Bush's Chilli


Veteran Member
I bought a jar of Bush's chilli today to try out for the first time. It's pretty good. Kind of reminds me of Wendy's, only a little thicker. I got the hot style and it's spicy, but not too hot. It is pretty expensive, $2.69, but I have .50 coupons that the store doubles. I'm hoping they go on sale before they expire, because I still don't want to pay that much. The main reason I'm posting is to warn you about the size of the jars. They look like they would be real canning jars. Nice wide rim, and some kind of size markings on the side. That was the main reason I bought one, to see if they really were canning jars. Well I soon found out that they aren't! The canning jar ring will fit on nicely, but it doesn't lock, just keeps spinning. It doesn't go far enough down the neck to hit the threaded part. I was really disappointed! I figured it might be worth buying it on sale if I got canning jars out of the deal. If the price is right I'll probably buy some any way, but now I won't be as excited! Famous expression in this house, "I can make my own cheaper!".


There is a trick to making canning jar lids fit those jars... and that includes the newer mayo jars too.

After placing your lid on the jar rim, take another lid (can be an old used lid, if not too bent) and place it on top of the other lid, with the sealing compound facing up.

The extra thickness will let the ring hold down the lid that you want to seal.

Experiment on a clean dry jar. I found a few jars that needed two of the extra old lids, but they worked!