RACE Black Panther communist Angela Davis’ discovers ancestor was on Mayflower. Called to pay reparations


Veteran Member
I got the biggest kick watching her get that news. Love the program even if half of it is spent moaning and groaning over ancestors being slaves. They hated so bad the info that the one slave had 10 children by the white man and he eventually left his wife and moved in with her. I told DH from the beginning it was a love relationship but boy LHG sure didn't want to admit that. They wanted all 10 kids to be a product of rape by the man. He even left them the property when he died.

day late

money? whats that?
I'm still hoping she lives in San Fran, which recently voted to pay reparations to blacks, to the tune of many millions of dollars. It would be such sweet justice for that to happen.

Someone asked earlier on this thread what difference it made if her people came over on the Mayflower. The answer is they were white. Many of them slave owners. Seemingly including family members from HER past.


Neither here nor there.
My first reaction to the Angela Davis story was, She’s still alive? That’s a damn shame.

The Black Panthers and their ilk caused untold death and destruction in the 60’s and beyond. While we were busy killing commies in southeast Asia, our gunships would have been better utilized is certain neighborhoods and areas in the USofA.

I am generally pretty calm and laid back but I experienced too much then and since to let it go. She gets a pass and honors while the hate and ignorance she spawned continues in her so-called community.
My dad wouldn’t disagree with you and he’d throw a whole bunch of whites into that mix that we now call communists.