Obama camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage'


Obama camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage'
Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office

Posted: November 13, 2008
10:30 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

More than a half-dozen legal challenges have been filed in federal and state courts demanding President-elect Barack Obama's decertification from ballots or seeking to halt elector meetings, claiming he has failed to prove his U.S. citizenship status.

An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded.

"All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage," she said. "There have been several lawsuits, but they have been dismissed."

WND is tracking the progress of many cases across the U.S., including the following:


David M. Neal of Turtlecreek Township, Ohio, filed suit in Warren Common Pleas Court in October to force Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner to request documents from the Federal Elections Commission, the Democratic National Committee, the Ohio Democratic Party and Obama to show the presidential candidate was born in Hawaii, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.

Warren County Magistrate Andrew Hasselbach denied Neal's request, saying, "The onus is upon one who challenges such public officer to demonstrate an abuse of discretion by admissible evidence – not hearsay, conclusory allegations or pure speculation."


Connecticut resident Cort Wrotnowski challenged the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate on Oct. 31, and asked the court to order Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz to verify Obama's citizenship before allowing the candidate to appear on the state ballot. State Supreme Court Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers threw out the case for lack of jurisdiction within a half hour of reviewing it.

"I have not seen the ruling yet," Wrotnowski told WND. "So, in reality, the case was not heard on its merits. … Currently, we are assembling information for another and better try."


As WND reported earlier, Steven Marquis of Fall City, Wash., filed suit Oct. 9 in Washington State Superior Court, calling for Secretary of State Sam Reed to determine whether Obama is a citizen before Election Day. Marquis released a statement saying the state has the authority to "prevent the wholesale disenfranchisement of voters" who might have otherwise had the opportunity to choose a qualified candidate should records show Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen.

Marquis said Obama's Hawaii birth certificate isn't evidence that the president-elect is a natural-born citizen because it doesn't reveal the hospital where Obama was born, a doctor's name or the baby's footprint, the Associated Press reported.

Superior Court Judge John Erlick dismissed the lawsuit, claiming the secretary of state does not have authority to inquire about Obama's birth certificate. He also said Marquis failed to name Obama as a party to the lawsuit.

Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," personally autographed for only $24.95

New Jersey

In Leo C. Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, retired attorney and New Jersey resident Leo. C. Donofrio asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency stay on Nov. 3 prohibiting three candidates from appearing on New Jersey's ballots: Republican candidate John McCain, Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Socialist Worker's Party candidate Roger Calero.

Donofrio claimed the candidates are not "natural born citizens" as enumerated in Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States, which states, "No person except a natural born citizen of the United States, at the time of adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President."

He wrote, Obama is not eligible for the presidency "even if it were proved he was born in Hawaii, since … Senator Obama's father was born in Kenya and therefore, having been born with split and competing loyalties, candidate Obama is not a 'natural born citizen' …"

"Republican candidate John McCain was born in Panama," the request states. "Socialist Workers Party candidate Roger Calero was born in Nicaragua. And the birthplace of Democratic candidate Barack Obama has not been verified by Respondent."

Donofrio said Panama has never been considered U.S. soil, and that McCain is merely a citizen at birth by statute, and not a "natural born citizen."

With three ineligible presidential candidates on ballots, Donofrio warned, New Jersey voters will "witness firsthand the fraud their electoral process has become."

Justice David Souter denied Donofrio's application on Nov. 6. However, his case is still pending as an emergency stay application. Donofrio is resubmitting his request for an emergency stay of the national election results and Electoral College meeting to Justice Clarence Thomas.


As WND reported earlier, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court three months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen.

Berg claimed that by failing to respond Obama has legally "admitted" to the lawsuit's accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.

U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick dismissed Berg's argument on Oct, 24, ruling that he lacked standing to bring the case. He said Berg's allegations were "too vague and too attenuated."

"This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution," Berg told Jeff Schreiber of America's Right blog. "If I don't have standing, if you don't have standing, if your neighbor doesn't have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be president of the United States – the commander in chief, the most powerful person in the world – then who does?"

Berg filed a writ of certiorari in the U.S. Supreme Court on Oct.30, to force Obama to produce his birth certificate. Justice David Souter rejected an emergency appeal on Nov. 3, for the court to halt the tabulation of the 2008 presidential election results until Obama documented his eligibility to run for office. However, Souter set a schedule for a response from Obama, the DNC and all co-defendants on or before Dec. 1.

"I look forward to receiving Defendant Obama's response to the Writ and am hopeful the U.S. Supreme Court will review Berg v. Obama," Berg wrote in a Nov. 7 statement. "I believe Mr. Obama is not a consitutionally-qualified natural-born citizen and is ineligible to assume the office of the President of the United States."


Rev. Tom Terry of Atlanta, Ga., appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court the day before the election to determine authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate and his qualifications to be president.

"I bear no personal ill will against Barack Obama," Terry, an independent, said in a statement. "In fact, his election solely on the basis as the first African-American president-elect is a very positive thing for our nation. However, as an American, I have very grave concerns about Mr. Obama's possible divided loyalties since he has strenuously and vigorously fought every request and every legal effort to force him to release his original birth certificate for public review and scrutiny. I think that is significant."

On Oct 24, Georgia Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter denied Terry's request for an injunction against Secretary of State Karen Handel.

"I don't think you have standing to bring this suit," he said. "I think that the attorney general has argued the law. I think he is correct. I think you are not a lawyer."

Terry is appealing his suit even though Obama didn't win Georgia because he said he wants to set an example for other states. He is asking the court to direct Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel to decertify all votes for Obama.

"Hopefully, this action will be noticed by other states and they will also take a serious look at the meaning of Georgia's Supreme Court's actions," he said. "It is apropos that the Latin motto in the Georgia Supreme Court is interpreted: 'Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.' I think if the Court rules in my favor, that motto will come alive with meaning and impact."


On Oct. 17, Andy Martin filed a writ of mandamus in Hawaii's Supreme Court to compel Gov. Linda Lingle to release a certified copy of Obama's vital statistics record. His request to expedite the circuit court was denied on Oct. 22.

Martin now has a pending case seeking access to Obama's original 1961 typewritten birth certificate. The circuit court hearing is set to begin Nov. 18.

The saga continues …

Several unconfirmed reports also indicate that citizens of Utah, Wyoming, Florida, New York, North Carolina, Texas, California and Virginia have also filed lawsuits or requested court orders to verify Obama's citizenship status.

As reported earlier, WND senior investigative reporter Jerome Corsi traveled both to Kenya and Hawaii to investigate issues surrounding Obama's birth.

But his discoveries only raised more questions.

The governor's office in Hawaii said he had a valid certificate but rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin – leaving some to wonder if the certificate on file with the Department of Health indicates a Hawaiian birth or whether it was generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii.

The Obama campaign posted a certification of live birth, a document stating the baby was born on Aug. 4, 1961. However, according to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, there is a difference between the two documents. A certification of live birth is not an authentication of Hawaiian birth, and critics say the procedure could have allowed Obama's mother to have the baby elsewhere, return to the U.S. and obtain the document in Hawaii.

The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands makes a distinction between the two:

In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL.
However, Andy Martin has specifically requested verification of the original 1961 type-written certificate of live birth – or, as the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands describes it, the "more complete record" of Obama's birth.

Further adding to complications, Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born. In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter, Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu; then in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children.

But a video posted on YouTube features Obama's Kenyan grandmother Sarah claiming to have witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya.

Seeking to settle the issue, Hawaii Department of Health Director Director Chiyome Fukino released an Oct. 31 statement saying, "State law (Hawai'i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record. Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai'i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."

The statement does not clarify whether "the record" is a certification of live birth or a Hawaiian certificate of live birth.

Before the election, WND retained a top private investigator in Hawaii with extensive FBI training and tasked him with visiting both the Queens Medical Center and the Kaliolani Medical Center to investigate claims that Obama birth certificates existed at either hospital.

However, the private investigator reported that sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to fend off press inquiries about Obama's birth certificate.

When WND asked the Obama campaign spokeswoman why Obama simply hasn't released the original 1961 certificate of live birth to make the lawsuits go away, she replied, "I have no idea. I think they released what they chose to release, and Hawaii has confirmed that he was born in Hawaii, so I don't know what else you want."



Constitutional Patriot
The citizens have every right to know the eligibility of an official elected to the highest office in the land. These judges are clearly stonewalling and sweeping everything under the rug and Hawaii is being deliberately ambiguous. Every indication shows that the man is not a US citizen and can not be President. There is no other reason for them to not produce the proper documents other than they are hiding the fact that he is NOT A US CITIZEN!!!
The citizens have every right to know the eligibility of an official elected to the highest office in the land. These judges are clearly stonewalling and sweeping everything under the rug and Hawaii is being deliberately ambiguous. Every indication shows that the man is not a US citizen and can not be President. There is no other reason for them to not produce the proper documents other than they are hiding the fact that he is NOT A US CITIZEN!!!

That certainly appears to be the case.

fruit loop

Both parties need to get over themselves.

To the GOP: the people have spoken. Get over it and move on.

To the Dems: Bush is out of office, nobody has to deal with him anymore, so get over it and move on.

Mark D

Now running for Emperor.
Both parties need to get over themselves.

To the GOP: the people have spoken. Get over it and move on.

To the Dems: Bush is out of office, nobody has to deal with him anymore, so get over it and move on.

Agree... The Rule of Law is highly overrated. As is honest, transparent government.

Stupid serfs. Who are they to be asking about matters of their masters?


Constitutional Patriot
Both parties need to get over themselves.

To the GOP: the people have spoken. Get over it and move on.

To the Dems: Bush is out of office, nobody has to deal with him anymore, so get over it and move on.

You really are a fruit loop. This has nothing to do with party politics and everything to do with whether we are going to have an illegal immigrant as our POTUS. You need to get over YOURSELF I think.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded.

"All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage," she said. "There have been several lawsuits, but they have been dismissed."

Flat out, bold faced LIE! But completely expected.


fruit loop


One last time, for Dex....

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His birth cert was on display at his campaign headquarters.

Newspaper archives also show his birth announcement for that week.

Even if he wasn't born in the States, (which, again, he was), his mother was an American citizen, thus granting citizenship to her son.
Both parties need to get over themselves.

To the GOP: the people have spoken. Get over it and move on.

To the Dems: Bush is out of office, nobody has to deal with him anymore, so get over it and move on.

*sigh* The GOP and The Dems are two sides of the same coin.

We have been well and truly screwed with no dinner, no movie.....hell, we didn't even get "to see the artwork".

Getting over ourselves is the least of our worries, at this point.




Even IF he was born in Hawaii -

he was ADOPTED by an Indonesian, he became an Indonesian citizen as a result of the adoption -

NO LONGER A US CITIZEN after that adoption. ADOPTIONS DO PERMANENTLY CHANGE THINGS, you cannot reverse adoptions.

You CAN change your name legally, you can change your citizenship by doing it legally just like any other immigrant, but you cannot be natural born under Obama's set of birht circumstances, let alone his adoption circumstances.

EVEN his school records from Indonesia show him as an Indonesian citizen . . what part of all this is SO HARD TO GET!!!!



Black Out

One last time, for Dex....

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His birth cert was on display at his campaign headquarters.

Newspaper archives also show his birth announcement for that week.

Even if he wasn't born in the States, (which, again, he was), his mother was an American citizen, thus granting citizenship to her son.
Let see it. Display it to the Media and the American people. What's he waiting for? Bergs case is about to go to the Supreme Court, which they will throw out because of threat of riots.


Leska Emerald Adams
Kenyan and Indonesian citizen, listed as islamic on all available records (few).

The man's past has been covered up, but he has had ongoing help and financial backing from terrorists.

Being of mixed race did not stop him from being elected (kudos to America!) so whatever he is hiding would engender more danger than race.


FL, My youngest daughter was born to am American father and mother on the island of Okinawa. I had to register her birth at the U. S. Embassy there and she was issued a certificate of "naturalization" when we returned to the continental US and applied for citizenship! She is NOT considered a "natural-born" American citizen, she is a "naturalized " American Citizen. There are FINE distinctions and the Constitution states the president MSUT BE a "natural-born" citizen which Obama is not.


Black Out
Kenyan and Indonesian citizen, listed as islamic on all available records (few).

The man's past has been covered up, but he has had ongoing help and financial backing from terrorists.

Being of mixed race did not stop him from being elected (kudos to America!) so whatever he is hiding would engender more danger than race.
Well said.


Justine Case
And the same exact ones blocking citizens rights are the ones who screamed the loudest for Bush to be impeached. :screw:

Was Bush impeached? If not he should have been! Of course that was blocked too. When will people figure out the presidents are chosen long before the elections happen.


If a spokesperson for Omama said that citizen lawsuits are garbage then he is well on his way to becoming the elitist that most of us already think that he is. He's of the type that thinks that his own feces doesn't stink just like Bush and most of the rest of the political class on the federal level. The constitution isn't a landmark or a navigational beacon to them it's nothing but an obstruction. If they can't find a court or lawyer to navigate around it they just plant the explosive charges in the foundation and let it crumble away which is what they have been doing for many years now.


Veteran Member

One last time, for Dex....

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His birth cert was on display at his campaign headquarters.

Newspaper archives also show his birth announcement for that week.

Even if he wasn't born in the States, (which, again, he was), his mother was an American citizen, thus granting citizenship to her son.

These statements clearly indicate that you are not aware of the facts or have refused to read the plethora of very detailed explanations explaining why these statements are not true.


These statements clearly indicate that you are not aware of the facts or have refused to read the plethora of very detailed explanations explaining why these statements are not true.

Yes, you're right. FL has made an intentional choice not to be informed of the facts, yet continues to be an apologist for BHO and spew her "spin" on the LAW.

Hopefully, SCOTUS will think to call her to weigh in on what she thinks the law says - since surely there could be no more reliable source of legal opinion in this country than a layperson who won't even read the points of law when clearly presented. :lkick:


Veteran Member
Fruit Loop,
The only document produced by the Obama camp from Hawaii is a "Certification of Live Birth." (Even that document is suspect, as determined by forensic professionals). It is clear from reading Hawaii's own information that this document is not the same as "Certificate of Birth". Hawaii's official document is the "Certificate of Birth", which we don't have. I know that you know this. Why do you ignore these facts? :shr: Further, his grandmother said he was born in Kenya. Do you have evidence contradicting her statement? I want facts, not opinions. And the overwhelming evidence points to the conclusion that he was not born in the US.


SO, if lawsuits from CITIZENS are 'garbage', well then, CLEARLY, we lowly beasties ought swear off lawyers, insofar as SUITS of LAW be involved!

This would have the advantage of relegating those vile creatures to seeking their livlihood from non-citizen 'suits' (or, perhaps they could sue each other?).

What's the logical conclusion, there?



Membership Revoked
An Obama campaign spokeswoman told WND the complaints are unfounded.

"All I can tell you is that it is just pure garbage," she said.

And that attitude completely sums up the mind-set of 'Bama-man Hussein, his mentors, handlers and kool-aide guzzling follwers..... Anyone who doesn't swoon over him and dares to question him on anything, is dismissed as being 'garbage'........

Wasn't only last week when one of his staff used the term 'RULE' in response to 'Bama-man becoming POTUS?

Kenyan and Indonesian citizen, listed as islamic on all available records (few).

The man's past has been covered up, but he has had ongoing help and financial backing from terrorists.

Being of mixed race did not stop him from being elected (kudos to America!) so whatever he is hiding would engender more danger than race.

Plus 1,000!!


Stone Cold Crazy

Yes, again and again again...

Want it to stop?

Get your massiah to show his paperwork in a public forum where everyone can see it-not hidden away in his office somewhere or on the net where everything is suspect.

Guys-FL knows all of this, it shows in the careful wording of her statements. She doesn't care and will misdirect and subterfuge any statements not in line with the massiahs will.

Reminds me of the Jaffa dedication to the Goa'uld in Stargate:

"Kneel before your god!"


Doooooooooom !

One last time, for Dex....

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His birth cert was on display at his campaign headquarters.

Newspaper archives also show his birth announcement for that week.

Even if he wasn't born in the States, (which, again, he was), his mother was an American citizen, thus granting citizenship to her son.

Seriously.. you are in your own little world... aren't you?

1st off... it was a certificate of "LIVE BIRTH" .. NOT an actual Birth Certificate

2nd .
You do NOT know where he was born.. All you know is what you are
TOLD ....!!
That is unless you were there helping Mrs Dunham/Obama/Sotero through the Lamaze .. lol

3rd .
Alot of posters above me pretty much laid it out for you , So I am not going to repeat it... If you are THAT blind to the facts and laws ... then I don't know what to say , but shake my head in shame and pity...


Why will Barack Obama not release his original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate?
November 14, 2008
Right Side News has received a press release from Andy Martin, who is heading to Honolulu tonight to prepare for a historic court hearing on Tuesday, November 18th in an attempt to pry open those mysterious sealed documents that are suppose to contain President-Elect Barack Obama's original birth certificate. Barack Obama has refused to provide this critical document to clear up huge questions regarding not only WHERE he was actually born, but WHO his parents are. The American People......WE the People, demand to know. Barack works for the us as a public servant, you and me. He is our Employee. Barack has promised "transparency". Well, keep your promise!

Below is Andy Martin's press release, and Right Side News does not endorse Andy Martin or Philip Berg and does not support either claim over the other. We just want the truth and we hope Andy Martin can get these sealed court documents opened so the people will know Barack Obama is who he says he is.

(NEW YORK)(November 13, 2008) Obama author Andy Martin heads for historic court hearing in Honolulu. Martin will arrive in Honolulu Friday evening to prepare for a historic court hearing in the Circuit Court Tuesday, November 18th at 10:30 A.M. "Some people want to run up the white flag and kiss Obama's fanny," Martin says. "In the words of John Paul Jones, 'I've just begin to fight.' Unless and until Obama releases records about his past-his birth certificate, college files and similar information-he lacks legitimacy. I do not think any American owes loyalty to Obama's radical socialist revolution, which is bent on destroying our way of life. Why will Barack Obama not release his original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate?"

We have submitted our reply Memorandum of Law for consideration by the Court in conjunction with the hearing scheduled on November 18th. Because of the size of the document (25 pages), we did not include it as part of this e-mail. The Memorandum of Law is posted on all of our blogs, see below. The best viewing may be at ContrarianCommentary.com.

FL-----does this mean that if Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to run for President, the next time, that you would also give him a pass? He was not born in the US, but there are those who would like to see him run. I would shudder to think someone of his background would try to be a U.S. President!!!! If we do not insist on U.S. citizenship for Presidential candidates, what is to stop Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, or Castro running for our President?????

One of the problems with someone who is not a citizen of the US, by birth, is that he will be the Commander of Chief of the military. Do you want to see someone as President who may have been born elsewhere, or with dual citizenship?

What if Obama never produces a legitimate certificate of live birth, which, I have read, needs to have the name of the birthplace, the name of the attending physician, and the baby's footprint, which I have read is required, in order to be legitimate, before his coronation date. I have read that his website posted a certificate of his birth, but experts insist this is not a valid birth certificate....that there is a difference in a legitimate birth certificate and what he posted.

The Powers That Be in Hawaii refuse to allow this proof, if there actually is any, to be seen, due to "privacy issues." Kenya authorities also disallow any investigation into this question, altho Obama's paternal grandmother and two other relatives, from what I have read, say he was born in Kenya. I imagine, by now, they have been told to keep their mouths closed. How many people know that he has another relative (an aunt, I think) who is an illegal immigrant, in the U.S., and refuses to leave.

Only Obama can solve this mystery to the public. Why doesn't he choose to do so? Anyone else running for a high office must provide proof of U.S. citizenship! Why should he be allowed to thumb his nose at the Constitution?

If he does not come up with this absent proof, what about his handlers (or, perhaps enemies of the US) who know he is not a US citizen) being able to blackmail him into doing their bidding???????

I heard a most interesting discussion about the above, by Edwin Viera, who is an attorney who specializes in the Constitution. He is very concerned about this lack of information for other legal nightmares. One of the other ones is that if laws get passed by Congress, they could later be protested by the public as illegal, since they were passed under a man whose Presidential legitimacy was never proven! This could easily happen, if the new laws hurt a lot of people, who then sued the government. It could get very nasty.

As an aside, I read, elsewhere, that Obama's mother did not meet the requirements to give him citizenship, if he was both outside of the U.S., since (IIRC) she was not a citizen long enough to enable him to become a U.S. citizen, by birth...she missed the requirement by 5 years.


God has a plan, Trust it!

One last time, for Dex....

Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. His birth cert was on display at his campaign headquarters.

Newspaper archives also show his birth announcement for that week.

Even if he wasn't born in the States, (which, again, he was), his mother was an American citizen, thus granting citizenship to her son.

Uh, no she wasn't. In order to pass it on to her son, she would have had to been in the states for at least 5 years after age 16, according to law. She wasnt. She went to Kenya while pregnant with Obama at the age of 18. Therefore, if she did deliver him in Kenya, he is NOT a citizen.

Further, he had to renouce his American citizenship to become an Indonesian citizen under his father. His school records list his birthplace as Kenya, his religion as Muslim and his citizenship as Indonesian. He also was given International scholarships as an Indonesian citizen, in which he would not have qualified if he weren't a citizen.

There is no documentation on file of him ever requesting his US citizenship back again, as is required by law.


God has a plan, Trust it!
As a thread drift...

With three ineligible presidential candidates on ballots, Donofrio warned, New Jersey voters will "witness firsthand the fraud their electoral process has become."

Who is the third candidate ineligible?


Both parties need to get over themselves.

To the GOP: the people have spoken. Get over it and move on.

To the Dems: Bush is out of office, nobody has to deal with him anymore, so get over it and move on.

Seems to me this election is a perfect example of one of the reasons our Founding Fathers created the electoral college in the first place -- to prevent tyranny by the majority (e.g., manipulation of the citizens).

No doubt BO would consider their views "garbage" as well; truly amazing insight they had.

So, sorry to disappoint BO groupies, he is NOT the President yet and won't be until perhaps 1/20, the people have spoken, but they don't get to decide. The electoral college doesn't vote until next month -- we don't have mob rule in this country.

Scary it is throwing McCain back in, it's becoming clearer where BO intends to go with that Resolution.

BO ignores the Constitutional requirements because he believes the Constitution is flawed, a blind-spot of our Founding Fathers, and a charter of negative liberties.

Scary stuff!
Last edited:


As a thread drift...

Who is the third candidate ineligible?

In Leo C. Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, Secretary of State of the State of New Jersey, retired attorney and New Jersey resident Leo. C. Donofrio asked the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency stay on Nov. 3 prohibiting three candidates from appearing on New Jersey's ballots: Republican candidate John McCain, Democratic candidate Barack Obama and Socialist Worker's Party candidate Roger Calero.


Question on the "legal standing" issue. Dont all military personnel and soem office holders take an oath that includes upholding nad defending the Constitution of the United States?

Here is the United States Army oath . . .

I (insert name), having been appointed a (insert rank) in the U.S. Army under the conditions indicated in this document, do accept such appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

I rember hearing my sons graduating class saying it- that was a very moving moment- but I digress!

Wouldnt that oath to support and defend the constitution give one legal status to question one of the constitutional laws being broken? I havent heard any of the reports mention approaching it from that standpoint.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
in conclusion, after reading all the responses to this thread,

i have surmised that - barring proof positive to the contrary - Barak Obama is an IMPOSTER, and likely an illegal immigrant, posing as a genuine US citizen, and DEPRIVING the American People of a leader who is actually naturally born here in America.

in addition, it is clear that his allegiance is to a marxist philosophy that is foreign from and in hostility to the American Constitution.

in other words, 52% of the American people have allegedly been persuaded to vote for a man who is NOT an American and is in fact an ENEMY of the CONSTITUTION.


Time Traveler

BO ignores the Constitutional requirements because he believes the Constitution is flawed, a blind-spot of our Founding Fathers, and a charter of negative liberties.

Scary stuff!

BO is a Constitutional lawyer. He well knows the requirement for POTUS, and not being able to legally get around them, he pretends they don't exist. He is simply refusing to prove his eligibility. Someone wrongly accused of a crime will shout from the rooftop his innocence. The guilty person keeps his mouth shut for fear of implication.

Fruit Loop, as to breaking the law of the United States, if we do that for one law why not all? Do we do it just for the laws that affect electoral outcomes YOU like? Where does one draw the line at breaking our law? ESPECIALLY when the law in question involves the U.S. Constitution, and a Constitutional attorney? Would you have us break the law and let McCain slide on proving eligibility for president if his documents were in question, that being the only thing keeping him from being president? If it was G.W. Bush this fuss was over, would you say the questionable document was enough, get over it? Not hardly.


Time Traveler
in conclusion, after reading all the responses to this thread,

i have surmised that - barring proof positive to the contrary - Barak Obama is an IMPOSTER, and likely an illegal immigrant, posing as a genuine US citizen, and DEPRIVING the American People of a leader who is actually naturally born here in America.

in addition, it is clear that his allegiance is to a marxist philosophy that is foreign from and in hostility to the American Constitution.

in other words, 52% of the American people have allegedly been persuaded to vote for a man who is NOT an American and is in fact an ENEMY of the CONSTITUTION.
Well said Jed. For lack of knowledge my people perish. I suspect a good number of the 52% would have voted differently if they had all the facts on BO. My liberal niece hates him, but she knows about his friends and some background on him.

Again, well said Jed.