ECON Biden extends "final" rent moratorium one month

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
As I predicted when the rent moratorium was created, some 15 months ago, the forebearance would become an entitlement and would last a long time.

Biden has now extended it till July 30th. It will then end, except all the other rental assistence programs will still be in force, likely forever.

One more tidbit is black rock just bought 17,000 homes for 6 billion dollars.

I gotta hand it to the marxists. Slave housing from blackrock and serf housing from the federales.

What will change 30 days from now is unclear. Or maybe biden will just extend each "final" month forever.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
One more tidbit is black rock just bought 17,000 homes for 6 billion dollars.
DD: I may have missed it since the link you provided simply goes to Zerohedge’s main page rather than a specific article, but I didn’t see any mention of your BlackRock statement above.

Do you have a more direct link to where that was mentioned?


Let's Go Brandon!
A little backup for our beleaguered Oregonian:

Fair use cited so on and so forth.

White House Authorizes "Final" One-Month Extension Of Eviction Moratorium
by Tyler Durden
Thursday, Jun 24, 2021 - 10:45 AM

As expected, President Biden has decided to extend the CDC's national moratorium on evictions, which is presently set to expire on Wednesday (June 30). The one-month extension, which the administration says will be the last such extension, will also give the Democrats more time to distribute billions of dollars in pandemic aid and rent relief. The moratorium will now remain in effect until July 31.

The White House's decision, which it confirmed Thursday morning, follows reports that California's Democrat-dominated government was weighing to extend the moratorium for Californians while also reimbursing landlords for lost rent. Democrat policy wonks have also been warning that the expiration of the moratorium could set off a somewhat less severe eviction crisis.

Since this will be the final extension (at least, so says the White House), Biden and his team are working to prevent a wave of evictions. For starters, the extension will be just part of a slew of executive actions that the administration is planning involving several federal agencies to help compensate for impending death of the moratorium. These will include a summit on housing affordability and evictions, to be held at the White House later this month, per the NYT.

The White House also plans to increase coordination with local officials and legal aid organizations to minimize evictions after July 31, and it is also planning new guidance from the Treasury Department intended to streamline the sluggish disbursement of the $21.5 billion in emergency aid included in the pandemic relief bill in the spring. In total, some $50 billion has been allocated for rent relief and aid for low-income housing since the start of the pandemic.

Democrats point to data like this stat from the National Low Income Housing Coalition which alleges that 6MM American families are behind on rent and at risk of being homeless this summer.

Assuming Biden follows through, this will mark the fourth time the deadline for lifting the ban on evictions has been pushed back.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
I was using my cell phone and can't link unti I get back to my apartment to use my laptop. :D

It is going to be 110 F on Saturday, with 3 weekend days above 100 F.

I plan to post as much as I can now since I will be camped in the shade of the park blocks most of the weekend.

SHTF had a Max Slavo blog with suggestions like soak a sheet in cold water and lay on it. I will even follow the Nun's advice and take cold showers often.:jstr:


Let's Go Brandon!
Yeah, don’t do that. It takes away all my fun!



Senior Member
Ok. Let us say that this is the last extension of the moratorium.

Just how long would it take to get everyone actually physically out of their house or unit?
Seems to me like the potential would be a year or more. Just how many hours of law enforcement will be needed from a depleted and underfunded law enforcement agency.


Let's Go Brandon!
Ok. Let us say that this is the last extension of the moratorium.

Just how long would it take to get everyone actually physically out of their house or unit?
Seems to me like the potential would be a year or more. Just how many hours of law enforcement will be needed from a depleted and underfunded law enforcement agency.

Got to get it closer to winter so the hobo army is truly desperate and ready to break in anywhere that looks like it has food or heat.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
Here you go

Thanks! That clears up a misconception spreading out there. Blackrock simple bought another company who already owned these 17,000 rental homes. They didn't buy 17,000 additional private residences and turn them in to rental homes which is the misconception being spread.