Are any beans genetically modified?


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The majority of soybeans in the US are GM. Kidney, pinto, and black beans, at least, are also available in GM forms, but they are not nearly so prevalent as the GM soy beans.


Senior Member
Thanks for the reply. I wonder what percentage of pinto is genetically modified, black bean percentage, etc... and how can you find out if your batch of beans has had it's genes manipulated?


Plant some. Once they're growing, spray them with Roundup. If they die... they aren't GM.

(I'm not aware of any other genetic modifications right now, although I suppose they could be using some sort of "anti-bean-beetle" type modification as well. But I think mostly it's for weed control, and that means "roundup Ready")



Senior Member
Thanks Summerthyme. So the probable genetic manipulation would be to make it safe from roundup so the fields can be treated for weeds.