Livestock Down on the Farm

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
So…..this morning (we have our own dairy cows and raise occasional bucket calves from the local sale barn) I go out to do chores and am halfway through when I notice a very small chocolatey brown calf standing behind my smallest up and coming sale barn calf (150# Hereford bull).

In my defense……I did notice that my Jersey was “showing signs” about ten days ago……but have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how, who, when, where she was in with a bull.

This one is new to me……

Very healthy, dry, up and running heifer.

Should I buy a lotto ticket ?

(purely anecdotal, never played/never will, but…..)

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
So do you have a recipe for veal?


The powerball is up over $800 million.

Hell, before this thread is through, we’ll surely think of somethin’.

Doesn’t have to be veal…..

Clabbered milk recipes, anyone ?

Cottage cheese ?

Yogurt ?

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We once purchased a cow who was EIGHT DAYS fresh with her first calf.

Exactly 9 months later, she had a full term calf.

Until then, vets told me I was crazy for saying I was seeing signs of a very early heat cycle on some cows... my experience was with horses, who routinely have a "foal heat" approximately 10 days after giving birth, so it didn't seem that strange to me. But it was considered "impossible", or at least very, very rare.


Still, nothing beats Irish Dexters for "surprises"! We had a crippled calf ( mama hid her in the round bale feeder... hubby dropped an 800# bale on top of her, ruining her shoulder) who hadn't shown any signs of heat by 14 months of age. We put her on the list for the vet to check, but before he arrived for a routine herd check, she produced a tiny, full term heifer calf. Meaning she got pregnant at 5 months! And since we always pulled the bull out from the mama's with calves for the first few months, she was impregnated by one of three bull calves... all of whom were over a month younger than her!

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Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Trouble this time is…..I have zero recollection of having a bull anywhere near mature enough…..9 months ago.

She was a year open, at that time.

She dried herself up….6 weeks ago ?


Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Anytime is time for sex. Even for…

I mean anytime is time for Gran Marneir. Sorry.

Well…..when I was in the fifth grade….I had the strangest dreams about my teacher…….


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