bleach/water ratio info needed


howdy all. My neighbor and I finally got enough done on my spring to start pumping water up the hill to fill our storage tanks. I have a 1500 gallon and 2000 gallon plastic tank. They are kind of a white plastic. I will eventually paint them flat black to keep sunlight from growing alge.
But until then, anyone have a ratio of how much regular bleach to add per 100 or thousand gallons of water?
I know the drops per gallon ratio but dont' feel confident in counting drops to the tens of thousands!!! LOL
Thanks in advance!!!
Having 5K gallons of water stored between me and neighbor "Semper Fi" is a good feeling to have for the bugout "compound".


With water storage on the scale you're talking about the thing to do is to get a pool water test kit.

What you want is to keep the <b>free</b> chlorine level at 1 part per million or higher all the time - up to a max of about five parts per million. This will keep your water effectively microbe free and is easy to measure effectiveness directly instead of having to guess.

Keep the free chlorine around three parts per million or so and you should be able to keep the algae from getting a start as well though sometimes algae can be a tough customer to handle.

Get a pool water test kit and a couple of gallons of <i>plain, unscented</i> laundry bleach. You should be able to handle the situation with that.
