ILL IMM Bro Bunny Boehner and the Obama Immigration Briar Patch


Bro Bunny Boehner and the Obama Immigration Briar Patch

by John Galt
November 10, 2014 21:30 ET

Now dis be one of dem old stories from Dixie, so if youse don’t get the words, well, dat be raciss and narrow minded, if y’all gets what I mean…..

Der once was a bunny called Boehner and Bro Bunny Boehner had a problem. He just could not keep dat dere mouth shut and stop from cryin’ every time he got caught flappin dem dere gums of his.

Thus when he’ins was down off da side of da road right der by de Forbidden Immigration Briar Patch, well, youns all know what a hurtin’ was comin’ next.

Der it was a rarely warm December afternoon in dat Dixie sunshine where dat Bro Bunny Boehner was sipping some of dat McConnell Kentucky Bourbon when guess what?

Yup, dat dere wicked Masta Obama showd up and just began a yellin’ and a yellin’ at Bro Bunny Boehner. After wipin’ away dem initial tears, Bro Bunny Boehner thought he’d be da cleva one; let’s try dealing wit da Masta instead of tryin’ to pick another stupid fight wid him.

Masta Obama walked up to Bro Bunny and said, “Just what da heck do yous think yous a doin’ sippin’ dat dere bourbon on my dat dere highway in front of mys immigration briar patch dere Bro Bunny Boehner?” Tryin’ to choke back tears and swaller that there last shot of bourbon, Bro Bunny Boehner retorted, “I’s be here instead of over dere to try to talks to you and do some a negotiatin’ about dis dere briar patch befores you trow me in dere again, Masta O!”

Now Masta O’ not bein’ one to just make a snap decision if it meant he could get somethin’ extra out of it, told Bro Bunny Boehner to sell him on the idear of workins with him. Bro Bunny Boehner started to cry with joy and hoppin’ around almost spillin’ his cup of McConnell’s but he knew betta than dat and swigged it down in one greats big bunny gulp.

“Masta Obama,” Boehner began, “I gots an idear. Let’s let dem dere bygones be bygones and let’s sip some of dis McConnell Kentucky Bourbon and talk about keepin my bunny butt out from dat dear immigration briar patch as it hurts ooooooohhhh, so much. Dere be prickleys and stickers in dere and dat dere hurts!”

Masta Obama chugged down the sip of bourbon and said to Bro Bunny Boehner, “Lets me have one more of dem dere sips of Bourbon whilst I consider your generous offer.” Bro Bunny Boehner poured him another one then Masta Obama swigged it down in two big gulps.

As he smashed da glass on da ground in front of Bro Bunny Boehner’s feet, he got dats crazy man look and yelled at Boehner, “You acts like somethin’ changed last Tuesday. I’m still you Masta boy and if I want more of your bourbon, yous best give it to me or I’ll seize the whole state of Kentucky and takes it all. Yous argue with me again boy, and I’ll grow dem dere immigration briar patches in Ohio where youns is from!”

Lookin’ at dem crazy man eyes of Masta Obama, Bro Bunny Boehner gave a half-smirk, half cry and dropped to his bunny knees and begged again, “Please, please Masta O, don’t trow me in dat dere briar patch. It hurts ooooooooooooohhhhhhhh so much and my tender bunny beehind can’t handles it!”

Masta Obama looked down on the pathetic bunny, picked him up and heaved him like he was shootin’ a basketball towards the immigration briar patch. Since Masta O shot another brick, this time with the bunny, he ran up, picked up Bro Bunny Boehner and heaved him again, this time deep into the briar patch. With that last shot as good, Masta O shouted “nothin’ but net” and started to walk off to the screams of agony eminatin’ from Bunny Boehner.

Masta Obama grabbed the bottle of bourbon left on the ground and started walking up the highway sipping the spirits and mutterin’ aloud, “I’m da man, I’m da man,” over and over again. As he got further and further away the scream seemed to be getting louder until finally, Masta O couldn’t hear dat dere bunny no more.

Meanwhile deep back in the immigration briar patch, der was that silly rabbit, screamin’ and a moanin’ while swiggin’ more bourbon from another bottle he had stashed away in dat dere briar patch. As he started to scream one more time, he heard some gigglin’ from deep in de briar, which gave him a second to swig, and take a peak into da bushes. Dere day was and he couldn’t believe his eyes as two of the cutest senorita bunny babes was a sunnin’ demselves and motioning for him to join them.

“Senor Bunny, the one cutey said, would you like to stay trapped here in these briars with us for a while?” Bro Bunny Boehner felt he couldn’t be rude so of course he obliged to rub the oil on their bunny behinds and sip the tequila they brought to intoxicate him and keep him trapped as he grinned some and giggled some more in dat horrid immigration briar patch.
The moral to the story:

Don’t believe for one moment that the Republicans give a crap about the Constitution or your feelings as an electorate on the issue of illegal immigration. They will pass laws which promote opposition and obstruction to an Obama Executive Order granting amnesty yet in reality it will only be a token attempt to stop the acton because that is what the Chamber of Commerce/Karl Rove wing of the party along with the Bush Empire has been promoting for almost a decade.


Let's Go Brandon!
John, that was hilarious.

The sad thing is, you are absolutely correct.

For sure 100 million will be here sooner than our most terrible nightmares could imagine.

Learn to speak Spanish, as it will soon become the official language for the southwestern USA.

We are so screwed.

Regards to all,


North to the Future
Thank you for this John. I only wish my Dad was alive to read it, he would have liked it .. and agreed with you.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
This is actually from an article published today on Valerie Jarret (more like an *Obama Apologetics Course*) but this piece in here is relevant.


With the LGBT community, the agita subsided thanks to the president’s unplanned turnabout on gay marriage the following month. (Obama finally signed the executive order this July.) But on other issues, her heavy-handedness has been more costly. Earlier this year, after House Republicans rejected John Boehner’s overtures on immigration reform, a number of activist groups turned their attention away from Congress and toward the White House. They wanted Obama to sign an executive order protecting illegal immigrants from deportation over the next few years, the way he had back in 2012 for those brought to the country as minors.

The pressure mounted when Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza, one of the largest and most established Latino rights groups, gave a speech in March calling out both Boehner for having “pulled the plug on legislation” and Obama for denying he had “the authority to act on [his] own.” Echoing a line that was circulating on the left, she dubbed Obama “the deporter-in-chief.”

A week and a half later, the president and Jarrett summoned representatives from 15 to 20 reform groups to the White House for a meeting. Unlike the gay rights meeting two years earlier, there was no directive about keeping the discussion out of the press. But the activists were later told that the success of the meeting would be judged by the media coverage. “Even if you think that, it was like, ‘Eeeewww,’” says one of the reformers who attended. “I was embarrassed by the meeting.”

The president was in a foul mood, spending most of the next two hours lecturing the activists. You guys are turning on me, Obama said, according to several attendees. That’s what Republicans want, you’re taking the pressure off Boehner. If I was a GOP strategist, I’d be thrilled by what you’re doing. When some of the activists pointed out that the situation in the House was hopeless, Obama would interrupt and talk over them. (Administration officials say Boehner had assured them he would take another shot at the legislation.)
Much more here


This is actually from an article published today on Valerie Jarret (more like an *Obama Apologetics Course*) but this piece in here is relevant.


(Administration officials say Boehner had assured them he would take another shot at the legislation.)
Much more here

Boehner and McConnell all met last year at a secret Republican retreat near Jacksonville, FL (Amelia Island) to chart out a course on this debate. In attendance were several large corporate CEOs, the Chamber of Commerce, and of all people (color me shocked, not) "reportedly" Jeb Bush.

This was the big con all along and the furor we will see is 100% phony.


Boehner Acts as Predicted and Surrenders Like the French to Obama

by John Galt
March 3, 2015 17:30 ET


As I predicted in November of last year in my sarcastic piece from the Deep South:

Bro Bunny Boehner and the Obama Immigration Briar Patch

This was not rocket science considering who has bought and paid for the RINO cheese eating surrender monkey. What is more important is to review the list provided below courtesy of TheBlaze of the 75 Republicans who voted for funding without the amnesty restriction. Every one of these son of a bitches should have a Tea Party challenger in the next race or this nation is 100% screwed.

Here Are the 75 House Republicans Who Conceded the Immigration Fight

1. Benishek
2. Bishop (Mich.)
3. Boehner
4. Bost
5. Brooks (Ind.)
6. Buchanan
7. Calvert
8. Carter (Texas)
9. Coffman
10. Cole
11. Collins (N.Y.)
12. Comstock
13. Costello (Pa.)
14. Curbelo (Fla.)
15. Davis, Rodney
16. Denham
17. Dent
18. Diaz-Balart
19. Dold
20. Ellmers (N.C.)
21. Emmer (Minn.)
22. Fitzpatrick
23. Frelinghuysen
24. Gibson
25. Granger
26. Guinta
27. Hanna
28. Hardy
29. Heck (Nev.)
30. Hurd (Texas)
31. Jolly
32. Katko
33. King (N.Y.)
34. Kinzinger (Ill.)
35. Kline
36. Knight
37. Lance
38. LoBiondo
39. MacArthur
40. McCarthy
41. McCaul
42. McHenry
43. McMorris Rogers
44. McSally
45. Meehan
46. Miller (Mich.)
47. Moolenaar
48. Murphy (Pa.)
49. Noem
50. Nunes
51. Paulsen
52. Pittenger
53. Pitts
54. Poliquin
55. Reichert
56. Rogers (Ky.)
57. Ros-Lehtinen
58. Royce
59. Ryan (Wis.)
60. Scalise
61. Schock
62. Shimkus
63. Simpson
64. Smith (N.J.)
65. Stefanik
66. Stivers
67. Thompson (Pa.)
68. Tiberi
69. Trott
70. Turner
71. Upton
72. Valadao
73. Walden
74. Walters, Mimi
75. Young (Ind.)

I have highlighted Mr. Buchanan because he is my Representative. He will never get a dime, a vote, anything from me again. As far as I’m concerned this piece of shit can go back to conning old people into buying cars at his dealership. It is time to send a message and these cowards ALL need to be voted out of office, even if it means letting a freaking communist win the seat.

Because after all, to quote the Hildabeast, based on their records, what difference does it make!