POL Does Amybody Know If A Red Heifer Actually Got Sacrificed?


Veteran Member
There is no rush needed on the Heifers, no specific date needed to do it by. So given what is going on, it is likely in their best interest to wait or do it and not draw attention to it to fuel the fire.

The ashes of the heifer are what is needed to purify a temple or tabernacle, or to be used in cleansing ceremonies (for things like leprosy or other uncleanliness). Since those ashes can be stored indefinitely and the Temple itself isnt even built, no rush on it. Also, they did this for hundreds of years without a temple building but in tents/tabernacles.

This isn't the big end all be all prophetic event people are pandering for your likes for on YouTube. Yes, it would be needed for temple purification should the new temple be built, but the Temple is the prophetic event itself. The heifers can be sacrificed at any time and burnt as the offering and the ashes stored for YEARS.

We are close to the End Times (as in "End-End" times events). But I still think it is a bit out. I definitely think it will happen in my lifetime or my sons. But there are a bunch of players still not in line for prophetic events. It could happen in the next few years, but it is not so close that I think we have months or weeks. This is my personal opinion, but at the very least, 5-10 years out, probably even longer than that.
I agree with everything you said except when you said that there is no rush needed on the Heifers, no specific date needed to do it by. The longer they wait, the more chance that a blemish or some other imperfection could appear on the heifers, so I do think they have to go ahead and do the sacrifice very soon. But after that, they can save those ashes and use them sometime in the future.


Let's Go Brandon!




Veteran Member
Any speculation on how the Golden zit gets popped. Mine is a missile attack on Israel and the only one that gets threw hits it .. it will be perceived as gods will and it won't be allowed to be rebuilt. Or maybe a earthquake . At one point Isreal held the temple mount and gave it back thinking one good turn leads to another. Boy were they wrong.