GOV/MIL Arizona HB2572 Passes - CAFR Transparency bill!


Ever since I first learned the truth about CAFR's, I have held the belief that if the States don't open them up and speak the truth about their budgets, then there is absolutely no hope of ever resolving financial crisis at the state level.

Folks, the states aren't broke. They're filthy rich.

It's been quite awhile since I've heard a show on CAFR's. I first heard about them on the Jeff Rense program, and it's a mind blower. Double booking by the states. They tell us they're broke, when the the truth is far from it.

This bill, according to Burien, is only a partial victory, but at least it's something.


AZ HB2572 Passes - CAFR Transparency bill

by Walter Burien - CAFR1


AZ HB2572 Passes in Arizona and was signed into law by Governor Brewer on April 14th 2011

HB2572 known as the CAFR Transparency bill of which I sent a prior post out on is a step in the right direction but it is deceptive in several areas. I made the suggestions to the sponsor of the bill for modification in text where it would then be truly transparent but my three suggestions were not implemented into the bill.

They were as follows:

1. The biggest deception government has played on the population was never mentioning the investment funds held by that local government. The bill focuses on a showing of expenditures and budgetary income. For transparency the first line focus should be on a clear listing of all investment funds held by that local government in any capacity. There is not one mention of investment funds in the bill as was my first suggestion.

2. I could put a 100 elephants on my property and if no one saw them, no one would know they were there. Or if I put one elephant on a corner in downtown phoenix millions could be talking about it by the end of the day. With that in mind I suggested that the following text be added on every city; county; and state tax bill that went out: "We strongly suggest that our taxpayers carefully review their local government CAFRs" giving the website link that the bill would implement where all local government CAFRs would now be listed on. There was no issue of cost on this suggestion being that the tax bill would be going out anyway and it is just a little extra ink but that would be putting the elephant on the downtown street corner in any light of transparency. My second suggestion was also not implemented into the bill.

3. The bill applied to local City; County; State; School Districts; and Universities. I mentioned that the Enterprise Operations of the same or stand-alone ones where the biggest holding grounds for specialty advance forward liability funds (a tactic used to turn an ongoing profit into a liability designated for future projects or paying for existing or presumed future debt). Some of these advance forward liability investment funds are massive and never being mentioned or discussed with the public hinges on severe fraud on the part of that lack of transparency. I strongly suggested that the enterprise operations be included in the responsible parties targeted in this bill. My third suggestion of including the Enterprise Operations was also not implemented in the text of the bill.

The good thing is that the bill was a step in the right direction. The great thing is all of the other states you now have a precedent to require they do the same "and" include the text as I have outlined above. With that being done you will now have a true CAFR transparency bill in effect for your state. So don't delay, make it happen...

Please share with those that you know.

Sent FYI and truly Yours,

Walter Burien -
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Girls with Guns Member
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

I did the search to save everyone else time with no clue what the acronym was for.


Membership Revoked
It never would have passed if it required true transparency.
I am sure there are holes you could drive a truck through.
Oh. Well. It is a start.


Veteran Member
It's like the Independent School Districts here in Texas screaming they have to lay off teachers and cut positions and of course, the children will suffer. Better to use the Texas State Rainy Day Fund to cover the short fall in their budget this year. Fast forward a week or two and the local radio (WOAI) is now saying the ISDs "recalled" they too had rainy day funds (almost half a Billion dollars just in San Antonio)..but the a******s want the tax payer to to pay for their screwedup greed twice over. Hope they all lose their jobs, worthless liars.