Bruce Beach | 2006.03.14 [Arktwo] Dog gone


Bruce Beach | 2006.03.14 said:
[Arktwo] Dog gone

Before you read this newsletter
take a quick look at the following picture.

Don't know that dog personally
but have known a lot of smart dogs.

Smartest dog we ever had was Casey.
After a long day on the movie set
I was turning out the lights -
and reached down to put the leash
on his collar.

No collar!
Casey could see my surprise -
but immediately solved the problem
and reached up and took the leash
in his teeth
and led me out of there.

Smartest thing I ever saw a dog do.
Hadn't been trained in that at all.
All the dogs had
their own personalities
but Casey and Glory had the strongest.

Both came to us as strays.
Most at one time was 3 dogs
and two cats -
not counting pups and kittens.

Have always been an animal lover.
That is why I am a vegetarian.
Don't want to harm animals.
Often won't harm a fly.

Last night,
a big fly that has been around
for several days
came and sat right on my hand.

My grandson doesn't -
but the rest of us consider spiders
our friends.
Hornet's get rid of mosquitoes
so we encourage hornets to stay around.

Even snakes are welcome down at the shelter.
Police lady asked me how we keep out rodents -
and I replied -
"No problem with the snakes".
She was gone in seconds.

Lots of wild life around us.
I have counted three deer
in our front yard simultaneously
and last year there was a little chipmunk
that kept coming right in the living room.
I suspect a neighbour cat got him.

Glory was a crazy dog.
A couple of days ago -
sat there begging me for a piece of popcorn.
She doesn't like popcorn.
But I gave her a piece
and she got it down.

Then she sat there and begged for another piece.
I offered her another one.
Put it right up to her nose -
but she wouldn't take it.
Still sat there and begged.
Crazy dog.

Last of the pets.
We put her down tonight.
I just got back through the snowstorm
and whiteouts.

Heartbreaking and tough.
Had to be done.
Finished her ten day quarantine today.
Had snapped at a neighbour kid.
Second time.
Didn't break skin either time -
but one can't have that.

Would have found a different solution -
new home and all that -
but it is the nature of the times.
Knew we were going to have to do it -
get rid of them all -
so started the process a while back.

It is a subject that many people ask me about.
"What are we going to do with the pets?"
They are like family to many people.
Local couple joined our group -
and then withdrew -
because they knew
they would have to leave the horses.

Actually, horses do better
than a lot of animals
because they are built
so high up off the ground.
That combined with a rapid reproduction period
and even at Chernobyl
wild horse herds survived.
Insects, rodents, birds, small game -

You can look at our web site
for survival plans for livestock.
Such as in barns with lots of hay overhead -
plus manure and dirt piled around
the base of the barn.

And then there is early butchering
for those that are badly radiated -
besides which -
we have a whole section on mass burial -
which will be a massive problem
for large herds.

Don't know what you plan to do with pets.
One of those things
that most people
will leave to the last moment -
but you can see what we have done.

Many people will just turn them loose -
but then they will become feral.
That is not a socially responsible thing to do.
Not much sense either -
in keeping around animals that are spayed.
Finding food for a purpose -
will be enough of a problem.

If you think about it -
there are some creative ideas
that you could come up with.

Put the cat
(might work with a dog also)
in a wooden box
and bury it three feet down.
Put in an air pipe
that extends four feet above the surface
and which has a 180 degree turn on top.

Put in plenty of water -
and some food would be nice -
but the cat can survive -
if it has water
in its own private little
fallout shelter.

A kitty litter box -
and it would almost have
all the comforts of home.
Be sure you dig it back up
in two or three weeks
or you have just buried it alive
to starve to death.

All this is not that likely -
because people are not going to have time
to do that sort of thing at the last minute -
and you can't be that sure
that you will survive yourself
to dig back up the cat.

so many people leaving so much
off to the last moment.
I don't think that will work.
But then -
as I have told you before -
we are making all sorts of preparations here
that other people can't even imagine doing.

More tomorrow.
God willing.

Peace and love,



Arktwo mailing list

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Veteran Member
Talk about a doomer!

What makes this so attention getting is that BB is quite serious, and has put his money where his mouth is.

He seems to sense something coming, and coming soon.

We need to listen closely, I think.
