Echinacea & elderberry tincture ?

Vere My Sone

1. would it be better to use fresh berries or dry them and then use them
2. if fresh, do I store them in the frig until they are all collected, or go ahead and start them in vodka?
3. should they be crushed or left whole

1. basically the same questions-fresh or dried
2. what parts are the best to use
3. ground up?

is the basic principle the same for both
1. cover with 2" of vodka in glass jar
2. for 2 weeks
3. shaking each day
4. then strain, and if Echinacea then do it again with more parts in the same liquid

thanks for your help


Veteran Member
I think fresh is always best. I made elderberry for the first time last year. I put them in a jar, and covered them with vodka. I think I mashed them a little as I stirred them. I left it sit for a couple weeks, stirring every day, then strained it and put it in the cellar. If you can't get enough all at once I would think it would be better to freeze them until you have what you need. But you probably could go ahead and put a small amount in and just add more vodka when you add more berries. Hopefully somebody who really knows will answer too. I don't know anything about the echinachea though.