Comments for The Reluctant Survivalist


Please post all comments to The Reluctant Survivalist here.

Author's Note:

This is a work of fiction. While based on real people, the events are the figments of the Author's wild imagination. The Author does not condone any illegal activities.

Also please note that while the main character was more prepared than the average "Sheeple", he got complacent toward the end when he "thought" there wasn't anyone around, and got sloppy.

Even when you're 100% prepared several things in a SHTF environment can kill you:

1) Dumb Luck - wrong place at wrong time.

2) Bad Decisions, or not thinking things through. If Nicole would have realized she was less than 2 miles from Borego Springs, she could have walked 2 miles East instead of almost 50 miles West to get to civilization.

3) Lack of will to Survive. While Nicole's husband was armed, She didn't like guns, and he lost his life defending her, when if she'd been armed and willing to use deadly force, he might have been able to act tactically, instead of exposing himself to direct fire, he could have sought cover, and shot anyone his wife didn't get.

4) Complacency!!!

This is the big killer. Sheeple live in Complacent Mode - "Nothing bad will happen to me." Survivalists/preparedness nuts have to be careful to NEVER get complacent. Even inside a fortress, there are ways you can die.

Thus Endeth the Sermon - Enjoy the Story.

If you want me to, I've got several other short stories I can post here. Also, I'm in the process of converting 15 stories I've written to Adobe Acrobat PDF files and copying to CD-ROM, and selling the copies. If anyone is interested let me know, then I'll ask Dennis if it's OK to advertise them on Timebomb.


The story was good. The lesson was better. It shows how easy it is for things to go south in a hurry just by becoming complacent. I think this story should be required reading.


KDOG's Domain

Contributing Member
Applause! **Warning - Possible Spoilers!**

Great story - I enjoyed it very much! :applaud:

As "foine" as Nichole was, she sure reverted back to "sheeple" mode, and unfortunately took Steve & her family with her. All their careful preps went down the toilet! :fl2:

At first, I was very surprised and bummed at the ending, but you did present an important lesson - complaceny kills! Not every story ends "happily ever after"... :bwl:

Any chance of you continuing this story past "the end"? We never got to see the Mini-Uzi's in action hehehe :sh1:

I look forward to reading your other contributions to this site. :usfl:


Good tale. Coupla comments: "Rudy" became "Jody" in a couple of places, and why were they collecting all the firepower?




I fixed the Rudy/Jody problem after the story was posted. They were collecting firepower because they were planning on surviving longer than they did, and they didn't want anyone else (MZB's) to get it.


