Did Romney just win the election?


On TB every waking moment
Romney's Going to Win
By The Drive-By Pundit

After viewing Wednesday's presidential debate I continue to strongly disagree with the polls and with the conservative crowd who assume this election is far from over.

The election's been over for a while, only not in favor of the current president, which has been the meme of the mainstream media for months now.

Obama is toast so Mr. Romney, sir, let me be the first to call you in print, "Mr. President." Remember that when you get my application for a communications job in your administration.

Wednesday's debate revealed Obama isn't the greatest orator of modern times as he so arrogantly believes and as many dubbed him. He was defensive, hesitant, ill at ease and spent most of the evening mouthing one lie after another about his record and Romney's proposals.

I wasn't surprised. Obama's the equivalent of a basketball player who has a "sweet spot" on the court where he's virtually unstoppable. The best example is Kareem Abdul Jabbar and his famous "sky hook," the deadliest shot in NBA history. The key to stopping Kareem was to deny him his "sweet spot" before he set up there and launched it.

Obama's "sweet spot" is in front of a teleprompter. When he's there he's the silver-tongued lothario that slickly seduced a nation into electing him president four years ago. But when he's sans teleprompter and forced to speak extemporaneously, he's all "ums" and "ahs," displaying all the rhetorical skills and command of the facts as Mushmouth, the blubbering, slack-jawed simpleton from the cartoon "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids." Obama just dresses better.

For those still obsessing over the polls, Obama's performance should put some of your fears to rest. However, don't be surprised if Obama's six-billion-point lead over Romney doubles in the polls over the next few days. Ignore them and especially Karl Rove's weekly Electoral College map update on Fox News. I know Rove is on our side and Fox News is "fair and balanced" but I can't think of anything designed to depress poll-watching conservatives more.

By now everyone needs to be made aware of the flawed turnout models of most polls. The flaw is the assumption that Democrats will vote in the same numbers this year as they did in 2008. That's being intentionally done in an effort to give Obama the edge. Polls are the equivalent of talking trash in a basketball game, to continue with the earlier sports analogy. Players do it not just to berate but also to up their chances of winning by instilling doubt in the opposition. In this case by installing doubt in the minds of big-dollar campaign contributors who'd cut off funds to Romney if they sense he was losing badly, and the pollsters and media know that.

I was a lousy basketball player and I know when someone is talking trash. I was always the last player picked and then only to round out the sides. I was told if the ball came my way to not dribble it, pass it or shoot it. Just hold it until one of my teammates came to get it. On those rare occasions when the ball did come my way it would sail past me into the backcourt. The other team would retrieve it and score an easy two. My teammates would commence to talking trash to compensate for my shortcomings as a player and it usually worked. We won more often than not. Ninety-five percent of winning is believing you will.

Only the most partisan Republicans believed we would win in 2008. I didn't. The odds were stacked against us. The nation was tired of Bush. In McCain we had a candidate who was inarticulate and afraid to aggressively confront Obama for fear of being called "racist." Democrats were blessed with a candidate that knew all he had to do was stand there with sharply creased trousers, not make any major gaffes and look telegenic. It was over before it started.

The Afro Sheen is off the Obamasiah. The bloom is off the Wild Irish Rose of his presidency. There's nothing cool about the wisps of the mentholated Kools cigarette of his persona any more. (If you didn't get those last three jokes, run them past any Black person older than 40.) I couldn't be more confident of a Romney win than I am now. It's time to start filling out my White House job application.

Page Printed from: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2012/10/romneys_going_to_win.html at October 04, 2012 - 05:37:38 AM CDT

Before the debate started, I told the DW that O's game will be to look Kool and Presidential and let Romney look like a yap-yap dog. That what he is best at and is one reason why so many voted for him, that Koolness.

However, I said without a teleprompter, he might just come across as looking puzzled. Guess what?


Veteran Member
Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

Romney won!
Obama's done!

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
The problem is that, despite all the huge targets that Obongo has managed to set up in his utter incompetence, Romney is still only polling even with him. Romney should be way out in front by this point, and no amount of partisan polling (or reporting) should be able to cover it up. A dead dog should be able to defeat the Zer0 handily, yet Romney is barely holding even. Ultimately, Romney's just not someone the voters can latch onto strongly enough to say he's got a lock on the election. I suspect this will be largely a repeat of the 2008 election. Romney may get closer than McCain did, but the Zer0 will still edge out an electoral win, and will carry the popular vote (or it will be close enough that any recounts to prove otherwise would be counterproductive).


Veteran Member
The poles, in my opinion, have nothing to do with it. It is a democratic media reporting their results.

Just looking places like facebook and others at the responses I see on political comments (something I do to get my own "poll" results) many blacks and Latinos seem to be regretfully agreeing Obama did not do what he said he would. Many minorities are disappointed with Obama. At least that has been my observation.


Stone Cold Crazy
here is one little problem of EO's, the election count moved to Spain and who owns the boxes...

If no one actually voted for O he could still win and if the numbers start coming out in his favor who is gonna know whether it is reality or not?


Romney has it in the bag. Obama looked like the idiot he is. He was lost without his teleprompter telling him what to say. But don't kid yourself that Romney is much if any improvement. We will continue to go down the exact same road we are on. Did you notice since last night how the media is now in concert standing behind Romney for the most part? Our media is highly controlled. Not overtly perhaps but if you don't have the nod of TPTB your not going to get positive press. Heck, you might not get any press. Ron Paul's stances and policies are vastly superior to either Romney or Obama but Paul couldn't get any traction whatsoever. During the primary debates he was always on the end, hardly got any questions and was certainly marginalized. While at the same time Romney pretty much got the kid glove treatment. It's just very telling to me looking at Drudge this morning and reading the various articles from the mainstream media that there has certainly been a shift and it's in concert. Romney may not be the empty suit that Obama is but he is just as dangerous. Don't kid yourself.


On and On, South of Heaven
Romney may not be the empty suit that Obama is but he is just as dangerous. Don't kid yourself.

Which is why I don't understand all the excitement here?

All we are doing is cheering for our executioner...



TB Fanatic
Romney has it in the bag. Obama looked like the idiot he is. He was lost without his teleprompter telling him what to say. But don't kid yourself that Romney is much if any improvement. We will continue to go down the exact same road we are on. Did you notice since last night how the media is now in concert standing behind Romney for the most part? Our media is highly controlled. Not overtly perhaps but if you don't have the nod of TPTB your not going to get positive press. Heck, you might not get any press. Ron Paul's stances and policies are vastly superior to either Romney or Obama but Paul couldn't get any traction whatsoever. During the primary debates he was always on the end, hardly got any questions and was certainly marginalized. While at the same time Romney pretty much got the kid glove treatment. It's just very telling to me looking at Drudge this morning and reading the various articles from the mainstream media that there has certainly been a shift and it's in concert. Romney may not be the empty suit that Obama is but he is just as dangerous. Don't kid yourself.

I'm not kidding myself, but I'm willing to give Romney a chance rather than continuing with the current administration.



Faithful Steed
Which is why I don't understand all the excitement here?

All we are doing is cheering for our executioner...


Prolly true, but at least he's an executioner who realizes it is possible to kill the goose. Obama cares not.

Romney and his fat cat rich friends will collude to put all the rest of you humans on their "rebuild America" treadmill. And they will profit from you. And - surprisingly - it will work. America will finally rebuild a bit - or at least stay the downward progression.

This is what ANy farmer worth his salt will do. And any manager of a business. Romney is a consummate manager - it is what he does. You will be managed like at a bovine milking parlor (Heck, the local dairy even has a wide screen TV for the bovine to watch 24/7/365 - contented cows and all that.) The Gibsmedats will find this MOST objectionable - since their world consists of being fattened and feted simply for the occupation it gives their gatekeepers. Work they do NOT do.

But a milking parlor will be far preferable for you than being held in Obama hobbles. For you humans manacles. Both the figurative and the literal kind.



Veteran Member
Thought Romney rather mopped the floor with O. One question: Romney flatly stated that businesses do not get tax benefits for moving jobs overseas. True or false?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Obama's Attack of the Imaginary "Outsourcing Tax Break" Could Have Real Consequences

January 25, 2012
Like many I watched the State of the Union last night. I’ve also read it. And reread it. But for the life of me I still can’t figure out what President Obama was talking about when he said, “It is time to stop rewarding businesses that ship job oversees.”

I wasn’t the only one left confused.

“The truth is that not even Mitt Romney’s tax accountant could get him a tax write off for moving jobs to Bangalore. So what I the name of Warren Buffet’s secretary could Obama possibly mean,” wrote Shikha Dalmia of Reason.

And it’s not as if this was just a one-liner that some young speechwriter through in there just to play up the populist angle. Obama repeated it over, and over, and over.

“Right now, companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas.”

“If you’re a business that wants to outsource jobs, you shouldn’t get a tax deduction for doing it.”

“No American company should be able to avoid paying its fair share of taxes by moving jobs and profits overseas.”

“It is time to stop rewarding businesses that ship jobs overseas.”

Unfortunately for Obama saying something a bunch of times doesn’t make it true. The fact is, no such tax break exists. Indeed, the only thing that I can think of that Obama may be referring to isn’t a tax break at all, it’s a clumsy attempt to prevent America’s corporate tax code from being worse than it already is (which is pretty bad).

Currently, the United States is one of the few remaining nations to use a “worldwide” system that taxes business income earned outside national borders. The U.S. also has the distinction of having the second highest (soon to be the highest) corporate tax rate among OECD nations, and ranks and embarrassing 124th out of 183 countries worldwide in total tax rate faced by a typical corporation.

Those two facts mean that a U.S. based company that earns income in say, France, would pay the French rate, then turn right around and pay the U.S. rate on top of it. Not exactly a formula for success. To try and alleviate the burden, Washington came up with an overly complicated system by which we maintain our “worldwide” scheme but allow companies to only pay the difference between the U.S. rate and the tax they’ve already paid as well as delay that tax payment until they bring the money back to the U.S. (repatriate it).

This creates the odd incentive for businesses to leave their cash overseas rather than bring it home to invest, hire, or heck, even hand out in dividends.

It’s a complicated, mish-mash of a system that is ill-suited for the global marketplace. President Obama is right to cheerlead for its reform. But reform shouldn’t mean making it even more complicated and even more uncompetitive.

Sadly, that’s exactly what Obama sounds like he wants to do. Rather than reform the system to lower the rate and eliminate loopholes, President Obama wants to create more loopholes for certain favored industries (“high-tech manufacturing”) while enacting a de facto tax hike on multinational firms. This is no way to encourage firms to bring their profits back to our shores, it’s a strategy that incentivizes companies to move off our shores altogether!

Hopefully, Obama will read, and reread, this post until he figures that out.



The Wise Man Prepares
While Obama is not my cup of tea, there is something about Romney that I greatly mistrust. I really hesitate to vote for a man who has never known what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck or have any financial distress. He will be in the big bankers pockets all the way and he will never be for the little guy. Also he is a Mormon and there is something strange about those folks. No, my vote is for Obama as I view him the lesser of two evils.


Veteran Member
Thank you Duchess 47. I, too, have believed that companies got tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas. It appears it's a little more complicated than that. I wondered why the pundits didn't jump on Romney if what he said was out and out false.


TB Fanatic
Regardless of debate performance don't forget we are dealing with a party that doesn't mind dirty tricks. Remember how Bam Bam got elected to the Senate the first time.

Don't forget this is the party of "The Ends Justifies the Means"

Don't rule any low under-handed trick designed to fool the voters and trash the opposition. There is still plenty of time for that.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
While Obama is not my cup of tea, there is something about Romney that I greatly mistrust. I really hesitate to vote for a man who has never known what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck or have any financial distress. He will be in the big bankers pockets all the way and he will never be for the little guy. Also he is a Mormon and there is something strange about those folks. No, my vote is for Obama as I view him the lesser of two evils.

Tell me that's a joke. That Obama is the lesser of two evils. That the Marxist whose cabinet is filled with violent radicals from the 70's, whose JustUs dept refuses to prosecute radical black scum trying to intimidate voters, that runs guns to Mexican drug cartels, that subjugated us to radical Islamic nations, whose environmental regulations are choking the life out of the coal industry (where we are self-sufficient for hundreds of years worth of power), and who closed the ALREADY COMPLETED permanent nuclear waste storage facility, who.... Who....who....

I could go on and on. If you think for one instant that Obama is the lesser of two evils, you are patently insane.

And you know how I feel about Romney, and I'm still saying this..


Veteran Member
While Obama is not my cup of tea, there is something about Romney that I greatly mistrust. I really hesitate to vote for a man who has never known what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck or have any financial distress. He will be in the big bankers pockets all the way and he will never be for the little guy. Also he is a Mormon and there is something strange about those folks. No, my vote is for Obama as I view him the lesser of two evils.

Well, rmomaha, you are half right. Obama is evil, or the personification of same.



Are you sure about that?
Tell me that's a joke. That Obama is the lesser of two evils. That the Marxist whose cabinet is filled with violent radicals from the 70's, whose JustUs dept refuses to prosecute radical black scum trying to intimidate voters, that runs guns to Mexican drug cartels, that subjugated us to radical Islamic nations, whose environmental regulations are choking the life out of the coal industry (where we are self-sufficient for hundreds of years worth of power), and who closed the ALREADY COMPLETED permanent nuclear waste storage facility, who.... Who....who....

I could go on and on. If you think for one instant that Obama is the lesser of two evils, you are patently insane.

And you know how I feel about Romney, and I'm still saying this..

Yep. No argument with you there, Dennis.


Crew Chief
While Obama is not my cup of tea, there is something about Romney that I greatly mistrust. I really hesitate to vote for a man who has never known what it is like to live paycheck to paycheck or have any financial distress. He will be in the big bankers pockets all the way and he will never be for the little guy. Also he is a Mormon and there is something strange about those folks. No, my vote is for Obama as I view him the lesser of two evils.

Just a suggestion, you might want to do a little research before falling into the MSM spin about Romney. He has seen some tough times in his life, it might be why he decided to improve his "situation". Here's a link to his wiki page, you can read about his earlier life...


Here is a few lines from that page:
In July 1966, he left the country for a thirty-month stay in France as a Mormon missionary,[18][31] a traditional rite of passage in his family.[nb 2] He arrived in Le Havre, where he faced physical and economic deprivation in their cramped quarters.[11][33] Rules against drinking, smoking, and dating were strictly enforced.[11] Most individual Mormon missionaries do not gain many converts[nb 3] and Romney was no exception:[33] he later estimated ten to twenty for his entire mission.[38] He became demoralized and later recalled it as the only time when "most of what I was trying to do was rejected.

almost ready

It's not over yet, and the Chicago boyz will surely pull something dire and dirty. The question now is whether the American people will pay attention to them.

The MSM made the HUGE error of creating a very low bar for Romney to jump to give everyone a positive and welcome surprise.

The media portrayed Romney as flat-footed, out-of-touch, inarticulate and a slick business weasel. Never mind that those images are contradictory, they were meant for different audiences.

When he came out looking like a candidate, they all had pie in their faces.

The MSM has been self-selecting for dumb-as-dirt do-as-you're-told parrot boys and girls for many years. Jim Lehrer, in his 70's, is one of the few still on the box who has a lick of sense.

Which is why more people get their news online from sites like this than have great trust in the MSM news - 8% as of the last major poll. This last expose' of their fabricated lies about Romney will probably have driven that down to 5%. I'm just guessing cause 3% appears to be the immediate jump he got from the debate. More will trickle in. The obviously-fake unemployment decrease will send more over to the Romney camp.

Yes, it appears that Romney will win easily, barring a black swan event which by definition can't be predicted.