Can John Edwards Make a Comeback?

fruit loop

That mistress wasn't the only thing John screwed. I hope he doesn't make a comeback.

I am so ashamed for voting for that man for senator. Oh, the humiliation. Somebody grant me absolution.

Can John Edwards make a comeback?

NEW: Ex-Sen. John Edwards to debate Karl Rove Wednesday, paper reports
Former presidential candidate speaks Tuesday night in Indiana
Nearly three months ago he admitted to an extramarital affair
Professor: "Americans are very forgiving, and their memory is often short"

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By Alexander Mooney

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- John Edwards took the stage at Indiana University on Tuesday night for a discussion on the 2008 presidential election, but members of the audience may have had something else on their minds entirely.

John Edwards admitted in August that he had an affair with Rielle Hunter in 2006.

After all, this is the former North Carolina senator's first public appearance since his admission of an extramarital affair sent shockwaves through the political world more than three months ago.

Edwards talked about politics, poverty and his hopes for America and the world, according to The Associated Press. Afterward, he answered only written questions that had been submitted before his speech. The affair wasn't mentioned, AP reported.

The revelation, confirming a months-long investigation by the National Enquirer, was a political bombshell for the former candidate, who espoused moral values during his White House bid and whose wife is fighting a public battle with breast cancer.

The acknowledgment, during an ABC News interview in early August, was carefully timed to coincide with the opening night of the Olympic Games for minimum impact, and Edwards effectively went into hiding immediately after.

During the interview, Edwards said he had engaged in an extramarital affair with a former campaign staffer, Rielle Hunter, but he vehemently denied he was the father of her newborn baby.

The man who had been considered a major contender for the Democratic nomination instantly became a pariah in his own party and didn't merit so much as a mention at the Democratic National Convention a month later.

But with the 2008 presidential election officially in the history books, Edwards may be looking to accomplish what a handful of other national political figures have been able to do: successfully re-emerge from an embarrassing public scandal that by all appearances has left his political career in ruins.

It remains unclear how successful the 2004 vice-presidential nominee will be in that pursuit, but Americans have given politicians second chances in the past.

Political opponents and members of the media have written off Bill Clinton on more than one occasion after embarrassing sex scandals, and many assumed Louisiana Sen. David Vitter's career was done after his involvement with a Washington escort last year.

"It's possible that so many officeholders have survived sexual scandals simply because the public has a low opinion of politicians," CNN polling director Keating Holland said. "They may not be surprised that politicians are cheating on their spouses and may be more likely to forgive behavior that they assume is happening anyway."

But for every politician that has survived a sex scandal, scores of once-powerful men have not. Just ask former Democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart, former Republican Rep. Bob Livingston, or Democratic Rep. Tim Mahoney, who lost his re-election bid last week after an affair with a former staffer was disclosed.

But Edwards' future just may hinge on how he goes about re-entering the public sphere. While it remains a long shot that Edwards will ever run for office again, he could re-emerge as a powerful voice for a set of issues he championed during the Democratic presidential primary: poverty and healthcare.

"He needs to figure out what the Democratic Party needs post-Obama election and step back and think, 'Well, what can I bring to the table?' " said James Spellman, a professor at George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management. "It can't be all about him and his resurrection. It has to be about the benefits he can bring to helping the new administration and what he can do to help Obama and his team get the job done."

"Americans are very forgiving, and their memory is often short," Spellman said. "He can come back if he does it right."

The speech Tuesday night appears designed not to make a political splash -- no reporters or cameras are allowed in the room. But by all outward appearances, it is an attempt by Edwards to dip his foot back into the political waters after a three-month hiatus.

"Whatever he says, his speech is either going to be blogged or taped by people listening," Spellman said. "Social media technologies are such today that nothing is closed. Anytime you give a speech it's public."

Edwards is also set to make a public appearance in San Francisco, California, Wednesday -- and slated to debate former Bush strategist Karl Rove at the American Bankers Association, the San Francisco Chronicle reported over the weekend.

But even as Edwards is appearing to take the first steps toward a comeback, former supporters -- many of whom where blindsided by his admission of infidelity -- may be unwilling to give him a second chance this soon.

"I wish he would keep himself locked in a cave for a year," a former senior staffer to Edwards' campaign said. "The best strategy he could adopt right now is to stay below the radar and just be quiet and let people move on."

"Part of him wants to champion causes others have left behind, and there is a part of him that feels like his own personal mistakes should not sabotage the causes of poverty, but he is not the best messenger for that right now," the former senior staffer said


Membership Revoked
Of course he can make a comeback. He's a liberal, by definition without shame, regret or remorse. Silly question...


fruit loop

That's not relevant, Choc. His supporters have abandoned him in droves. The whole state is disgusted with this man.

He screwed his whole political career. I hope it was worth it.


Membership Revoked
That mistress wasn't the only thing John screwed. I hope he doesn't make a comeback.

I am so ashamed for voting for that man for senator. Oh, the humiliation. Somebody grant me absolution.

That's not relevant, Choc. His supporters have abandoned him in droves. The whole state is disgusted with this man.

He screwed his whole political career. I hope it was worth it.

What did you expect from a piece of sh*t ambulance-chaser like Edwards?


fruit loop

Not all lawyers are scum....a fair number of the founding fathers were lawyers.

Edwards is a POS, though. I hope his next $400 haircut turns him bald and his dick falls off.


keep your eye on the ball
Of course he can make a comeback. He's a liberal, by definition without shame, regret or remorse. Silly question...


Actually he is already making quite a comeback. He has just come out with a new 2012 campaign- complete with a great blues harmonica soundtrack. Looks like his new campaign is making quite 'the buzz' already.

Give it a spin...

I do have the right John Edwards?

NC Susan

Interesting time to "Come Out"

Edwards is Certainly preening for Obama. Must think he can grab a cabinet position somewhere in DC for creeps like John :fl2: Edwards is.

About that famous hair cut, was $400 but the round trip airfare for the Barber was $800 so its really a $1200. haircut :shkr:

I will always vote to Keep "takemoneyfromthesickbabies" ambulance chasing John in the compound with Elizabeth. No more shameless use of her cancer to advance his political platforms = personal revenue.


Membership Revoked
Not all lawyers are scum....a fair number of the founding fathers were lawyers.

Edwards is a POS, though. I hope his next $400 haircut turns him bald and his dick falls off.
And after that haircut turns him bald and his dick falls off maybe they can surgically reattach it in the middle of his chrome dome so that it flops around this way and that while he's speaking in public.

And he won't be allowed to wear a hat either!


fruit loop

Edwards might have made the list as Attorney General if he'd kept his fly zipped. I doubt Obama would pick him to empty the Oval Office garbage cans, so Edwards is attention whoring for nothing.

Brutus......hold that thought.


Veteran Member
Fruit Loop,

Can I say that I admire you for coming out and admitting you voted for him and you regret it?

We all make mistakes, and often we are making decisions without all the information we need to make good judgments.

It's all about learning from our mistakes and trying to do better. The first step is admitting there was a mistake, for whatever reason. We must all try to get as much information as we can to make informed political decisions and the MSM often hamper this effort by giving someone a free ride.

I don't agree with you often, but let me say, in this case you are my hero of the day.



Veteran Member
Okay. As a young hippie chick (choke), I (gasp) voted for Carter. What did I know? And did the leftists I hung with help me with an informed decision? I think not.

I regret voting for someone who placed the world ahead of his country. It wasn't what we hired him to do. Hope I know better now.


With the economy gasping for it's last breath I think voters are now more interested in electing anyone who can save this country.

People will care much less about what their candidate is doing in the bedroom. They'll be more interested in what kind of leader they are in the board room.


Membership Revoked
That's not relevant, Choc. His supporters have abandoned him in droves. The whole state is disgusted with this man.

He screwed his whole political career. I hope it was worth it.

I hear you. I was just saying that a "sin" that would blow a republican's career out of the water barely dents the bumper of a democrat. It's the system.



Membership Revoked
Loon said:
People will care much less about what their candidate is doing in the bedroom.
That's precisely the point. People *SHOULD* care.

It points directly to the type of person they are. People who screw around on their wives/husbands are generally untrustworthy all the way, not just in their marriages.



Yeah............too bad you can't legislate morality isn't it?

Maybe try the three strikes and you're out method.


Veteran Member
Absolutely not, there's no one left to come back too! They have left him and for good reason! You're out stumping about how moral one must be and in the back of the bus, plane, wherever, he's banging some other woman, HUH!!:shkr:

fruit loop

Thanks, Cleobc. While I'm confessing, I'll also say that I'm ashamed of voting for Mike Easley. (He didn't get my vote a second time, though....I actually voted for a Republican) instead.

I think the difference with Edwards is that his wife is terminally ill, and he was trying to present himself as a loving husband. I'm betting that poor Elizabeth is only staying with him because she wants to die in her own home.

I disagree that Edwards would get away with it because he's a Democrat....Gerry Studds got away with it, and he's a Republican.

Once again, assaholism is not exclusive to political party.


Sure he can make a comeback! Barney Frank [spit on his name] is still around isn't he? As long as we have a corrupt Congress, 'yes we can'.....


That's precisely the point. People *SHOULD* care.

It points directly to the type of person they are. People who screw around on their wives/husbands are generally untrustworthy all the way, not just in their marriages.


Can't tell you the number of times DH and I got into it over this very thing. He blew off Clinton's antics in the Oval because "Hey, the economy is good, so what?"

A lack of character is not a defect anymore; it's a virtue.


Ya know, there's something about politics, power, and sex. It's been going on forever. And I do mean FOREVER.

I used to wonder why men who had gained so much power, would risk it all for some stray nookie. But, not anymore. It's just part of it, and the only reason they go down, nowdays, is due to a press, that needs sex, lies, and videotape to gain ratings.

IMO, Edwards is done for. No more trips to the halls of power for this dude.

He got CAUGHT with his pants down, one too many times.


Thanks, Cleobc. While I'm confessing, I'll also say that I'm ashamed of voting for Mike Easley. (He didn't get my vote a second time, though....I actually voted for a Republican) instead.

....Gerry Studds got away with it, and he's a Republican.

Once again, assaholism is not exclusive to political party.

FL: Gayry Studds was a DEMOCRAT, not a 'Publican.

As to the mattter of the silky pony, how will we miss him when he won't go away?

Oh, and I will have to report you to the Democrat United Management Board for Antisocial Activities Security and Safety Department (DUMBASS) for voting for the Republican.


Membership Revoked
With the economy gasping for it's last breath I think voters are now more interested in electing anyone who can save this country.

People will care much less about what their candidate is doing in the bedroom. They'll be more interested in what kind of leader they are in the board room.

So ignore his lack of morality, proven adultery and his pathetic lack of common sense?

Good going.


So ignore his lack of morality, proven adultery and his pathetic lack of common sense?

Good going.

I don't think that is what Loon was saying. But, she can and probably respond herself. My impression is that she was making a very basic point about the economy, being the primary concern right now. It's is on everyone's mind. Much can be forgiven or ignored when survival may be on the center stage.

The election bares this out. Bam was elected because he convinced enough voters that his economic plans were better than MaC's. But I still think Edwards is done. . .

People many times vote for what they want to hear. Reality, may be totally different. . . . . .

We'll see soon enough. :shr:


Thanks Kadee, that is what I meant. :)

Anyone remember a man named Gary Hart? He was to run for President of the United States............until he got caught with a certain young woman on a boat called the "Monkey Business". She was sitting in his lap and that one picture sank his career. His wife stood by him like so many do it seems but his name just faded away. He risked his whole career for a party.

Anyone know the name Kennedy? If ever there were a family of cheatin men that was the family. Yet, their careers didn't seem to suffer. People love the Kennedys. Old JFK himself had women brought to him right in the White House. The media used to turn a blind eye to it all. It wasn't published. Wives turned their heads the other way. They knew. They accepted that men will be men and they enjoyed their lifestyle I think.

Along comes kindly and very moral Jimmy Carter. Elected after the Nixon Watergate scandle. People wanted honesty. They wanted someone they could trust. They wanted someone someone moral...........a good Christian. My son was born the day Jimmy took the oath of office. He turned out to be probably one of the worst presidents we've ever had. No, he didn't cheat on his wife, but he sure didn't know much about how to run the country.

So, now we fast forward to today. Who did we have running for President? McCain who cheated on his wife and wound up marrying his mistress. Of course, that happened a long time ago. It didn't seem to hurt his chances for running for President. Maybe it just takes a lot of time for the public to forget this moral mistakes. We had Mayor Guillani throw his hat in the race and we all know how many women he's had and how he dumped his wife for his mistress. He still wound up mayor of New York and was being considered for the nomiantion. Maybe marrying your mistress makes the infidelity more acceptable. I don't know.

Bill Clinton had been womanizing for decades I'm sure. He had a long time girlfriend in Arkansas when he was governor. It didn't stop him from being elected President. He even got elected a second time!

My point I was trying to make is that people seem to be more interested in getting someone into office that they think will get the job done. They are more interested in a balanced budget and having low unemployment and having a job and money to buy food with. What that President does or doesn't do in his marriage is not their main concern. They want a strong leader and if you look at history, most strong leaders were not always the best husbands.

Ok.........lets see............good husband vs. good leader hmmmmmmmm..... Does one necessarily equate the other? Does a good husband make a good leader? Does a good leader mean they have to be a good husband? Can a cheating husband still be a good leader?

It will be interesting to see how Obama fairs in the husband department. Many women literally throw themselve at the men in powerful positions. Michelle looks like she's going to stick to him like glue. :) The media will be watching and will report anything they can. Will people care? Or, will they care when the announcement comes along the lines of the economy is toast. Sorry friends, you're on your own.


Membership Revoked
That's not relevant, Choc. His supporters have abandoned him in droves. The whole state is disgusted with this man.

He screwed his whole political career. I hope it was worth it.

Baloney. Maybe in your state, but it won't last long. He'll soon be admired by the entire country. That's just the way it is with Democrats. He'll have some seat in bo's cabinet, no doubt.


One Day Closer
I don't understand liberal cannibolism. I don't think I have ever seen it before. Since when do they turn on their own? Isn't John still a lib? I thought it was understood that libs can never do anything wrong and the only ones they hate are the conservatives.

Did John suddenly become pro life and get a conscience or something like that? Is that what happened? Because this would be the first time that I saw a candidate excomunicated from the lib safe house for doing something morally wrong. That doesn't seem to be an issue for libs. At least nothing I have seen to date.

It is only an issue if Conservatives do something and they scream them out of town - Tom Daschle and Trent Lott are two off the top of my head.

But Obama and Clinton and Barney Franks and Al Franken and Nancy Pelosi and the list goes on and on can do whatever they want and it doesn't seem to matter.

What did John do that was so bad as to be treated like a conservative?

fruit loop

Democrats don't automatically get a pass. Do the names Gary Condit and Gary Hart mean anything?

As someone pointed out, Rudy Guiliani, Bob Packwood, and Newt Gingrich have "done it" (so to speak) for the Republicans.


One Day Closer
Democrats don't automatically get a pass. Do the names Gary Condit and Gary Hart mean anything?

As someone pointed out, Rudy Guiliani, Bob Packwood, and Newt Gingrich have "done it" (so to speak) for the Republicans.

Well I guess in order to have some level of credibility, libs have to throw one under the buss once in a while. Makes sense.
Look at all the casualties of BO's to cover his trail.


Membership Revoked
Democrats don't automatically get a pass. Do the names Gary Condit and Gary Hart mean anything?
You're kidding. The best you can come up with is Gary Condit (who I believe murdered someone) and Gary Hart (which happened roughly 100 years ago back when the media had some credibility)? That's it?

Tokens, mere tokens. lol