EBOLA bbc news health site closed down


Just watched BBC lunchtime news where at the end of the ebola interview, the interviewer said that for further information on ebola to visit the bbc.co.uk/health website.

I went onto this immediately only to get this:


The BBC Health website is no longer available.

The site featured a number of pages outlining medical conditions and other health information.

The BBC has decided to discontinue the site because there are now other websites that offer a comprehensive, medically checked service, which the BBC site was duplicating.

For information on medical conditions you can visit NHS Choices.

Please visit BBC News for the latest health news stories. You can read more about the closure on the BBC Internet Blog.

You may also find pages on these subjects useful: Asthma, Autism, Cancer, Dementia, Depression, Diabetes, Fertility, Healthy eating, Healthy living, Heart disease, High blood pressure, Mental health, Obesity, Pneumonia, Sexual health, Stress, Viruses.

NO mention of ebola any more on BBC news health website.

Also I have not been able to get any more death toll rates later than one week ago - anyone else got better figures less than a week old?


Saved, to glorify God.
One of the most reliable "canaries in the mine" just fell silent and died, ignore THAT at your own peril.



You can still access the news on ebola - by going to the site and putting in 'ebola' in the search box - you are transferred to the dedicated news item.

Thankfully the BBC are NOT going quiet - just their health section has been shut - not all news on ebola

I for one am extremely glad about this