
  1. H

    SCI NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... NASA Wants to Stop a Doomsday Supervolcano by Stealing its Heat Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics • August 15, 2017 Beneath Yellowstone National Park is...
  2. Melodi

    SCI Is Iceland About to Experience its Biggest Volcanic Eruption Yet?

    'An eruption could occur at any time from 8 hours to 72 hours from now' Olivia Petter @oliviapetter1 The Independent Travel There have been over 500 earthquakes in Iceland in the last four days, leading experts to believe that a volcanic eruption could be imminent. A series of 40...
  3. Melodi

    Earth Chgs Head's up in Iceland!

    I've seen this other places than the Daily Mirror so I know this is a real alert- I've had a sort of low pressure headache that I sometimes get before earthquakes for several days now. It can be ignored, sometimes it is allergies but it tends to life after an earthquake happens - it has not...