
  1. B

    POL White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care

    Another turn of the screw. Pundits aside, I'm really worried we are going to get jammed up with this monster. Socialism and government control. White House: Simple up-or-down vote on health care Email this Story Feb 28, 12:50 PM (ET) By JIM KUHNHENN WASHINGTON (AP) - The White...
  2. dstraito

    HEALTH Health as a prepping concern

    I used to be very robust and healthy. I could work all day at whatever I wanted to do from clearing land, splitting logs, digging. I once spent an entire day lifting 150-200 lb railroad ties to my shoulder and moving them about 50 yards away. I wanted a pickup so I could haul things around...
  3. B

    POL Obama to spell out new healthcare plan

    It's baaack! Catch the reference to reconciliation as well. ----- Obama to spell out new healthcare plan By Donna Smith Donna Smith Fri Feb 19, 6:33 pm ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama is expected to publish his healthcare plan as early as Sunday or Monday, combining features...
  4. N

    TIP Septic Tank: Free Publications on Maintenance

    Link here: Free downloadable publications such as: * Maintaining Your Septic System: A Guide for Homeowners (pdf)- Pipeline newsletter, Fall 2004 - Proper operation and maintenance of your septic system can have a significant impact on how well...
  5. N

    HEALTH Ordering Your Own Medical Tests

    For those itnerested in simply checking their cholesterol, thyroid function or hormone levels, you can order tests yourself online. I would also mention that local hospitals often offer low-cost screenings for cholesterol, PSA, etc. so check there first. I have used the following services...