Consolidated Donald John Trump Inauguration Viewing and Reaction Thread 1-20-2017

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I don't mean to be catty but could the difference in the Wookie and Melania be any more distinct? One looks like a classy model (fancy that!) and the other...

Moochelle's hairdo is straight off the plantation, I swear to God...

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns

Still no pardon for Clinton!


Veteran Member
Buick, that is THE "wanted deal or alive" poster for the ages!!! I'm laughing my ass off!! and you're right, 50minutes to go and NO pardon for the biotch...


Look, I am a Member
The air probably smells a lot fresher today in DC as well .. far less Democrap smelling up the Capital


Veteran Member
I switched over to CNN for a bit, ahhh the butthurt of blitzer and tapper is strong today. I hope they have crying towels close by :)

almost ready

We're here! Oh, what a beautiful dress. I am stunned. This is fun. So looking forward to his speech. You know it's gonna be good.

Blessings and prayers to all. This is only the opening bell. Gonna be lots of work to do. Let's enjoy the party today.

Michelle looks relieved, and younger than she has in recent years. Melania is exquisite.


Veteran Member
Remember the painting American Gothic? That's what it reminds me of.


LMFAO....Come on youse guys. SOMEBODY on here has to have good photoshop skills....maybe bill and hill's picture in front of alcatraz.....with a caption saying. "America's NEW occupants of alcatraz or something like that....God, life is GOOD this morning. Thank you Jesus...


Veteran Member
We need to be praying...seriously...for Trump's safety while he's out in the open. Actually not just while he's out in the open. There are a lot of people who wish Trump out of the way.

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Blitzer and Tappers hemorrhoids are probably swelled to the size of golf balls today. Feel the pain.


Hoosier Gardener
I am looking forward to seeing Trump's hand on the bible and hearing him take the oath of office. After that, I will relax. I am watching three different live streams, all covering different things, but none of them are showing protesters. Did the protests fizzle out or is the media ignoring them?

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Hillary and Michelle exchanged pleasantries standing outside and now Hil seems to look at Michelle rather jealously.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Nasty Nancy Pelosi getting seated w/her husband. She's got some blue button pinned to her coat. Wonder what it says.


Man...they just showed Schemer and Pelousy walking side by side. I think I just vomited a little. Got to hand it to Hillary though she actually had the guts to show up. Hope she enjoys the show.


Veteran Member
and "ruffles and flourishes" played for the last time along with "hail to the chief" for barry....35 minutes to go...Hope they are warming up the chopper...