CHAT CDC wants states to be ready to distribute COVID-19 vaccine as early as October


Veteran Member
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Looks like it's coming early...

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has asked state officials to be ready to distribute a potential coronavirus vaccine as soon as October.

According to documents obtained by The New York Times, the CDC has given states scenarios to help them prepare. The scenarios included prioritization for health care professionals and essential workers in the event the vaccine supply is limited.

Last week, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield sent states a letter asking them to waive requirements that might prohibit quick vaccine distribution, according to CNN. The CDC has asked that any restrictions be adjusted by November 1.

New CDC report shows 94% of COVID-19 deaths in US had contributing conditions
“Right now I will say we’re preparing earnestly for what I anticipate will be reality … that there’ll be one or more vaccines available for us in November, December,” said Redfield while speaking to Yahoo Finance.. “We have to figure out how to make sure they’re distributed in a fair and equitable way across the country.”

Companies that are preparing vaccines are also working on increasing distribution in the event their product is approved.

Three vaccines are currently in Phase 3 trials in the United States. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn has said it’s possible the FDA would authoritize an experimental vaccine before large Phase 3 trials have been completed.
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Veteran Member
Which vaccine is the “front-runner” for approval? One of those new-fangled RNA/DNA things that have never been approved before? “Old-school” vaccines seem safer.


Talk is cheap
What exactly do they plan on distributing? I didn't think there was anything close to being done.

Well, it would from Bill Gates interest, isn't that "Moderna?"

Wow, how handy!

It is actually a big lie perpetrated on the public. They had it all planned, all of it, I am certain, and developed the "vaccine" a long time ago. Their manufactured crisis is really being made the most of.

No vaccine for me...over my dead body.


In the crazy robot man reservation
Not taking the COVID-19 Vaccine is a form of reparations to all people and nations of color. The POC get an additional opportunity to be vexxed sooner, and this White Man may well die from COVID 19. And I only hang out with other White People so I may end up taking them with me, especially if they gave up their dose for people of color.


I don't GAS what they say. I live in a place that has never been brought fully into the fold of lawful society, the house we bought was owned by the local moonshiner. Except for the libtard karens it is live and let live, do and make do here. Too old and broke down to work, do not even want a job, I live within rock throwing distance of two other states and there are parts of the borders they are not real sure of yet up here. Yeah, the grabblement scares me plumb to death with their threats. I ain't gettin no covid shot.


Veteran Member
They are bi-passing it. I smell a disaster coming
Oh you know it!
Wait until the first one dies from side effects.
THIS could be the October surprise.
The news will run 24/7 about Trump’s failed vaccine that is killing people!
Then, in the corner of their channel screens, will be a running total of how many have died from it.
The Libs can’t wait to jump on him.


Membership Revoked
Well, it would from Bill Gates interest, isn't that "Moderna?"

Wow, how handy!

It is actually a big lie perpetrated on the public. They had it all planned, all of it, I am certain, and developed the "vaccine" a long time ago. Their manufactured crisis is really being made the most of.

No vaccine for me...over my dead body.
If I recall correctly, Billy boy has his fingers in three pies. And, you are correct, Moderna is definitely one of them. I just saw a scrolling news clip in our apartment building lobby that said they are to have it ready to launch by November 1. It's all a political play. Just like plasma. Rush it through only to have it brought back. They haven't even started to mass produce -- I don't even know which of the vaccines they are going to select. I heard the other day that it would be a six month process to make and distribute enough. After the election it will all just go away.... Phase 3 is a minimum of 18 months with a tenuous and often rigorous examination by the FDA that can take a year or more. Rushing it out when Phase 3 just started is just plain stupid. I can't imagine the FDA would do that.


TB Fanatic
thankfully, I am certain there is no way they can mass produce the 320 million doses needed for all americans.
and I know that they are not able to distribute 320 million vaccinations in one season.
and I know exactly what I need to have on hand for 90 days.

I will simply wait till you all turn into zombies


TB Fanatic
I posted this in the Covid19 thread. Dr talks about the rushed vaccine and the genetic modification proposed with it. R/T 22 min.

Yes, this has been discussed recently in other threads. DNA manipulation using RNA. The RNA reprograms the DNA do do whatever they want it to.

This is the new vaccine. It‘s not a traditional vaccine where ones body developments immunity. They will be altering our bodies. And yes, can kill off whoever they want.

I also have been reading about nano technologies for a while. I‘ve posted what they can do with this technology on a biological level. It got moved ... considered woo. But it’s real. Little robots on a cellular level that will do whatever they tell them to. It was interesting to hear her talk about them in that video.

just imagine as she covered ... Once given the vaccine they can monitor you anywhere and everywhere. They can use something as simple as your cell phone to see if you’ve been vaccinated. What ... what if ... 5G is part of all of this. Part of the way they will track you (us). And even control us on a biological level. Your cell phone just might decide how you’ll feel today, think ... or not.


Veteran Member
To me this is alarming and may just be the line in sand that cause me to take necessary, unwanted and planned actions. I'm trying to find the source, but I read somewhere that all testing that has been done so far, has only been conducted on healthy people. If a candidate has any type of health issue (obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc), they have been denied into the "testing" trials. I still haven't heard Trump speak about anything being mandatory, I'm thinking he leaves that up to the States, but he's really pushing an unproven vaccine hard, and I don't like that. If mask compliance is any indicator, I think it was a test of the public will, there should be no issues getting the general population vaccinated. Then there is the Gates Foundation, WHO, World Economic Forums really inciting the necessity of all this. We know they can't be trusted. Somebody needs to hijack the Idiot Box and tell the truth for awhile.


Veteran Member
Well hopefully all the little raging commies will take it willingly, die off, and leave us deplorables in peace, at last.

One can dream, right?
I have too many loved ones that are going to willingly take a vaccine. Reason and logic be damned, they have so much faith in the Idiot Box and the talking heads shaping their perceptions, all I can do is watch at this point.


Veteran Member
I have too many loved ones that are going to willingly take a vaccine. Reason and logic be damned, they have so much faith in the Idiot Box and the talking heads shaping their perceptions, all I can do is watch at this point.
Same here. I know of a few older conservatives, family, that want it.
They don’t want to catch The virus.
Says the government and Trump would never push for this if it was unsafe.
They think I’m paranoid and off my rocker.


with the numbers changing from 180,000 ish died to 9000 ish died, and now 90% of testing positive is wrong... and most standard flu vaxes thus far aren't all that effective and some cause big problems, and yet DJT and DOJ say nothing. crickets.
This crap is pre-scripted, pre-planned, and running on schedule.


Neither here nor there.
Well, it would from Bill Gates interest, isn't that "Moderna?"

Wow, how handy!

It is actually a big lie perpetrated on the public. They had it all planned, all of it, I am certain, and developed the "vaccine" a long time ago. Their manufactured crisis is really being made the most of.

No vaccine for me...over my dead body.

And this is why Trumps response to china when they claimed that the vaccine came from a US Army lab with "you know what you did, and you did a very bad thing" because they had stolen that virus from the US lab.


Veteran Member
Blue states will make it mandatory for school age children to physically go to school. Bet me.

Is your company "woke"?

Ours regularly posts Covid updates.. They're virtue signaling left and right! They have hand held laser thermometers, a $15,000 thermal camera, and just signed a $60,000/yr subscription for tracking of employees while they're on campus...

Do you actually think the HR department isn't going to issue "You MUST have the vaccine" mandate?

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
And this is why Trumps response to china when they claimed that the vaccine came from a US Army lab with "you know what you did, and you did a very bad thing" because they had stolen that virus from the US lab.

From what I read, that may not be true.
I may be wrong but in 2015 (until 2018) it became illegal to do research on these kinds of things in the US.
We provided $3.5M to the Wuhan lab to continue the research.

Sometimes, Trump shoots from the lip.