CORONA German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries


Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher. Screenshot from YouTube
German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries
The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings.

Published: August 3, 2021, 12:42 pm

The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”

The Merkel administration quickly moved to respond to this “politically explosive” statement from Heidelberg. According to the German Press Agency (dpa), the Paul Ehrlich Institute announced that Schirmacher’s statements were “incomprehensible”. The Chancellor’s lackey, senior German immunologist Thomas Mertens dismissed the findings right away: “I don’t know of any data that would allow a justifiable statement to be made here and I am not assuming an unreported number.”

The immunologist Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital, member of the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), also contradicted Schirmacher’s assumption of a “high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths”.
The pathologist however received support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed.

The head of the “Autopsy Working Group” in this association wanted to make general practitioners and health authorities aware of this. In other words, doctors of the patients who die within a few days or weeks after vaccination should apply for an autopsy in case of doubt or the health authorities should take action.

The Federal Association of Pathologists had already requested this in March in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), but it went unanswered.

Schirmacher’s warning could of course ruin a multi-digit long-term billion-dollar business for various pharmaceutical companies, while the already low willingness to get the jab in the remaining unvaccinated group could further decrease dramatically and ultimately the entire pandemic strategy of the federal government could unravel.

But the seriousness and reputation of the director of the Pathological Institute at the University of Heidelberg are unassailable.
Schirmacher himself is already leading an autopsy project on people who have died from Covid-19, which is subsidized by the state. He himself then expanded the focus and also autopsied more than 40 deceased vaccinated people. Even if his results are only a snapshot, it is a dramatic one: 30 to 40 percent died from the vaccination itself. The pathologist cited “rare, severe side effects of the vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases”.

Schirmacher responded to the criticism from some colleagues. He denied a lack of competence: “The colleagues are definitely wrong because they cannot assess this specific question competently.” Moreover, he has not tried to spread panic, and he is not an opponent of vaccinations – Schirmacher himself has been vaccinated.

The Robert Koch Institute meanwhile refers to the regular safety reports of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on its website. However, should it become apparent in the coming weeks that politics, science and the media are campaigning against Schirmacher and his alarming results are being completely ignored, it would be another red flag regarding the safety of the products.

Twitter meanwhile suspended the account of former New York Times science correspondent Alex Berenson for sharing details of a Pfizer clinical trial with similar findings which completely obliterates the narrative of the political establishment.

According to Pfizer: “During the blinded, controlled period, 15 BNT162b2 and 14 placebo recipients died; during the open-label period, 3 BNT162b2 and 2 original placebo recipients who received BNT162b2 after unblinding died. None of these deaths were considered related to BNT162b2 by investigators.” It stated that the causes of death were balanced between BNT162b2 and placebo groups: 15 people who took the vaccine died and 14 people who took the placebo died.

But tons of people who were in the placebo group have now taken the jab, thus “the trial blind is broken now” and “this is all the data we will ever have,” Berenson pointed out.
German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries | Free West Media



Ok... 30-40% (rather a wide range for a learned doctor , huh?) "probably " died from the vaxx.. out of 40, so, 12-16 vaxx caused deaths.

OUT OF HOW MANY?!! Yes, I'm shouting! Without that one little number, this entire article is meaningless.



Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
Ok... 30-40% (rather a wide range for a learned doctor , huh?) "probably " died from the vaxx.. out of 40, so, 12-16 vaxx caused deaths.

OUT OF HOW MANY?!! Yes, I'm shouting! Without that one little number, this entire article is meaningless.

I think he agrees with you and is trying to get that information.

The pathologist however received support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed.



Paging rondaben...

Of course, he will still need more "proof" ...
Well, *I* need more proof!

12, or 16, out of 40... OUT OF HOW MANY ORIGINAL VACCINATED? 100? You've got a BIG problem. Insurmountable- 2nd Nuremburg Trial kind of Insurmountable.

Out of 1000? REAL BIG problem. But people are still going to notice- if the above levels of morbidity were happening, we'd be hearing about it.

Out of 10,000? Big problem, but now getting into the hidable range, especially if the deaths are weighted towards the elderly and/or those with serious comorbidities.

But without that bottom number, we're left with only a disquieting feeling that this *could be* very significant, but apparently getting clicks 8s more important than providing useful facts. Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that they *don't want you* to know the facts.

Because I guarantee the same database they pulled the number who died within 2 weeks put of has the total number of vaccinated during the time period in question...

And speaking of which, it really IS in question! Notice there is no mention of how long a period of time is covered by these 40 cases? Week? Month? Calendar year?

One of the worst, essentially information-free pieces I've seen in awhile.

NOT a hit at Ragnarok.

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Disaster Cat
Nightwolf is a bit under the weather today but if he feels better later I'll see if he can find more information on this. My guess is that this is either really bad reporting or that the actual "numbers" in the study are being kept quiet by the media (probably under orders from the government).

But yes, it does make a huge difference, also the types of vaccine matter and the underlying conditions (if any) of the deceased.


Veteran Member
The article states "over forty", so yes it could be 440, but I am assuming (which is bad) the number is closer to 40.

"German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries
The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings."


Senior Member
I don't see how the original number makes any difference he autopsy 40 people who passed away after taking the Jab . 30 to 40% died from the vaccination so from that data anyone that dies within a week or two of getting vaccinated has a 30 to 40% chance of of having died of the vaccination so it's killing a s*** ton of people....


On and On, South of Heaven
I don't see how the original number makes any difference he autopsy 40 people who passed away after taking the Jab . 30 to 40% died from the vaccination so from that data anyone that dies within a week or two of getting vaccinated has a 30 to 40% chance of of having died of the vaccination so it's killing a s*** ton of people....

A number which would have and did stop any vaccination effort in the past


Veteran Member
I'll have to go back and listen to Dr. Martenson but he broke down the trial results and I thought he said the group was around 40,000 not 40.


Senior Member
I'll have to go back and listen to Dr. Martenson but he broke down the trial results and I thought he said the group was around 40,000 not 40.
The Pfizer trial had nothing to do with this doctor of pathologies findings.... The author just put that in to muddy the water ..What his findings are out of 40 people that died after taking the immunization 30-40% of them died of the vaccine.


Veteran Member
The Pfizer trial had nothing to do with this doctor of pathologies findings.... The author just put that in to muddy the water ..What his findings are out of 40 people that died after taking the immunization 30-40% of them died of the vaccine.
Thanks, I missed that.


Are you sure about that?
About 40 most likely means that there were 40 autopsies with a few more in process when the researcher developed his report, with results pending. So the sample size would be 40 deaths on the low end with a range of 30 to 40 percent attributed to the jab. The variance on the jab is probably due to individual researchers arguing over the results without a final determination.

Call it a sample size between 40 and 50 with a 30 to 40 percent jab attribution:

12 to 20 people is the spread. Based on this, it is reasonable to consider the jab to be worth reexamination.


Well come on...lets take this to its logical conclusion if this alarming article is to be believed.

To date they say 190 million people in the U.S. are considered fully vaccinated.

%30 of 190 million is 57 million people.

So where are they hiding the dead bodies of 57 million people? Surely SOMEONE on this forum noticed SOMETHING?

Can't say I've seen anything out in these parts.

What about SEVERE side effects requiring hospitalization? The hospitals must be overrun with these millions of patients and its just not being reported.
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Senior Member
Well come on...lets take this to its logical conclusion if this alarming article is to be believed.

To date they say 190 million people in the U.S. are considered fully vaccinated.

%30 of 190 million is 57 million people.

So where are they hiding the dead bodies of 57 million people? Surely SOMEONE on this forum noticed SOMETHING?

Can't say I've seen anything out in these parts.

What about SEVERE side effects requiring hospitalization? The hospitals must be overrun with these millions of patients and its just not being reported.
You missed the part where it said 30% to 40% of the people who have DIED 2 weeks after their SHOT was caused by THE SHOT


Fringe Ranger
Well come on...lets take this to its logical conclusion if this alarming article is to be believed.

To date they say 190 million people in the U.S. are considered fully vaccinated.

%30 of 190 million is 57 million people.

So where are they hiding the dead bodies of 57 million people? Surely SOMEONE on this forum noticed SOMETHING?

It didn't say 30% of injections end in death. It said 30% of deaths just after injection were DUE to the injection.


Are you sure about that?
Well come on...lets take this to its logical conclusion if this alarming article is to be believed.

To date they say 190 million people in the U.S. are considered fully vaccinated.

%30 of 190 million is 57 million people.

So where are they hiding the dead bodies of 57 million people? Surely SOMEONE on this forum noticed SOMETHING?

Can't say I've seen anything out in these parts.

What about SEVERE side effects requiring hospitalization? The hospitals must be overrun with these millions of patients and its just not being reported.

Good questions, a number of possibilities.

The German researchers are finding a hot spot with currently unknown factors.

A problem with the vaxxines in the studied people exists that we don't have. That is, they received a different/contaminated/adulterated formulation that we in the USA did not.

We did lose 57 million folks this year and extreme measures have been taken to shuffle the numbers. (This I have a hard time believing, but do not rule it out entirely.)


Membership Revoked
Well, *I* need more proof!

12, or 16, out of 40... OUT OF HOW MANY ORIGINAL VACCINATED? 100? You've got a BIG problem. Insurmountable- 2nd Nuremburg Trial kind of Insurmountable.

Out of 1000? REAL BIG problem. But people are still going to notice- if the above levels of morbidity were happening, we'd be hearing about it.

Out of 10,000? Big problem, but now getting into the hidable range, especially if the deaths are weighted towards the elderly and/or those with serious comorbidities.

But without that bottom number, we're left with only a disquieting feeling that this *could be* very significant, but apparently getting clicks 8s more important than providing useful facts. Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that they *don't want you* to know the facts.

Because I guarantee the same database they pulled the number who died within 2 weeks put of has the total number of vaccinated during the time period in question...

And speaking of which, it really IS in question! Notice there is no mention of how long a period of time is covered by these 40 cases? Week? Month? Calendar year?

One of the worst, essentially information-free pieces I've seen in awhile.

NOT a hit at Ragnarok.


it seems to me that a lot of doctor/scientists are all proving to be justifiably approached with skepticism,,these days.
this covid thingy is chipping away at their shiny armor of sainthood. Showing a mere mortal human inside.


Fringe Ranger
it seems to me that a lot of doctor/scientists are all proving to be justifiably approached with skepticism

It helps if people understand the actual point being made. About half the people on this thread seem to have missed what the OP said. It's not about the lethality of the injection in an unjabbed
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Veteran Member
Ok... 30-40% (rather a wide range for a learned doctor , huh?) "probably " died from the vaxx.. out of 40, so, 12-16 vaxx caused deaths.

OUT OF HOW MANY?!! Yes, I'm shouting! Without that one little number, this entire article is meaningless.



Veteran Member
Well come on...lets take this to its logical conclusion if this alarming article is to be believed.

To date they say 190 million people in the U.S. are considered fully vaccinated.

Vaccinated with what - saline?

Who knows - maybe only 10% actually received a real vaccine.


Veteran Member
About 40 most likely means that there were 40 autopsies with a few more in process when the researcher developed his report, with results pending. So the sample size would be 40 deaths on the low end with a range of 30 to 40 percent attributed to the jab. The variance on the jab is probably due to individual researchers arguing over the results without a final determination.

Call it a sample size between 40 and 50 with a 30 to 40 percent jab attribution:

12 to 20 people is the spread. Based on this, it is reasonable to consider the jab to be worth reexamination.
Except that 93,000,000 people in Germany have been vaccinated and through some undisclosed method he chose 40 autopsies to review and decided 12 - 15 (in his opinion) died from effects of the vaccine.


We don’t know how many of those 93,000,000 have died. We don’t know (at least he doesn’t tell us) how many of 93,000,000 would have died in any given year. We don’t know what criteria he used to form his opinion that 12 -14 died from the vaccine.

Perhaps one of the most important things he fails to disclose is how he chose the 40 autopsies to review or perform.
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Fringe Ranger
We don’t know how many of those 93,000,000 have died. We don’t know (at least he doesn’t tell us) how many of 93,000,000 would have died in any given year. We don’t know what criteria he used to form his opinion that 12 -14 died from the vaccine.

Perhaps one of the most important things he fails to disclose is how he chose the 40 autopsies to review or perform.

His report isn't about how many have died. It's like if he did a report on life on Mars and didn't discuss mid-ocean ridges. It's not part of the friggin scope! As for what criteria, since he's a pathologist we might presume he used criteria that pathologists use. Not my field, and clearly not yours.

How he chose the 40? It was a set of 40 people who died within two weeks of the jab and whom he autopsied. He almost certainly autopsied others who died more than two weeks after the jab, but he was interested in the 2-week span because he thought it might be indicative, so those are the ones he reported on. He wrote the report after 40 because he was seeing a clear pattern, and you don't need to do another thousand before going public when the pattern is this blatant. Since he's a pathologist he'll presumably be doing more. If you want more detail, send him a letter.


Veteran Member
His report isn't about how many have died. It's like if he did a report on life on Mars and didn't discuss mid-ocean ridges. It's not part of the friggin scope! As for what criteria, since he's a pathologist we might presume he used criteria that pathologists use. Not my field, and clearly not yours.

How he chose the 40? It was a set of 40 people who died within two weeks of the jab and whom he autopsied. He almost certainly autopsied others who died more than two weeks after the jab, but he was interested in the 2-week span because he thought it might be indicative, so those are the ones he reported on. He wrote the report after 40 because he was seeing a clear pattern, and you don't need to do another thousand before going public when the pattern is this blatant. Since he's a pathologist he'll presumably be doing more. If you want more detail, send him a letter.
So was it the only 40 people in all of 93,000,000 vaccinated in Germany that died within 2 weeks of getting the vaccine? Or were there more? We don’t know because he doesn’t tell.

Do more than 40 people die every 2 weeks in Germany? We don’t know because he doesn’t tell.

Did he choose these particular 40 because there were referred to him already as “suspicious” or had a particular trait? Hence a high portion would naturally be caused by the vaccine? We don’t know because he doesn’t say what the criteria or population was.

Poorly written at best, agenda driven at worst.


Fringe Ranger
So was it the only 40 people in all of 93,000,000 vaccinated in Germany that died within 2 weeks of getting the vaccine? Or were there more? We don’t know because he doesn’t tell.

Do more than 40 people die every 2 weeks in Germany? We don’t know because he doesn’t tell.

Did he choose these particular 40 because there were referred to him already as “suspicious” or had a particular trait? Hence a high portion would naturally be caused by the vaccine? We don’t know because he doesn’t say what the criteria or population was.

Poorly written at best, agenda driven at worst.

He's a pathologist. He autopsies people. Of all those he autopsied recently, these were 40 who died within two weeks of the jab.

He's not the only pathologist in Germany. He does not perform all the autopsies in Germany. People died in Germany that he never saw. We aren't told how many die in Germany per day, week, or lunar cycle. These people did not die within a two week span; they died over an undefined period of time and for each of them it was within two weeks of the jab.


Are you sure about that?
Except that 93,000,000 people in Germany have been vaccinated and through some undisclosed method he chose 40 autopsies to review and decided 12 - 15 (in his opinion) died from effects of the vaccine.


We don’t know how many of those 93,000,000 have died. We don’t know (at least he doesn’t tell us) how many of 93,000,000 would have died in any given year. We don’t know what criteria he used to form his opinion that 12 -14 died from the vaccine.

Perhaps one of the most important things he fails to disclose is how he chose the 40 autopsies to review or perform.

Pretty sure this is the documentation behind the findings, but my German is rusty:



Veteran Member
He's a pathologist. He autopsies people. Of all those he autopsied recently, these were 40 who died within two weeks of the jab.

He's not the only pathologist in Germany. He does not perform all the autopsies in Germany. People died in Germany that he never saw. We aren't told how many die in Germany per day, week, or lunar cycle. These people did not die within a two week span; they died over an undefined period of time and for each of them it was within two weeks of the jab.
And they are reportedly 40. 40 of how many we do not know. Again, the numbers are really meaningless without more data and disclosure.

All you can really draw from the article is that more autopsies need to be performed, if more than 40 are dying.