Ayers crawls out from under his rock...and whines


I don't even want to comment on this piece of garbage.

He epitomizes the mindset of the far left.

He still doesn't get why people are disgusted by him and his ideology, and all those like him...

He thinks it's all about him.

Bill Ayers: Becoming a target of 'terrorist' attack
Nov 08, 2008 04:30 AM
Bill Ayers

Special to the Star
Bill Ayers was a founder of the radical 1960s Weatherman group.

Whew! What was all that mess? I'm still in a daze, sorting it all out, decompressing.

For the past few years, I have gone about my business, hanging out with my kids and, now, my grandchildren, taking care of our elders (they moved in as the kids moved out), going to work, teaching and writing. And every day, I participate in the never-ending effort to build a powerful and irresistible movement for peace and social justice.

In years past, I would now and then – and often unpredictably – appear in the newspapers or on TV, sometimes with a reference to Fugitive Days, my 2001 memoir of the exhilarating and difficult years of resistance against the American war in Vietnam.

Then came this political season.

During the primaries, the blogosphere was full of chatter about my relationship with Barack Obama. We had served together on the board of the Woods Foundation and knew one another as neighbours in Chicago's Hyde Park. In 1996, at a coffee gathering that my wife, Bernardine Dohrn (also a founder of the Weatherman) and I held for him, I made a $200 donation to his campaign for the Illinois state senate.

Obama's rivals and enemies thought they saw an opportunity to deepen a dishonest perception that he is somehow un-American, alien, linked to radical ideas, a closet terrorist who sympathizes with extremism – and they pounced.

On March 13, Senator John McCain, apparently in an attempt to reassure the "base," sat down for an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News. McCain was not yet aware of the narrative Hannity had been spinning for months, and so Hannity filled him in: Ayers is an unrepentant "terrorist," he explained.

"On 9/11, of all days, he had an article where he bragged about bombing our Pentagon, bombing the Capitol and bombing New York City police headquarters. ... He said, `I regret not doing more.'"

McCain couldn't believe it.

Neither could I.

On the campaign trail, McCain immediately got on message. I became a prop, a cartoon character created to be pummelled.

When Alaska Governor Sarah Palin got hold of it, the attack went viral. At a now-famous Oct. 4 rally, she said Obama was "pallin' around with terrorists." (I pictured us sharing a milkshake with two straws.)

The crowd began chanting, "Kill him! Kill him!" It was downhill from there.

My voicemail filled up with hate messages. They were mostly from men, all venting and breathing heavily. A few threats: "Watch out!" and "You deserve to be shot." And I got some emails like this one from satan@hell.com: "I'm coming to get you and when I do, I'll waterboard you."

The police lieutenant who came to copy down those threats deadpanned that he hoped the guy who was going to shoot me got there before the guy who was going to waterboard me, since it would be most foul to be tortured and then shot.

The good news was that every time McCain or Palin mentioned my name, they lost a point or two in the polls. The cartoon invented to hurt Obama poked holes in the rapidly sinking McCain-Palin ship.

The McCain-Palin attacks not only involved guilt by association, they also assumed that one must apply a political litmus test to begin a conversation.

In a robust and sophisticated democracy, political leaders – and all of us – ought to seek ways to talk with many people who hold dissenting, or even radical, ideas. Lacking that simple and yet essential capacity to question authority, we might still be burning witches and enslaving our fellow human beings today.

Maybe we could welcome our current situation – torn by another illegal war, as it was in the '60s – as an opportunity to search for the new.

Perhaps we might think of ourselves not as passive consumers of politics, but as fully mobilized political actors.

Perhaps we might think of our various efforts now, as we did then, as more than a single campaign, but rather as our movement-in-the-making.

We might find hope in the growth of opposition to war and occupation worldwide.

Or we might be inspired by the growing movements for reparations and prison abolition, or the rising immigrant rights movement and the stirrings of working people everywhere, or by gay and lesbian and transgender people courageously pressing for full recognition.

Yet hope – my hope, our hope – resides in a simple self-evident truth: the future is unknown, and it is also entirely unknowable.

History is always in the making. It's up to us. It is up to me and to you. Nothing is predetermined. That makes our moment on this Earth both hopeful and all the more urgent – we must find ways to become real actors, to become authentic subjects in our own history.

In this time of new beginnings and rising expectations, it is even more urgent that we figure out how to become the people we have been waiting to be.

Bill Ayers is a distinguished professor of education and senior scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago. This is a condensed version of an essay that first appeared in In These Times (www.inthesetimes.com).


Time Traveler
He has a strange cadence to his writing, it was difficult to read.

I'd read somewhere that there was a rumor that Mr. Ayers ghost wrote Mr. O's book.


He seems to have forgotten that Hillary brought it up first when she debated the fool.

He forgets a lot of things like nobody chanted "kill him". It was made up by a reporter, and that some folks are right to be upset about killing LEO's. The families of those officers probably don't see it as "exhilarating and difficult years of resistance against the American war in Vietnam...", like some college prank.

I also find it improbable that there is an ISP with a "hell.com" address.

Another spoiled rich kid who didn't even have the courage of his misguided convictions and had daddy and a cadre of lawyers use his freindship with Daley when it got too hard as a fugitive.

Worthless oxygen wasting turd.



Just, wow.

I don't even know where to start.

Maybe tomorrow my brain will stop reeling and I'll be able to respond without throwing up on my laptop.


Veteran Member
some folks are right to be upset about killing LEO's. The families of those officers probably don't see it as "exhilarating and difficult years of resistance against the American war in Vietnam...", like some college prank.

Another spoiled rich kid who didn't even have the courage of his misguided convictions and had daddy and a cadre of lawyers use his friendship with Daley when it got too hard as a fugitive.

Worthless oxygen wasting turd.

Yes, sir! Brother Wardogs, that richy-rich-kid was a conscious & willing pawn & conspiratorial agent of Socialist/Communist forces, for the violent and murderous overthrow of our Constitutional Government. It's an axiomatic tradition that the spoiled scions of the upper middle class - the ones like BO who've had all the benefits a free society have to offer - are the very ones who work the hardest to destroy it.

Takes some kind of pathological narcissist to throw up his (murderous, traitorous ) hands and shake his head saying, "Wha-a-a-a... What did I do? I didn't do anything!"

Took the liberty of adding emphasis to your prose.:groucho:


When you read his (and his lunatic wife's) revolutionary tome "prairie fire",

Or watch the video from last week when Fox News caught him outside his Chicago mansion with his t-shirt with the Communist star on it, (He actually called the cops if you can fathom that irony), You get an idea of the depravity of this mouth breather.

Calling for the rounding up and execution of 25 million Americans for being "not susceptible to re-education efforts" is considered by him to be OK, but now he feels persecuted...:sht:

It's just so UNFAIR!!!

Absolutely unbelievable.

And the article ends with the reporter for the paper calling him "a distinguished professor of education and senior scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago."

And no one bats an eye or thinks that's just a bit....odd?

Welcome to the Twilight Zone...


Global Moderator
I learned something reading this article. I didn't know that satan had an email address. How cool is that? I, of all people, need to know this information. Since he is not omniscient or omnipotent, I can see where email would be very helpful.

Also, I realize that this Ayers feller was just being used by the underdog opposition to cast aspersions on the messiah. He is really just a regular member of society with a colored (can you say that now?) past in his youth, now doing his part to build a strong democracy. With the terrible smear campaign against this upstanding husband, father, and community volunteer, it's no wonder McCain/Palin lost the election.


I learned something reading this article. I didn't know that satan had an email address. How cool is that? I, of all people, need to know this information. Since he is not omniscient or omnipotent, I can see where email would be very helpful.

Also, I realize that this Ayers feller was just being used by the underdog opposition to cast aspersions on the messiah. He is really just a regular member of society with a colored (can you say that now?) past in his youth, now doing his part to build a strong democracy. With the terrible smear campaign against this upstanding husband, father, and community volunteer, it's no wonder McCain/Palin lost the election.

Well good father, I feel like I have accomplished something this morning...

I sent Satan an email earlier and am awaiting a reply.

I'm not very hopeful though.

I'm afraid that I was bit rude. :shr:


"Perhaps we might think of our various efforts now, as we did then, as more than a single campaign, but rather as our movement-in-the-making."

Yes, indeed, he is, Wardogs - literally, himself a "movement-in-the-making".



Senior Member
Ayers: "...urgent that we figure out how to become the people that we have been waiting to be."

Obama: "We are the ones we have been waiting for."

Conrad Nimikos

Who is Henry Bowman
In one of the debates Obama said the stories of Ayers helping Obama from Ayers home were false. Now, from Ayers own mouth "In 1996, at a coffee gathering that my wife, Bernardine Dohrn (also a founder of the Weatherman) and I held for him, I made a $200 donation to his campaign for the Illinois state senate.

Ayers proves the O man is a liar. If a person has to lie about small things what will he do about important things?


Membership Revoked
Bill Ayers is a distinguished professor of education and senior scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

This guy is a terrorist scum who should be in jail.

It's not only disgraceful that obamma has this guy as his mentor, but it clearly shows an appalling lack of judgement. The incompetence of obamma is simply breathtaking. Words like idiot, dupe and moron don't do justice in describing this fool.