EBOLA Dallas: Workers Spray Ebola Patients’ Vomit Off of Sidewalk with Pressure Washer and No Pr


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So you prefer a crank handle and/or a paper towel in the trash over a touchless air dryer? I am thinking "lesser of two evils" situation here since WAY more diseases are only transmitted via "direct contact" rather than airborne. Looking at the bigger picture (beyond just Ebola) there are actually very few truly airborne diseases compared to the number of diseases requiring direct contact. I think I'll keep the touchless air dryer myself.

I crank the paper mech with my elbow, give it a good 7 pumps, grab the paper and then wash my hands. Turn the tap off if it's not automatic with paper towel after drying first and then whilst holding the paper on the side that didn't touch any fomite, I use it to open the bathroom door, hold the door open with my foot and do an absolutley perfect bank shot off the wall and into the basket everytime! :D

I know, it sounds complicated but my dad was well known in the health biz back in the day and we learned to do things this way. My friend thought we were weird and now as adults, they do it. V


On TB every waking moment


He was cleaning a contaminated car and had *skin* exposed?

Holy moly.

Sounds like this is HIGHLY contagious.

Exactly why I posted this on 8/01 on one of the main Ebola threads after I heard a doc on TV.

08-01-2014 09:16 PM #677

I haven't read the last page or so, but I have seen people on this thread or the other one mention not touching eyes, nose, etc and having hand sanitizer.

The CDC or WHO doc I saw on TV (CNN) last night said it enters thru the pores on our body and that even touching something with bare/exposed skin or even thru materials that are not impermeable is enough.

He was talking about coming into contact with sweat or some other form of contamination and said that as soon as it contacts the skin "too late, you got it".

I think people need to think way beyond how much hand sanitizer they will have on hand.


There are several reasons for outrage here, not the least of which is that incredibly expensive Federal bureaucracies like the CDC don't have their s**t together enough to handle basic decon in a professional and timely manner. Heads should roll over this and possibly see criminal charges, but as we all know, our unnaccountable Federal lords will never be called to account. Disgusting.

Best regards


Stupid rules for stupid people who tolerate stupidity.

This one will only cost us about 35% of the total population...

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
There was actually study to see how filthy things like unwrapped mints in a dish at a restaurant were and which we've all seen this. Well, the test came back that the little butter mints were steeped in fecal matter.

Also, one should always carry their own pens for writing checks/signing charge slips instead of using the ones at the counters. Teeming with fecal matter and other delightful critters. V

that thought just gave rise to another: when you hand your credit card over to the waitress to charge your meal, and she disappears and reappears with it again, after touching how many other cards that same dinner? oh yeah, and btw, what about all the workers out in the back room, fixing meals, maybe laughing and coughing etc around the food about to be served to you? wow. i am losing my appetite...

a wierd thing happened to me at the end of July as i was driving thru a toll booth in Portland. i had to stop and give the guy a twenty and as he passed change back to me he asked me if the ten dollar bill was ok, because if it wasn't we would have to wait for a trooper to show up. i mentally went, "huh?", looked at the bill, looked a little used but not nasty or torn and said it looked ok to me, and then he handed me a bunch of one dollar bills that definitely looked crinkled and nasty, which i gingerly accepted and placed at arm's length over on the empty passenger seat, at which point i realized that the nastiest thing on our persons are our billfolds, and that this ebola stuff (still firmly ensconced in Africa back then, a mere 2 full months ago...), could become a real problem sometime soon.


Country exile in the city
that thought just gave rise to another: when you hand your credit card over to the waitress to charge your meal, and she disappears and reappears with it again, after touching how many other cards that same dinner? oh yeah, and btw, what about all the workers out in the back room, fixing meals, maybe laughing and coughing etc around the food about to be served to you? wow. i am losing my appetite...

a wierd thing happened to me at the end of July as i was driving thru a toll booth in Portland. i had to stop and give the guy a twenty and as he passed change back to me he asked me if the ten dollar bill was ok, because if it wasn't we would have to wait for a trooper to show up. i mentally went, "huh?", looked at the bill, looked a little used but not nasty or torn and said it looked ok to me, and then he handed me a bunch of one dollar bills that definitely looked crinkled and nasty, which i gingerly accepted and placed at arm's length over on the empty passenger seat, at which point i realized that the nastiest thing on our persons are our billfolds, and that this ebola stuff (still firmly ensconced in Africa back then, a mere 2 full months ago...), could become a real problem sometime soon.

I thought about that this afternoon at the gas station, buying a coffee----$2.something, gave him $3, got back change---and cringed as the coins dropped into my hand and I put them in my purse, thinking how many hands have touched them...

My mama always used to say money is the dirtiest thing we touch...

I've been thinking lately how PERFECTLY the RESULTS of this ebola pandemic will set the world up for 1-world government---

at the end of this, so many will be dead that whole economies will crash, and even those that are still marginally functioning will have a heck of a time figuring out what belongs to who (in bank accounts) when SO MANY are dead---and if we end up being as bad as Liberia in 4 or 5 months, then so many will be dying so fast that accurate, reliable records of WHO has died and PROOF of their death will even be hard to come by---

an identity-theft nightmare....

on top of that, the FEAR in the survivors of STILL catching ebola will be great---and by then they will NOT be able to HIDE that it IS and WAS FAR MORE CONTAGIOUS than the lying a@@holes are telling the people now---but by then EVERYONE will KNOW it.

Think they'll want to "touch" anything that has been touched by hundreds if not thousands of "unknown" hands before?

Cue the "cashless" society---and the "cardless" society, too----invent a NON-TOUCH method of personal ID and COMMERCE----CUE the "CHIP" (mark) that all a person has to do is HOLD UP THEIR HAND IN FRONT OF A LASER GUN at the register---no touching required....

Maybe they'll even issue the "chip" along with the miracle "vaccine" (antidote) that will "save" them from catching ebola...........implant both at the same time................