Eulogy to Toots


For those that havent caught it from the title,this is to our dog,Toots who was given the release today. She is with her sister dogs now.

Toots came into our life when my DW saw her in an inner city school parking lot where DW works. Dogs are always running loose in this area and you sure see your share of dead dogs along side the streets.

Toots was trying to pry a McDonald's wrapper off the parking lot surface while avoiding the little heathen students who were yelling and kicking at her(but not making contact). DW thought to herself,now after I park and before I go into the school,if she is still there,I will do something about this.

Well Toots wasnt at the wrapper anymore,she was right at DW's feet!
Gad,was she dirty and stinky. She looked to be about 10-12 weeks old,just out of suckling probably.

DW picked her up and into the school they went. She took her to a friend's classroom(DW is a speech therapist so has no classroom of her own). It was November and Toots was cold and of course very hungry and thirsty. After taking care of those things she put Toots under a desk where Toots promptly fell asleep! This last is important because as Toots life went on,she fell asleep alot!

One of the Special Ed kids(who years later was shot to death) crawled under the desk with her and never left her(kindred souls I'm sure).
She called me and told me what was going on. The only provision I had was the dog not be a male. I had male dogs before and dont take kindly to them,dont know why,just dont.

I went to the school hours later and brought Toots home and fed her and fed her and fed her. Poor little pup hadnt eaten in days Im sure.
When DW came home we bathed her and oh yeah,fed her again too.
The next morning I was to take her to the vets for a checkup and a fleadown if necessary and any shots she may have to have.

Later in the day........bad news. Toots had parvo,a puppy killer. We told our dear doctor to start treatment and see if he could save her. He told us she had a 50/50 chance of living through this. He also said with parvo,if we would have been another 24 hours getting to him,he couldnt have saved her at all.
For three days we called to check on her,not knowing if she had died or not.
Of course she didnt and we brought her home,where she got another bath because she stunk. She had to lay in her own mess because of her immobility and IVs she was on.

Doing that she curled up in front of the couch and.....fell asleep.
Our old crabby mutt,Lady(shoulda called her Switchblade,it fit better) walked over to her,sniffed her for the longest time and it seemed to us in retrospect that Lady adopted Toots as her own from that day.

She would play with her and wrestle and fake bite her and romp around like two puppies for hours and hours it seemed. They were buddies.

Now the collie. Mercedes,the snot......she would snarl(but never bite) at Toots when Toots would kinda crawl up and "submit" to Mer. Mer would show every tooth in her jaw. Well after awhile,Toots being the dog she was,started licking Mer's teeth! Now how do you think Mer felt? Here Mer is,being this big ferocious dog and this pup licks her teeth! Gad! Finally,Mer did accept Toots and from then on the 3 of them were good friends.

Mer and Lady passed away after time and we ended up with still three dogs.
A little Jack Russell,Lucy and Abigail,our Corgi. As tough as those two breeds are,they always gave Toots the lead dog role. Not that she was tough and ask for it,they just gave it to her.

Toots had her share of woe. We discovered her thryroid was all screwy and she ended up taking medicine for that the rest of her life. Then about 5 years ago,her tear ducts stopped! Poor baby still got the crud that forms in your eyes but no tears to wash it away. So many many times a day we had to give her artificial tears and carefully wipe her eyes clean. She never complained or pulled away when we would use a kleenex to get the crud out. She would lay there and not move until we were done. Her eyes would get so bloodshot and sore looking but she would always just lie there and let us take care of her eyes.

Actually Toots never did anything bad or even reluctant to us. The worse thing she ever did was scratch at the couch(nesting they call it) when we were away. We finally started putting up something on the couch. That way a good dog couldnt go bad.

First of July this year: DW found some lumps under Toots' jaw. The vet said after a biopsy that it was lymphnoma,a deadly cancer that would take her in about 4 months at the most.

We were about to head out on our 3 week vacation and we asked the doc if we should even go. We had decided to start her on a mild chemo to help Toots and we werent sure we wanted to go. Thankfully we heeded the Doc's advice and went on vacation.

Tooters(as we called her often) loved our motor home! One dog went to DW's feet,one dog went to a cage and Toots........she got the couch!

We live about 1/4 mile from the x-way entrance....Toots is asleep by the time we get to the top of the ramp! We called her our "professional sleeper-dont try this at home" dog.

We had a wonderful vacation! 3 weeks in upper Michigan staying at a number of state parks. There,we always went for walks around the camp ground,just to be snoopy but also to give the dogs a chance to sniff all those wonderful smells and to say howdy to all the dogs staying there(boy did they all say howdy!) And also to get petted by a bunch of nice people out walking as well.
They couldnt keep their hands off of Tooters. For some reason,Toots never lost that super soft puppy fur. Her hair was so soft,it was like touching nothing! Several people thought she was the youngest(even thought she was a big puppy!) of our three,not knowing she was just 12 years old! That is how great she looked in those three weeks!

We celebrate her birthday on August 10th. We didnt know her real birthday and so we gave my Mom's birthday to her. She loved it because they always got special food on birthdays,and besides sleeping, Toots loved to eat!

We got home on Saturday. She was fine. Sunday,as usual,we fed her in the morning. About an hour later she threw up her food and then refused her pills,which she never does. Not being able to get to the vet until Monday,we just had to wait it out.

I stayed up all night with her. Every half hour or so she would have to go outside and either throw up or try to go to the bathroom. And then she would walk and walk for at least 15 minutes. We would go inside and she would lay down and sleep until the next bout hit her and off we would go again.

Monday morning we were at the vet and after blood tests found she had what the doctor believed was pancreatitis. And very dehydrated. He said she would have to go on IV's for the dehydration to see if the pancreas would come under control. We of course checked on her everyday for how she was doing.

It got worse. She started to jaundice and the doctor thought the liver was shutting down.....and possibly problems with kidneys as well. But he said give her at least a few more days and maybe she could come out of it.

9am this morning. He called and said that Toots was worse. I called DW and we met at the vets. Poor Toots. Her breathing was very labored and she was so weak.
We knew. We knew that it was time to take on the responsibility that all pet owners have and that was to unselfishly let her go. The ultimate let go.

Because Toots already had an IV in,the doctor inserted the hypo of sodium pentathol that would allow Toots to just go into a natural relaxing sleep and keep on going.
As my DW held her and told Toots that we loved her,Toots fell asleep.And of course we cried. Not the first time for this sweet gentle friend,and Im sure not the last time either.

We looked down at her lying there,and she looked just like she did for so much of our life.

Sleeping peacefully.


Membership Revoked
What an incredible, moving story of Tooter's life and what she meant to you. I know the pain of losing a dog (which is really just an extension of your family) and I pray that you will find peace in all of your wonderful memories.

Again, what a beautifully written tribute!


Devil's Advocate
A beautiful eulogy.

I promised my cat Reece I'd be with her at the end ... and I was. She was a nasty cat in her way, and went out with a hiss/snarl at the prick of the shot that delivered the coup de grace, and a last purr as I stroked her.

More than 10 years ago now, and I still tear up thinking of it. My heart goes out to you and yours. Love never dies.



Oh heart is so heavy for the both of you. Toots had the best life with so much love and concern from a loving family like you. She was spoiled, loved, hugged and nursed over by the best two people I know. May her love fill your heart with memorys of the life you had together. Remember the good times. It is never easy trying to not remember the last days. I know. I think we all do here. But like my vet said when she delivered the sleep dose to my little 17 year old dog and again to my 14 year old dog...this dog was loved and had the best. You did all you could and their little bodies just wear out.

Lots of love and huge hugs to you both. You did such a wonderful thing taking her in even when she was sick. Toot's was one lucky dog. Im so glad you were able to take her on your trip. Im sure she just loved it.

Blessings and hoping soon the pain becomes tears of joy for the good times you experienced with such a wonderful loving dog as Toot's.



Thank you for being able to share Toots story of life. Praying her memory will comfort you. You all were very lucky and blessed. To be loved, be it man or beast, is one of life's greatest gifts.


Veteran Member
Thanks you for sharing Toots with us - could tell how much she was loved - - what a wonderful memories she left you. Praying peace and comfort for you, as I know she left a big empty spot in your heart and will be missed - hope you have lots of good pictures. Your RV trip sounds wonderful and sounds like she enjoyed every minute of it - what a wonderful companion you had.

Now she is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you.


Membership Revoked
Oh Tim...

Sleep peacefully beloved, under starlit skies
Wake now & then & think of those who wait
Those who loved & loved you dearly still
Whose bitter tears will take time to abate

But linger not for fear we can't let go
We will in time, but now we need to grieve
Seal in anguished heart memories most dear
For you though love, 'twas clearly time to leave

Your place secure, you dwell forever safe
In hearts & minds of those who shared your life
Your pain now gone, you're alpha dog in joy
No hurts, no hunger, no more earthly strife

Tim, I'm sorry, that's pretty poor but the best I could come up with on the fly.

Losing such a friend is a great grief. Give yourselves that time - all of you.

Thinking about you...

(((((((((Tim, DW, Lucy & Abigail)))))))))
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I am sorry for your pain Tim. I truely am. I had a Lab named Tootie. She was my best friend in the entire world. She died December 31st, 1999. She just missed bring in the New Year of Y2K with me.

This is a beautiful Eulogy you gave your Toot.

God Bless Toot. RIP, Toot.


Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


Membership Revoked
Timbo thanks for sharing that with us. I too know what you are feeling. I'm still proud when I talk of Sady, my Akita/Chow mix.

I may pm you in the morning if it's ok. God bless.


Membership Revoked
Timbo, I'm crying so hard I can't see the keyboard! :bwl: But its not a bad kind of crying, its the kind that lets your heart really feel and your wife had a special love for this little rescued it and loved it, when nobody else wanted it. I wish that death didn't take away the ones we love.........but it does, and we find some way to live with that. Toots has just gone from this place to another place.........but she's still very much alive here through your loving memories of her.........the evidence of that is in the response of the friends that have posted to this thread. Their hearts are moved and they share your grief at her passing...........they could see in their minds-eye, Toots trying to eat Mcdonalds wrapper off the pavement in the parking lot...........your precious wife carrying Toots inside to taking her home.........the most wonderful vacation memories that you had together. Thank you for sharing her life and her story with us.


ps.........the Rainbow Bridge is my favorite..........I'll be looking for my special pet, Dottie, just like you'll be looking for Toots.


Thanks everyone......I am tears come easy,not just from losing our Toots but from all of you,especially Herbie for posting on the main board.

Sometimes around here we all get a little bitchy and snap at each other,hey we're human!

But at times like this it all comes suddenly to the front of my mind why Im here.
Friends when you need dont get any better than that.

I wish I had the talent to write like CanadaSue and her beautiful poem.

I would write one to all of you.



{{Timbo & Family}} I am so sorry, Tim! So many of us have felt that gut raw feeling! We love our babies, two and four legged ones. Prayers for your hearts to mend! IJM


Veteran Member
Mr. Timbo, prayers have been said on your behalf. Your story about Toots was very moving. Thank you all for giving her a good life. I have a little pommerian whose name in Teddy and he is my baby. My husband and I love him dearly. God Bless!!



Social ButterFly
tears streaming, and smiling at the same time as I know she will forever be with you.

(((hugs))) reaching across the miles to you and your DW....who saw the angel in Toots


Hi Tim--from one experienced dog owner to another, who has had his share of the joys and tribulations of dog friendship, words fail me as well. I currently have a 100 pound female Rottweiler who I "saved" from the pound. Dogs KNOW when they've been saved. I'm sure Toots knew that as well...what a lucky dog.

I sure hope that there is a reunion on the other side...I've got a bunch of cats and dogs that I can't wait to see...keep your head up Tim! GREAT eulogy...very tear-inducing!!


Thank you for sharing Toot's life with us. So sorry you had to go through this. My prayers are with you and your wife. I always feel that our dogs just don't live long enough. (((Timbo)))


Pissed off Patriot
Timbo, as the proud owner of 8 wonderful dogs, I feel what you're going through... I have 2 dogs that I know don't have very many years left and I dread the day they leave us. You did a wonderful thing by rescuing Toots and giving her a great life filled with loving people. Bless you and your family Timbo and always remember the good times.


The Pulse......

My Freind...

What a wonderful life you gave that poor little lost puppy! It was as though God Himself placed her at your DW's feet! He knew you would give Toots a life of comfort and warmth..(and food and sleep! :) )

It's like the loss of a child. :(

Our family sends it's condolences to you and your DW!


Veteran Member
it's it strange and wonderful how animals can so wrap themselves around our hearts! that was the best post i've read here in the last 3 months. i'm touched. i've never had a dog... have always been a "cat" person. but this makes me want to go rescue a dog. Tim, i'm sorry for your loss, but i'm glad Toots isn't suffering anymore. thanks so much for sharing her story with us.


Membership Revoked
Oh so sorry for your loss, I feel your PAIN as well. Let me tell U a story not so off of yours with TOOTS. I am a manager/nurse of a dementia unit and a mother of a lab/pointer named Lady. Our unit was given a beautiful apricot poodle named KIDDO, and he brought much joy to the residents' hearts....then it happened, he began having seizures......not little ones I must say, but still a lovable smuck hitting me in the back of my leg when I walked, attached U could say.....He had his major seizure about a month ago and he had to go so guess what I took him home to LADY, who now has a spark in her eye. Although he still has seizures and they believe he has a brain tumor growing he has become part of this family. TIMBO, it is amazing what a little friend can touch U with.......I know I could lose KIDDO soon but he has brought so much JOY to all of us....Please remember you gave TOOTS a chance and U will meet again. LOVE Kathy



Thanks for sharing your story. You and your wife certainly gave Toots the gift of 12 years of life she would never have had without you. She was blessed with such a caring family. Even in grief there is much to be thankful for. The critters bring a lot of joy, but it is always painful when they go. If you were closer, I'd come over and cry with you.




May you always remember

Toots love for you and yours for her.


A little offering:

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me

When Tomorrow starts without me And I'm not there to see,
The sun arise and find your eyes, All filled with tears for me.
I wish you wouldn't cry so much, And look so awfully blue;
While thinking of the many things, We didn't get to do.
I know how much you love me, As much as I love you;
And every time you think of me, I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me, Please try to understand;
An angel came and called my name, And lead me to this land.
He said my place was ready At Rainbow Bridge, above;
But said I would have to leave behind, All those I dearly love.
I thought of all the yesterdays, The good ones and the bad;
I remembered all the things we shared, And all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday, I thought, for just awhile;
I'd say good by and kiss your face, And maybe see you smile
But then I fully realized, That this could never be;
That emptiness and memories, Would take the place of me.
But as I walked through this lovely gate, I felt so much at home;

As God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne.
He said, "This is eternity, And all I've planned for you.
Today your life on earth is past, But here it starts anew."
He said, "You have been so faithful, So trusting and so true,
A better friend could not be found, Though we looked the whole world through."
"Your life was full of joy and pain, But now at last you're free;
So come on in, and greet your friends, And share my life with me."

So when tomorrow starts without me, Don't think we're far apart;
For every time you think of me, I'm right there in your heart.

Author Unknown



Stone Cold Crazy
Y'all are good people Timbo. I aint gonna spin a story about the rainbow bridge. Y'all loved her and she loved you and that's enough. What more can one ask for?


Hugs and prayers for you, and DW, and Lucy and Abigail.

Many tears and few words.

Sometimes I think we entertain angels unawares. And angels don't always have two legs and wings. Sometimes they have long ears or puppy soft fur.

God bless you all.



Resident Pit Yorkie :)
((((Timbo))))) Like the others above, that made me cry. An absolutely beautiful tribute to a wonderful friend.


Membership Revoked
my heart goes out to you,,,

,,, one of the 'desires of my heart' is to have all my pets with me in heaven.

i cant wait,,, cus i miss em alot.

take care,,, and thanks for giving that little one a home with so much love.



My Drawing of Monet
Timbo, So sorry. I don't know what else to say it just too sad.

Mary (no garden, no lamb)


Membership Revoked
We have two dogs. A Pug and a Boston that we rescued. The Boston is old and warn down from years of abuse, but we love her extra for it. We rescued her when she was 6 and even then she seemed much older. Its hard not to love a rescue dog just a little bit more. The way I see it, they've earned it. How lucky for all of you that Toots walked into your lives. What a gift! It hurts like the dickens when they walk out again, but its worth every tear and every heartache as every pet owner knows. My heart goes out to you and your DW.
Prayers sent for you and yours. :rs:
May you find comfort in all the happy memories of Toots.


Dog's are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. - Roger Caras


Your tribute to Toots was both beautiful and heartbreaking. Sometimes I can't believe the pure love I have for my little dog and I can see you felt the same. I hope too when we take our final rest we are reunited. God has been generous to let us have them for a little while. Prayers for the healing of your heart.


The Pulse......
Here is a picture of Toots and her sisters at Christmas time! (posting this for timbo)


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Thanks a whole bunch ex! Who knows,one day I may be able to turn on this computer without tech help!

This was our girls just before Christmas two years ago. I took the pic and then liked it so much we used it as a Christmas Email!

Thanks again ex,I appreciate this.


Oh Toot's looks just like I imagined her. And her sisters are quite cute too. They look so snuggly together. I promised you a picture Timbo of Peety, but still do not have the film to take pictures. I will get on this soon. Hugs and hoping today is a little less painful. I would take that picture and have it enlarged and put up on the frontroom wall. How beautiful.


The Pulse......
You are welcome Timbo!

Thanks for sharing this picture of your *girls* with us! ;) They are all adorable!
Toots looks just as you described her!


timbo said:
For those that havent caught it from the title,this is to our dog,Toots who was given the release today. She is with her sister dogs now.

Toots came into our life when my DW saw her in an inner city school parking lot where DW works. Dogs are always running loose in this area and you sure see your share of dead dogs along side the streets.

Toots was trying to pry a McDonald's wrapper off the parking lot surface while avoiding the little heathen students who were yelling and kicking at her(but not making contact). DW thought to herself,now after I park and before I go into the school,if she is still there,I will do something about this.

Well Toots wasnt at the wrapper anymore,she was right at DW's feet!
Gad,was she dirty and stinky. She looked to be about 10-12 weeks old,just out of suckling probably.

DW picked her up and into the school they went. She took her to a friend's classroom(DW is a speech therapist so has no classroom of her own). It was November and Toots was cold and of course very hungry and thirsty. After taking care of those things she put Toots under a desk where Toots promptly fell asleep! This last is important because as Toots life went on,she fell asleep alot!

One of the Special Ed kids(who years later was shot to death) crawled under the desk with her and never left her(kindred souls I'm sure).
She called me and told me what was going on. The only provision I had was the dog not be a male. I had male dogs before and dont take kindly to them,dont know why,just dont.

I went to the school hours later and brought Toots home and fed her and fed her and fed her. Poor little pup hadnt eaten in days Im sure.
When DW came home we bathed her and oh yeah,fed her again too.
The next morning I was to take her to the vets for a checkup and a fleadown if necessary and any shots she may have to have.

Later in the day........bad news. Toots had parvo,a puppy killer. We told our dear doctor to start treatment and see if he could save her. He told us she had a 50/50 chance of living through this. He also said with parvo,if we would have been another 24 hours getting to him,he couldnt have saved her at all.
For three days we called to check on her,not knowing if she had died or not.
Of course she didnt and we brought her home,where she got another bath because she stunk. She had to lay in her own mess because of her immobility and IVs she was on.

Doing that she curled up in front of the couch and.....fell asleep.
Our old crabby mutt,Lady(shoulda called her Switchblade,it fit better) walked over to her,sniffed her for the longest time and it seemed to us in retrospect that Lady adopted Toots as her own from that day.

She would play with her and wrestle and fake bite her and romp around like two puppies for hours and hours it seemed. They were buddies.

Now the collie. Mercedes,the snot......she would snarl(but never bite) at Toots when Toots would kinda crawl up and "submit" to Mer. Mer would show every tooth in her jaw. Well after awhile,Toots being the dog she was,started licking Mer's teeth! Now how do you think Mer felt? Here Mer is,being this big ferocious dog and this pup licks her teeth! Gad! Finally,Mer did accept Toots and from then on the 3 of them were good friends.

Mer and Lady passed away after time and we ended up with still three dogs.
A little Jack Russell,Lucy and Abigail,our Corgi. As tough as those two breeds are,they always gave Toots the lead dog role. Not that she was tough and ask for it,they just gave it to her.

Toots had her share of woe. We discovered her thryroid was all screwy and she ended up taking medicine for that the rest of her life. Then about 5 years ago,her tear ducts stopped! Poor baby still got the crud that forms in your eyes but no tears to wash it away. So many many times a day we had to give her artificial tears and carefully wipe her eyes clean. She never complained or pulled away when we would use a kleenex to get the crud out. She would lay there and not move until we were done. Her eyes would get so bloodshot and sore looking but she would always just lie there and let us take care of her eyes.

Actually Toots never did anything bad or even reluctant to us. The worse thing she ever did was scratch at the couch(nesting they call it) when we were away. We finally started putting up something on the couch. That way a good dog couldnt go bad.

First of July this year: DW found some lumps under Toots' jaw. The vet said after a biopsy that it was lymphnoma,a deadly cancer that would take her in about 4 months at the most.

We were about to head out on our 3 week vacation and we asked the doc if we should even go. We had decided to start her on a mild chemo to help Toots and we werent sure we wanted to go. Thankfully we heeded the Doc's advice and went on vacation.

Tooters(as we called her often) loved our motor home! One dog went to DW's feet,one dog went to a cage and Toots........she got the couch!

We live about 1/4 mile from the x-way entrance....Toots is asleep by the time we get to the top of the ramp! We called her our "professional sleeper-dont try this at home" dog.

We had a wonderful vacation! 3 weeks in upper Michigan staying at a number of state parks. There,we always went for walks around the camp ground,just to be snoopy but also to give the dogs a chance to sniff all those wonderful smells and to say howdy to all the dogs staying there(boy did they all say howdy!) And also to get petted by a bunch of nice people out walking as well.
They couldnt keep their hands off of Tooters. For some reason,Toots never lost that super soft puppy fur. Her hair was so soft,it was like touching nothing! Several people thought she was the youngest(even thought she was a big puppy!) of our three,not knowing she was just 12 years old! That is how great she looked in those three weeks!

We celebrate her birthday on August 10th. We didnt know her real birthday and so we gave my Mom's birthday to her. She loved it because they always got special food on birthdays,and besides sleeping, Toots loved to eat!

We got home on Saturday. She was fine. Sunday,as usual,we fed her in the morning. About an hour later she threw up her food and then refused her pills,which she never does. Not being able to get to the vet until Monday,we just had to wait it out.

I stayed up all night with her. Every half hour or so she would have to go outside and either throw up or try to go to the bathroom. And then she would walk and walk for at least 15 minutes. We would go inside and she would lay down and sleep until the next bout hit her and off we would go again.

Monday morning we were at the vet and after blood tests found she had what the doctor believed was pancreatitis. And very dehydrated. He said she would have to go on IV's for the dehydration to see if the pancreas would come under control. We of course checked on her everyday for how she was doing.

It got worse. She started to jaundice and the doctor thought the liver was shutting down.....and possibly problems with kidneys as well. But he said give her at least a few more days and maybe she could come out of it.

9am this morning. He called and said that Toots was worse. I called DW and we met at the vets. Poor Toots. Her breathing was very labored and she was so weak.
We knew. We knew that it was time to take on the responsibility that all pet owners have and that was to unselfishly let her go. The ultimate let go.

Because Toots already had an IV in,the doctor inserted the hypo of sodium pentathol that would allow Toots to just go into a natural relaxing sleep and keep on going.
As my DW held her and told Toots that we loved her,Toots fell asleep.And of course we cried. Not the first time for this sweet gentle friend,and Im sure not the last time either.

We looked down at her lying there,and she looked just like she did for so much of our life.

Sleeping peacefully.


I can certainly understand your devotion to a dog no one wanted. Every dog we have had has been a stray that someone tossed away, but I believe they can be the most loving of all. It seems they have the uncanny ability to realize they were mistreated by one human, but this human deserved love in return for giving them their life back.

In the last two years we have faced the inevitible decision to put a family member to sleep. Fatboy was a nine year old son of PUPPY, a beautiful little stray we took in. Lucky was a stray all to himself, who went through heart worm treatment and survived for another nine years. For two years, we gave Fatboy insulin shots and cancer drug for diabetes and Cushing's disease. Toward the end, all Fatboy would do was drink and throw up.

Just as you did, I sat up with him two nights straight, holding and trying to comfort him. On Monday, I knew what I had to do. Fatboy had been king of the roost and a very comical guy. I had never known such heartbreak as admitting it was the end for him. Being a combat veteran, I have seen and experienced many heartbreaking things, but this was the worst.

Then, two years later, Lucky suddenly bedcame ill and was diagnosed with the same illnesses that had afflicted Fatboy. But it was only five days until he was on deaths doorstep. Lucky had taken over as king of the hill, when Fatboy was no longer around, herding Puppy and her other baby, Tubby, wherever he saw fit.

When Lucky showed up on our doorstep nine years before, looking for a home, he had to be the most mistreated dog ever. Beneath about three inches of matted fur was a beautiful silver poodle. It broke my heart when I saw him in the condition he was in when he arrived. But, we were able to give him nine years of a good, loving life, which I am sure he would never have known had he not shown up at the right door. We gave him nine years of love and care but, more significantly, he gave us nine years of love and devotion.

I've often said that if only people could show the same kind of love and devotion as a mans dog, the world would be a great place. But, only a pet animal returns nothing but love for love and does it for the span of their life.

Bill MacWithey


Bill,I was a cop(retired) for almost 28 years and have witnessed man's inhumanity to man so many times.

And the cruelty that some people have for animals as well.

But I got nothing but love and devotion from any animal that came into my life.

We all could take lessons,no,get a degree in love,taught by our fur friends.