Biden in dementia, Bernie dangerous, does that leave Hillary?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't see any way Hillary will not run. I think it sort of a sad end for her, but I think running is part of her make-up. I'm not sure it is deliberate, but who else?


Veteran Member
I think there is a private war going on behind closed doors between Bill Clinton and Obama over the choice for VP. This is gonna get interesting. I believe they can't beat President Trump but Biden wont live out his term if he won.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
This will explain it:

Democrats’ hunt for Trump slayer may lead to Hillary Clinton comeback: Goodwin
By Michael Goodwin
March 7, 2020 | 9:49pm | Updated

Now that the once-sprawling field of Democrats seeking the presidency has become a two-man race, many in the party are breathing a sigh of relief. All the more so because Joe Biden is the clear front-runner and the dreaded Bernie Sanders looks to be fading.

So it’s all set. Biden will be the nominee and give the party a solid chance of scoring a November trifecta: beating President Trump, taking the Senate and holding the House.

Count me as skeptical. Instead of a smooth ride, it’s more likely that the Dems’ desperate search for a Trump slayer will hit more turbulence and an alternative to Biden still could be necessary.

Guess what — one just happens to be waiting in the wings, hoping for an invitation. Before you laugh at the prospect of
a Hillary Clinton comeback, consider the too-weird twists and turns of Biden’s campaign.

The widespread belief that the former veep is ready and able to go the distance strikes me as wishful thinking at best. It is suspect because it is so sudden and reflects a complete reversal of the sentiment about him less than two weeks ago.

After he finished fourth in Iowa, fifth in New Hampshire and a distant second in Nevada, the consensus was that unless Biden won big in the Feb. 29 South Carolina primary, he was toast.

The political obituaries were already written and blamed his demise largely on the notion that his party had left him behind. Then there were his brain freezes and frequent bouts of oddball references, as in “make sure you have the record player on at night.” The kindest commentaries held that old Joe had lost a step.

Then came the South Carolina blowout. With the strong backing of black voters, Biden racked up nearly half the total vote and joyously declared, “We’re alive!”

He beat six rivals and the all-important expectations of a more narrow win. This was manna from heaven for a party frightened by the prospect of a Sanders nomination and instantly the word went out for the also-rans to circle the wagons around Biden. Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg obeyed while Tom Steyer simply withdrew.

Three days later, Biden again beat expectations by winning 10 of 14 Super Tuesday states against Sanders, Michael Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren.

Now the pressure to unite led Bloomberg to quit after just one day on the ballot and turn his lavishly funded campaign into a Biden super PAC. When Warren quit without making an endorsement, Sanders was a weakened, lone opponent. The cranky commie sympathizer probably can’t stage a comeback, but Biden is capable of blowing his chances all by himself.

His revival can’t erase the memory of the sad failure he was just two weeks ago, nor are the cognitive issues suddenly resolved by a winning streak.

Put it this way: Which Joe Biden will we see from now on? Does the new, improved version have the stamina and mental health to go all the way? Or will the long summer and the attacks from Trump on him and his family break him?

It is noteworthy that his wife, Jill Biden, seems to be by his side far more often. The image is that of a nurse or mediator between him and the world.

Questions about whether he is capable of being president can’t be avoided. That should force the party to quietly consider others who could be called upon at the July convention to take the nomination if Biden reverts.

Otherwise, Sanders would get the crown, and I don’t believe Dem leaders will let that happen. They realize he would be an Electoral College disaster and cost them their gravy train of power, patronage and donors.

But who are the alternatives? All the supposed moderates — Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Bloomberg — were thoroughly rejected by primary voters. The prickly Warren finished third in her home state.

All of which leaves Clinton as the best backup plan. She’s hardly my cup of tea but for all her problems, including doubts about her physical stamina, she is a fundraising machine, has a true following and could hit the ground running.

And, in case you hadn’t noticed, she’s advertising her availability.

It’s surely no coincidence that “Hillary” was released Friday, during the height of the primary season. The sweetheart documentary, complete with broad promotion, stories, reviews and interviews with her, is a massive and slick selling job.

Once again and always, she is selling herself. The fact that she and Bill Clinton cooperatedmake it certain the streaming Hulu project will add nothing new that would damage her. The four-hour biopic seems to be just another of her airbrushed memoirs, albeit one you can watch.

This makeover, according to reviews, tries to inject dashes of glamour and cultural gravitas about feminism into what is essentially a loser’s story.

While it’s impossible to miss the rollout and her glee in using the film and interviews to stick knives into Trump and Sanders, it’s also impossible to miss the timing.

All the party has to do is call. Her bag is packed.

Indeed, Clinton would have to be dead not to dream of a miracle, one that would give her the victory fate has twice denied her. Her platform writes itself.

She didn’t really lose the 2016 election. Trump colluded with the Russians to deprive her of her civil right to be president. Anything else is just a Republican talking point and part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Or maybe you’re a deplorable?

You’re with her, or a misogynist.

Oh, what fun. Merely to imagine doing all that again leads me to wish the very best of health to Joe Biden.



Let's Go Brandon!
She didn’t really lose the 2016 election. Trump colluded with the Russians to deprive her of her civil right to be president. Anything else is just a Republican talking point and part of the vast right-wing conspiracy.

Or maybe you’re a deplorable?

You’re with her, or a misogynist.

Oh, what fun. Merely to imagine doing all that again leads me to wish the very best of health to Joe Biden.

Oooooohhhh boy.

Things were looking froggy enough already with the coronavirus. Now this?

If Hillary runs, again, and loses, again, to Trump, again, the Sky Screamers are going to throw up an epic Cat-5 REEEEE storm. 15 percent of the Democrat Party will hit the streets and burn things. That's enough to make me mark a five on the "freaked and in my bunker" survey. :D

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I doubt her obvious health issues have gone away.
Doesn't matter. The low information zombiefied straight ticket voting Democrat Party sheeple will vote for her. Some of them honestly believe The Democrat Party is still the: "Party of the working man!". Trying to tell them that party died with President Kennedy is like teaching a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I wish I hadn't clicked on this thread. I'm pretty well centered, but the sight of her gives me nightmares.

I agree with the comments: she's setting herself up to swoop in and save the election. Ugh! I don't want to see her mug on the TV.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
IMHO running may have helped keep her and family out of court and jail during the last Presidential election. With the inroads President Trump has and is making within the Judicial system maybe now it's time for: Hillery, a sequel?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well in spite of her well know crimes, and the promises we were given that she would go to jail, I guess I will have to settle with seeing her get the sh*t beat out of her again, and to see her humiliated for all to see.

Although I would really like to see her perp walked, and sent to prison with a long sentence !!!!! Although, we all know that will never happen !!!!


Fringe Ranger
If Hillary runs, again, and loses, again, to Trump, again, the Sky Screamers are going to throw up an epic Cat-5 REEEEE storm. 15 percent of the Democrat Party will hit the streets and burn things.

Some of them will have the virus, and the infection rate is going to be amazing.


Veteran Member
I think the dem party has moved too far left for Clinton to win. I just don't see Bernie supporters rushing to the polls to vote for her and if she swings hard to the left she will lose the more moderate (If you can call them moderate) democrats.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
Word on the street is she found her shoe after she "Was Chucked Into a van Like a Side of Beef" and she is "ready". That picture of the lone shoe by the curb makes me cackle every time I see it. She's a huge bag of ****. Getting bigger as we speak. Horny Bill got his 10 minutes on her special on Netflix or whatever. Having sex with an intern less then half your age qualifies as anxiety control. You bet your ass it does!

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I think the dem party has moved too far left for Clinton to win. I just don't see Bernie supporters rushing to the polls to vote for her and if she swings hard to the left she will lose the more moderate (If you can call them moderate) democrats.
She sponsored socialized healthcare, has a strong anti-2A track record and a vagina. For Democrats what else does she need? As for the baggage she brings with her? "What difference at this point does it make?".
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Res ipsa loquitur
"If Hillary runs, again, and loses, again, to Trump, again, the Sky Screamers are going to throw up an epic Cat-5 REEEEE storm. 15 percent of the Democrat Party will hit the streets and burn things."

GREAT!!! we have SHIT LOADS of ammo - bring it fools

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
"If Hillary runs, again, and loses, again, to Trump, again, the Sky Screamers are going to throw up an epic Cat-5 REEEEE storm. 15 percent of the Democrat Party will hit the streets and burn things."

GREAT!!! we have SHIT LOADS of ammo - bring it fools
No ammo needed for the Sky Screamers. Popcorn in copious amounts and maybe a nice merlot would be more appropriate. I suspect they will clutch their pearls, run for safe spaces and as you pointed out continue their favorite pastime: whining and kvetching. I suspect they will have a few protest marches and make more Youtube videos and Tweets.

It's the reactions from Antifa, BAMN and other violent radical left wing groups that have been "protected" from prosecution and arrest by liberal local and state governments that concern me.


On TB every waking moment
I'm guessing they'll pull a "no-name" with deep connections, a la Obama, and run that person. There are plenty of governors and congress critters to choose from....