GOV/MIL UniParty Spotlight – More Democrats Vote for Johnson Foreign Aid Bill Than Republicans

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane

UniParty Spotlight – More Democrats Vote for Johnson Foreign Aid Bill Than Republicans​

April 19, 2024 | Sundance | 484 Comments
165 Democrats voted for a foreign aid package brought to the floor by Republican Speaker Mike Johnson. The measure includes $26 billion more for Israel, $61 billion more for Ukraine and around $10 billion for Taiwan. 151 Republicans voted to support the aid bill.

There is almost $100 billion in total foreign aid and approximately $0 to secure the southern U.S. border. This is a “Republican” bill, that passed with Democrats, not Republicans. The ideological UniParty is very real in Washington DC, and this vote was entirely against the wishes of most Americans.

We are in an abusive relationship with our government. There really is no other way to look at it.

WASHINGTON DC – […] underscoring deep intraparty frustrations with Johnson’s strategy, 55 Republicans voted against advancing the package — a once unheard-of GOP rebellion that has grown more common given their single-digit margin.

Normally that would be enough to scuttle Johnson’s plan, but 165 Democrats voted to bring up the bills. It’s the first time they’ve done so during Johnson’s speakership — an alliance that is likely to fuel calls from his most vocal critics to strip him of his gavel.

The House is now slated to vote on the bills early Saturday afternoon, and Johnson will once again need substantial help from Democrats to get them over to the Senate. Majority Leader Steve Scalise said Friday that he plans to support the package, while Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) declined to state his position when asked.

“I’m pleased that we were able to come to a bipartisan agreement,” said House Appropriations Chair Tom Cole (R-Okla.). He added: “It’s working out the way the speaker wanted it to, which is that every member is free to vote their conscience … in a way they usually aren’t.”

The House structured the package so as to ease its consideration in the Senate, requiring less time and procedural votes to pass the upper chamber. While senators are scheduled to be out of Washington next week, there’s ongoing discussion about canceling that recess to take up the House plan if it passes. (read more)

It’s really not just Mike Johnson, the root of the issue is much deeper than just corrupt and detached Republican leadership. The issue extends to every aspect of life and politics in Washington DC. Every member is participating in a process to give money to other countries, regardless of whether the American voter wants that to happen or not.

There is a complete collapse of the governmental structure of the United States as it pertains to representative government. The concept of representative government is completely gone, not even considered any longer amid the professional political class from both wings of the UniParty vulture.

I have no idea how this structural collapse can be fixed. There doesn’t seem to be any entity willing to stop the nonsense as it relates to financial systems and U.S. foreign aid.

At a certain point amid all of this madness, you just have to elevate and accept the dollar-based U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (USCBDC) is going to happen…. in large part because UniParty spending like this makes central bank digital currency a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Too few people understand how that USCBDC issue will fundamentally change the dynamic of everything…

…. e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!​


Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane

Speaker Johnson's Ignominious Betrayal​

FRIDAY, APR 19, 2024 - 09:20 PM
Authored by David Stockman via David Stockman's Contra Corner,
Speaker Johnson’s ignominious betrayal of fiscal sanity might well be the death knell for the GOP. He is apparently risking his speakership on behalf of $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that Uncle Sam cannot remotely afford, and which actually provide zero benefit to the homeland security of America. And we do mean zero, as in nothing, nichts, nada, nyet and nugatory, as we amplify below.

What Johnson’s impending Waterloo means, therefore, is not merely the prospect of another wild and wooly succession battle, but actually that there is no point at all in the preservation of a Republican majority and GOP House Speaker. After all, the Washington GOP has become so infected with neocon warmongers and careerist pols who spend a lifetime basking in the imperial projects and pretensions of the world’s War Capital that apparently the best the House GOP caucus could do when it ejected the previous careerist deep stater from the Speaker’s chair was to tap the dim-witted nincompoop who currently occupies it.

The Republican party is thus truly beyond redemption. As JFK once said about the CIA, its needs to be splintered into a thousand pieces and swept into the dustbin of history.

Indeed, when you look at the calamitous fiscal trajectory embedded in the CBO’s latest 30-year fiscal outlook, you truly have to wonder about what miniature minds like Congressman Johnson’s are actually thinking. That is to say, the latest CBO report published in March presumes that there will never be another recession and no inflation flare-up, interest rate spike, global energy dislocation, prolonged Forever War or any other imaginable crisis ever again—just smooth economic sailing for the next 30 years.

And yet, and then. Even by the math of this Rosy Scenario on steroids the public debt will reach $140 trillion at minimum by 2054. In turn, that would cause interest payments on the public debt with rates no higher than those which prevailed between 1986 and 1997 to reach $10 trillion per year.

You simply don’t need paragraphs, pages and whole monographs worth of analysis and amplification to understand where that is going. The nation’s fisc is now on the cusp of descending into the maws of a doomsday machine. So how in the world do these elements of Johnson’s offering make even the remotest sense?

Speaker Johnson's Foreign Aid Boondoggle:

  • Indo-Pacific aid: $8.1 billion.
  • Israel: $26.4 billion.
  • Ukraine: $60.8 billion.
  • Total: $95.3 billion.

Apparently, it’s because Johnson and a good share of the Washington GOP have succumbed wholesale to neocon paranoia, stupidity, lies and hollow excuses for warmongering. For crying out loud, Putin has no interest in molesting the Poles, to say nothing of storming the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. He is certainly no Ghandi, but well more than smart enough to recognize that with Russia’s GDP of $2.2 trillion and war budget of $80 billion there would be no point in going to war with NATO’s $45 trillion of GDP and combined war budgets in excess of $1.2 trillion.

Likewise, China’s $50 trillion debt-ridden Ponzi would collapse in months if its $3.5 trillion flow of export earnings were disrupted after attempting to land its single modern aircraft carrier on the California coast. And Iran has no nukes, no intercontinental range missiles and a GDP equal to 130 hours of US annual output.

So, some Axis of evil!

Yet that’s exactly what the Speaker said this morning after going to too many Deep State briefings and apparently having his own johnson yanked once too often. The Swamp creatures surely see the lad’s naivete and blithering ignorance as a gift that doesn’t stop giving. That is to say, a “mark” who knows nothing at all about the world from sources not stamped, “Top Secret (lies)”.

Speaker Mike Johnson: “We’re going to stand for freedom and make sure that Putin doesn’t march through Europe… we’re the greatest Nation on the planet, and we have to act like it”,
This is a critical time right now, a critical time on the world stage. I can make a selfish decision and do something that’s different but I’m doing here what I believe to be the right thing. “I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important. I really do. I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we've gotten.
I believe Xi, Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil. I think they’re in coordination on it. “So I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed. I think he might go to the Balkans next. I think he might have a showdown with Poland or one of our NATO allies.
To put it bluntly, I would rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys. My son is going to begin in the Naval Academy this fall. This is a live-fire exercise for me as it is so many American families. This is not a game, this is not a joke.
Needless to say, our dufus Speaker doesn’t know the “Baltics” from the “Balkans” where Serbia and other Russian friendlies are definitely not quaking in their boots about Putin.

In point of fact, however, it is not hard to see that the civil war and territorial dispute between Kiev and Moscow over the Donbas and rim of the Black Sea from Mariupol to Odessa is a one-off of Russian and regional history and Washington’s mindless push of NATO eastward to Russia’s very doorstep.

The light-yellow area of this 1897 map gave an unmistakable message: To wit, in the late Russian Empire there was no doubt as to the paternity of the Donbas and the lands adjacent to the Azov Sea and the Black Sea. Already then, they were part of the 125 years-old New Russia, which had been assembled by purchase and conquest during the reign of Catherine the Great.

Indeed, it was only in 1922 that the yellow area—essentially demarcating the four provinces of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, which recently voted to rejoin Russia—was appended to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic by the great humanitarian and map-maker, V. Lenin.

And yet Speaker Johnson now wants to crash the Republican Party on enforcing a map drawn by one of history’s bloodiest monsters. It’s come down to that.

That is to say, the war in Ukraine would stop tomorrow without another dime of aid from the US taxpayers if Washington agreed to partition the wholly artificial polity assembled by Lenin, Stalin (parts of Poland) and Khruschev (Crimea). In every presidential election in “Ukraine” since 1991 the electorate has essentially voted for separation via 80/20 pluralities in Novorossiya and Crimea for the pro-Russian candidate and 80/20 pluralities in the center and west for the Ukrainian nationalist.

That is, America’s national security would be undermined not one bit by a new map showing two countries and no war: That is, Novorossiya (New Russia) in the east and south, on the one hand, and the parts and pieces of Poland, Galicia-Austria and the Cossack Hetmanates in the center and west, on the other. Agree to keep NATO out of this rump state of Ukraine and it’s all over except the shouting.

Nevertheless, the insanity of the Russophobia which keeps knuckleheads like Johnson from having an even rudimentary grasp of the matter reveals an even larger issue.

Namely, it explains why Washington’s hegemonic foreign policy is a dysfunctional disaster, which unceasingly spawns madness like today’s $95 billion foreign aid boondoggle.

To wit, it encourages the Empire’s client and allied states to take bellicose positions vis a vis Washington designated rivals and enemies because it brings aid to their treasuries, weapons to their militaries and prestige and self-importance to their politicians and diplomats.

Thus, would Poland’s rightwing politicians always be barking at Russia, Russia, Russia in the absence of its NATO membership and US military and diplomatic shield? We sincerely doubt they would be poking the bear, but instead would be seeking friendly accommodation with a natural trading partner.

Likewise with Germany. The latter was apparently so petrified by a rescendant Russia that as recently as 2019 it spent the grand sum of just $50 billion and 1.3% of GDP on defense, while quite logically fueling its booming industrial and export economy with cheap Russian gas.

What has changed since then is not remotely Germany’s assessment of the Russian threat. What changed is client state politics. The Green Party entered the government coalition with the Social Democrats by beating the war-drums because they saw attacking Russia and Russian gas as a way to promote their hideous crusade against fossil fuel. And they did so with impunity, knowing that Washington’s military shield had their backs.

As to Tiawan’s client state politics, it’s not even a close call. Announce that Washington’s archaic “strategic ambiguity” policy– left over from the time of two departed demons, Mao Zedong and Chaing Kai Chek—has now also departed into the “inoperative” realm of Nixon-speak and you wouldn’t need any “Indo-Pacific” aid boondoggles, either.

To the contrary, Taiwan’s leaders would be scampering to Beijing for discussions of a “Hong Kong” transition in short order. America’s homeland security, of course, would be no worse for the wear—except for saving the cost of 100,000 servicemen in the Far East and the multi-trillion cost over time of patrolling the Pacific for the benefit of exactly what?

Then, of course, we get to the $26.4 billion for Israel. That’s about 4.5% of its GDP and should come out of its own war taxes, not Uncle Sam’s credit card. Moreover, it’s proof positive of the baleful impact of the Empire’s military shield and checkbook on client state politics. As we recently showed, Israel’s defense spending has been steadily plunging to less than 5% of GDP, even as its voters have repeatedly elected bellicose governments consisting of rightwing warmongers and fanatical religious factions.

These Netanyahu governments have consistently undermined a two-state solution to the Palestine problem, even going so far as to bless the transfer of billions of cash in suitcases to Hamas in order to undermine the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority.

Likewise, Netanyahu has wantonly demonized Iran mainly for the purpose of domestic politics and as a means to assemble 60+ vote coalitions in the Knesset.

Absent the US Navy and Air Force shield in the region, however, no Israeli government would have ever conducted unending assassination raids on that country or sabotaged on Capitol Hill Washington’s attempts at constructive arrangements with Iran like Obama’s nuke deal.

Indeed, absent Uncle Sam’s $4 billion annual gift and even more valuable regional military shield, Netanyahu and his extremist coalitions would have needed to raise taxes massively in Israel in order to fund their Garrison State war policies. We doubt the Israeli electorate would have tolerated the true cost of Netanyahu’s madness for very long.

At the end of the day, what Washington now needs is a break-up of the GOP and the formation of a Peace and Freedom party from the remnants of the conservative GOP and the dovish left. Both have been ejected from the UniParty by today’s Republican and Democrat denizens of the world’s War Capital.

So perhaps Johnson’s hari-kari act will bear some fruit, after all. Not as he intended, but in the good way that American democracy desperately needs at this fraught juncture.


Faithful Steed
Get ready - wheelbarrows are about to become the latest "financial carry assist" in US commerce.

Owner has written to his district US Representative asking if he should get a common home-owner's wheelbarrow, or hold out for the larger capacity utilitarian "commercial wheelbarrow."

He was not answered.

I think he should spring the $300 for the Rubbermaid plastic wheelbarrow which will carry about three cubic feet of compostible paper, more than even a commercial wheelbarrow.

The only good thing about the current Mike Johnson debacle is - concerned voters get a reference point for future voting.
Not that it will likely do any good.

Comes to mind is Owner's story of the "write-in" candidate who competed against Karoline Leavitt here in Cow Hampshire - and effectively "ruined" her chance against winning her election against the candidate. And left the field open for the Democrat to walk into office without a plurality.

Karoline Leavitt received NO funding from the NHGOP. And NHGOP bought $20K worth of signs and made sure the ballot had a write-in slot.

Karoline Leavitt (Ballotpedia)

NHGOP is totally owned by RINO.

And now we know why Sununu won't endorse Trump. And one imagines "high-fives" all around the NHGOP on Leavitt's loss.

As Owner says: "Things just ain't bad enough yet."



A hundred billion more (that we have to borrow) for more foreign war meanwhile we are being invaded across the southern border, our infrastructure is crumbling, gas, food and basic housing becoming harder to source and the big cities are open crime scenes.

The two headed monster is alive in the Washington swamp with both left and (most of the) right trying to out compete each other in looting what is left of the country.


Veteran Member
I guess they either got to him or he really fooled us.

What would the Red Queen say?

It's been conversed about several times on Steve Bannon's Warroom, as well as Benny Johnson's podcast, from other Representatives, like Tim Burchett, R-TN, off the top of my head, that Johnson likely was "gotten to."
He talked about DC being it's own world and they bring you in and the Lobbyists try to overwhelm you with gifts and deals and anything you could ever want, etc.
The Lobbyists also like to take them to HUGE parties. That's where they eventually get them. Likely drugs or alcohol or hookers or all 3; They have pictures or videos and have them right where they want them. He said you never want to let your guard down or be alone. And to that, that Florida R-FL, Anna Paulina Luna, won't even go to DC and any meetings or to the House without her Husband by her side or in the same room or area. I can't remember if she said he was one of her paid DC staffers or not but I think so. He's her bodyguard, so to speak.


Veteran Member
We are living in an occupied country. This government is owned by the globalist elites. We are much like the Netherlands under Nazi occupation during WW II. Prepare accordingly.

This is not "our" government, no matter how much the globalist-owned media blathers on about "our democracy." We have no part in this any more. All major institutions are compromised and owned by the globalists. The country is deliberately being over-run by thieves and murderers from every continent to completely "dissolve" what is left here until the United States becomes a shapeless blob owned by the minions of evil.

My citizenship is here: Philippians 3:20


Veteran Member
Fair use cited.

House Passes $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel And Taiwan - But Not US Border | ZeroHedge

SATURDAY, APR 20, 2024 - 06:18 PM

The House on Saturday passed a set of foreign aid bills that would send $61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel, and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific region.

In total, the foreign assistance package totals $95 billion - which only passed after Speaker Mike Johnson cut a deal with Democrats in order to force it through by a vote of 311 to 112.

The Senate is expected to pass the package, which was negotiated in conjunction with the White House, marking a victory against conservative lawmakers who insisted on protecting the US border before sending money abroad to protect those of other countries.

“We cannot be afraid of our shadows. We must be strong. We have to do what’s right,” House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican, said.
Democrats and some Republicans waved Ukrainian flags during the vote, a rare moment of bipartisanship in a bitterly and narrowly divided House.
“Traditional House Republicans led by Speaker Mike Johnson have risen to the occasion,” House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said. “We have a responsibility to push back against authoritarianism.” -Bloomberg

Earlier in the day, the House passed an $8 billion aid package aimed at countering Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, as well as a bill that would force Chinese-controlled ByteDance Ltd to divest from TikTok or face a US ban. The bill also allows for the confiscation of Russian dollar assets in order to help fund more assistance to Ukraine.

Speaker Johnson made it essentially impossible to vote for any of the bills before the House today without assisting in the effort to send $60 billion to Ukraine and up to $9 billion to Hamas.

He also made it impossible to condition any of those things on U.S. border security.
— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) April 20, 2024

Breaking down the Ukraine aid - of the $61 billion, $13 billion will replenish US stockpiles of weapons, and $14 billion will go towards US defense systems for Ukraine. $7 billion will go toward US military operations in the region. We assume the remainder will go directly to Ukrainian oligarchs.

The Israel bill, which passed by a vote of 366 to 58, includes $4 billion for missile defense.

Notably absent was so much as a dime for the US border

"Nothing is done to secure our border or reduce our debt," said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), whose outrage was shared with Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who say they're ready to boot Johnson from his Speakership.

"Ukraine is not even a member of NATO," Greene continued.

Who would have known!


Veteran Member
Message from southernprepper1.

Runtime 15 minutes, 9 seconds.

You think you can fix this by voting...Democrats and Republican representatives are traitors.​

20 Apr 2024
$95 Billion dollars going to help the world and nothing for Americans. This money will be added to the US debt and your kids and grandchildren will be paying for it forever.
