cannot overdo fluid intake, that's for sure. I will post more ideas tomorrow. Directions for oatmeal water and barley water too, for people who haven't done them. I can't stand barley water but it is healthful; just not for me....but I love oatmeal water. I need to read on PFI forum what's happening with flu, I haven't paid much attention this year but right now I'm sick with some kind of weird virus, not flu but just dragging around. Trying everything I can so it's not too bad, but definitely "there".


Veteran Member
Going thru some of my really old cookbooks, there are entire chapters on ''food for invalids'. Things like beef tea and custard. If I have time, I will try to post these.

Be Well

may all be well
Going thru some of my really old cookbooks, there are entire chapters on ''food for invalids'. Things like beef tea and custard. If I have time, I will try to post these.

I didn't have time to write up or post more info today. Tomorrow though... more drinks for sure, and recipes/formulas for things, your idea for good invalid foods is useful. It really helps if there is one person who isn't sick to help the one (or more) who is (or who are). When I had swine H191 DH was in CA working and so I was all by myself, it was not easy.

Be Well

may all be well

Citrus juice and peel can be very useful for flu and other respiratory illnesses. According to Ayurveda, all such juices can be good but not orange, as its qualities actually can promote congestion. Of course this is in opposition to modern health ideas, but in my view orange juice can be used in illness if used fresh, and dilute with hot water, drunk hot or warm, with some ginger or other hot spice added. It is quite tasty that way, with honey or optional sweetener, like hot lemonade but orangeade. And better yet, grate some orange peel into it (organic only).

Citrus Juice

In fact, all citrus juices are best taken in that manner, especially the ultra sour ones like lemon and lime, which are very good to take during illness or when well, to maintain health. Best is to drink warm or hot during illness, add some honey or raw sugar, and hot spices. Traditionally a spice mix Trikatu is added, a blend of powdered ginger, black pepper and long pepper, also called Pippli, which is especially rejuvenative and clearing for the lungs. If a person doesn't want to buy Pippali, they can use ginger and black pepper by themselves and it is also beneficial. This drink should not be very very strong, but tasty enough to be able to drink a lot of it; add a small pinch of salt and it is a very good rehydration drink.

Any citrus juice can be used with good effect during illness, with lemon and lime the most potent. Grapefruit or pomelo are good too, and various kinds of oranges from sour to sweet. Instead of the ginger/black pepper or trikatu mix, fresh ginger can be simmered with citrus peel, and then the juice and sweetener added. I have even seen people simmer jalapenos or other very hot dried chilis in such drinks and it does have a dramatic effect on mucus congestion.

Citrus Peel

Peels of all citrus have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties to varying degrees, as well as other potencies, and they are tasty. When people are sick and lose their appetites, it's very helpful to have good tasting drinks so they will drink enough and not get dehydrated. Fresh grated or sliced citrus peel can be slowly simmered in some water in a covered pot to extract the essential oils and other useful elements, and then added to drinks. I save all peels from citrus fruits after washing carefully, and slice thinly, cutting off some of the white interior, dry and save in glass jars. They simmer up quickly and I also use in cooking. Only organic citrus peel should ever be ingested.

During the swine flu in 2009, a friend in Brazil got sick, and her husband had gone to the city for some days, so she had no way to get any medicine or herbs, so I asked her if she had access to citrus fruit. Fortunately, she had lime trees growing in the yard, so I advised her to make a lime drink with the juice, water and simmered lime peels, and sweetener, and some pepper or ginger. She did that, drank several ups a day, and got well in some days with no complications.

If a person has no access to citrus peels, one drop of citrus essential oil per mug or large cup of warm drink can be used instead, lemon is a very nice one to take this way. Or even mixed up in food such as yogurt or fruit such as applesauce. Don't take more than about 4 drops a day, and only one drop at a time; essential oils are strong and have to be used internally very carefully. My rule is to take internally only essential oils that are from plants that normally can be used in foods, but even then, one drop only at a time.


Here's another that has to be taken at the first inkling of illness, but has always worked for us if used early. 1 clove of raw garlic. I usually mince fine and swallow with a mouthful of water. My kids take it minced in a spoonful of peanut butter. Take 3-4 times per day til all signs of illness gone, then another day or so. Some people (me) need to have a bit of food on the stomach for this. Some people have more cast iron stomachs and don't need food.

I've also tried doing the same with oregano essential oil, diluted 1:3 (or 4) with olive oil. I put in a capsule and swallow, 3-4 times a day at the first sign of illness. I've only used it twice so far but it seemed to work well.

Be Well

may all be well
Here's another that has to be taken at the first inkling of illness, but has always worked for us if used early. 1 clove of raw garlic. I usually mince fine and swallow with a mouthful of water. My kids take it minced in a spoonful of peanut butter. Take 3-4 times per day til all signs of illness gone, then another day or so. Some people (me) need to have a bit of food on the stomach for this. Some people have more cast iron stomachs and don't need food.

I've also tried doing the same with oregano essential oil, diluted 1:3 (or 4) with olive oil. I put in a capsule and swallow, 3-4 times a day at the first sign of illness. I've only used it twice so far but it seemed to work well.

That reminds me of a Polish remedy my DH told me, I don't know the exact proportions, but it's a medicated milk and I will post more of them later.

Garlic Milk

Take one or more cloves of garlic, mash up in a small pot with one cup of milk, stir and bring to a simmer for a few minutes. Let sit, and while still quite warm, drink with some honey.

I admit I have not tried it, I am not a garlic fan to put it mildly but I should try next time I start feeling sick. In Ayurveda and apparently in Poland, milk is considered an effective vehicle to extract medicinal properties of herbs, and when prepared properly, actually helps the lungs.


That reminds me of a Polish remedy my DH told me, I don't know the exact proportions, but it's a medicated milk and I will post more of them later.

Garlic Milk

Take one or more cloves of garlic, mash up in a small pot with one cup of milk, stir and bring to a simmer for a few minutes. Let sit, and while still quite warm, drink with some honey.

I admit I have not tried it, I am not a garlic fan to put it mildly but I should try next time I start feeling sick. In Ayurveda and apparently in Poland, milk is considered an effective vehicle to extract medicinal properties of herbs, and when prepared properly, actually helps the lungs.

Yeah, I'm not a garlic fan either, that's why I take mine in a swallow of water. There's the brief taste whilst it's in your mouth and then it's gone. If I eat when I do it, it also helps with burping it. I don't like the stuff, but it does work! I know there are plenty of other things as well, but I try to concentrate on what wild plants are around and what I can grow. That way if something happens, I'm not totally up a creek because I don't have my favorite herbs available anymore.

I'll have to try the garlic milk, maybe it will make it more palatable. Maybe.

Be Well

may all be well
I taken raw garlic for pinworms and it does work, you have to eat it several times a day for at least 16 days. I even got my small kids to eat it. The best way is with bread and butter.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks for all of this, BeWell! It's great to have all this information in one place.

Be Well

may all be well
Bev, I'll be adding a lot more, especially exact formulas and directions in case anyone wants to make any of the stuff. I also can send to anyone if they want some without making it. And medicated milks, soups and anything else I can think of, like Neti directions. Humidifiers are really good, I got an old one that I liked so much I got another on Ebay, they're from the 50s or ealy 60s maybe, called "Prak T Kal", green glass bottom, aluminum bottom and top, I really like them not just when sick but in the winter to add moisture to the air. It's a good preventive since dry air makes the mucus membranes in the nasal passages thinner or even cracked, so viruses and bacteria can more easily invade and take up residence. Also dry air makes any phlegm or mucus much harder to blow out or cough out.

Here's one on Etsy, some are clear glass, same model number - 650.


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Be Well

may all be well
Medicated Milk Drinks

Ayurveda has a long tradition of using milk as therapy for many conditions. Of course milk from cows that are fed naturally and treated humanely is ideal, but according to the ancient texts, milk is such an important food for humans, that even milk not of the very best quality (like most modern milk) is better than none. (Other than of course those with actual lactose intolerance.) Milk is considered to help strengthen and heal the lungs, but it must be taken boiled only - as this helps break down the protein and removes or reduces any congestion effects. It is also best to take with some kind of hot spice - a pinch or two of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black pepper or cardamom.

Here are some traditional medicated milk drinks for specific conditions, and I have found using trikatu (equal amounts ginger, black pepper and pippali or long pepper) very helpful for lungs and congestion. Even more so the version with just pippali, which is available at some herb sites, it is specific for lungs. The method is the same - mix milk and water and the herb powder, bring to a boil and cook stirring until the liquid is reduced and the water part is boiled away. Drink hot and add some honey or raw sugar if desired. Whole milk is best, low fat okay, skim - it will burn, and the lack of fat will impair the therapeutic value.

They all use 1 cup milk and 1/2 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon herb powder.

Pepper Milk - ground black pepper, freshly ground is best - for excess congestion of any kind - sinuses or lung, is said to also help the gall bladder, helps sluggish digestion, feelings of cold

Pippali Milk - good for all congestion especially bronchial and lung, helps asthma

Turmeric Milk - helps with sore or inflamed throat, hoarseness, said to help tonsils and the lungs in general.

Ginger Milk - is said to help with dry cough, emphysema symptoms, and indigestion, and any congestion or feelings of cold

Chai Spice Mix - can be added to any kind of hot drink but especially good with hot milk. If someone is not used to hot milk a good way to drink it is half milk and half hot water, that is usually how I drink it. Chai spice improves digestibility of milk and is good for illness as often people cannot eat much, and a hot cup of milk with spices gives strength and nourishment, and the spices help with illness symptoms. There are many versions of this mix, fresh spices make all the difference, rather than ancient stale ones. The following recipe is all powdered, any amounts. Try making a small amount and adjust the proportions as you like. I change my recipe around sometimes.

4 parts ginger
2 parts cinnamon
1 part black pepper
1 part cardamom
1/2 part cloves
1/2 part nutmeg
1/2 part fennel
Just stir 1/4 t. into a cup of hot milk and adjust to taste, add sweetener as desired.

Be Well

may all be well
The medicated milks can be used for some time as a course of treatment; I have done so with Pippali milk, which helps strengthen and clear the lungs, and every time there was noticeable improvement, one cup a day, I usually do for 10 days to 2 weeks.