FOOD Christmas Dinner...


Saved, to glorify God.
I wish they sold BIG, HOLIDAY TV DINNERS FOR ONE on the holidays.
I think people would pay up to $5-7 maybe even $10 for one if they included “the works“ Turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes.mashed potatoes with giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, and a mini-punkin pie. Or a ham dinner. Buy a premade salad bowl, some egg nog, and youre all set to celebrate!
it would cost more to buy the ingredients to make it yourself.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I wish they sold BIG, HOLIDAY TV DINNERS FOR ONE on the holidays.

Our local HyVee does in the Deli section. Shoppers can get a hot meal or one they can reheat themselves. Maybe if you have a large store nearby that does, too. They are generally open from 7 am - 4 pm on holidays and serve until 2 pm.

That's my Plan C for Thanksgiving and Christmas if I'm too sick to cook or are just too involved in another project. (Which is also why I'll probably make beef stew on Christmas Eve.)


Saved, to glorify God.
Our local HyVee does in the Deli section. Shoppers can get a hot meal or one they can reheat themselves. Maybe if you have a large store nearby that does, too. They are generally open from 7 am - 4 pm on holidays and serve until 2 pm.

That's my Plan C for Thanksgiving and Christmas if I'm too sick to cook or are just too involved in another project. (Which is also why I'll probably make beef stew on Christmas Eve.)
That sounds good and pretty easy.
I just bought a boneless pork tenderloin at COSTCO for just under $17 ($1.99 lb ) and quickly, easily got sliced chops from it and got 15 zip lock bags of meals of two Thick, pork chops each bag. That is only a little more than $1 per meal for meat. I could make pork stew. Beef is too Expensive for me now. I bought a roast chicken at COSTCO too and got two zip lock bags, each with a thigh and leg, two with wing+ big hunk of breast attached, two bags with half a boneless breast and a seventh bag with (chicken soup fixings )the chicken back, neck,other bones, skin, fat, and gelled meat gelatine With a modest amount of chicken meat Attached. Thats 7 meals for $4.99
today, I froze a chopped celery bunch in 5 bags (for soup) froze 4 bags of chopped green onion, and now have to chop and freeze a bag of mixed color green peppers in about ten bags. I got my kefir grains (With little basket to hold em in milk) order and made a couple batches of kefir milk, it is easy, even if you dont know much about the finer points.

I got a quart jar of coleslaw fermenting on the counter for sauerkraut, and a bunch of heads of califlower (I chopped )I got them for reduced price at Fred meyer they are now sitting In the fridge pickling away with with onions, garlic, salt, vinegar and sugar .
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Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Beef is too Expensive for me now.

That's why I'm considering beef stew for a Christmas dinner (and beyond). Depending on the cut, the price per serving is under $3. One decent steak is around $12 here. I might spring for it if it's nice enough to grill since it is Christmas, but I'll have something a lot less expensive for New's Eve dinner if I do.

All of this is cheaper than going out for a $30/plate dinner, which wouldn't have leftovers.


Contributing Member
So excited! I just picked up one son flying from Raleigh to Columbus. Tomorrow the other son flying in from San Diego to Columbus. Haven't spent Christmas with all of us together in 9 years. Christmas dinner wiil be roast, scalloped corn, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, deviled eggs, cheese platter, rolls, apple pie, and lots of hugs and kisses! Did I mention that I'm so excited?!


Contributing Member
Yup, that is what we finally did after many, many years of hams and turkeys.

Beef prime rib is very easy to make and really makes a statement. Especially when the snooty in-laws are over. I serve it with parmesan asparagus, mashed potatoes, and gravy. Not a lot of prep or cleanup.

For starters, I like a cold shrimp platter and herring in wine sauce. Add some crackers and shots of Russian vodka from the freezer.

Da Komrade!
You are definitely the "MAN" Have a great Christmas. Majormarv ps my vodka is always in the freezer.


This too shall pass.
Ham, sweet potatoes (savory, not sweet), green beans with bacon, a little cranberry sauce. Pumpkin pudding for dessert (pumpkin pie minus the crust). I'll probably get some apple cider and make mulled cider.

It will just be the two of us (DD and myself), so I don't want to fix a big meal.
