Flowers Finished planting Spring flowering bulbs!


Veteran Member
Every year I plant at least a few new spring flowering bulbs as a pledge of happiness before the long and sometimes dreary winter. This year included daffodils- white with orange cups, yellow King Alfred types, and double ruffled ones. Chionodoxa (little blue star flowers that naturalize well) were overplanted among the white and orange ones. Some years are crocus years, some years are tulip years, and so forth.

I especially like daffodils because the deer don't eat them. (not safe for humans, either)

If you were a super prepper you might plant tulips b/c the bulbs are edible by humans, but you might have to beat the deer off- they love to eat the flowers.

Preparing for a little joy some months, and years, ahead seems like a good investment to me.


Veteran Member
Normally I like to order daffs for fall planting, but the ones that I've bought lately haven't done too well for me, maybe because I tried growing them in pots. (Maybe they just couldn't get cold enough in the pots to all bloom. They were in pots because I've lost daffs due to bad drainage in our soil.)

I'm supposed to have knee replacement surgery at the end of the month, though, so I'm limiting my garden work, trying to otherwise get ready. I'll still have all the old daffs, and a couple-few blue hyacinths in a raised bed, just not anything new.

(DH wants to move down the road, and I'm going to have to dig at least one of the in-ground daffs, a poeticus ANGEL EYES, because I don't see it commercially available anymore. I just rescued some potted LOTH LORIEN, also very hard to get now, and have that chilling in my little "lab fridge". I'll repot or plant that out early winter, once I'm off the walker/cane.)

Enjoy your floral show next spring!