CORONA Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots


TB Fanatic
Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - An Evansville family and their attorney says they were accidentally given full adult doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine instead of flu shots.

They say it happened October 4, at the Walgreens on St. Joseph Avenue.

The family of four includes two adults and two children who are just five and four years old.

The Pfizer vaccine isn’t approved for children that young. They are seeking approval for children ages five to 11, but the dosage would be one third that of the adult dose. Pfizer has not asked permission to vaccinate children age four or younger.

The family says they left the pharmacy thinking they had received their flu shots, but a Walgreens employee later called them and said they had made a mistake. The attorney tells us the cards were then issued since the coronavirus vaccine had been given. picture of cards is at the link

Tuley says the children have been taken to a pediatric cardiologist, and the family was told both are showing signs of heart issues.

The family’s attorney, Daniel Tuley, shared with us what he says are the vaccination cards given to the family by Walgreens. They show children born in 2016 and 2017 were given a Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

The family says the younger child has been sick with a fever and a cough. Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
I received a tetanus shot a few months ago and asked to see the syringe label before
allowing the nurse to administer the shot.

The nurse had a puzzled look, then I explained that they gave me the wrong shot a few years ago.

I do think it was an accident, but there is nothing wrong with double checking someone else's work.

Double checking someone else's work will become more important as the CRT students enter the workforce.
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TB Fanatic
Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WFIE) - An Evansville family and their attorney says they were accidentally given full adult doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine instead of flu shots.

They say it happened October 4, at the Walgreens on St. Joseph Avenue.

The family of four includes two adults and two children who are just five and four years old.

The Pfizer vaccine isn’t approved for children that young. They are seeking approval for children ages five to 11, but the dosage would be one third that of the adult dose. Pfizer has not asked permission to vaccinate children age four or younger.

The family says they left the pharmacy thinking they had received their flu shots, but a Walgreens employee later called them and said they had made a mistake. The attorney tells us the cards were then issued since the coronavirus vaccine had been given. picture of cards is at the link

Tuley says the children have been taken to a pediatric cardiologist, and the family was told both are showing signs of heart issues.

The family’s attorney, Daniel Tuley, shared with us what he says are the vaccination cards given to the family by Walgreens. They show children born in 2016 and 2017 were given a Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.

The family says the younger child has been sick with a fever and a cough. Attorney: COVID-19 vaccine given to family, including small kids, instead of flu shots
I see a huge lawsuit coming!! This is an outrage!!


Let's Go Brandon!
I believe that the COVID-19 jabs, are going to be put into any type of an
injectable medicine, including insulins.

They need massive numbers of peoples sick and dying, which is the reason
for the COVID-19 jabs, and events such as this one, are only going to
massively increase, as the demand for COVID-19 jabs eventually are
going to be done by physical force.

The family can sue, but they wont get a dime. Their sickness now, is on them.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.


Old Greek

Veteran Member
I got the flu shot every year for the last ten years. Not this year - I do not trust the medical establishment any more. Neither the wife or I have got the jab. Will not get it.

Thread drift below.

Last spring was told by my regular doctor that my kidney function was at a dangerous level. One looked to be dead. the other was poor. I felt fine. This was after he received my regular blood test printout before the visit. The doc had me get another test. Went back a day later and my numbers were perfect. He had done an investigation himself and found the blood test location I went to mixed up my sample with another person. To say my doc was pissed ( he was openly swearing ) is an under statement. He is a great doc.

Things are screwed up everywhere
I think this has happened at multiple Walgreen's locations. I seem to recall reading a couple of different articles about this here on TB.
I think it's done on purpose.
And a minute!
Are children that young even supposed to get the flu vaccine anyway??

I don’t have children but I’ve never heard of five yr olds getting that!
yes they now say 6 months. They love killing children.


TB Fanatic
I received a tetanus shot a few months ago and asked to see the syringe label before
allowing the nurse to administer the shot.

The nurse had a puzzled look, then I explained that they gave me the wrong shot a few years ago.

I do think it was an accident, but there is nothing wrong with double checking someone else's work.

Double checking someone else work will become more important as the CRT students enter the workforce.
ABSOLUTELY DO THIS. And make sure you watch them draw it up (after checking vial) so you KNOW.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If there was any justice walgreens would be sued into bancrupcy and another company would pick up their assets for pennies on the dollar while every former walgreens employee C level executive and above does hard time in a state pen.
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Veteran Member
I got the flu shot every year for the last ten years. Not this year - I do not trust the medical establishment any more. Neither the wife or I have got the jab. Will not get it.

Thread drift below.

Last spring was told by my regular doctor that my kidney function was at a dangerous level. One looked to be dead. the other was poor. I felt fine. This was after he received my regular blood test printout before the visit. The doc had me get another test. Went back a day later and my numbers were perfect. He had done an investigation himself and found the blood test location I went to mixed up my sample with another person. To say my doc was pissed ( he was openly swearing ) is an under statement. He is a great doc.

Things are screwed up everywhere

This happened to me a few years ago! I never found out what happened but one minute I was in stage 3 kidney failure and a week later perfectly normal! I was online 24/7 for days researching every possible avenue to somehow fix my kidneys. Scared the heck out of me.

Night Breeze

Veteran Member
I guess this is what happens when a cashier gives you a shot when the pharmacists get busy. I hope they get the CPR machines out and do a safety drill and inspection. No settlement one time pay, would have Walgreens on the hook forever.


On and On, South of Heaven
This is just the one they caught.

Since "they" said there were almost zero flu cases this year, I'd be willing to wager that folks across the nation are receiving covid shots where they are expecting the annual flu shot.


On and On, South of Heaven
If there was any justice walgreens would be sued into bancrupcy and another company would pick up their assets for pennies on the dollar while every former walgreens employee C level executive and above does hard time in a state pen.

VERP received 1,256 confidential reports of vaccine errors from September 2012 through June 2015. When these reports were broken down into categories, the two most commonly reported types of errors were (1) administering vaccine to the wrong-age patient and (2) administering the wrong vaccine to a patient. These two categories alone accounted for almost half of all reported errors.


Veteran Member
It was a matter of time before the wrong vaccine was given now that flu season is coming up. I pray there is damage done to those children. Good grief, sue the heck of Walgreens!

Old Greek

Veteran Member
This happened to me a few years ago! I never found out what happened but one minute I was in stage 3 kidney failure and a week later perfectly normal! I was online 24/7 for days researching every possible avenue to somehow fix my kidneys. Scared the heck out of me.
Glad it worked out for you goosebeams. It was scary. My wife always thinks I have one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. When the correct info was confirmed I always give her the same answer - See, I am the picture of health. ( before picture - I need to lose 40 more lbs. - already lost 30 ). Never a dull moment in life !


TB Fanatic
I decided that when all this “push” began on 19, that there was NO WAY I would get the flu shot this year. Trust them not. Especially after all the cases we have heard about where flu and 19 have been “confused”. With all the shenanigans, I wonder how many cases we haven’t heard about.