Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Now that we patriot types have been officially targeted by Obama, Jaret et al for the concentration camps, I was just wondering if anybody else was thinking like Doomer Doug is thinking.

What Doomer Doug is thinking is since the vast majority of the people impacted by Superstorm Sandy, not all of them, but most of them, are true believing OBAMABOTS, why should we red state thinking types care anymore?

I know some of them were flooded out of their basement apartments and fled for their lives with their cat and clothes, but most of them simply didn't prepare for any natural disaster. Further, they continued to elect Obama supporting liberal morons who have failed them big time. And finally, Doomer Doug very much sees the entitlement mentality, of the government will take care of me in New York City.

Doomer Doug will not give any money to the Red Cross for Sandy relief. Doomer Doug will simply allow these Obamabots to experience the logical consequences of their liberal mindset and ideology, as well as deal with FEMA et al and their usual bungling. I realize they are hurting, but now that the Marxist in Chief stole the election I no longer care. I hope they don't die en mass from governmental stupidity and bad weather, but you know, STUPIDITY SHOULD BE PAINFUL!

So, does that make Doomer Doug a mean cretin or not<G>

I think it will be another two weeks or so before both the subway system and the electric grid is back up. And I am wondering how many are going to die during that timeframe?

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
I for one am with you. After looking at the electoral maps, I decided that I could give a rats ass about the people in the Northeast.

Jeff B.


Time Traveler
I don't hold it against them, they are products of their environment, and the left is mighty good at mind control techniques to get people to think their way. Most, if they were immersed in a conservative area, would come to understand what oboingo truly represents and evolve into a thinking, fact based American. Then there are some who will never get it.

Furthermore, I do not believe oboingo was elected, he was given tallys not his via vote fraud on a massive scale, if true numbers came out, I'd bet he got around 27% of total votes. I'm far from the only person who believes this, btw. How can I be upset at people who are victims of one of the biggest scams in history?


Excuse me but I didn't vote for the gentleman in office. I do, however, care very much about the people who are cold, wet, hungry and totally miserable circumstances that they did not make. Interesting that our government cannot take care of our own but we can move ships, planes, etc. all the way across the world if needed almost overnight. Anyone ever hear of Federal Express Overnight mail??? Our Government should take lessons from them perhaps.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
I agree with you on the vote fraud. In fact, I wrote a blog entry about it election night and called for Obama's impeachment. yeah I know<G>

Nope, I live in Portland and don't make excuses for liberals. They accept this mindset and make no effort to think at all. It is on them imho.


Techno Junkie
Hate to say it but I feel the exact same way. They want Obama, screw em, let them experience what Obama World is like. I know its not politically correct to think this way, but I was never good at that PC Stuff anyway.

Kathy in FL

While I have compassion, that doesn't mean that I'm going to go dig them out of the crud they buried themselves in. Sometimes people need to learn to do for themselves or they are going to find themselves done in.


Brown Coat
No reason for me to worry, Ozero is gonna take good care of everyone. I have heard it enough, so now that is how I am gonna respond.

Wanna donate to help the poor starving afrikans, no I don't have to ozero the hero is gonna take care of it.

See how simple things are now. Just let ozero handle it all.

Of course seems like lay offs and closings are up while the stock market is down, but no worries, ozero the hero, will take care of everything, no reason for anyone to work or save or anything, just sit and wait on the unicorns to come crap skittles and malt liquor.


Veteran Member
I didn't vote for Obama; in fact my county didn't either. But I live in a blue state...am I painted with that brush?

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
so do I

Doomer Doug lives in a state so blue you would think they are smurfs!

One of the long lasting impacts of the 2012 stolen election is a lot of red state thinking people physically located in blue states are going to think real hard about moving. If Doomer Doug had the money he would move out of Oregon pretty fast. The blue states are blue; the red states are red. The entire area impacted by Superstorm sandy, with the exception of West Virginia and Virginia, is DEEP BLUE. The large majority of the people who live there are Obamabots. Again, not all of them and there are pockets of red, like upstate new york state for instance. However, Superstorm sandy impacted blue obamabots who are now hurting due to their own lack of preparation, the failure of the liberal morons they elected, repeatedly, to office, and the federal government, fema et al, they believe in to help them.

And under those conditions, no Doomer Doug doesn't really feel much for them at all in the context of a STOLEN ELECTION AND A MARXIST DICTATOR.

Like I said, I hope they don't die en masse, but it is on them.


TB Fanatic
Let them suffer. It will make Obama look bad.

Until conservatives learn to fight back we will be like long lines of British redcoats just standing there waiting to be shot by townspeople hiding in the trees.
That means learning to strike at the cancer of liberalism whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.
Alinsky taught liberals this decades ago.

Sandy represents an opportunity. Take a lesson from the enemy. Rahm Emanuel said "Never let a good crisis go to waste"


Constitutional Patriot
Their carelessness is not limited to they themselves. As taxpayers we have to hold accountable all those who adversely impact our nation as a whole. The less people that prepare and take care of themselves, ones who don't have the sense to minimize damages to themselves and the rest of us don't deserve much sympathy when they had clear warning. Their pure ineptitude is costly in so many ways it is mind boggling. I'm SO tired of the nanny state mentality, it's just another form of entitlement, a clear indication of the dependency of a broad cross section of American upon Uncle Sugar or in other words, the taxpayer.

They aren't getting diddly from me, emotionally or financially, at least as much as I have control over.


Veteran Member
I feel bad for for them but I have reach the point that "they can just wait for Bozo."

I will not send another dime, to any disaster in any BLUE STATE.

Broad brush? yes but that's the way it is NOW. :shr:


Came This Far
While not everyone of those people voted for Obama. Most of them did. So most of them voted for the government to take care of them. So be it.

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
I agree they can wait for Obozo to help them out, I will not help the people who have been trying to run my life.


Hate to say it but I feel the exact same way. They want Obama, screw em, let them experience what Obama World is like. I know its not politically correct to think this way, but I was never good at that PC Stuff anyway.

Yep... Let the ****** come to their rescue... Those who are members of TB2k are of strong constitution and can deal with this and come through with flying colors... The rest of the N.E. may freeze...

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
Have to say, yes am less concerned for these Obamabots - Whiniers it seems! Here in Jackson Hole, one can pick out real quick the ones who come out here from like the northeast or california for they become the most rudest obnoxious people around it seems ... so competely unfriendly it seems! In how many ways did they bring this on themselves with living in some overcrowded city and being unprepared for anykind of disaster. And when a disaster strikes, all they can do is whine and whine and whine! If they had some preps on hand like most here, they would not be whining. Then Let Them Suffer! again to me how much of their suffering it seems they have brought on themselves it seems to me. And all now they can hollar is government help me! Jeminy Crickets!


On TB every waking moment
Let them suffer. It will make Obama look bad.

Until conservatives learn to fight back we will be like long lines of British redcoats just standing there waiting to be shot by townspeople hiding in the trees.
That means learning to strike at the cancer of liberalism whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.
Alinsky taught liberals this decades ago.

Sandy represents an opportunity. Take a lesson from the enemy. Rahm Emanuel said "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

Sorry, but what is looking bad is the power company courtesy of the MSM. You seen any Katrina/FEMA incompetence type coverage? Nope, all I see is people in a fury over the lack of power. Last I heard, they were demanding that the Army come in and restore power.


Veteran Member
I guess I'm with ya on that one Doomer Doug.

I know that not everyone in those effected areas is a complete $#%hole but, I'm good with a "broad brush" approach as Sasquatch put it.

Love Dosadi's post - bobo will take care of everything! No need to worry or donate! Have to remember that from now on. :D


Veteran Member
Save the cat, but piss on the rest of them, let Obama dirty his hands for once and learn to actually do a job and bear a hand....the bastard.


Well, I am in a blue state with a Romeny bumper sticker on my TRUCK!! Not too bright I know, but I am making a statement with it.

I did send money. I send money to our wounded warriors too every time I have a dime that I can squeeze out of the budget. I don't think the O's are going to take care of those youngsters. I suppose those of you above this post all say to heck with each of those kids too. After all, they probably aren't yours now are they? If they are, I pray for them every day. I don't care if they are from a blue state....BECAUSE their blood is RED!!!


Membership Revoked
An additional question is: how much love will "Zer0" have for those folks now that he got most of their votes.?????

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
None of those Sandy states were in play.

We KNEW they were going to go where they did.

I fail to see the cause of the outrage...


Veteran Member
You who espouse such hatred have no heart.

I, among many who presently languish in the deep blue of Long Island NY,
have been "un-homed" for some years,
in no small part due to our goobermint's generous subsidising of "tech" persons,
so long as they are *not* 'mercans.

Not all who languish in the shadow of BLUE metropoli, are gibsmedats.

I, for example, have NEVER applied for nor received, any "public" (aka: out of YOUR pocket) services.

This so, despite being 'un-homed' for some years now,
due to being unable to earn much more than what keeps my marginally-mobile abode 'legal'.

Shame upon all your Better Than Thou prideful and stone-hearted posts and boasts.

Broad Brush indeed.


Remind me again, what were the SEVEN Deadly Sins?

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
grasshopper and ant fairy tales come to Doomer Doug's mind. The parable of the ten virgins, five wise and five stupid comes to Doomer Doug's mind. Nope, Doomer Doug will not let these OBAMABOTS play the guilt trip again, or the I'm so hurting trip/mind game again.

sorry for your situation, but these people brought it upon themselves in terms of the storm response. They failed to prepare. they voted Bloomberg in three times. There is hard hearted as in cruel, vindictive and mean. And then there is TOUGH LOVE, as in you pulled the pin on the grenade, so you deal with the shrapnel.

Doomer Doug is also reminded of one of the Batman movies, christian bale and liam nesson, one with the tibetan slide. Bale/Batman saves Leeson from going over the edge of the mountain. Later, when Nesson is revealed to be the bad guy, Batman and him are fighting on the top of the train. And Batman says to Neeson, "I won't kill you, but I won't save you again." Batman jumps off the train and Nesson goes boom. This is where Doomer Doug is regarding ALL OBAMABOTS. I won't kill you, but I am FINISHED DEALING WITH YOUR MINDGAMES AND SAVING YOU FROM YOUR OWN STUPIDITY, ARROGANCE AND FOLLY.

You Obamabots have created the miserable conditions you now exist in. Not the storm, but the response to it is on you. It is called personal accountability, responsibility and the 7 P's: Proper preparation and planning prevent #$$$$ poor performance. At no level of individual life, government life, or corporate life does DOOMER DOUG see anything resembling responsibility, planning or intelligent resonse to this storm. And you are going to have to deal with it by yourselves as far as I am concerned. I guess the Obamabots have abused us patriot types one too many times. You are on the top of the Sandy train. It is crashing. Doomer Doug is jumping off, and YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. May your messiah Obama the Marxist dictator save you; may Bloomberg, Cuomo and the now proven to be a sellout Christie protect you. May FEMA et al protect you. For we much abused patriot types will no longer do so. You have insulted us once too often. you have abused us once to often. You go your way, and we will go ours, just like Abraham and Lot did.

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
These are the people that forced the wolves on us that have wiped out our big game herds, shut down our logging industry, closed the roads in the National Forest, forced more wilderness areas on those of us who live in the West so I don't give a rats ass what happens to them.


Veteran Member
IMO...........help people one to one...those you know personally...........anyone who thinks this Gummitup will do diddly for the storm victims is dreaming.....remember the Georgia Guidestones....tptb want us to be helpless and die at their leisure..............I wouldn't give one cent to the Red Cross...too much overhead $ demanded by them....just as a small example...my late father-in-law fought WWII in the South Pacific and when he got home after four years of hell..............the Red Cross wanted the soldiers to pay for any donuts or milk laid out on RC tables!!

The Salvation Army freely gave the soldiers whatever they had..........just to say.......some will help some won't......choose wisely...


Membership Revoked
My taxes are too heavy to even think about helping someone else--except the local church of course. I suspect many are in the same boat as me, taxed to death which results in less giving. That's what the dirty liberals wanted to they'll now need to live with their decisions.


TB Fanatic
DoomerDoug Christie was a sellout, wasn't he.
His keynote speech was all about him.
He telephones Obama to congratulate him. He emails Romney.
Wouldn't surprise me if he becomes a democrat soon.


Veteran Member
I didn't give a rats ass about them before Sandy, after Sandy or since they voted Obama back in...they're New York/ New Jersey liberals..I despise their very existence.


Membership Revoked
Let them suffer. It will make Obama look bad.

Until conservatives learn to fight back we will be like long lines of British redcoats just standing there waiting to be shot by townspeople hiding in the trees.
That means learning to strike at the cancer of liberalism whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.
Alinsky taught liberals this decades ago.

Sandy represents an opportunity. Take a lesson from the enemy. Rahm Emanuel said "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

Perfectly said, they wouldn't give a rats ass about any of us, I hope they all rot and take their "New York is the center of the world " view with em, so long slugs


Has No Life - Lives on TB

No. I know what pain they are going through. They are Americans even though they really aren't as of last Tuesday. When they wake up to that fact their pain will double and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!


Actually, a lot of the hard hit areas housed a lot of Republicans there. Breezy Point, which pretty much burned to the ground, had a lot of cops and firemen that were not O-tards.

I just got back from there (tommorrow will post some observations, too tired right now) and I have to admit that my helpfulness dropped sharply right after the election, even though I have friends and family there. But then I remembered all the non-O-tards who got hurt in it and my attitude adjusted.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm having a real hard time keeping a Christian attitude towards them. I'm feeling more like Doug, so I guess I'm failing.

I'm in a blue state but it's the northern part of the state that decides that!


Veteran Member
Actually a lot of the people suffering are on Staten Island which is heavily Republican. The Borough President is a Republican. The super lib are in Manhattan and the Gibmedats are in The Bronx and Brooklyn.
As a conservative trapped in bluelandia I have some of the same thoughts.