Food Boiled Peanuts

We, being Southern, LOVE boiled peanuts. Hubby and I both grew up in Georgia where they are common to see in stores and road side stands and stores sell green peanuts for boiling at home. In Virginia, it is harder to find them unless you live near Suffolk. I used to pass through there every August to visit my Aunt for her birthday but she died several years ago so we have not had any since.

I ordered 1 bushel (1/2 jumbo and 1/2 sweet runners) from last week. I ordered on the 26th and they arrived via FedEx on the 29th. It took me 2 days to boil them all up and get them in the freezer but we are happy campers to have this Southern treat available once again.

Boiled Peanuts

5 pounds green peanuts (raw, in the shell and freshly harvested-not dried out)
1 gallon of water
2/3 cup kosher or plain salt (do not used iodized salt)

In a large stock pot or boiling bath canner pot, bring water, peanuts and salt to a boil with the lid on. Boil over medium heat for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until the peanuts have reached the desired level of "softness". They should be like a cooked bean. Turn the heat off and allow the peanuts to cool in the brine until the desired level of saltiness is attained. Drain, cool completely and bag them up to store in the fridge or freeze for later use.

Does anyone else enjoy boiled peanuts?


Senior Member
Love, love, LOVE my boiled peanuts! Never thought about freezing them. I've canned them before, without the shells. But they're best when eaten fresh, on a brisk fall day.


TB Fanatic
I have an Uncle that turned me on to them and he's a northerner too, he grows his own and simple to grow and harvest.


Senior Member
One of my best memories with my grandfather was always getting boiled peanuts, since living in AR I have not had any so I may just have to order. Poppy lived in Louisiana and every summer when I visited him at his store a guy would come by and sell little brown bags of boiled peanuts, he would each get us one and we would sit in the rocking chairs and eat in the afternoon.