Prep Genrl weekly prep thread: April 14 - April 20, 2024


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just getting home. Doctor raised one of Cary's BP medications and that's it. He also went over all the tests with us. He was satisfied with what the neurologist told us. Cary has to go back in 3 weeks to let doc know how he's doing with the BP med change.

List of specialist for Cary


List for myself

Retina Specialist

It would be nice to have one doctor to treat all the issues we have, but it's not possible.


Veteran Member
My pediatrician was older....old enough to have seen small pox...when went to college...I had to have a second small pox vaccination...he was getting very old and going to retire I went back to him for vaccination.(Really just wanted to see him again)..he told it wouldn't take...the they never did the vaccine was that potent back then...he was right it didn't take...I still remember him making house calls when I was little...
I wish we still had doctors that...I hate medicine today....I wonder how long before we can't see a doctor... without waiting for 2 months.


Veteran Member
SB, we live 70 miles each way from the VA and DH has to go every month to get his INR checked. In emergencies we've gone to the hospital in Natchitoches (30 miles away) and for the most part (except when we had covid) we've gotten good care. I just have to be careful not to curse at one of the ER nurses who is a bitch from hell. Neither of us want to leave here except feet first.

ST: The price for eyebright herb is getting high, so I'm considering getting it in bulk, which means I'd be taking it in powder form, is putting it in coffee okay or even green tea? Its a good thing I bought 6 bottles when my brother encouraged me to start taking it again. It also has other good properties in the herb.
I wear hard contact lens...have for years.
I always have eyebright tea bags on hand.. I make tea.. cool it and use in my eyes for any type of irritation..i use tea bags so i don't have to strain it.. it is a great herb


Veteran Member
I don't blame you a bit, Anna. I moved up north of that mess. I need to go to West Des Moines sometimes, but generally I can find a lot of what I need in either Ankeny or Grimes, both of which are growing far too fast.
When I lived in Ankeny, it was a one-grocery store town. Not much else there. I went to my last 3 years of high school there and saying I hated every minute is really an understatement. When I lived there, Park Fair was the only mall in Des Moines and most shopping was downtown. I used to love downtown Younkers!!! I lived in Des Moines area for over 10 years and actually learned to drive in Des Moines. Much less traffic then! For $1 you could take the Greyhound bus from Ankeny to downtown Des Moines and back again. Usually had to stand but I was a kid so what did I care.


Veteran Member
I ordered took a few different ones to get one that fit my thumb. Eventually I just wore it at night (amazing how much we move while asleep...thumb would pop out of joint and wake me up) and then it was healed. Took all summer, though. I don't do allopathic doctors, so....
I will give this a try for sure! Thank you!

Oh I hear you on the city driving. Driving in Ann Arbor and Cleveland wasn't bad at all. Driving in Toledo is rough. Scary. I know all the back roads too but at some point you got to get off them to get where you're going. Whew. People much nicer in the other cities too. Driving rules are a suggestion in Toledo.


Veteran Member
Judy, how is your hubby doing on warfarin? Scot was on that last year. I had to bundle him up 3 times a week for labs and it never would stay in the right range. The doc finally took him off.
Now he is on Eloquis. But bad nose bleeds. We found that simple nose spray which is just saline, Stops it right away. Also stops scratches when bleeding too.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Hello everyone!!
Well, now I live in Florida. I do miss Missouri VERY MUCH!!! But, here I am, and I guess here I will stay. This is MUCH MORE URBAN than I have EVER lived!!! Actually it is a nice subdivision with mostly 1 acre lots......just lots smaller than living next to the Mark Twain National Forest and Lake Wappapello in Missouri!!!

We have started a garden in the front area of their house. The soil is TOTAL SAND!!! I have never worked with this kind of soil. I wanted to use raised beds and fill with cow poop, however they are somewhat snobbish and feel that that would look "tacky" and "smell bad." My niece has 7 CORN plants growing in a 24" pot. At times I must control myself so that I don't DIE OF LAUGHTER well as mortification over their lack of knowledge!!! Oh well, we all have to learn!!! But they are so very INSISTENT that they know EVERYTHING!!!

My niece does care about me though. She has me scheduled to see doctors 2 - 3 Xs a week .....Physical Therapy twice a week AND LOTS of social activities. After having been a complete hermit for the past 7 years, and only going into town about once every couple of months for groceries, and only NECESSARY doctor visits, I am extremely OVER WHELMED!!!

I have ended most of the social stuff. I enjoy a luncheon Bible study group of all people over 65, and Sunday church.

The doctors here appear to be Dr. Kavorian 's relatives...... I have already fired two ....and have had several tell me that vitamins don't work, and that you pee them right out. I pointed out if that were true, that no oral medications would work any better than the vitamins. In addition, I have been doing LOTS OF RESEARCH and just happened to have several recent articles from Medical Journals on my phone that I was in the process of reading. About vitamins that is, and the effectiveness that has recently been documented in several new studies. I offered this information to them and even offered to reproduce it for them!!! I also suggested that perhaps they SHOULD do some CONTINUING EDUCATION in that area!! Needless to say, my observations were NOT appreciated!!!

Next time I intend to take a tape recording of their statements and ask them to repeat it so I am "sure I understand!!" Bet that changes their tune FAST!!!!
I simply believe they are trying to kill off all the elders, as this area is PACKED WITH US!!! AND......

Everyone has to die sometime and I actually look forward to seeing my family again...... especially my DOGS!!!
Which I am SURE WILL BE THERE!!! On the other hand, I am working on being happier. The garden is going to be difficult, but it WILL be my joy again!!!

And my DANNY BEAR (my in between mini doxie) us my SUPER JOY and BEST FRIEND!! Miss my BIG DOGS too, but can't tell DANNY that!!!

That's about it from sunny, muggy Florida .....can you tell my new, positive attitude is working!!??


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Today is shopping day. Cary's monitor will turn itself off at the set time. He can wear it, until we get back home if it turns off while we are out and about.

After his doctor appt yesterday, we went on to Sam's. We weren't able to get any of our vitamins and supplements. They were either out, or they don't carry them anymore. Those will have to be ordered today if I can't get them at Walmart.

Went to Lowe's for lawn and garden supplies, and they didn't have what Cary needed there, either. Since we'll be stopping in at the nursery/greenhouse in town, today, he'll get it all there, plus all our garden plants. It would have been much cheaper at Lowe's. This greenhouse is so expensive. I don't mind paying the price for good healthy garden plants, but we try not to buy anything else from them because of their prices.

More rain and thunderstorms, today. 85 degrees for our high today then a cold spell hits us for 3 days. Highs only in the upper 50's low 60's and 40's at night.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Glad to "see" you, Ioujc. I was wondering how you were doing. Thanks for the update! Just stay strong with the docs: women's healthcare in many areas of FL seems to be about 10 years behind the times.

Rainy and in the upper 40s here. Off to work on my ever-growing task list. Fortunately, I've got more "good" coffee (a pound of Tim Horton's) and fresh eggs from down the road, which I'm going to scramble in a minute. Yummy!


Veteran Member
Hi everyone! @ioujc It‘s nice to hear from you and that you’re doing well.

@SouthernBreeze DH and I went to Sam’s yesterday too and noticed very low/no stock on some things. Dairy was low in all forms and they were out of sour cream. We eat a lot of nuts/peanuts so when I had tried to order some more mixed nuts for DH (didn’t know we were going this week) you could only get them in store, we had a hard time finding the few containers they had. I’ve never seen the supply that low, they didn’t even have peanuts, I‘ll have to see about ordering some before the weather gets too warm.

I‘m still staying really tired and yesterday wore me out so I’m taking it easy today. Still have some things to put away from Aldi and Sam’s, maybe it’ll get done today! We’ve wanted to make a Costco run as well, maybe next week.

I’ve added to our chocolate stash last week and again yesterday. I haven’t noticed any huge price increases yet so I hope to add a few more brands/types before it hits.


TB Fanatic
Judy, how is your hubby doing on warfarin? Scot was on that last year. I had to bundle him up 3 times a week for labs and it never would stay in the right range. The doc finally took him off.
Now he is on Eloquis. But bad nose bleeds. We found that simple nose spray which is just saline, Stops it right away. Also stops scratches when bleeding too.
He does fine, been on it for over 15 years. His INR numbers are consistently where they should be, it has a lot to do with what you eat and the meds you are on. He doesn't like greens so avoiding them is not a problem. Our VA is really good about keeping a watch on him. He gets tested about once a month, sometime more often if his number are off. He is not interested in take Eloquis, said he'd rather get tested to see where his numbers are. And he has to do a 140 mile round trip to get tested. I can't ever remember him having an issue with nose bleeds.


TB Fanatic
Hello everyone!!
Well, now I live in Florida. I do miss Missouri VERY MUCH!!! But, here I am, and I guess here I will stay. This is MUCH MORE URBAN than I have EVER lived!!! Actually it is a nice subdivision with mostly 1 acre lots......just lots smaller than living next to the Mark Twain National Forest and Lake Wappapello in Missouri!!!

We have started a garden in the front area of their house. The soil is TOTAL SAND!!! I have never worked with this kind of soil. I wanted to use raised beds and fill with cow poop, however they are somewhat snobbish and feel that that would look "tacky" and "smell bad." My niece has 7 CORN plants growing in a 24" pot. At times I must control myself so that I don't DIE OF LAUGHTER well as mortification over their lack of knowledge!!! Oh well, we all have to learn!!! But they are so very INSISTENT that they know EVERYTHING!!!

My niece does care about me though. She has me scheduled to see doctors 2 - 3 Xs a week .....Physical Therapy twice a week AND LOTS of social activities. After having been a complete hermit for the past 7 years, and only going into town about once every couple of months for groceries, and only NECESSARY doctor visits, I am extremely OVER WHELMED!!!

I have ended most of the social stuff. I enjoy a luncheon Bible study group of all people over 65, and Sunday church.

The doctors here appear to be Dr. Kavorian 's relatives...... I have already fired two ....and have had several tell me that vitamins don't work, and that you pee them right out. I pointed out if that were true, that no oral medications would work any better than the vitamins. In addition, I have been doing LOTS OF RESEARCH and just happened to have several recent articles from Medical Journals on my phone that I was in the process of reading. About vitamins that is, and the effectiveness that has recently been documented in several new studies. I offered this information to them and even offered to reproduce it for them!!! I also suggested that perhaps they SHOULD do some CONTINUING EDUCATION in that area!! Needless to say, my observations were NOT appreciated!!!

Next time I intend to take a tape recording of their statements and ask them to repeat it so I am "sure I understand!!" Bet that changes their tune FAST!!!!
I simply believe they are trying to kill off all the elders, as this area is PACKED WITH US!!! AND......

Everyone has to die sometime and I actually look forward to seeing my family again...... especially my DOGS!!!
Which I am SURE WILL BE THERE!!! On the other hand, I am working on being happier. The garden is going to be difficult, but it WILL be my joy again!!!

And my DANNY BEAR (my in between mini doxie) us my SUPER JOY and BEST FRIEND!! Miss my BIG DOGS too, but can't tell DANNY that!!!

That's about it from sunny, muggy Florida .....can you tell my new, positive attitude is working!!??
Do stand firm with the doctors, they are educated by the pharmacetical companys supporting medical schools. There are some though that can think for themselves.

Kudos on trying to keep a positive attitude, you really are safer in Florida than you were in Missouri out there by yourself.

God Bless.


Veteran Member
I'm fortunate that my primary "physician" is actually a nurse practitioner. She is not liberal and open to conservative opinions.

ioujc - good to hear from you. We all need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and remember that kindness does not cost anything. I always try to keep both of those in mind even when I'm shopping at Walmart. Last time the clerk was so-o-o angry because she had been put on the register without training. It took her forever to check us out because she didn't have a clue. My shopping buddy and I both maintained our kindness while screaming inside! My buddy used to train checkers at Walmart and had to restrain herself from "helping"!! lol

It's cloudy and 46 degrees here today with rain off and on. I have to go to town for a doctor's appointment and haven't decided if I'll go to thrift shops or not. Doctors are on west side of town and shopping is east through a bridge closed area. Guess I'll wait and see if it's raining or not when I get out to decide.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sherree, might I recommend a different place to get vitamins. Vitacost has good vitamins and I also order from Amazon. Personally I'm not a fan of walmart vitamins, but I have gotten some from them from time to time when I needed something right away.

I'm going to start ordering all of ours from Vitacost. Walmart had none, either, plus that place is so unorganized in the vitamin dept. that you can hardly find anything. AZO online is where we get all of our urinary tract and bladder supplements. I told Cary coming home that we were going with Vitacost from now on even if they were more expensive. We've never used them before.

I'm still dating and putting away everything. My back is killing me, so I thought I would sit down and read for a bit, before I tackled anything else. It was a big haul, today. My pantry is now full again with a good bit extra for it this go around.


Ooohhh... I'm sore! The other day, my big pony mare, Bella was in heat and acting out a bit. We had to bring the milk cow into the barnyard to be closer to us, as she was due to calve on the 15th. Bella wanted to get out to get some of the lush, green clover shes been eyeing hungrily. I decided to put both horses into their stall, rather than have them escape... Bella is usually well mannered, but Spring and hormones are a bad combination!

So we out some hay down, and the mini went right in. Bella went in, but then spun around... I was reaching to unlatch the door so I could shut it, and she apparently saw a tiny opening she could get through without trampling me. Almost...
She came down on my left Achilles tendon... scraping the top layers of skin off and bruising the heck out of it. Combined with my fibromylagia, which can make me scream from a fairly light bump, this felt awful!

I iced it, and used arnica and Ouch! Liniment, and it surprised me by not being much more than sore, although it looked awful.

Fast forward to this morning... We've been watching Charcoal (the milk cow) closely because hubby bred her to an Angus. Hubby checked her several tines last night, and at 5 am, decided something was wrong. He ran her into a stall and checked her, and sure enough... a big calf, coming breech. Damn!

He woke me, and I threw clothes on and rand downstairs to the barn. I was sure the calf would be dead, especially ax we started to pull it, and I realized it had an Angus rump on it... no wonder she hadn't had it on her own! Every minute of what seemed like forever as we inched it out, my mind was screaming, "faster!", but it took almost 15 minutes before it was on the floor. I automatically started stimulating it, although it looked limp... and it immediately gasped for breath! Tough little bugger... her heart rate was only about 20 bpm (should be 100-160 bpm!), but once she started breathing, it came back fast.

Mama cow immediately started cleaning her off, and we left them alone to bond.

This afternoon, after the calf got her fill, we hand mllked a couple quarts of colostrum for the freezer... we used up our previous supply on the calf from too young a heifer, before grafting her on to Blondie, to be sure she got the immunity.

Boy, do my shoulders ache! It wasn't THAT bad of a calving... sort of awkward angles because she kept trying to stick her rump against the gate in the corner, but we've had much worse. I know I'm out of shape, but this is ridiculous!

Spring is here! We've had our last calf for the year. There are chicks and ducklings under lights, and the chickens are laying like crazy. I can't wait for fresh milk again! Just a few days, now.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I placed my wm order, OMG, almost $300. I did double up on some things I normally only get one of. I must think I'm made out of money. Anyway that's a lot for me.

Mine was only $383.27, today. I was expecting it to be much higher with all the extra I bought for the pantry. I didn't go over my budget, so I got to put back some in my emergency fund for a change.


TB Fanatic
I'm going to start ordering all of ours from Vitacost. Walmart had none, either, plus that place is so unorganized in the vitamin dept. that you can hardly find anything. AZO online is where we get all of our urinary tract and bladder supplements. I told Cary coming home that we were going with Vitacost from now on even if they were more expensive. We've never used them before.

I'm still dating and putting away everything. My back is killing me, so I thought I would sit down and read for a bit, before I tackled anything else. It was a big haul, today. My pantry is now full again with a good bit extra for it this go around.
Their shipping really is fast, and I've never been unhappy with what I've gotten from them through the years and its been alot. Terrwyn (I know that's spelled wrong, forgive me) also orders from them.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
@ioujc , you just keep on keeping on. You will find doctors that work for you and you will start feeling better. As for the rest, at least they are trying. And while it makes me smile, it will teach them something. Baby steps.

@SouthernBreeze , Vitacost has frequent sales. I tend to bulk buy our regular stuff, up to 6 months worth when I have a 20% off coupon. And then grab little fill-ins or new items when they have a 20% off sale of some type. I use them for supplements, but also for some snack foods for son that are hard to find elsewhere.

@summerthyme , dang! Ouch!

I've been in a mood. And not feeling so hot. I didn't walk yesterday because I was thinking that the stuff from getting the bulk order would handle the walking and exercise. My body very firmly informed me yesterday evening, and then again this morning, that there is no substitute and I better not do that again. But I'm grumpy and tired and the brain is just tired.

The collapsible wagon I got works like a dream. I love it.

And just because life wanted to, the monitor that gave warnings a few weeks back decided that today was the day to die. So I have been slowly doing the steps to get it up. I'm not real happy with it at the moment but I'll get it figured out.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

This is just one thing at vitacost that might be of interest to you, they also have a larger container.

I order from them about once a month.

I don't use that specific AZO product. I Use D-Mannose and Urinary Tract Pain Relief, which seems to help with my interstitial cystitis. Cary uses it as well. He also uses cranberry extract capsules and Urinary Tract Defense, plus we have all of AZO's testing supplies for UTI's.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't use that specific AZO product. I Use D-Mannose and Urinary Tract Pain Relief, which seems to help with my interstitial cystitis. Cary uses it as well. He also uses cranberry extract capsules and Urinary Tract Defense, plus we have all of AZO's testing supplies for UTI's.
The Vitacost version of D-Mannose works. I had it on hand when I was having those repeat infection issues. Which was apparently linked to the whole uterus and fibroid issues thing, because it went away with all that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Vitacost version of D-Mannose works. I had it on hand when I was having those repeat infection issues. Which was apparently linked to the whole uterus and fibroid issues thing, because it went away with all that.

The D-Mannose was recommended to me by my Rheumatologist and Urologist. I have Lupus Interstitial Cystitis. I hope that Vitacost carries all of the other vitamins and supplements we take.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Gethus 7 corn plants? Oh boy.

Summertyme girl you need to have a day of rest after that ordeal!

All I have to cover the peach and pear trees (small) is sheets. That will have to do. Only calling for one night of frost. Have to keep checking.
PT supposed to come today for Scot.
Take care everyone and be blessed,


TB Fanatic
I was thinking this morning (LOL) that I would be hard pressed to go through walmart and shop my list. I just don't have it in me anymore to walk around that long and then get through check out. Sometimes when I am in the store doing a small shop I have to go to the prescription department and sit on one of their benches to rest and then by the time I get to the truck and unload everything I'm just about falling out. Although there was a time after covid that I couldn't even do that. Good thing I did my major stocking up before all that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I go for my walks almost every day. That gives me a bit more stamina to do all the shopping we do. Yesterday was an exception. My back started hurting me, before we even got out of Walmart. I had the stamina, but the pain was bad. We had to make several stops, before we ever got to Walmart. Loading and unloading all that we bought was a big job, too. Then, I had to date everything. By that time, I was done in. I got it all rotated and on the shelves this morning. It's the first time I've had to take two days to get it all dated and in place. My back was still hurting last night, so I didn't get much sleep.

Cary has to make the drive into Tupelo sometime today to turn the heart monitor in. Cardiologist told him to just turn it in to the guard at the ER entrance. I'm not going with him just to do that. I have a lot of house chores to do. I've got one load of laundry going and another one to do, plus changing bedsheets and cleaning the bedroom (dusting, sweeping, and mopping). I've already cleaned the bathroom. My back is holding out for the moment, but could go bonkers at any time. I'm trying to get as much done in case it does.

I've made out my Vitacost list, and Cary will order everything when he gets home from Tupelo. We're good on all of our AZO products for the time being.

A light supper, tonight. Tuna and noodle salad with oven baked French fries. No dessert, but I did get a new cake pan with cover, yesterday. $12+ for the thing! I'll not be putting it in the oven to hide it from the ants again.

And, it's still raining.


Veteran Member
I was thinking this morning (LOL) that I would be hard pressed to go through walmart and shop my list. I just don't have it in me anymore to walk around that long and then get through check out. Sometimes when I am in the store doing a small shop I have to go to the prescription department and sit on one of their benches to rest and then by the time I get to the truck and unload everything I'm just about falling out. Although there was a time after covid that I couldn't even do that. Good thing I did my major stocking up before all that.
I'm at the point that shopping once a month or six weeks means too much shopping for one trip. I was thinking of going every two weeks during this summer. That means I could go to only one or two stores each time instead of trying to cover all in one trip. After my doctor visit yesterday, I went to the large library in town and checked out a pile of books and magazines. The books will be due in three weeks so a good opportunity to make a trip to town and do a quick shop plus library visit. If I check out more books, then I could do another three weeks then repeat. I'll have to see how that works out. I can also buy a bit extra each time instead of doing a major stock up for winter in October. During the winter months I avoid trips when the roads are bad and some winters that is pretty much constant. The last few years haven't been so bad, but that only means odds are in favor of a bad year soon. I've gone two and sometimes three months without shopping due to my pantry and could have gone longer now that I have a stock of shelf stable milk. While everyone was going crazy during Covid, the only thing I did different was to start baking bread.

If I use the city library for the summer and then go back to our town library for the winter, I will find more to read in the local library. There are hundreds of books at the local library that I haven't read, but not many that I want to read that I haven't already read.

Murphy's Law has struck again. Yesterday at the podiatrist I reported no pain for the last week, so no future visits were scheduled. Early a.m. today I woke up with pain again. Very frustrating. I guess I should be happy that I seldom have pain during the day but only at night but I do like to sleep!! I used some lidocaine cream on my foot and was able to get back to sleep this time. I try not to complain because I see so many people even 15 or 20 years younger with much bigger health issues.

The high temp today is going to be 53 with low 20. Hard freeze for sure.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Ran across another pair of non-ugly running shoes and a pair of summer hiking boots on sale yesterday while doing errands. At this time of the year, the sale shoes are generally the really ugly or political ones. I just can't bring myself to wear rainbow shoes that say "PRIDE," even if they are extremely marked down. That's just not keeping a low profile. [I wore rainbow shoes before they were a gay thing. It annoys me rainbows and purple -- my favorite color! -- became political.]

The boots were a plain brown and the running shoes were navy blue and white. That's acceptable. They are both going in the "shoe pantry" for later use. I think I'm okay for a bit on footwear, underclothing, and other clothing.
That said, my mending basket is over-flowing. The hems on two pairs of work pants have come apart. Yes, they are Walmart pants.

Mending is in my future, but probably not today: full sun and upper 60! The lawn is waving at me. With all the rain we've had this week, the grass is awake and partying. It's going to get a haircut after work, I hope. The mower and I are still not on the best of terms. I'm not a small engine mechanic by any stretch! And I may have to take it to someone after all. Wish me luck!


Has No Life - Lives on TB

how do you make this?

I got up with a back ache this morning and its still bothering me. I'm going to have to take a pain pill before we go to town. I don't take them very often, but lately I've been taking an Nsaid every day

It's really simple to make.

Tuna Noodle Salad

1 can tuna, drained
2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
chopped onions, how many depends on your preference
8 oz egg noodles or more depending on the amount you want to make, cooked and drained
salt and black pepper
diced pickles if you choose
chopped celery or celery seed

Mix everything in large bowl and mix with enough mayo to make a creamy salad. Eat warm or cold. We prefer it warm.


TB Fanatic
It's really simple to make.

Tuna Noodle Salad

1 can tuna, drained
2 hardboiled eggs, chopped
chopped onions, how many depends on your preference
8 oz egg noodles or more depending on the amount you want to make, cooked and drained
salt and black pepper
diced pickles if you choose
chopped celery or celery seed

Mix everything in large bowl and mix with enough mayo to make a creamy salad. Eat warm or cold. We prefer it warm.
That sounds good, not exactly on my diet, which I'm struggling with, but I think DH would like it. Thanks for sharing.

I might make one for him and one for me. For him I'd us Miracle Whip (gag) and for me a rasberry vigineret. (my spelling is so bad but you probably get my drift).


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I do have to tell you that I have discovered what may be the greatest secret in medical offshoots. I was told by several in my luncheon Bible group that MANY of the doctors here are DUCKS.....
you know, as in QUACKS!!!
BUT,n there is a man and his daughter here, who are specialists in Natural Health. His name is Jim Hill and he has a couple of PhDs in NUTRITION and in Natural Health.
I saw another doc yesterday, and was basically told that my spine has pretty much totally "demineralized," which is to say there is precious little BONE LEFT and I am at major risk of multiple breaks in my vertebrae!!!! Now, I am also upset with my docs from Missouri, because I had multiple X-rays and an MRI there and I am sure this did not just happen over night!!!! And no one even thought to mention......oh, BTW, you need to increase calcium and stop doing certain other things which are destroying your bones (like drinking sodas, which I have basically stopped for about the past 6 years).

Well, anyway, this guy, Jim Hill, went back and got his degrees, because he was met with the same problems I am having, when his wife's back had ruptured discs also, and the doctors allowed her bones to deteriorate also. Anyway, he interprets medical tests and tells you what they actually MEAN, and how to FIX your body with VITAMINS and supplements!!

One of the women in my group had also been diagnosed with osteoporosis and by taking a calcium supplement that Jim showed her, she was able to change her situation into osteopenia, which is NOT AS BAD as osteoporosis. Jim told her that she would have to take the meds for a year, but they would relieve the issue and that is EXACTLY what happened!!! I am VERY EXCITED!!!! I just emailed Jim and he sent me the info and that I can order from Amazon.
It is VERY SCARY to me that here is someone who apparently knows far more about medicine and how to heal people than any of corporate medicine!!!

He reminds me of SUMMERTHYME and her knowledge and ability to heal!!! THANK YOU GOD that I found this guy!!! I have ordered the calcium and other mineral supplements he advised me to get and I feel that I am VERY BLESSED!!!