Sleeping Cobra

TB Fanatic

Was Obama finished with our Ambassador to Libya where the Arms Trading was concerned???? Did he believe Chris Stevens was going to go public with what he knew about this administrations illegal trading of weapons to the enemy??? Was this like the dreadful murderous colladeral damage of 'Fast and Furious' ???

The Turkish leader left the meeting he was having with our Ambassador 1 hour before the attack without being touched, while the building was being watched by the attackers, according to the reports coming from onsite officials at the time, to the white house and to the internet.

The whitehouse WATCHED THE ATTACK on Benghazi go down, via drone recon. They were told as it went down it was a terrorist attack and while it happened THE WHITEHOUSE WATCHED OUR PEOPLE DIE FROM THE SITUATION ROOM!!!
And then lied about it!!!

Hillary Clinton said the buck stopped with her, taking the fall after the lies were being outted and blame had to be placed. I have always said,it is a deadly dangerous business to be one of Hillary Clinton's 'friends!!!' Any 'friend' of hers involved with the Whitewater Scandal could tell you that, if any of them were alive today! Every last one of them, even the ones who went to prison, died mysteriously! Remember Vincent Foster... Foster's death became part of a broad investigation of President and Hillary Rodham Clinton's financial dealings in Arkansas when Whitewater records were discovered to have been in his office six months after his death. He was found sitting up - dead - in Virginia State Park. Some theorized he died elsewhere, was wrapped in a carpet and brought to the park. Strangely, his death was ruled a suicide.

I said it on the day this took place, and I will say it again. This is a false flag. It had nothing to do with a 13 minute Youtube video. But for the public to know who the terrorist was who did it, would point the finger at the person who sold the terrorist the weapons to do it with!!! And that would be inconvenient just now. As he is trying to win a presidential election!

Shinmen Takezo

Membership Revoked
Like I have been slamming home in many threads here... this whole incident will be a national scandal eclipsing all previous scandals.

When the American people discover that hundreds of tons of weapons were "walked" into the hands of our enemies, they will demand that Obama be brought to trial.

It will not end with just his impeachment.

Also you had better be prepared to see your sacred cows be sullied in this mire as well.
They were not honorable actors in this mess. Not at all.


On and On, South of Heaven
Like I have been slamming home in many threads here... this whole incident will be a national scandal eclipsing all previous scandals.

When the American people discover that hundreds of tons of weapons were "walked" into the hands of our enemies, they will demand that Obama be brought to trial.

It will not end with just his impeachment.

Also you had better be prepared to see your sacred cows be sullied in this mire as well.
They were not honorable actors in this mess. Not at all.

If they can get away with killing a president with a magic bullet...

If they can kill 3000 people by allowing planes to slam into skyscrapers...

If they can kill 2900 US service members by allowing an attack on a US Naval base...

This will go nowhere.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
Um, better to find out now and get him out before he does more damage. He likes killing period with his drones. Libya was high altitude killing from the work go. One day things will come back to hunt. The hatred that must be building up in the Middle East must be huge.


Veteran Member
Um, better to find out now and get him out before he does more damage. He likes killing period with his drones. Libya was high altitude killing from the work go. One day things will come back to hunt. The hatred that must be building up in the Middle East must be huge.

It is nothing compared to the hatred building up here!


If they can get away with killing a president with a magic bullet...

If they can kill 3000 people by allowing planes to slam into skyscrapers...

If they can kill 2900 US service members by allowing an attack on a US Naval base...

This will go nowhere.
I agree. The PTB pull false flags all the time and are awash in scandals. Neocons see scandals everywhere with the Dems, and vice versa. If you want to be rid of scandals and false flags, you can't just 'see' them when it's the opposing party at fault.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I agree. The PTB pull false flags all the time and are awash in scandals. Neocons see scandals everywhere with the Dems, and vice versa. If you want to be rid of scandals and false flags, you can't just 'see' them when it's the opposing party at fault.

I think most of us see them from both parties.


Time Traveler
The only way oboingo would be tossed to the wolves is if he had amnesia, he has too much dirt on everyone to go silently to prison, they'd take him out before they'd allow him a trial and chance to out the system. He will never serve a day in jail.


If they can get away with killing a president with a magic bullet...

If they can kill 3000 people by allowing planes to slam into skyscrapers...

If they can kill 2900 US service members by allowing an attack on a US Naval base...

This will go nowhere.


It is also rather amusing to see people get in a wad over this but yet will turn a blind eye to little things like the Iran-Contra affair- which was no different- not to mention overturning other governments and supplying the rebels.

But, hey, what's an Empire for?


. . . .
It is nothing compared to the hatred building up here!

I just do not understand this. I have a family member that also thinks the asking of these questions is hate. When I asked her where is the hate in asking these questions based on the observations we have been given, she could not point to anything said as hateful.

I see a hatred radiating from specific demographics, but do not see it reciprocated. Will it be, I think so if things do not change, and when it does it will be in the streets.


Yeah, don't hold your breath.

+ 1000

As much as I acknowledge Obozo as having the blood of 4 innocents on his hands, I'd have to put the likelihood
of any disciplinary action somewhere along the line of......pigs sprouting wings to fly - and the Devil selling
sno-cones in Hell!
:rolleyes: :mad: :kk2:
Last edited:

Tessa Blue

Veteran Member

It is also rather amusing to see people get in a wad over this but yet will turn a blind eye to little things like the Iran-Contra affair- which was no different- not to mention overturning other governments and supplying the rebels.

But, hey, what's an Empire for?

If you read Sibel Edmonds' Classified Woman, you come away with a whole new viewpoint of how our government behaves, and has behaved, for a very long time... well before Obama took office. (And no, I am not an Obama supporter. I'm simply disgusted with the whole lot of 'em.)

Mark Armstrong

Veteran Member
Somebody attempted to post about this on a Bravenet forum yesterday and the attempt was blocked--apparently by Bravenet:

The owner of the forum (Valerie) claims that neither she nor any of her mods locked the thread that got removed, and that she is unable to dicuss the details. And note: that forum has been very critical of Obama (identifying him as probably being the antichrist) with Valerie herself being critical of Obama, so the removal of the thread was not due to pro-Obama sentiment on Valerie's part.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
First, vote him out of office.

A private citizen is easier to prosecute than a sitting President.

Well, one runs into the whole Sovreign Immunity issue while the POTUS actually IS the POTUS....but it doesn't go away for a FORMER POTUS if the events/facts are or occurred during his term of office.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Don't go getting your panties in a wad---nobody's getting impeached, ever, no matter what. Clinton's system (threaten with release of FBI files and other dirt) is still operative.

The only way O will get in trouble is when TPTB decide they're done with him.


Freedom Isn't Free
Like I have been slamming home in many threads here... this whole incident will be a national scandal eclipsing all previous scandals.

When the American people discover that hundreds of tons of weapons were "walked" into the hands of our enemies, they will demand that Obama be brought to trial.

It will not end with just his impeachment.

Also you had better be prepared to see your sacred cows be sullied in this mire as well.
They were not honorable actors in this mess. Not at all.

The weapons deal has been covered by FOX so if the public doesn't know about it, it is because they don't watch. It won't be widely known until after Obama is out of office, if at all and then nothing will be done to him.


Neither here nor there.
Like I have been slamming home in many threads here... this whole incident will be a national scandal eclipsing all previous scandals.

When the American people discover that hundreds of tons of weapons were "walked" into the hands of our enemies, they will demand that Obama be brought to trial.

It will not end with just his impeachment.

Also you had better be prepared to see your sacred cows be sullied in this mire as well.
They were not honorable actors in this mess. Not at all.

So your saying Ron Paul was involved in this deal?


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon

1) Obama will not be impeached

2) If Obama loses the election, Romney will issue a pardon for him

3) On Obama's last day in office, he'll pardon everyone in his administration, particularly the filthy ****** Holder

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
David and Uriah


eta: except this bit of treachery involves not just a king and a backstabbing, but the king selling his country's advanced weapons to his country's avowed enemies.

hence, the rather ticklish business under discussion: treason.

once this goes viral enough that it looks like congress will be forced to put him up against the wall, his own handlers will have to take him out, knowing he'll start singing like a canary against them.


Veteran Member
I'm so happy you posted this. I wanted to but couldn't figure out how. This NEEDS to go VIRAL BEFORE the election!


Veteran Member
Well Glenn has been the forerunner about everything before and right. I would never in a million years believe that they would charge O but there have been a lot of Christians praying, myself included from day one that God would expose him and take him out of office. I will just keep praying. I won't believe it until I see it.


On TB every waking moment

1) Obama will not be impeached

2) If Obama loses the election, Romney will issue a pardon for him

3) On Obama's last day in office, he'll pardon everyone in his administration, particularly the filthy ****** Holder

Ford pardoned Nixon because he figured a 'trial' would have torn the country apart, considering a fair number of people thought Tricky Dick was set up. That burglary thing was false flag from the git-go, false to nail the adm and it was pure cream that it got Nixon.

I was flying when the pardon took place. The passenger next to me was a young woman who, reading the news, damned near had a hysteric. She claimed that she was on some committee or other and they had the deadwood on Tricky Dick for bribery. Huh? Yeah, the So. VN gov't had transferred all their gold to Nixon's personal account to keep the war going.

Only problem with that scene. Nixon pulled out US combat troops in 1972, three years before the Commies took over (after a Demo Congress handed SV to them on a platter). I didn't get a chance to question her on that, she was in such a fury that I thought it advisable not to bring up such.

Lots of interesting cross-currents. And I think Ford was right.

We must never forget, three congressmen were on a committee in the 1940's that proved that Alger Hiss was a Commie and quite likely a spy. The Cultural Left never forgot. One died in office, one went into the slammer for malfeasance and the third was Richard M. Nixon.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Despite your belief to the contrary, Nixon was dead-bang guilty in the fact that he authorized the break-in, and then tried to cover it up. His own tapes bore that out. Except of course for the 18 minutes that got "erased"...


Membership Revoked
To quote Smedley Butler lest we forget. The g*d of forces
found a new substitute for state sponsored uniformed warfare and it likes
to be fed. Illicit weapons will do. Evil, plain & simple. Even so, come Lord, Jesus
for the sake of the children.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier


Shinmen Takezo

Membership Revoked
2) If Obama loses the election, Romney will issue a pardon for him

I doubt this part.

This will not build to a crescendo until after Jan.
There will be no hearings until after that date (no matter who wins the election).

All during this time the Tea Party people and conservatives as a whole better be beading the war drums to keep Romeny's whimpy little ass on the straight and narrow to do the right thing.

Shinmen Takezo

Membership Revoked
So your saying Ron Paul was involved in this deal?

Nice joke.

I'm saying your sacred "Navy Seals" were part and parcel to this treasonous operation.
They were the facilitators and point-men in the operation.

Tennessee gal

Veteran Member
If they can get away with killing a president with a magic bullet...

If they can kill 3000 people by allowing planes to slam into skyscrapers...

If they can kill 2900 US service members by allowing an attack on a US Naval base...

This will go nowhere.

Well said!


On TB every waking moment
Despite your belief to the contrary, Nixon was dead-bang guilty in the fact that he authorized the break-in, and then tried to cover it up. His own tapes bore that out. Except of course for the 18 minutes that got "erased"...

IIRC, the 'setup' was that the perps supposedly went back twice and got caught on the third attempt. This is never done on Black Bag ops. Paranoid minds might think they were supposed to be caught.

When this first blew up, I predicted nothing would happen as long as the current VP Spiro Agnew was in office. He was hated even more than Nixon. When he quit for doing something everybody knew he had done before he became VP, I knew Nixon was political dog meat. And sure enough.

Comedy. In a hearing, Senator asks retired IRS (?)type if in his knowledge was this was the first time that there was a Black Bag op in the gov.

Answer: No, FDR authorized several in the IRS.

Never ask a question in such a venue until you know the answer first.

It was about this time when some Harvard type came by and told us about some sort of 'psycho-metric' scheme, first started by the Russians. (Pavlov) It was argued that one could predict behavior, thus in the 1973 Israeli War, the Egyptians had been convinced that Kissinger would never allow Israel to 'win' the war. (Armored columns into Cairo shooting up the place.) He would stop them. And that is just what he did.

If the Egyptian Air Force had been willing to overfly Israel and attack the IDF Air Force on the ground, Israel would have lost the war.

Back to Nixon. One might think his actions, cataloged over 40 years were quite predictable. And when the circumstances were right, he acted as predicted.

Creepy if that system exists and is still operable.


Veteran Member
Letting this story and issue die is the same as letting those brave men die. We need to wear this one out. No man left behind.

Shinmen Takezo

Membership Revoked
Letting this story and issue die is the same as letting those brave men die

FYI--they were all criminals in involved in the gun-running operation.
All of them.



1) Obama will not be impeached

2) If Obama loses the election, Romney will issue a pardon for him

3) On Obama's last day in office, he'll pardon everyone in his administration, particularly the filthy ****** Holder

10000000000000000000000000% agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Business as usual ladies and gentlemen.....NOTHING will happen.