Conservatives Lost More Than An Election


Membership Revoked
Conservatives Lost More Than An Election

By Chuck Baldwin
November 7, 2008

This column is archived at

That Barack Obama trounced John McCain last Tuesday should have surprised no one. In fact, in this column, weeks ago, I stated emphatically that John McCain could no more beat Barack Obama than Bob Dole could beat Bill Clinton. He didn't. (Hence a vote for John McCain was a "wasted" vote, was it not?) I also predicted that Obama would win with an electoral landslide. He did. The real story, however, is not how Barack Obama defeated John McCain. The real story is how John McCain defeated America's conservatives.

For all intents and purposes, conservatism--as a national movement--is completely and thoroughly dead. Barack Obama did not destroy it, however. It was George W. Bush and John McCain who destroyed conservatism in America.

Soon after G.W. Bush was elected, it quickly became obvious he was no conservative. On the contrary, George Bush has forever established himself as a Big-Government, warmongering, internationalist neocon. Making matters worse was the way Bush presented himself as a conservative Christian. In fact, Bush's portrayal of himself as a conservative Christian paved the way for the betrayal and ultimate destruction of conservatism (something I also predicted years ago). And the greatest tragedy of this deception is the way that Christian conservatives so thoroughly (and stupidly) swallowed the whole Bush/McCain neocon agenda.

For example, Bush and his fellow neocons like to categorize and promote themselves as being "pro-life," but they have no hesitation or reservation about killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people in reckless and unconstitutional foreign wars. By the same token, how many unborn babies were saved by six years of all three branches of the federal government being under the control of these "pro-life" neocons? Not one! Ask the more than eight million unborn babies who were killed in their mothers' wombs during the last eight years how "pro-life" George W. Bush and John McCain are.

As a result of this insanely inconsistent and pixilated punditry, millions of Americans now laugh at the very notion of "pro-life" conservatism. Bush and McCain have made a mockery of the very term.

Consider, too, the way Bush and McCain have allowed the international bankers on Wall Street to bilk America's taxpayers out of trillions of dollars. Yes, I know Obama also supported the Wall Street bailout, but it was the Republican Party that controlled the White House for the last eight years and the entire federal government for six out of the last eight years. In fact, the GOP has won seven out of the previous ten Presidential elections. They have controlled Supreme Court appointments for the past thirty-plus years. They have appointed the majority of Treasury secretaries and Federal Reserve chairmen. They have presided over the greatest trade imbalances, the biggest deficits, the biggest spending increases, and now the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression.

Again, the American people look at these so-called "conservatives" and laugh. No wonder such a sizeable majority of voters yawned when John McCain tried to scare them by accusing Barack Obama of being a "big taxer." How can one possibly scare people with a charge like that after the GOP has made a total mockery of fiscal conservatism? That's like trying to scare someone coming out from a swim in the Gulf of Mexico with a squirt gun.

Then there was the pathetic attempt by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to scare gun owners regarding an Obama White House. Remember that John McCain is the same guy that the NRA rightly condemned for proposing his blatantly unconstitutional McCain/Feingold bill. McCain is also the same guy that tried to close down gun shows. He even made a personal campaign appearance for a pro-gun control liberal in the State of Oregon a few short years ago. In fact, the Gun Owners of America (GOA) gave McCain a grade of "F" for his dismal record on Second Amendment issues. Once again, Chicken Little-style paranoia over Barack Obama rang hollow when the alternative was someone as liberal as John McCain.

But the worst calamity of this election was the way conservatives--especially Christian conservatives--surrendered their principles for the sake of political partisanship. The James Dobsons of this country should hang their heads in shame! Not only did they lose an election, they lost their integrity!

In South Carolina, for example, pro-life Christians and conservatives had an opportunity to vote for a principled conservative-constitutionalist for the U.S. Senate. He is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, and pro-traditional marriage. He believes in securing our borders against illegal immigration. He is against the bailout for the Wall Street banksters. His conservative credentials are unassailable. But the vast majority of Christian conservatives (including those at Bob Jones University) voted for his liberal opponent instead.

The man that the vast majority of Christian conservatives voted for in South Carolina is a Big-Government neocon. He supported the bailout of the Wall Street banksters. He is a rabid supporter of granting amnesty and a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. In fact, this man has a conservative rating of only 29% in the current Freedom Index of the New American Magazine.

Why did Christian conservatives support the liberal neocon and not the solid pro-life conservative? Because the conservative ran as a Democrat and the neocon is a Republican. I'm talking about the race between Bob Conley and Lindsey Graham, of course.

Had South Carolina's pastors, Christians, evangelicals, and pro-life conservatives voted for Bob Conley, he would be the new senator-elect from that state. In fact, Bob was so conservative that the Democratic leadership in South Carolina endorsed the Republican, Lindsey Graham! No matter. A majority of evangelical Christians in South Carolina stupidly rejected Bob Conley and voted for Graham.

Across the country, rather than stand on principle, hundreds of thousands of pastors, Christians, and pro-life conservatives capitulated and groveled before John McCain's neocon agenda. In doing so, they forfeited any claim to truth, and they abandoned any and all fidelity to constitutional government. They should rip the stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego out of their Bibles. They should never again tell their children, parishioners, and radio audiences the importance of standing for truth and principle. They have made a mockery of Christian virtue. No wonder a majority of the voting electorate laughs at us Christians. No wonder the GOP crashed and burned last Tuesday.

Again, it wasn't Barack Obama who destroyed conservatism; it was George W. Bush, John McCain, and the millions of evangelical Christians who supported them. And until conservatives find their backbone and their convictions, they deserve to remain a burnt-out, has-been political force. They have no one to blame but themselves.

And since it is unlikely that the Republican Party has enough sense to understand any of this and will, therefore, do little to reestablish genuine conservative principles, it is probably best to just go ahead and bury the scoundrels now and move on to something else. Without a sincere commitment to constitutional government, the GOP has no justifiable reason to ever govern again. Therefore, put a fork in them. They are done. Let a new entity arise from the ashes: one that will stand for something more than just "the lesser of two evils." As we say in the South, That dog just won't hunt anymore.


Southern by choice
Very good article! And he's right, that dog wont hunt again. If people would vote their conscious and not the lesser of two evils crap we would all be a lot better off! It's way past time to stand up for what is right. Get involved at your local levels. You can make a difference.



I will not call the bastids "conservatives", they were all fakes.
RINO is the term, and it fits to a "Tee", here in Oregon the incumbent Senator Gordon Smith was a prime example, running ads aligning himself with such trash as Kennedy and Obama and then calling our Constitution Party candidate a "liberal" in the last days, pure desperation and it resulted in his losing his seat when it was obvious he was the liberal RINO and he had distanced himself from those voters he owed his seat to in his first races.
We did not leave him, he left us, as was the pattern across the nation, Our Constitution party candidate, Dave Brownlow only got 10,000 votes 6 years ago, this time he got 86,000+ and the difference in Smith's loss was about 1/3rd or less than that.
He, Smith was so busy pandering to the left he falsely believed the right was oblivious.
His mistake and a costly one.
Now we have two liberal Senators "representing" Oregon, the same "oregon" that was once again shown as a "blue" state on the electoral maps, yet only 5 counties seem to matter, once again rural Oregon is tainted by the leftist watermellons over in the Willamette Valley.
Voting on State or National levels is slanted to the left, rural Oregon has no voice.
I am disgusted.

NC Susan

help me do some arithmatic

Obama did NOT have a land slide

He beat McCain 51/49
but Obama spend more than a half billion dollars on the campain and McCain only spend a couple million.

I aint sure of the exact figures, but if you boil that down to votes, McCain spent a buck and Obama spent ten bucks for each vote.

again.......I gotta go find real dollar figures, and if anyone knows what they are before I get back please post them.


Heart of Dixie
help me do some arithmatic

Obama did NOT have a land slide

He beat McCain 51/49

Chuck Baldwin - "I also predicted that Obama would win with an electoral landslide. He did. "

I think the electorate is 364/163 which is the landslide he was refering too.

Popular is 65/57


Contributing Member
As an evangelical Christian, I find this article very offensive. No, McCain was not the perfect candidate, but after much prayer and consideration, I did decide to back McCain. He was the better of the two candidates. I do not feel that he was the lesser of the two evils, there was only one evil.

- Obama, our new president elect, has stated that he wants to take away funding from our military to use for a task force here in the states. He came right out and TOLD us a civilian force equal to our military would be needed. There will be a reinstatement of the draft to fill these ranks. Would this happen under McCain?

-I, an many others, still think Obama is a closet Muslim and for a fact was raised Muslim...McCain is not.

-Obama went to a church for 20 years and had no idea that his pastor was racist? Didn't hear anything like that about McCain.

-Obama is not only okay with abortion at any point during pregnancy, he is also okay with standing by and watching babies die after botched abortions. That shows great moral character, don't you think? Maybe McCain wasn't going to attempt to over turn Row vs Wade, but he wouldn't allow the abortion movement to go any further. Millions of babies lives would have been saved if McCain would have been elected.

-I don't recall McCain having terrorists that were like a father to him.

-There is a reason all of our enemies overseas wanted Obama to win. That alone should make you vote for the only other candidate that had a chance!

-McCain is a proven American citizen.

-Would McCain have elimination of all home schooling for a NWO socialist government ONLY education. No, but I can see Obama doing it.

I thought long and hard about who I was going to vote for and I decided to vote for the better candidate that actually had a choice. The above article makes Chuck Baldwin sound very bitter and I am glad that I didn't vote for him.

Red Baron

"Again, it wasn't Barack Obama who destroyed conservatism; it was George W. Bush, John McCain, and the millions of evangelical Christians who supported them. And until conservatives find their backbone and their convictions, they deserve to remain a burnt-out, has-been political force. They have no one to blame but themselves."

Good summation!

I am still trying to reconcile if the better term is Rhino or Neocon.

My own definition has a Rhino as somebody who just doesn't want to be called a Democrat. Usually the country club crowd that doesn't want to hang out with the lower class rabble but is stuck in a predominately Democratic District and offers themselves as an alternative, but not as a counter to liberalism.

A Neocon (New Conservative) is actually a converted liberal with a strong interest in foriegn intervention. A strange mix at face value but very clear with the current administration. 9/11 was the springboard for this new ideology.

The most important deviation from old school Liberals and Conservatives is the modern era's complete abandonment of the U.S. Constitution.

We need to get back to basics ....
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On TB every waking moment
Now the Dems get to go through the same process- only difference is blue koolaid versus red koolaid, and an audience that is a lot more gullible right now. Which is why the false Rep/Dem paradigm works so well. It takes true believers to make the system work, and the continual back-and-forth between Reps and Dems assures a constant supply of unquestioning true believers.



Veteran Member
'Scuse Me?

"I think the electorate is 364/163 which is the landslide he was refering too.

Popular is 65/57"

??? Is my math that bad? :shkr: 65 + 57 = 122.


Contributing Member
help me do some arithmatic

Obama did NOT have a land slide

He beat McCain 51/49
but Obama spend more than a half billion dollars on the campain and McCain only spend a couple million.

I aint sure of the exact figures, but if you boil that down to votes, McCain spent a buck and Obama spent ten bucks for each vote.

again.......I gotta go find real dollar figures, and if anyone knows what they are before I get back please post them.

That's exactly what Coulter said on Hannity yesterday - that this election shows the absolute "maximum" the (D) party can conjure up in a presidential race - an unpopular (R) not running, money out the wazoo, running a perfect campaign - yet Obama could "only" get +6 on the popular vote and a mundane EV victory. On to 2012!


This is exactly why so many of us voted 3rd party- we did not abandon the Republicans, they abandoned us. Won't get fooled again...


Thank you very much, Desperado. This needed to be aired.

I am a Republican, yet I realize it's impossible to escape these facts:
......but it was the Republican Party that controlled the White House for the last eight years and the entire federal government for six out of the last eight years. In fact, the GOP has won seven out of the previous ten Presidential elections. They have controlled Supreme Court appointments for the past thirty-plus years. They have appointed the majority of Treasury secretaries and Federal Reserve chairmen. They have presided over the greatest trade imbalances, the biggest deficits, the biggest spending increases, and now the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression.

So we know who was 70+ % in charge, we just don't want to face that fact. We just want to keep hollering "Well, the liberals did it ! They're worse !". Again, who was 70 % in charge, who could have undone it all ?

As far as the position against abortion, I'm tired of Republicans who simply walk to the mike and declare "I'm a'gin it !" and then do little else. They don't even beat the anti-abortion drum from their bully pulpits. Even Ronald Reagan wouldn't actually show up at pro-life rallies; he would "call in" a brief message of support, and the rallies were right there within walking distance of the White House ! He felt it was too politically costly to show his face !! Sorry, I'm not buying their claim of being truly anti-abortion any more - 35 years of this has shown it is little more than a talking point for Republicans. All it has done is put people who really oppose abortion to sleep. You do whatever you want.

Chuck Baldwin would have brought up progress reports in his fight against nationally-sanctioned abortion with every news conference. He would have proposed strategies and bills with every session of Congress, and taken his well-reasoned pro-life positions to the American people at every opportunity. He would have had an abortion litmus test for Supreme Court nominees - he said so. Finally, he would have opposed and attempted to abolish the Fed, that abominable usury machine that has ushered in all these liberal albatrosses ( like abortion ) over the years, via the social and economic misallocation their fiat money encourages. One sin begets another, and 99% of "evangelical Christians" have no misgivings at all about the usury business, a sin they have largely embraced for lo, these many years.

So, someone says a person taking such real and resolute positions could never get elected ? That says it all.....



Contributing Member
Republicans win when they are offer conservative

candidates; they lose with centrist candidates.

GB pretended tobe conservative, hiding his big spending/big government/pro-illegal alien ways. His weak response to terrorism didn't help either.

Illegal aliens will pour into this country, vote themselves a living by voting liberal.


Heart of Dixie
What kind oif math is that? Does that represent a mandate? I think not.

As much as you would like everyone to kowtow to Obama, it ain't happening.


It's a response to the math posed by NC Susan. Do you have a specific math question?


Truth is the millions of Evangelicals who voted for Bush twice, then McCain and others like Lindsey Graham of SC are the real posers and idiots.

Stop blaming the people you love and support for doing what comes natural to them i.e. act like big govt. liberals.

The idolatry here is that they would not vote for a man clearly and staunchly prolife etc yet they vote for those who arent' and solely based on their leadership's instructions. "VOTE REPUBLICAN NO MATTER WHAT."

It's a pipe dream that the Repubs will ever again allow a true conservative to win the nomination much less run and that Evangelicals will vote for ANYONE other than their party's anointed.

Yeah I know what am talking about in spades. Did my stint in the political arena.

Chef of the Future

Contributing Member
It will take a little time, but Team Elephant must be purged of the RINO, neocon, me too and the reach-accross-the isle liberal lite element. This means marginalizing people like McCain (he can't stay there forever). Message to Lindsey Goober Graham: What happened to Libby Dole will, hopefully, happen to you soon. Young, fresh true conservatives have to be promted at the local level. Paul Ryan in Wisconsin is a good example of this. He wins a congressional race in the heart of lefty Milwaukee County. The Big O was on track to stomp McCain very badly until Palin was put in and actually made it a contest. Palin, Ryan and other of these young Turk conservatives prove that if you got game, you get hired. You get voted in.


Membership Revoked
Chuck Baldwin is a narcisstic twit.

The writer intends there to be no counterweight whatsoever to the Obamanites for the next couple of decades. At that point, there will be no country to save.

Just because he feels he's bright enough to point out the obvious ("Bush is a liberal") does not support his contentions otherwise.

If he thinks the Constitution Party represents anything when it cannot even get its members elected to local school boards, much less to Congress or the Presidency than he's smoking crack.

He needs to get a clue.



Contributing Member
Truth is the millions of Evangelicals who voted for Bush twice, then McCain and others like Lindsey Graham of SC are the real posers and idiots.

I did vote for Bush and McCain, so thanks for that last statement. I guess it doesn't matter to you why some evangelical Christians voted the way they did, if you didn't vote third party you must be an idiot. Sorry I don't feel that way.

Chuck Baldwin is a narcisstic twit.

The writer intends there to be no counterweight whatsoever to the Obamanites for the next couple of decades. At that point, there will be no country to save.

Just because he feels he's bright enough to point out the obvious ("Bush is a liberal") does not support his contentions otherwise.

If he thinks the Constitution Party represents anything when it cannot even get its members elected to local school boards, much less to Congress or the Presidency than he's smoking crack.

He needs to get a clue.