Story Fel By the Wayside (Complete)


Veteran Member
Thanks for the new chapter, Kathy. And just in the nick of time, I was starting to feel a little shaky.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 41

I sat for a while and then decided that I was being stupid so I climbed in bed and tried to go to sleep. After an hour I was almost in dreamland when there was knocking. I groaned but got up quickly since the only reason someone would be knocking was for an emergency. I opened the door and there was Cor.

“What? What’s …”

“Move and let me in Fel. It’s late. And it’s cold,” he growled.

“And you’re foul,” I told him as I moved out of the way. I noticed he had a duffle in his hand that he dropped to the side. I just stood back and watched him prowl back and forth, too agitated to sit. “OK Cor, enough. You’re going to wear the finish off the floor and I just got these boards sanded to get rid of the last of the splinters. What are you doing here?”

In a sing song voice he said, “What’s wrong? Didn’t you look at the calendar?”

“She didn’t,” I said having a feeling who he was mimicking.

“Oh yes she did. She finally tells me I’m going to be a father and then acts like she doesn’t want anything to do with me. Says her stomach is upset and she’s got a headache and no one cares how bad it is. She’s even mad at her relatives because they are leaving tomorrow. Oh, and as for you, I wouldn’t go near her for a bit … apparently you’ve turned the whole world against her somehow. She wasn’t making much sense by that point. Glyssen and Winnie came in and started to calm her down and told me to go so she wouldn’t get hysterical, that it wasn’t good for the baby.”

I finally pushed him into the rocker and put a pot of water over the fire and threw in a handful of basil. I found that when Cor was agitated I could use smells to calm him down … and old book I read once called it aromatherapy or something equally silly sounding. Basil was good when he was stressed out. There were other things I used too. Lavendar and Coriander oils mixed two to one made a good sleep aid. I would put a few drops on his pillow and he’d drop off real fast. Didn’t mean he didn’t get up in the middle of the night and move to the rocker but at least he got some sleep first. But tonight was definitely a basil night.

Cor’s fists were bunched up and he had them lying on his knees tight as rocks. I looked at him and not knowing whether I really should or not I still said, “For you to have just found out you’re going to be a Da you sure don’t look too happy.”

I watched him try and let the tension go out of his shoulders. “I am … about that. I … it … I mean …” He turned to look at me and I stepped back because the anger was deep in his eyes. “Why can’t anything ever be easy? Why does life have to be this hard?!”

I sat in the chair and pulled my feet up under me. “Because I doubt we would appreciate stuff as much if it all came easy.”

Almost in a snarling he said, “But it shouldn’t be this hard!”

I sighed. “Cor, I can’t know what to say unless you explain it better.”

He opened his mouth and then closed it, shook himself, and then sat back in the rocker. “I don’t know how to weave all the threads I’ve got in my hands into the right pattern Fel.”


He took a moment but finally seemed ready to talk. “I’m … I’m trying so hard to do the right thing, the honorable thing. Between Francine and everything else I’m so turned around. I thought her being pregnant would make things easier, more black and white. I had plans on how this was supposed to work out. I was going to get the estate out of debt. Francine and I would be free. She would get over me turning into her father with all these other wives to deal with and take care of. Instead, she’s a good part of how I wound up in a proxy marriage I never wanted … and … and I … I didn’t mean …”

I snorted. “Sure you did but I’m not one to take offense easy and you know it. Better that we can trust each other to be honest rather than have to go stepping around and tripping over the truth at unexpected moments.”

He shook his head. “But the truth shouldn’t hurt like this. Neither one of us should be in the position we’re in. It’s not f…”

“You better not say fair because that’ll be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said.”

He sighed. “Yeah, I know.” He raked his hands through his hair. “I … even … she …”

“She being Francine?”

“Yeah. She hasn’t … hasn’t changed. She’s known for almost two months that she’s pregnant. She said she waited to tell me to make sure that I would build us a real family. It’s like this test I keep having to pass over and over and over again. Fel, I don’t know if I can keep doing this but if I don’t … I … I think she’ll take off for the Lathrop estate and stay there. Just take our child and … and …”

I was beginning to see it. “Are you … ok let me start again. Did she say this or is all this skullduggery from the Lathrops making you think that she might?”

Quietly he said, “She didn’t say it out right but it feels like an unspoken threat. Either I do what she wants, what she expects, or she’ll take matters into her own hands like she did with the proxy marriage.” He looked at me desperately. “She wasn’t like this when we were courting or when we were first married. I … I don’t understand.”

“Maybe she was and maybe she wasn’t. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. I’ll admit I don’t know what to make of Francine most of the time. On some days it seems like she must know exactly what she is doing and on other days … she’s like little girl lost and I’m sure that if anything is going on there is someone that has to be pulling her strings. I’m pretty sure I could like her if she would let me, but for all that it is at least partly her fault that I’m here, she can’t seem to get over me being an Outlander.”

“That’s not the reason she … she has problems with you.”

“What then?” I asked half of me wanting to know and the rest of me not particularly caring.

“Oh, this and that,” he temporized. “But mostly it’s because you’re just so different. From what she’s said she expected them to take into consideration her preferences and needs when they picked out someone for the proxy marriage. It was more like she expected them to get her a wife rather than another for me.”

For some reason that struck me as funny, not that I hadn’t thought the same thing. Just to hear it from Cor’s own lips it tickled my funny bone.

“It’s not funny. Why are you laughing?” he demanded.

“Oh … oh I know it’s not exactly funny,” I snorted from trying to control the giggles that wanted to control me. “And I’m not laughing at you Cor, honest. But I always wondered why they picked me for this second wife plan of theirs and now I’m beginning to think that someone decided to spite the Lathrops in general and Francine in particular and told the Captain to get the most ornery, backwards, independent, cussed female that he could find for the job. I knew from the beginning … even before they closed the deal … that I was set apart from my sisters. They must have asked the Headman who was the biggest problem or something along those lines. You have to admit they got their money’s worth.”

I wanted Cor to find it funny too but he stayed serious. “I think that I got dem lucky is what I got. And that you must have the worst luck in the world to have gotten put in this position.”

Trying not to let Cor’s weird mood infect me I said, “I’ll tell you like I told Winnie earlier. This may not be the life I expected but it is better than the life I had. What I make of it is my own responsibility. We might wish that our lives took a different path but wishing never changed or fixed anything. It is what it is.”

He turned to stare into the fire and slowly between one thing and the other the fight finally went out of him. “I want so bad to do the right thing Fel but every day that goes by I’m not sure I even know what the right thing is anymore.”

“Don’t be foolish,” I said, swatting him with a small pillow that Cor used on his neck when he slept in the rocker. I kept its small inner compartment filled with fresh pine needles, rosemary, lemon verbena and chamomile flower. It helped him to sleep.

He took the pillow from me and put it behind his neck, probably to keep me from swatting him with it again. He made a face and said, “I feel foolish. I feel like I’m walking at the edge of a cliff and the dirt and rocks keep shifting under my feet.”

“Then take things one step at a time until you get back on firmer ground. Let’s look at the things we know. You love Francine even though she’s done some strange things.”

“Yeah,” he whispered.

“And you’re going to be a Da come summer.”

“Yeah,” he whispered again.

“You know you need to get out from under the debt and one or two more trips could do it after the really great one you just had.”

This time he nodded, more confident.

“So keep doing what you planned and clear that mess off your plate before you try and fill it up with anything else.”

He looked at me and sighed but this time it didn’t sound so sad, like he was coming to terms with the day. “I suppose you’ve had time to think about what this accident at the Lathrops could mean.”

I nodded. “A bit but I don’t know them well enough to say which way it will jump. It could mean they’re weak and aren’t such a threat to the estate anymore. Could mean though that … well, with Francine being the unknown here … that they might try and get to you through your child.”

He surprised me by nodding calmly. “I’ll admit I’m a little worried about that. That’s one of the reasons I’m inclined to overlook Francine’s snit and just continue on as we have been.”

“What’s the other reasons?”

Looking a little uncomfortable he said, “Nothing … I mean they’re something but they’re just … uh … personal reasons that wouldn’t make much sense to anyone else. I … uh … just …”

I shook my head. “There’s nothing wrong in pacifying Francine right now if it keeps her from running off to her relatives. Plus, you love her and want her to … I don’t know … get over whatever it is she is going through. But here’s a bright side to think on, if things are as bad as the Captain said I doubt that family of hers is going to want her to come running … it wouldn’t look right and you’d almost be obligated to fetch her back and if they objected to that people would start to talk. And, if I took Elder Lathrop’s measure, what people think of them is important to the Lathrops. They seem to be real proud of their personal reputations.”

He reached over and put his hand on mine surprising me. “Then you’ll help me to keep that from happening? I don’t know who all I can trust anymore Fel.”

I patted his hand because he seemed so sincere but he sat back like he was startled and had been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. “Cor, I know what you’re saying. You wonder if the Captain and Winnie are going to start getting in your business the way they did before. I’m pretty sure they won’t … at least not to the extent they have in the past. I think having Rachel kind of brought it home for them and they are rethinking their position. I know you don’t think they would understand the deal we’ve made between us. I’m not too sure all of my sisters would either. But that’s all between me and you and no one else has to be involved. We do this for our own reasons because it is just the two of us caught up in it. As for who you can trust, no one around here is going to calmly watch Francine take off to the Lathrops I can tell you that. As much as you’re invested in saving the estate, the people of the estate are invested in you. They’re trusting you to save their future, trust them to do the right thing too.”

He was starting to drift off so I stood up but then he stopped me with a question. “Fel, does it ever bother you that … that we’re lying like this?”

I sat back down. “Yes it bothers me. I don’t like people thinking I’m no better than a saloon girl that I would settle for this kind of life. But I wasn’t given any choice.” I thought carefully before I admitted, “Most of the time I’m at peace with it Cor. If we were forever at odds like we were in the beginning I don’t think I could keep this up … but for you … and to protect other people from the conniving of people like the Lathrops … I’m pretty sure I can keep this up as long as we need to.”

“That easy?”

I wanted to throw the pillow at him again but he was using it. “No. And I never said it was easy. I said I could do it, don’t assume because I can do something that I’m assuming it is going to be easy to do.”

Groggily he asked through mostly closed eyes, “Did that make sense?”

I had to laugh if for no other reason than I was remembering the few times I had asked the same question of him. “Maybe not. All I’m saying is that I think I can do this if I have to. I’ll probably go through days when I’ll give you a different answer though so be prepared. My Gran always said the hard stuff is what makes us better people. My Gramp always told her that you had to want to be a better person for that to work. Today I feel like I want to be a better person. Tomorrow might be a completely different story.”

He smiled then sighed. “I’m wrung out.”

This time I did get up and move the pot off the fire so it wouldn’t boil out and then added a log to the flames that were left. “Then go to sleep.”

“I suppose I have to. I have to ride half way to the ridge to get Glyssen and the rest of them to the courier route. They want to go home and help with the cleanup and to see how their family homes faired.”

Knowing how that probably went over I asked, “How torqued was Francine?”

Another tired sigh as he started to take off his boots. “Let’s just say those hens are taking home a few singed tail feathers.”

“Do you think it would be all right if I sent a letter home with them to Hazel?”

That woke him up a bit. “Why?” he asked suspiciously.

“Just want to … er …” I sighed. “I don’t want to add more to your plate but … uh …”

He nodded then went back at his boots. “Winnie already told me that you think Francine is too dependent on those teas of hers and that she didn’t like getting bossed around about it.”

Well that was one way of putting it I suppose.

“I just want to let Hazel know that Francine is pregnant and that we are going to take care of her and just in case anyone is thinking of sending her special packages or treats that she should put her foot down about certain things being included.”

He nodded. “Maybe you better. Sounds like you’d say it better than I would anyway.”

The same old routine was repeated though he didn’t crawl out of bed to sleep in the rocker until almost dawn. After he slipped quietly from the cabin I enjoyed a few extra moments of warmth below the bear skin then got up and wrote the note to Hazel making it as politely clear as I could what was going on. When I had finished I carried it over to the wagon driver and asked him to put it into the private correspondence for Elder Lathrop. Glyssen saw what I was doing and I saw her swallow but she didn’t say anything about it.

After the wagon had turn the corner and was too far away to be called back I could tell Francine was winding up for a huge scene. I looked around but saw everyone getting ready to duck for cover. I had to apologize to Jonah later for the trick I pulled but the blessed silence that resulted from it was worth it.

“Now Francine, if you get wound up you are going to make yourself sick.”

“I haven’t been sick once and …” I had taken her arm and steered her right into Jonah’s pipe smoke.

She got a great big face full and was trying to fan it away with her hand when I said, “Well, it’ll be happening any time now. My Gran said it never failed and each woman would find something in particular that would set her off. The smell of an overripe outhouse. The smell of cleaning out the guts of a chicken before cutting it up for dinner. A great big dose of cooking cabbage or perhaps it would be the steam coming off a pot of boiling dirty socks. Or …”

She’d gotten more and more green with each smell I had reminded her of and suddenly she was puking. The more she puked the more she made herself puke. When it was over she was as limp as a dishrag and everyone had run for the hills. That was fine by me because I was going to get it in her head that I knew what I was talking about and if it had to start with the pukes then so be it.

“Come along Francine. This just won’t do. You need to stay quiet. Let’s get you a nice cup of ginger tea or a warm mug of broth with some biscuits. You can sit until you feel more the thing but expect this to happen ever so often. If you get worked up, you’re gonna puke. You stay calm, drink your broth and eat a biscuit and your stomach will stay settled.”

Gran and Ma always taught me that there was more than one way to skin a cat and while Francine wasn’t a cat she was about to learn that I was done playing by her rules.


Senior Member
For the life of me.. I cannot see where you are going with this.. it makes it all the more exciting to read each new post. Thank You.


Keeper of all things
I have to admit, I can usually figure out a couple of ways a story is going to develop. This one has me stumped.

I offer up Magic Cookie Bars as my bribe.


Veteran Member
Sounds to me like Fel is more of a wife to Cor than Francine is, even without the physical aspects of marriage.

And just let me add that I'm happier than a pig in slop to get not one but TWO delicious chapters today.

I'll be back....soon.


Veteran Member
Sounds to me like Fel is more of a wife to Cor than Francine is, even without the physical aspects of marriage.

And just let me add that I'm happier than a pig in slop to get not one but TWO delicious chapters today.

I'll be back....soon.




Veteran Member
Too funny with the overripe socks! Glad to hear Francine is at least a couple months along, and should hopefully keep her baby. Interesting that Fel is coopting Hazel and the other Lathrop wives to manage Francine's 'tea' drinking. They will appreciate that Fel is acting as a responsible co-wife. I love Fel's devious but also straightforward ways.


working on it
Sounds to me like Fel is more of a wife to Cor than Francine is, even without the physical aspects of marriage.

And just let me add that I'm happier than a pig in slop to get not one but TWO delicious chapters today.

I'll be back....soon.

lol, you know I was thinking along the same way! Seems that francine is the "saloon" girl for the physical part and Fel is the more "wife" of the emotional part.


North to the Future
lol, you know I was thinking along the same way! Seems that francine is the "saloon" girl for the physical part and Fel is the more "wife" of the emotional part.

Yep...and you know that with Cor and Fel not only working together but with their agreement 'just the two of them' in the know about it, that's definitely drawing them together beyond what they realize.

Kathy, thank you...this is one DELICIOUS read!!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't think either Fel or Cor really know enough about love yet to know that they are both in it. It's sneaking up on them and just because it isn't physical (yet? or ever?) doesn't mean they aren't both going to get slapped in the face with it.

Loving this story. More Kathy, more, but seriously thank you for two today.


Two very good chapters there Kathy. Thank you. BUT, you have my mind wandering. Just exactly how far along is Francine and when did Cor get home? She was overly fond of that Elder fella now wasn't she? I guess time will tell on that one. (And only Kathy knows for sure). I need MOARRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Please.


Veteran Member
Thanks for the new chapters, Kathy. You know we're now wondering if a frail Francine is physically strong enough for childbirth...



working on it
Two very good chapters there Kathy. Thank you. BUT, you have my mind wandering. Just exactly how far along is Francine and when did Cor get home? She was overly fond of that Elder fella now wasn't she? I guess time will tell on that one. (And only Kathy knows for sure). I need MOARRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Please.

oh wow, thats a good point! eww. would that be incest? I mean, who's francine's momma? and is she one of the wives? eww. lol


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Francine's been pregnant for two months and didn't tell Cor. That's not good. Then she's been drinking her special "tea" all along and that's not good either. I wonder if the baby will make it? That would sure screw up Lathrop plans and put a lot of pressure on Fel too.

Kathy in FL

Will try really hard to get something up but it won't be until later. Trying a new bug out route to our BOL and it should prove ... interesting. We are trying to time getting the van packed up and getting on the road in under 15. Yeah right. I have already found eleventy dozen areas that need to be manipulated to make us both more flexible but faster in a true bug out situation.

The more we practice the bug out scenario the more likely I think that we will be bugging in. A lot is going to depend on the type of scenario we are ultimately presented with and how much notice we have ... and even then there are issues of personal safety and health that may decide us to stay where we are. Hubby is betting on some type of violence in the US by the end of August. I'm trying to finish equipping us before then but continuing trying to live like a normal tomorrow will arrive.

Anywhooooo that's what is holding Momma Hen up from posting the next piece of chicken scratch.


Southern by choice
" Hubby is betting on some type of violence in the US by the end of August. I'm trying to finish equipping us before then but continuing trying to live like a normal tomorrow will arrive."

Sounds like mine, and he is thinking it's all going to center around the elections too. He's been on a buying jag the past couple of months with new BOB's and the likes. All centered around our possible leaving here, which IS our BOL lol.

Thanks for this wonderful story too. It's different from the others I have read, but it is just as good if not better! Can't wait to see if Cor's first wife carries to term after ingesting all that tea crap early on. If she doesn't it could set the Lathrops on their ears hehehe...oh that sounded snarky of me ....she's such a poor dear LOL


Kathy in FL

Sorry I'm later than I meant to be. Didn't make it to the BOL until after 10 pm and then there is getting the house warmed up, the water and power on, etc. Ran into some construction on the way up as well that had things down to one lane and a goof at the head of the line that didn't seem to want to get his truck and trailer up over 30 mph when the limit was 60 mph. Also ran into some smog from brush fires and the smell alone was worth keeping masks in the van ... gack what a stink.


Chapter 42

There are days when time passes so slowly you want to pull your hair out one strand at a time and then there are days that move as fast as a hummingbird’s wing. Even though the days were normal if not downright boring it feels like I completely missed the month of February as it flew by. I barely even remember it. I stayed busy tending to Winnie and Francine but it wasn’t as onerous a task as I thought it was going to be.

Winnie of course didn’t really need me to fetch and carry for her but she seemed grateful that I was willing to; Rachel wasn’t always the angel she looked like. For such a wee pretty thing she has a nasty little temper. If she doesn’t get tended to fast she arches her back, throws back her head and cries loud enough to shatter glass. I don’t even want to think about what she is going to be like when she starts teething. Georgie was an easy baby from what I remember but he just about gnawed the legs off the table when he started cutting teeth. He tried to chew off my leg a couple of times too.

Francine didn’t really need me to fetch and carry either but keeping an eye on her was the job I had set for myself. I think I’ve managed it pretty well though a few times I’ve had to be a bit of a stinker and trick her into things. It’s not that what I was telling her wasn’t the truth but I laid it on a little thick to get the desired result. Like when she wouldn’t get up and do anything I kind of mentioned that she looked like she was … ummm … spreading along the backside area and that if she didn’t get up and move some it might stay spread and that labor would be worse for her. Another time I caught her eating sweets and then playing at being too pathetic and ill to eat the good meals that Mrs. Wiley worked hard to provide. That time I got her with the suggestion of spots and how people with spots would scar in unseemly places.

I honestly didn’t understand why I had to do anything like that. You would have thought that she would have been eager to do everything she could to have a healthy baby … a Corman heir … and all that it would mean for her down the road to be the mother of the Corman heir if she couldn’t do it for the baby’s sake alone. It isn’t like she had to do all of the work herself; people were tripping over themselves trying to make it easy on her. It is very confusing and there are moments when I swing back and forth between Francine playing at being stupid and helpless and her really being stupid and helpless.

Her mood swings could get pretty uncomfortable too. I know some women are like that but I’d never been on the receiving end before. The moon coming for a visit could make some of my sisters a tad cranky but nothing like what Francine could dish out. Crying like you’ve been handed a death sentence just because you are out of rice powder is way more than strange. And if I took heat Cor took at least twice as much. It got to where he was eager for his weeklong “vacation.” Strangely enough that week seemed to be the only time he and Francine could get along. I had to listen to him tell me how much better she’s doing and how she must be getting better because she was like she was when they first married. No sooner would the week be over and he moved back into the house and Francine would start on him all over again. I just couldn’t figure the situation out. And it was making Cor just heart sick. He tried so hard but she seemed to know exactly what to say to set him off … and worse, some times she seemed to do it on purpose.

I’m beginning to think that maybe Francine is scared of something or just worried. The letters from home don’t seem to help her and in fact she almost shudders when she gets one in the courier packet. I’ve asked her if she wants to talk about it, that I had a thick skin and wouldn’t mind if she needed to let off some steam but every time I tried it only seemed to make her more upset.

I’m not exactly sure what is in those letters but if I had to guess I would say that some of it must deal with the bad news that is circulating all over Kipling about the Lathrops. Boy are they getting paid back for all of their maneuvering. The fuel production situation is bad, very bad. People in the territory are scared and worried. They want to know how they are supposed to run their field machines in the spring if the Lathrops aren’t going to produce any fuel for them to buy. Most were counting on a spring resupply and that simply isn’t going to happen.

The Lathrops took coin to secure most of the spring deliveries and now they are up a creek because they have to return the coin. That leaves them with very little to buy the supplies they need to keep their people fed. And no coin to barter or buy the replacement equipment they desperately need to rebuild with. Plainly from all the rumors not too many people are in a hurry to help them.

One of the worst arguments that Francine and Cor had was over the fact that she demanded that Cor take supplies to the Lathrops; she wasn’t talking about a little bit either.

“Don’t tell me there isn’t enough to do what I want! I helped put just tons and tons of food aside! There has to be enough!!”

“Help?! Don’t give me that. You sat back and watched food be put aside but you didn’t have a whole lot to do with the actual work involved. And that food is to get our own people through to the spring that in case you haven’t bothered noticing doesn’t look like it wants to get here any time soon. I already told you I’ll take a wagon load of rice on my way out to my barter run but I won’t put all the people that I am responsible to on my estate in danger in order to try and take care of the Lathrop estate at the same time. Other estates can share the burden.”

She wailed, “But they’re not! Everyone is turning against my family! It isn’t fair!!”

“I am your family, the people on this estate are your family. When you married me you left the Lathrop estate remember? As for what hasn’t been ‘fair’ for the last few years is how the Lathrop elders have been really squeezing people over the fuel. I’m not saying it is all the Lathrops fault … other estates could have built their own fuel production set ups like we have here but they chose not to. But people have long memories Francine. Some of the deals that were made were pretty brutal whether you are willing to accept that fact or not. There are consequences. I’m not against the Lathrops making a profit; however, I’m not real fond of their methods and the influence peddling they had taken up doing. Now calm down before you make yourself sick.”

She cried, she begged, she threw tantrums, but it wasn’t until she threatened to leave and go back to the Lathrop estate that any of us realized just how much Cor had grown in his ability to handle Francine’s strange starts.

“Leave? How? No one is going to escort you there and in fact from this point forward you are not to go anywhere out of this yard without an escort. You are five months pregnant and have no business throwing these kinds of fits; you are going to hurt yourself, and possibly the baby too. I’m also going to put the Council on notice of what is going on and if you do try and go to the Lathrop estate I’m going to make dem sure it gets hot for them harboring you and trying to take our child away. I’m not above thinking that maybe someone in your family hasn’t put a bug in your ear to try and use our baby as a blackmail tool. Am I right?”

Francine is a poor choice of pawn, or maybe she is the queen on the board. I’m still not sure. But if she was acting she was doing a pretty doggone good job of it. There was no more fussing, no more scenes from that point forward. By another week going by Francine did another flip flop. She was calmer than she has been since she shared with us that she was with child. She was so good I was suspicious but Cor, being the huge lunkhead he is, swore to me that he had just needed to step up and be the man.

Trying not to say thing wrong thing all I could mutter was, “Uh … well …”

Cor smiled with so much confidence I couldn’t bring myself to even think about busting his bubble. “Fel, that’s what was needed. I needed to be a man instead of a boy. That’s what Francine needs. I … I remember now how her father was. I used to think maybe he was too strict and he reminded me of my father at times. Oh he never yelled but all of his wives and kids knew where the boundaries were. I don’t want to hurt Francine but … but I’ve made my bed and made a commitment to her and I’ve got to fulfill it, no matter what.”

I shook my head. “Stop sounding like a martyr. You know you’re goofy in love with her.” Smiling I added, “You’re such a lunkhead and top over tail that she’s finally settling down. She’s spending a lot of time with Winnie and Rachel. Might be the reality is finally settling in and she will lose her fear of whatever has been bothering her.”

He looked uncomfortable for a moment before saying, “I fell in love with Francine the first time I saw her. She looked like an angel … acted like one too. This … this trouble we’ve had … it doesn’t change that. I … I can’t let it change that.”

Cor had surprised me and come to visit for a while at the cabin even though it wasn’t “our week.” He looked at me and then sighed. “You know I asked my mother one time why she loved my father. I wasn’t very old at the time but remember she’d cried most of the afternoon after one of his ‘lectures’ before riding off on one of his trips. She said you didn’t get to pick the people you fall in love with.”

Concerned and not real sure where his statement had come from or where it was going I told him, “Francine is not your father.”

He shook his head, “I realize that but she does use her emotions to get her way too often like he did; different methods but with the same goal in mind. It just wears you down. I couldn’t understand why my mother would stick around for my father doing that … I didn’t realize at the time that if she left we wouldn’t have any protection from him. Didn’t really understand what her leaving would mean period. I thought if she would just stand up to him … well, as you say it is water under the bridge but there is one other thing I do remember vividly. I remember Winnie and Mona visiting while he was off on one of his runs; one I wasn’t allowed to go on for some reason. They were talking to her about starting over or something along those lines – I wasn’t supposed to be around, I’d skipped out on my lessons down in the village – and Mother said that she had to guard her heart against temptation of the wrong sort, that my father needed her even if he didn’t know it and that she’d made a commitment that she would stay by him through thick and thin and that that was what she was going to do, that if she didn’t she wouldn’t have any self-respect left.”

“Cor? Are you saying you don’t think you are being a good husband? Because from where I stand you are … and you’ve had a lot more patience with some things than I would have had in your shoes.”

“Have I really been a good husband Fel? I’ve … I’ve failed in so many areas. I … there’s things … I … can’t talk about them. Feelings … I’ve had … have … I … And you … look at what position I’ve put you in.”

I reached over and put my hand on his arm. I could feel how stiff and bunched up the muscles were. “Cor, I’ll tell you the same thing my Da used to tell me when I couldn’t master a lesson right away … if you’re looking for perfection you’ll never find it. Not in others, not in yourself. All we can do is try the best we can to try and do it right as often as possible. Stop beating yourself up because you’ve figured out you’ve got a few flaws.” I snorted. “Look at me. Look what I’ve done in my life. I’m not sure I could look any of my family in the eyes. I killed men before I was anywhere near grown and have killed since then too; sure I’ve got reasons for it but that doesn’t change what I’ve done and that I’m answerable for it. Add to that I’ve got a mouth on me that would try the patience of a saint and get a little overly proud about it. I am so not perfect you would think I wouldn’t be able to stand myself. And there are days when I wonder how I can if you want to know the truth. But I’m not sure I would have done anything any different if given a second chance at it. All I can do is try to be better from any given moment forward. Trying to go back and change the past is fruitless and stupid. Whatever you regret Cor, just try and not make the same mistake twice.”

He sighed and it was a deep, troubled sound. “Easier said than done when … when what I feel …” He stopped and sighed again then closed his eyes like he had a headache. “Fel, I have to go in a couple of days if I’m going to make that contract deal and to be honest I just can’t afford to miss it. Circumstances are such I need to make sure as few people as possible have any hold on me and the estate for any reason … especially the Lathrops. There are two scenarios that I’m worried about. First is that the Lathrops are so desperate they’d sell my debt to someone else and that would live me in unknown territory. The second is getting crops in the ground, coming close to harvest, and then having the Lathrops or some other estate call in a loan and if I can’t pay it they’ll demand land instead … and it would be the land that held the ripe grains or the orchards or something. The Captain and I have worked out who would be the most likely to pull such a stunt and I think I can come back with enough coin to pay off those debts with this spring barter run, but I’ve got to act fast. Francine doesn’t know it but I’m going to try and get part of the remaining debt written off in exchange for the rice I’m taking over there. I won’t gouge them with the price, won’t event charge them for all of the rice, but if they are in as bad a shape as is rumored, I might be able to get some benefit from it.”

I shook my head. “Is that what has you all upset? I wish you wouldn’t let it. Some of that is good business and some of it is just good sense. They had you in thumb screws, all you are trying to do is get out of ‘em and prevent worse from happening.”

He looked at me and some of the trouble had cleared from his face. “Yeah, that’s some of it. The rest I’ll just have to deal with on my own. But … but I’ve got something to ask of you and … and I … I don’t know if I’ve got the right to.”

The look on his face bothered me for some reason. “How are we going to know if you don’t ask?”

He turned to stare into the fire. “I … I always had in my mind that once Francine got pregnant I’d be able to offer you some kind of … of freedom from … from this mess we are in.” He chuckled cynically and shook his head. “Now I find out that … that I … I need you to stay Fel. I need you to. Jonah relies on you. The other people on the estate rely on you. They love their Miss Francie and they respect Uncle Rob and Winnie … but it is you they … they turn to. Even when I’m here they pull you into things, value your opinion or just want to have you involved because it seems to make them feel better, like someone is listening to them in a way no one else does. As much as I would like to free you from this mess if I do … I … I … Fel … I’m … I’m sorry … I …”

He was really broken up. I mean I could see the battle writ all over him, not just his face. “Cor I told you already, you really need to stop beating yourself up. I sometimes wonder if I’m needed around here … especially now that Francine is gonna have your baby and there will be the heir everyone has been waiting on. I do wonder what my place is going to be after a while. Like I told you before, most of the time I’m at peace with it but sometimes I’m not. But if you need me … if you aren’t just saying it because you think it is something you have to say … then I can live with most of the time.”

Still troubled Cor asked, “Are you sure Fel? Because trust me if you can, you are needed. I … I need someone I can trust when I’m not around. I need someone that I know will not only speak for me but … but will do the right thing for the people … who will think of them in a way … uhh … others might not.”

I think it is the closest he could bring himself to admit out loud that Francine couldn’t now … and may never be able to … be a part of the estate like was needed.

I nodded, “Just remember, working for you doesn’t mean I’m going to agree with you all the time. So don’t blame me if we go logger heads at it sometimes. We’re both hard headed and fond of having our own way.”

That got a real chuckle out of him. “True. And look, I hate to add to it to make it even harder but … but you keep an eye on Francine. She … she doesn’t seem able to … I don’t know what to call it.”

He didn’t stay long after that. He opened the door and left and most of the warmth seemed to get sucked out of the room and I was left shivering and alone with my thoughts once more. And now I had even more things to think about.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
That sounded like some long day you had.
THank you for treating us to another chappter even with all you have going on.


Senior Member
“Have I really been a good husband Fel? I’ve … I’ve failed in so many areas. I … there’s things … I … can’t talk about them. Feelings … I’ve had … have … I … And you … look at what position I’ve put you in.”

I think the feelings that he had...have is about Fel. Hmm... And the letters from the Lanthrops.. I am thinking Francine still might jump ship.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What a crappy position Fel is in! She gets to be the mule wife and do the heavy lifting without the benefits. What does she have to look forward to, more Francine and probably a spoiled brat child sticking it up her nose at every turn too? Fel isn't second wife she's first slave.

Kathy, you've got to write her out of this mess.


working on it
It all falls to Fel again with Cor out on a run. *sigh* Poor girl lol
She does it all but doesn't get the recognition or position.

And I'm thinking that francine is gonna leave when Cor is on his run. uh huh. She gave up too easy it seems to me.


Veteran Member
She does it all but doesn't get the recognition or position.

I think she does, Genevieve. Well, maybe not the position, but Cor recognizes what a gem she is and the people of the estate trust her and hold her in high regard. Which is more than can be said for how they feel about Francine the saloon girl. LOL


Veteran Member
First off, Kathy, thank you for being such a frequent writer. I love to see this story unfold with such regularity. I know everyone is busy, but you still seem to find time for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Second, I agree that Fel is getting the recognition she needs. It is just not as visible as she would like but when she is some of the energy that keeps the estate running that is a pretty good indication that she is more important than she knows. And the fact that Cor could talk with her about it means it is in his conscienceness as well. She is going to come out of this ok. Kind of hard to predict just how that will happen as Kathy knows how to weave a fine tale that it is hard to guess about, but her tales are always thought provoking and interesting.


Veteran Member
----------------------------- [QUOTE said:
Francine is a poor choice of pawn, or maybe she is the queen on the board. I’m still not sure. But if she was acting she was doing a pretty doggone good job of it. There was no more fussing, no more scenes from that point forward. By another week going by Francine did another flip flop. She was calmer than she has been since she shared with us that she was with child. She was so good I was suspicious but Cor, being the huge lunkhead he is, swore to me that he had just needed to step up and be the man.

Trying not to say thing wrong thing all I could mutter was, “Uh … well …”

"So good I was suspicious" - that says it all. If Cor leaves, Francine may get it into her head to TAKE the food for her Lathrop family and head home. That leaves Fel to stop the attempt. If Francine seriously disobeys Cor in this way, even Elder Lathrop is going to have to put his foot down, however much the Lathrop estate may need the food. Storm clouds gathering!

Also, I wonder if what Francine is afraid of is childbirth- always chancey in low-tech situations. Not unreasonable.

Kathy in FL

Chapter 43

For a few days after Cor left we continued to rock along gently. But then something new got into Francine.

“Francine will you relax?! Cor said he will do his best to be back before the baby is born.” She started up on the theme that if anything happened to her or the baby it would be Cor’s fault. “Will you please tell me why you think something is going to happen?”

“I … I have a … a premonition. And it won’t be my fault. I’ve told Cor and told Cor what I need. I can’t seem to get anyone to understand! If Cor would only listen to me everything would work out; I wouldn’t be forced to these extremes.”

Her doom and gloom was a little difficult to handle. It wasn’t just because it was depressing. Cor had given me the responsibility of taking care of Francine. Having her forever go on and on about something bad coming … well to be honest it wore me down and made her a real burden that I had trouble carrying. It was hard to stay cheerful in the face of such utter belief in the worst coming to pass.

There was an old man in my town that used to be the same way. You know what happened? Eventually something bad did happen. It was only Gran’s commonsense that settled a lot of people down. She said, “Something bad is always coming. The point is to be ready for it not to sit around living in fear of it.” I will always love and honor my Ma and Da but after everyone died it seemed that it was Gran’s words as much as what Da taught me that kept me sane. I wish I could be that for Francine. It can’t be good for her or the baby for her to be always waiting for something bad to get her.

Two weeks of it and I didn’t know how much longer I could to listen to it. I tried so many things to get Francine to beat her depression but trying to help her only made her angry. I thought maybe it was that spring wasn’t springing. I tried to get her to get some more sunlight but then she screeched that I was out to give her lung rot. I wondered if it was her diet and Mrs. Wiley and I went over the menu to do everything we could to build up her constitution. She complained that we were trying to make her fat and unattractive. I thought maybe she was just bored but she didn’t and wouldn’t do anything but sit around and stare mournfully into the fireplace or outside and down the road.

Not wanting to but feeling I had no other choice I finally went to the Captain and asked him if he thought we should send for Mona. He gave me a cynical smile. “And here I thought you would see through every one of her games.”

“Excuse me?”

His smile turned into a cynical chuckle. “She’s been dropping hints as large as boulders to Winnie even before Cor left and hasn’t let up since.”

I asked suspiciously, “Hints about what?”

“Basically my Dear, since her relatives can’t or won’t come to her she thinks the only thing is for her to go to them. Now she is working herself into a lather that we are imprisoning her or preventing her from getting the best care possible. You missed it helping Mrs. Wiley prepare warm drinks for the courier but yesterday Francine was terribly disrespectful to Lollie Hudson.”

“What?! Why would she do that? She specifically called for Lollie.”

He nodded sagely. “Because she thought Lollie would tell her what she wanted to hear. Instead Lollie all but told her she was being childish and inconsiderate for wanting to hare off to the Lathrop estate and that she was in no fit state to travel. In return Francine was as rude as I’ve ever heard her be to nearly anyone but you or Cor. We are lucky that Lollie is not easily offended but I’m afraid that if this doesn’t cease Francine may find she has created a situation for herself that may lead to some rather severe repurcussions. People are starting to talk and not just here on the estate. Word is getting out that … that perhaps it was a good thing that Cor was forced into a second marriage for more than the original reason.”

Outraged I almost yelped, “Now that’s just fair stupid! What they did to us was – and is – wrong. Cor and I … we’ve worked it out … but it still pinches and neither one of us …” I huffed and turned away from the Captain. I wanted so badly to explain things to him but I kept my promise to Cor to keep it between us.

Quietly the Captain said, “I know this has not been easy for either of you. Winnie and I … but it cannot be changed Fel. I won’t ask … do not want to know … what terms you and Cor finally settled on but whatever they are, they satisfy all concerned as far as I can tell.”

I snorted, “Yeah right. Everyone is real happy and thankful that the heir that is on the way is from a native Kiplinger and not by the little Outland savage.”

“Fel …” he started reproachfully.

I shook my head to forestall him. “Don’t try and dress it up pretty Captain. I had to deal with enough of it during the summer. I know the truth of it and so do you. It was always meant to be Francine. And you can get that look off your face, I’m not jealous of her. I just get tired of it all sometimes and Francine is wearing on my nerves.”

He sighed. “Well, here is some news that will make you feel worse. The courier that came yesterday brought reports from the fort that raiders have been striking the surrounding territories. A few have been caught and encouraged to reveal information.” Read into that anything you want it I thought. “The winter was not just difficult in this immediate area but was a fairly widespread phenomena. While the Outlands did not suffer as badly – their winter was even quite mild in some locations – they view this as the perfect opportunity to strike us. They perceive that we are weak after a long winter where our supplies have run out.”

Something savage in me began to bubble up. “Don’t plan on them staying away from Kipling. They’ll pick off who they perceive to be the smaller and weaker estates first. Then if they become bold or just stupid they’ll go after the bigger ones. They’ll be after anything that isn’t nailed down that can be carried off and what they can’t carry off they will try and destroy. If you haven’t already set up patrols and guards …”

“I spoke with Jonah yesterday as well as the managers at the various facilities here on the estate. The word is also going out to the village and the smaller free farms between us and the surrounding estates. Do you wish to move to the house Fel? I can make …”

“No,” I said a little abruptly then regretted it. “Sorry Captain, I didn’t mean to snap. But I won’t move in here. This is Francine’s place, the cabin is mine.”

“Very well. Jonah said that would likely be your response but I had to ask. However I have asked him to double check the shutters and bolts on the cabin and I would like you to begin keeping a water barrel inside the cabin just on the off chance that you are forced to take extended refuge there.”

That’s not all I will be doing but there are some things the Captain is too civilized about. I’ll mention a few man traps to Jonah and I’ll speak with Mrs. Wiley about a few things being set up around the house. When I told the Captain that if they couldn’t carry it off most Outlander raiders would be just as happy to see it destroyed I wasn’t exaggerating. My Gramp used to tell how his father lost their original forge to an attack of flaming arrows.

Fire pots are another tool that Outlanders use if they get ahold of fuel that is just lying around unprotected, which is something else that needs to be secured. The fuel production bar needs to be protected and not just from Outlanders. I’ve been thinking that some unscrupulous or desperate folks from Kipling might try and steal the Corman estate fuel and try and disguise it as a raid from the Outlands.

There isn’t a lot of defense against flaming arrows and fire pots but you can minimize damage by building fire breaks, making sure flammable material is minimized. They are a greater danger when you have a field of grain ready to be harvested. I’ve seen an entire farm wiped out that way. While winter dries a lot of stuff out, it has been pretty wet around here so hopefully the mud and the damp will keep fire danger to a minimum.

We also need to be careful of wells and water sources being poisoned. Hemlock and Castor Beans are a favorite way to do this but there are plenty of other plants and plant saps that could do this: jimson weed, nightshade, lantana berries, mistletoe berries, oleander, ragwort, and the berries and foliage of the yew.

I’ve also seen particularly vicious groups save the feces and urine from sick comrades and dump it into wells and water ways. It is completely disgusting but very effective. You don’t even have to kill your target, just make them sick enough to be weak to any attack.

Depending on the raider group we might also be facing other attacks. I know some tribes that raise deadly insects like giant hornets that they carry around in boxes that they will sneak up and release against their enemy. I’ve seen some that use a certain breed of snake or scorpion to do the same thing. The Lakesiders used to catapult large pots filled with fire ants into forts or encampments. They also liked to catapult flaming pots of tar and the bodies of people who died of sickness.

Other tribes salt or destroy field crops in some way. Water holes used by domestic and wild animals are targeted for poisoning. Corpses of animals and humans are left around to create a nauseating smell and disease. Predatory animals are introduced to small flocks and herds of animals. The tactics used all depend on how long they have to prepare and whether it is all out battle or some type of siege or simply mischief to weaken their opponent before a hit and run type attack.

Waiting to be attacked isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do, but the waiting does have to be an empty and wasted time. It is almost impossible to prevent every type of battle tactic but you can prepare to defend against them as must as possible; and that is what we will do.

Jeepcats 3

Contributing Member
More twists and turns in the story, around and around and nobody knows where it goes until Kathy tells us!
Great story,



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Francine needs a good spanking as far as I am concerned lol. Thank you. Raiders just what they need NOT.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is fixin' to get exciting. I can't wait to see what Fel puts together to repel the raiders.
Great story Kathy, thanks for another chapter.


Contributing Member
I'd agree with Fel -- waiting for something really bad to happen is the worst part, and if someone really believes something bad is "Coming" they usually find a way to make it happen.

I wonder if Francine will do something stupid like take off for the Lathrop's and get captured by bandits -- How long would it take her to fold and tell all?