ALERT Bird Flu Infects Cats in New York Animal Shelter


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DEC 16 2016, 2:09 PM ET

Bird Flu Infects Cats in New York Animal Shelter


A type of bird flu usually only seen in chicken flocks has infected 45 cats at an animal shelter in New York, and vets say they're not sure how it got there.

It is unusual, but not unheard of, for influenza to infect cats. Only one of the cats at the shelter, an elderly cat, has died.

"This influenza virus is spreading from cat to cat and may be able to spread to other animals and possibly humans," the New York City Department of Health said in a statement.

"No human infections have been identified to date," the department added.

The shelter staff are testing other animals at the shelter, including dogs, and haven't found any other species affected yet.

Respiratory disease can spread quickly among animals held at high densities, such as at shelters, in live markets or on big farms.

Vets, doctors and other scientists keep an eye on bird flu because it can and does spread to people and has the potential to cause epidemics. So far, H7N2 hasn't.

Related: Keep an Eye Out for H5N2, CDC Says

"The Health Department is contacting all persons who have adopted cats from Animal Care Center's Manhattan care center since November 12th," the agency said.

Cats with cough, fever, runny noses or lip-smacking behavior should be kept separate from other animals, and their owners should call the health department. It's good advice to keep a sick pet of any kind away from others anyway, vets say.

Health experts have been keeping a close eye on new types of influenza ever since H5N1 avian influenza re-emerged in Hong Kong in 2003. Flu viruses mutate constantly and also mix up their genes — a process called re-assortment.

Related: New Bird Flu Virus Shuts Down Indiana Farm

Each time a new strain results from either process, it can confuse the immune systems of animals or people and cause epidemics. A new avian flu is the No. 1 fear of biological security experts, who know flu causes regular pandemics among people, sometimes killing millions in months.

So animals and people are being tested more and more often with sensitive genetic tests that show not only that influenza has caused an infection, but which strain of influenza.

This particular strain of H7N2 is not particularly worrying, said Dr. Amy Glaser, a virologist at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University.

"Generally, it is a relatively mild disease and the animals are recovering," she told NBC News.

"There is no reason to believe that it is more widespread than this shelter at this point in time," Glaser added.

Related: Dog Flu Cases on Rise in Chicago

This particular strain of H7N2 had not been since 2006, Glaser said. It had been seen in live bird markets in New York. It's possible wild birds picked it up and kept it circulating since then, she said.

"We need to be looking for influenza in unexpected places," she said.

Bird flu viruses can spread quickly from one farm to the next, even with strict security measures. H5N1 has killed or forced the destruction of hundreds of millions of chickens around the world.

It's infected about 800 people and killed half of them — and the fear is it will mutate into a form that makes it pass easily from person to person. That would spark a pandemic that could kill millions.

Flu viruses also spread from birds to pigs and from people to pigs and from pigs back into people.

Related: Deadly Influenza Flew Over from Asia

There are many different strains of influenza. Influenza A viruses get names based on two important structures — H for hemagglutinin and N for neuraminidase. That's how you get names like H7N9, H3N2 or H1N1.

In birds, they are also designated as highly pathogenic or low-pathogenic.

H7N9 is another strain that has the ability to cause a pandemic. It's infected more than 600 people in two years and killed about a third of them.

almost ready

Oh my.

Have been following U Pitt's Dr. Henry Niman's twitter and the spread of various forms of the bird flu are amazing. What was briefly an isolated problem has shown in in so many places, and so many different forms.

The rare strain is H7N2.

The OP says it's not been recorded since 2006, so will try to see where it was found.
Will come back if I find a map of it at his site

edited to add: No map for H7N2. Will listen to his interview this week and see if he mentions it. H5N2 has been in the US for some time, including NY, but this is a surprise to me.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They should be euthanized immediately. If one of those cats gets loose, it'll spread like wildfire.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They should be euthanized immediately. If one of those cats gets loose, it'll spread like wildfire.

Just keeping them locked up for a couple weeks should do it. My dog and I were both sneezing for a couple days. Then we got better. Glad no one killed us.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
we are looking at viral mutation here. The original bird flu mutated so it could infect cats. It is certainly possible it will continue mutating until it can infect humans. After that, all bets are off.

Put it on the list, gang. I have long felt we were one pandemic away from the modern version of the 1348 Black Death in Europe. We have now dodged several disease bullets. Eventually, we will get a lethal disease, mutated and easily spread to humans, and by humans to still more humans. Given modern air travel, it is likely any such disease would spread worldwide within a week or so, depending on the time needed for incubation.

All we really need is a super flu virus, with above a 50 percent kill rate, spread by sneezing and tens of millions will die. The worst case is up to one billion will die. At any given time there are millions and millions of people with impaired immune systems from other diseases and conditions.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The cats all just need good repeated doses of L-Lysine to shut down the L-Arginine from feeding the virus.

The virus needs L-Arginine to replicate itself.

L-Lysine will shut down this process.

L-Lysine is Awesome when using it on cats with viruses.

I am witness to these repeated miracles. V

Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
Thanks for that tip vessie. No longer have the cat (R.I.P. my dear kittie) but I'm sure it would work on humans too.

I have read humans and cats can share many of the same illnesses.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks for that tip vessie. No longer have the cat (R.I.P. my dear kittie) but I'm sure it would work on humans too.

I have read humans and cats can share many of the same illnesses.

I travel alot so I am having to be amongst the unwashed masses and I do mean alot of people don't wash their hands, or they'll cough into their hands and then 'coon finger' everything around the with their filthy paws.

So I take alot of L-Lysine so as to not pick up any viruses and so far, I've been pretty healthy since the habit of taking it!

If people actually saw themselves through another's eyes, most wouldn't believe how many times they contaminate things as they go. V


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Agreed-antigen shift from one species to another indicates genetic reassortment of the original virus. Does anyone know what the intake vector was (inhaled, via food, eating something that had avian products in it, etc)?
It's been a few years, but I remember the viral process as going from bird to pig to human. Going from bird to feline is quite a jump!
I helped in all of our county's H1N1 innoculation clinics in 2009-hope this stuff doesn't mutate to the point we have a novel (read-indefensible) version of the flu again....

we are looking at viral mutation here. The original bird flu mutated so it could infect cats. It is certainly possible it will continue mutating until it can infect humans. After that, all bets are off.

Put it on the list, gang. I have long felt we were one pandemic away from the modern version of the 1348 Black Death in Europe. We have now dodged several disease bullets. Eventually, we will get a lethal disease, mutated and easily spread to humans, and by humans to still more humans. Given modern air travel, it is likely any such disease would spread worldwide within a week or so, depending on the time needed for incubation.

All we really need is a super flu virus, with above a 50 percent kill rate, spread by sneezing and tens of millions will die. The worst case is up to one billion will die. At any given time there are millions and millions of people with impaired immune systems from other diseases and conditions.