eye infection


:siren: Help!!! My daughter has a kitten about 3 weeks old that has developed an eye infection. She has been washing it out and treating it with ciloxin. What else can she do to assist this little one?


Contributing Member
Try green tea bags, soaked in warm water for compresses. Use at least 4 times per day. this worked for us, and the kitty seemed to enjoy the extra attention too.


Monkey. Kittens are prone to get URI (upper respiratory infection) and a runny eye is one of the signs. In this case you kitty will also need antibiotics. Are any of the other kittens sick? Just a tip incase it is not just an eye infection.


If it's confined to the eye (see Herbies post above), you can get terramycin ointment made specifically for eye infections from www.jefferspet.com (and probably other livestock supply stores as well).

One trick (MUCH cheaper, but we had the stuff on hand) we used to use on barn kittens was to use a tiny squirt of Albacillin- a penicillin based mastitis treatment for cows. It comes in tubes (which come in boxes of 12- I don't think you want to get into that for one kitten!) which are a bland, creamy semi-liquid. It works beautifully for pinkeye and other eye infection problems.


Wise Owl

Been using tea bags on cat and dog and people eye infections forever. Grandma used to use them on us when we got pink eye from the cows. Works like a charm...... Even my old vet back in Michigan told me to use it. I have had lots of kittens with runny eyes in my time. Barn cats are prone to it. Tea bags for a few days always get the job done. cheap too. Black tea works fine. Any tea, green or black.
Black tea also works for bleeding, works on tumors, (been using it on our old dogs ear for a year now). Luckily we are able to get that stupid nasty thing removed now. Friday it is going bye bye. Dog should improve a lot when she doesn't have to fight that thing anymore.

And yes she is still on the carrot and oxalic acid diet......... IT WORKS........