Vaccines The Truth About Vaccines

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther

This is the first of two reports about Ty Bollinger’s 2019 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, California. Andrew Scholberg is a longtime associate of Cancer Defeated and the author of the books German Cancer Breakthrough and America’s Best Cancer Doctors.

Somewhat unusually for a cancer event, a large part of Mr. Bollinger’s conference was devoted to vaccines. Because this subject is outside of Cancer Defeated‘s area of expertise, please regard the following as representing the views of the speakers, not necessarily ours. But what they had to say is disturbing and you should consider it carefully. The conference was held before the novel coronavirus became an issue and the remarks from the speakers were not, as such, directed at the efforts to develop a vaccine for that disease.

To summarize my own views on vaccines as briefly as I can: I get as few vaccinations myself as possible; I haven’t had one in decades. I might make an exception for coronavirus if and when they have one. More importantly, I think infants in our society are horribly over-vaccinated, often for rare diseases, and it’s at least arguable that they’d be better off getting chickenpox, measles and mumps than being vaccinated for them.

To say that Ty Bollinger’s most recent cancer conference featured the controversial issue of vaccinations would be an understatement.

No fewer than a dozen of the speakers remarked about the heavy schedule of vaccinations required for children — a schedule that grows longer year by year. Four of the speakers — including Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — made it the subject of their presentations.

One thing I’ve come to believe is that for viral diseases like smallpox or coronavirus, a “live” oral vaccine containing a weakened form of the virus is superior. A live vaccine educates your immune system, and may offer significant benefits including lifetime immunity.

But practically all vaccines today, unfortunately, are by injection. These injections fail to give permanent immunity and also contain nasty toxic “adjuvants” that often cause more harm than good. (The second article in this series has more information about the benefits of live oral vaccines vs. vaccine injections.)

You might be wondering what vaccinations have to do with cancer. The short answer is: plenty. There’s reason to believe they result in a weaker immune system throughout life.

A revealing story from a German doctor

During one of my tours of German cancer clinics I interviewed one of Germany’s top cancer doctors, Dr. Andreas Demuth, at the HufelandKlinik in Bad Mergentheim.

He gave me his thoughts about the effect of vaccines on the immune system. He told me he’d long believed that vaccinations are an unnecessary source of toxicity, and he said that over-vaccination in childhood is a serious problem.

Dr. Demuth said his oldest son was vaccinated only during his first three years of life. His younger sons have never been vaccinated. His oldest son has an abnormal immune system as a result of the childhood vaccinations: when he gets sick he doesn’t get a fever, just a terrible cough that lasts for weeks.

By contrast, when his youngest son gets sick, he gets a high fever for two or three days, and then he snaps out of it “better than new,” Dr. Demuth told me. A fever is the equivalent of taking the immune system to the gym for a good workout to keep it strong.

While this sort of evidence is anecdotal, it suggests that vaccinations may be harmful, while enduring the disease makes our immune systems stronger. Of course, you have to survive the disease to profit from the stronger immune system, and this is the point on which the whole vaccine debate turns.

Based on the talks at this conference, it’s clear that the long-term, lifetime costs and benefits of each and every vaccination have not been weighed and are not even fully known. For example, as I’ll explain, unvaccinated people may, on average, live longer.

The heavy schedule of childhood vaccinations may impair the immune system that might be needed later to prevent or overcome a degenerative disease such as cancer. Even more concerning are the toxic substances that may be found in some vaccines.

For example, mercury and aluminum most certainly can cause degenerative diseases including cancer. Mercury occurs in thimersal, a preservative that used to be widely used in vaccine formulas as a preservative. It has supposedly been phased out but is still used in some vaccines.

Ty Bollinger strongly opposes current vaccination policies in the United States, and created an impressive lineup of speakers to challenge the orthodox beliefs about vaccines. The speakers contended some of the common beliefs about vaccines are myths and falsehoods peddled by Big Pharma and their allies.

Vaccinations and “herd immunity”

You may have heard about the importance of “herd immunity,” which supposedly is achieved only after enough people have been vaccinated. Public health authorities talk about it all the time, making the point that widespread vaccination establishes herd immunity. Let’s see if that’s true.

As you may know, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founded Children’s Health Defense to promote the cause of vaccine safety for children. In his keynote speech he pointed out certain embarrassing facts about vaccines that are ignored or censored by the mainstream media and public health authorities.

For example, in 2019 a mumps epidemic crippled the USS Fort McHenry. This Navy ship was quarantined at sea for five months while the epidemic raged. Yet everyone aboard had been vaccinated for mumps!

As you may know, in the military there are no opt-outs: all service members get all of the vaccinations — no ifs, ands, or buts. Therefore, the vaccination rate for military personnel is 100 percent. The mumps vaccine is obviously an abject failure with regard to herd immunity. It doesn’t work.

What about the measles vaccine? Mr. Kennedy pointed out that when the measles vaccine first came out, public health authorities declared that one shot would give permanent immunity for life. But last August, 43-year-old Israeli flight attendant RotemAmitai, a mother of three, died of measles. She’d been vaccinated as a child.

In this instance, obviously, the measles vaccine failed to deliver permanent immunity. Yet her death, which was blamed on “anti-vaxxers,” resulted in a propaganda story about why everyone needed to get re-vaccinated for measles. In other words, one needs a booster shot every few years because the vaccine wears off.

In 2015 when there was a measles outbreak in California, the California Department of Public Health predictably blamed “anti-vaxxers” for causing it. But it turns out that more than half of the Californians who got measles were vaccinated. To be precise, fifty-five percent had been vaccinated at least once — some of them two or even three times. Yet the vaccination failed miserably!

The vaccines for measles and mumps provide neither permanent immunity nor “herd immunity.” The vaccines do not deliver on the promises that have been made for them.

Government says vaccinated
people are dangerous?

Incredible as it sounds, Mr. Kennedy pointed out, “If you go to FDA’s website — until recently when they took this off — or the John Hopkins protocols for immunocompromised patients, you know what they say? They say if you’re immunocompromised, you should avoid people who have recently received the measles vaccine, who have received even within six weeks a chicken pox vaccine, who’ve received a polio vaccine, who’ve received at any time in their lives a pertussis vaccine. It doesn’t say avoid un-vaccinated people. It says avoid vaccinated people!”

How are immunocompromised patients supposed to know who has ever had a pertussis vaccine in order to avoid such dangerous people? Just asking.

Mr. Kennedy said it’s a myth that vaccines provide herd immunity. Rather, herd immunity happens naturally when a large percentage of people get a disease the natural way and are afterwards immune for life. This typically happened with measles, mumps, and chickenpox until vaccinations became widely promoted.

Mr. Kennedy gave chickenpox as an example. Before the age of mass vaccination, just about all children got chickenpox, which – he said — helped prevent cancers when they got older because it boosted the immune system, as shown by dozens of studies.

Natural immunity to chickenpox reduces your risk of getting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, atopic diseases, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and cardiac arrest. “If you’ve had chickenpox, it extends your life dramatically,” he said.

He also cited a Japanese study about the long-term health benefits of the childhood diseases. People who had all four diseases in childhood — mumps, measles, chickenpox and rubella — live the longest. The people who contracted the fewest of these diseases have the shorter lifespans.

Why are children now getting shingles?

Mr. Kennedy said that because of the chickenpox vaccine, we’re starting to see shingles for the first time in children. Normally this disease appears in older adults who have had chickenpox as a child. It’s basically a recurrence of the disease, caused by the same virus, which remains latent in the body.

He projected that universal chickenpox vaccination would double the number of shingles cases within ten years. Chickenpox vaccination makes no sense because shingles is 20 times more lethal than chickenpox.

In addition, those who don’t get chickenpox as a child, because they’ve been vaccinated, often get it as an adult, when it’s twice as lethal.

It’s no big surprise that Big Pharma’s response to the cases of shingles caused by the chicken pox vaccine is a vaccine for shingles. But Kennedy asserted that the shingles vaccine is “killing people and blinding them, and giving them terrible, terrible diseases.”

How vaccination destroyed natural herd immunity

The measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. At that time the two leading authorities on measles were John Enders at Harvard University, who was the first to isolate the measles vaccine, and Sir Graham Wilson, who was a leading virologist.

Mr. Kennedy said that these two men warned that if that vaccine does not immunize 100 percent of the people and provide them with lifetime immunity, it would be unwise to give the vaccine because in the long run, the consequences would be terrible.

Kennedy explained how herd immunity for measles had developed naturally by the 1950s and early 60s: Mothers who had had measles, which gave them natural permanent immunity, often gave their newborn babies enough immunity through the placenta and breastfeeding to get them safely through infancy. (Measles is dangerous for infants. It should be noted that mothers who have been vaccinated for measles give no measles immunity whatever to their newborns.) Children naturally contracted measles later when they interacted with schoolmates and playmates, giving them lifetime immunity.

Measles once again becomes dangerous in adolescence and adulthood, but measles deaths were on a trajectory toward zero back in those days. Herd immunity for measles was happening naturally and had been largely achieved by 1963.

That was the year when Merck announced that its measles vaccine was 100 percent effective and that one vaccination was good for life. They predicted measles would be eradicated from the globe by 1967.

How Big Pharma reaps big rewards for failures

But by the mid-1970s it became obvious that the measles vaccine was a failure. Big Pharma came up with a solution — a booster shot. A booster shot, of course, generated even more profits, rewarding Big Pharma for its failure!

By the 1980s Big Pharma said people needed yet another booster shot –two boosters. But they found out the second booster doesn’t work at all, only providing only one or two months of immunity.

Mr. Kennedy summarized the measles vaccine disaster: “You have a vaccine that is doomed to wane, which means older people are going to get measles and get injured, and babies are going to get measles, and that’s what’s happening now. Babies are dying of measles.”

The big lie of 1963

In 1984 Johns Hopkins researchers said that as soon as those who grew up in pre-vaccine days before 1962 die out there will be more people susceptible to measles than was the case in 1961.

The most vulnerable population will include people who are much older or much younger. Kennedy predicted, “The death rate is going to be astronomical. Why isn’t Merck being targeted over its bogus vaccine and the big lie that launched it in 1963?”

A particularly dangerous vaccine, Kennedy asserted, is the HPV vaccine Gardasil. He said, “It’s one of the worst vaccines ever. It’s a hoax, and it’s killing a lot of people. I have a client, Jennifer Robi, who got this vaccine when she was 15 years old. She went into seizure. She is now 24. She wears Depends. She is in a wheelchair for life. She has seizures every 90 seconds. She was at the top of her class and she was a star athlete. She now cannot leave her bedroom. She has to stay with shades drawn, wearing dark glasses because the sunlight will trigger a seizure. That’s what this aluminum does to tens of thousands of teenagers.

“Within seven months after getting the vaccine, 50 percent of the girls had come down with serious new illnesses. Fifty percent! That’s one in every two! Japan has essentially banned the vaccine. Japan has de-recommended the vaccine after having to open up a whole string of hospitals just to treat people for HPV vaccine injury.”

FDA officials are puppets,
not watchdogs, says Kennedy

Why doesn’t the FDA do something about this? Mr. Kennedy pointed out the incestuous relationship between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies. Top executives of drug companies often take posts as high-ranking FDA officials and vice versa, and they all look out for each other.

Of course, the FDA is supposed to be America’s watchdog, protecting the public from dangerous prescription drugs that generate fantastic profits for Big Pharma. But the fox is now guarding the henhouse.

Mr. Kennedy pointed out that some former drug company executives are still collecting royalties from vaccines, even while employed by the government. These mind-boggling conflicts of interest don’t even raise eyebrows in the FDA.

These were Mr. Kennedy’s final words to the audience: “I don’t want to leave you guys depressed. I’ve been doing advocacy for 35 years. I know how to beat these guys, and we have to do it through litigation. The politicians have been bought. Every institution in our society that was constructed by our democracy to stand between greedy corporations and vulnerable little children has been compromised.

“Regulatory agencies that are supposed to protect us from bad drugs and from bad companies have been captured. They’ve become sock puppets for the industry they’re supposed to regulate. Congress now gets more money from vaccine companies than from any other industry: twice what they get from oil and gas, and four times what they get from defense and aerospace contractors!

“They [the racketeers] cannot win this in the marketplace, so they had to abolish the market and make vaccinations mandatory. They cannot win at debate, so they have to abolish debate. I would ask you to do everything you can to support our efforts, to support Children’s Health Defense.” Mr. Kennedy received a standing ovation that lasted a long, long time.

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther

This is the second of two reports on Ty Bollinger’s 2019 “The Truth About Cancer [LIVE]” conference at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim, California. Again, a reminder that the views and opinions expressed at this conference are those of the speakers. If you missed the first article, read it here.

Here’s how Ty Bollinger introduced Del Bigtree, a passionate advocate for health freedom: “For six years he was the Emmy Award winning producer of ‘The Doctors.’ His investigation into the wrongful destruction of Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s career orchestrated by Big Pharma and the UK Department of Health inspired him to focus all of his attention on producing ‘Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe.’”

Adam Schiff and Amazon censor truth

Mr. Bigtree had a contract with Amazon to offer “Vaxxed” on Amazon Prime for freeuntil the end of time. Enter Congressman Adam Schiff (Democrat,California), who, you may remember, was famous for saying he had evidence that Donald Trump had “colluded” with the Russians – rather odd in view of the fact that his House committee never brought the charges.

Even anti-Trumpers must have wondered what happened, after having been assured the whole matter was open and shut. It’s hardly surprising that this character is a puppet of the drug companies.

Rep. Schiff sent a letter to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos making the false allegation that “Vaxxed” contained misinformation. Amazon dutifully fell into line with Big Pharma, broke their contract with Mr. Bigtree, and yanked “Vaxxed” in an act of censorship.

And, again, we shouldn’t be surprised in that Mr. Bezos owns the Washington Post and shares the views of Rep. Schiff on a whole range of topics.

Mr. Bigtree also described another blow to health freedom: California’s law that forces parents to have their children vaccinated even in cases where a child has a medical exemption! He remarked, “In California your doctor cannot protect you from the pharmaceutical industry, and now children are going to die in California [because of mandatory vaccinations].”

The science is settled!

Mr. Bigtree said, “Here are the slogans that we always hear: ‘vaccines are safe and effective,’ ‘vaccine injury is rare,’ and my favorite, ‘the science is settled.’ Let’s take a look at ‘the science.’

In 2017, Dr. Peter Hotez, who was involved in designing the vaccine programs for the underdeveloped world, decided to do the study anti-vaxxers have been asking for: comparing vaccinated children to totally unvaccinated children.

“We’ve been saying: don’t keep telling us vaccination makes us healthier,” Mr. Bigtree told the audience. “Prove it. Prove it. Use the scientific method. Go ahead. We’re all open for it.”

So Dr. Hotez did just that. He looked at a DPT (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccine program that took place 30 years earlier in the Republic of Guinea, Africa.

The original plan of this DPT vaccination program was to vaccinate every child in the area. But because of the difficulties of reaching every child in every village by the end of that year, only half of the children had been vaccinated — almost exactly half. The other half remained unvaccinated.

Thus, thanks to logistical difficulties and time constraints, this program turned out by accident to be totally randomized. It provided a serviceable population for comparing the death rate of the vaccinated with the death rate of the unvaccinated. What were the results?

DPT-vaccinated children
had a mortality rate five-fold higher!

The DPT-vaccinated children had a mortality rate five-fold higher than the unvaccinated children! In other words, at least five times more vaccinated children died of all causes — not just DPT — than unvaccinated children. Here is the reference for that study:

Mr. Bigtree continued, “But it gets even worse. The death rate was ten times higher for the children who only got the DPT vaccine. Children who also got the live polio vaccine by mouth at the same time, for some reason, had a death rate that was only five-fold higher” than the death rate for unvaccinated children. Bigtree urged his listeners not to take his word for it but to take the word of Dr. Peter Hotez.

As longtime Cancer Defeated readers know, “all-cause mortality” is one of the most meaningful stats for comparing a treatment or lifestyle choice to the absence of the same, because death is a pretty hard event for either advocates or opponents to fix or fudge, and because all-cause mortality captures any side effects a treatment or other choice may have.

For example, it might well be that the vaccinated population had lower rates of illness or death from diptheria, pertussis and tetanus. In fact, it’s likely. But by looking at ALL causes of death we see convincing evidence that the vaccine was extremely harmful in some way we would never discover if we look only at those three diseases.

Live oral vaccines compared
to injections of dead microbes

This study surely suggests the DPT vaccine is too dangerous to inject into children, unless the goal is to weaken their overall health and promote premature death. But how did the oral polio vaccine moderate the devastating lethal effect of the DPT vaccine so dramatically: causing the death rate to drop from a ten-fold increase to five-fold? That does seem odd.

The oral polio vaccine is a live vaccine that seems to stimulate, educate, and strengthen the immune system in a general way, offering a wide range of health benefits with little or no downside. Thus, this live vaccine apparently protects people not just from polio but also helps to protect against other health threats.

It turns out that there’s a vast difference between live oral vaccines and vaccine injections. Practically all vaccines given today are injections containing substances that can weaken overall health; the injections provide limited and questionable benefits and bad consequences.

By contrast, according to Mr. Bigtree, live vaccines taken by mouth seem to offer general benefits with no significant downside. Unfortunately, live oral vaccines are disappearing or perhaps have already become a thing of the past.

He cited a link to a superb 17-minute TED talk by a distinguished international physician who clearly explains the benefits of live oral vaccines, in contrast to vaccine injections:

To find the TED Talk cited by Mr. Bigtree, go to Youtube and do a search for Christine Stabell Benn. The title of the video is “How vaccines train the immune system in ways no one expected.”

What’s the overall effect of vaccine injections on health? Mr. Bigtree told the attendees, “In 1986 we were giving 11 vaccines. Now we’re giving 54 — in 72 doses. In that same time period, the chronic illness rate in our children skyrocketed from 12.8 percent to 54 percent. Folks, that is the greatest decline in human health in recorded history, period.

“The U.S. has highest first-day infant mortality of the industrialized world. In fact, we have 50 percent more babies die on the first day of life than every other industrialized nation combined. We have more babies dying the first year of life than the 20 other richest nations in the world. I’m not making that up. Time magazine’s reporting it. American kids are now 70 percent more likely to die before reaching adulthood than kids in other rich countries. How many people thought we had the best medical system in the world?”

Generally, the medical establishment attributes our high infant mortality rate to inadequate prenatal care among the poor and addicted, and to similar socioeconomic reasons. Cancer Defeated has not investigated this issue, but Mr. Bigtree’s information suggests that vaccination may at least play a role.

Vaccinations and childhood cancer

As you may know, children get a major round of vaccinations at age five. Mr. Bigtree noted there’s a “big uptick in pediatric cancer starting at age six.” This uptick should be reason enough to pause the vaccination program until the safety of the vaccines has been proven.

He went on to add, “Of course, the pharmaceutical establishment assures the public that all vaccinations are safe and should be taken by all children. They further soothe the public with the claim, repeated over and over, that the alleged link between vaccinations and autism has been ‘debunked.’ Anybody who questions or disputes these assurances is considered a ‘denier’ and a tinfoil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist.”

So many parents distrust or disbelieve Big Pharma’s self-serving assurances about vaccine safety that draconian consequences are being enforced to make sure all parents knuckle under and get their children vaccinated. But when children are harmed, the vaccination enforcers just shrug it off as collateral damage. Meanwhile, mandatory vaccinations continue unabated.

Mr. Bigtree pointed out that no childhood vaccine given today has ever been tested against an inert placebo. He said, “You are all a part of a giant human experiment, like every child in America’s vaccine program, which brings me to the Nuremberg Code. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. What do you call it when they say you can’t put your child in a public or private school if the child doesn’t have all their vaccinations? Coercion. The United States government is currently breaking the Nuremberg Code as we speak.”

How can mercury be good for children’s health?

The speaker who addressed the subject of vaccine toxicity was Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic physician who founded the Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center near Cleveland, Ohio. She drew attention to the incredibly heavy and ever-growing schedule of vaccines that the American medical establishment recommends for all children.

Dr. Tenpenny said, “A fully vaccinated child that gets every dose of vaccination, every dose of vaccine from birth to 18 years of age, has 12,000 micrograms of aluminum and 585 micrograms of mercury injected.”

[A microgram is a millionth of a gram, which in turn is about one-twenty-eighth of an ounce, so this amount is very small. But no dose of mercury is considered safe, and it is known to be damaging in microscopic doses.

As a point of comparison, a typical tuna fish is said to contain about 400 micrograms of mercury per kilogram (2.2 pounds).]
Mercury is one of the most poisonous substances known to man: a known cause of degenerative diseases. Aluminum, in large amounts, is also toxic, although it’s ubiquitous in the environment and natural for humans to have small amounts in their bodies. She asserted that it makes no sense to inject so much toxicity into children. If you’ve ever wondered why so many children are getting cancers today compared to, say, 50 years ago, the toxic substances in vaccines may be among the culprits.

Cancer Defeated comment: As noted in Part I of this article, the number of vaccinations inflicted on babies and toddlers in the United States is insane. Many of these vaccinations are for diseases so rare you probably can’t find a doctor in your town who has ever seen a single case – and in many cases the diseases were rare BEFORE vaccination became common. The over-vaccination of small children is, by itself, reason enough to reject the current medical regime in the United States. (Another is the deliberate effort to suppress the drug combo of hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax, a treatment for covid-19 that is known, on the basis of decades of use, to be safe and which we now know on the basis of abundant cases is effective against the virus. It is hard to believe, in the face of these policies, that mainstream medicine is not corrupt and utterly blinded by its own habits and self-interest.)

Known carcinogen in flu vaccine

Dr. Tenpenny added that known carcinogens in common vaccines also include the highly toxic chemical Beta-Propiolactone and Triton X-100, which is a detergent that’s used primarily in flu shots. When injected inside the body, Triton X-100 breaks down into ethylene oxide, which California authorities identify as a known carcinogen that’s supposed to be listed on the label. Dr. Tenpenny asked, “Do you hear that about flu shots anywhere? No, not at all.”

[Comment: California is extremely strict about labeling a substance a carcinogen, and they do so at doses so low the substance is known to be safe. It’s the dose that makes the poison, and the relevant question is how high a dose of Triton X-100 is required to be toxic. California requires that many if not most supplements all of us take are now required to be labeled “contains carcinogens.”]
Dr. Tenpenny also drew attention to problems caused by vaccine substances that come from parts of chickens and cows and even from monkey kidney cells. She finds it bizarre and concerning that such animal substances are routinely injected into people.

She highly recommends the book The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of the Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, the Contaminated Polio Vaccine and the Millions of Americans Exposed, by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher.

Dr. Tenpenny complained, “They now use dog cells to create certain flu shots. They took kidney cells out of a healthy cocker spaniel, and they made them divide in perpetuity forever, and a cell that propagates in perpetuity by definition is a cancer cell. They take cancer cells and they use them to make vaccines.” She pointed out that cells from an aborted human baby are also used. Dr. Tenpenny concluded her talk by saying, “We need to call for a complete moratorium on all this nonsense.”

Ty Bollinger, the organizer of the conference, made some observations about the vaccination controversy. He said, “It’s interesting with vaccines that if you want to have better studies, if you want to actually get more research done so that you could have a safer vaccine, you’re called an anti-vaxxer or somebody who hates science.

“Actually, what you’re calling for is more science and more safety! If you dare to call for more safety studies on vaccines, you’re called an ‘anti-vaxxer quack.’ If you dare to say that we should do more research to make sure that our children are not being harmed, you’re called dangerous.”

Mr. Bollinger introduced Dr. Andrew Wakefield with these words: “Dr. Wakefield was made a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2001. He has published over 140 original scientific articles, books, and book chapters.

“In his pursuit of discovering the truth about possible links between childhood vaccines, intestinal inflammation, and neurological injury in children, he lost his job in the Department of Medicine at London’s Royal Free Hospital. He lost his country, he lost his career, he lost his fellowships, and he lost his medical license, all in an effort to save children. He’s the co-founder of Autism Media Channel. He’s the director and the co-writer of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe.”

Comment: Dr. Wakefield is one of the most controversial physicians in recent history. In 1998 he published an article in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet demonstrating a link between the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine and autism. The study was very small, with only 12 participants, and the press later raised allegations that the children were involved in a lawsuit against MMR vaccine makers.

The Lancet later retracted the article in the wake of allegations of misconduct from Britain’s General Medical Council, which sets standards for students and doctors. Cancer Defeated expresses no opinion in this controversy but wants readers to understand that this subject is highly complicated and contentious.

Big Pharma’s “perfect business model”

At The Truth about Cancer conference, Dr. Wakefield said, “In 1986, when Ronald Reagan signed into law The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, what it created for the pharmaceutical industry was the perfect business model. They had a mandatory market, your children had to get vaccinated, and they had no liability!

“All they could do is make an enormous profit, and they’ve certainly done that. Not only out of the vaccines, but even more so out of the injuries caused by the vaccines. They clean up at the front end, they clean up at the back end.”

He asked what incentive the drug companies have to make a vaccine safer when they’re making so much money on the failures. “Why would they improve it? Well, they wouldn’t, and they don’t, and they never will.”

Right now, we’re seeing an extraordinary push for mandatory vaccination. California passed perhaps America’s most draconian law requiring vaccinations with no opt-outs for medical reasons. In other words, even when a patient’s physician knows a required vaccination will harm his patient, the patient still must get the toxic vaccination against medical judgment. This law crosses the line by making the government, rather than the physician, the arbiter of which treatment is appropriate. Other states may well follow suit.

Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
Previous post continued

The reason for the strong and urgent push for mandatory vaccination, according to Dr. Wakefield, is that “the pharmaceutical industry and its acolytes are in a race against time because the truth is their vaccines have failed. Almost universally across the board, their vaccines have failed, and woe betide them when the world finds out.

“The industry knows it. And the world is finding out. And they have to force vaccination before the world comes to realize the case or they will not be able to get those mandates through.”

You’ve probably seen hysterical headlines like this: “Anti-vaccine movement causes the worst whooping cough epidemic in 70 years.” Dr. Wakefield pointed out that the mainstream media and Big Pharma routinely lay the blame on those who are vaccine-safety aware, whom they label ‘anti-vaxxers.’”

“We’ll all sit down to a banquet of consequences”

Dr. Wakefield declared, “Fifty thousand people are dying every year in Europe and the U.S. from infections that antibiotics have lost the ability to kill. Not only is this going to happen with vaccines; we’re already there. Diseases are becoming tougher, and vaccines aren’t able to keep pace with the speed with which diseases are becoming tougher. In just 80 years we’ve gone from the miracle of penicillin to apocalypse.”

To put things into historical perspective, Dr. Wakefield cited a 1961 quote from Sir Graham Wilson, Fellow of the Royal Society from England, one of the world’s foremost microbiologists. In a public speech, Sir Graham said, “Measles is one of the inevitable but relatively unimportant maladies of childhood. In England, and I dare say the U.S., one in 100,000 dies. In Scandinavia, this is one in a million.”

Yet a massive campaign for measles vaccination, which is now mandatory, was launched for a disease that had dwindled into a minor problem because of natural herd immunity, which the vaccination has destroyed.

See the first article in this series for an explanation of how herd immunity had been achieved by the early 1960s.

Regarding the push for mandatory vaccination, Dr. Wakefield said, “We need to refuse as one. We need to stand together, whatever the price, whatever the consequence, because we will leave behind for our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren, an utter catastrophe. It will make 1984 look like playtime. And so, it has to happen now!”

In concluding, Dr. Wakefield quoted Robert Louis Stevenson: “Sooner or later we all sit down to a banquet of consequences.”

Best regards,


Border Collie Dad

Flat Earther
Just a few things you can expect from tonight’s show:

  • We’ll take a “bird’s eye view” of the theory of vaccination and attempt to lay the groundwork for the next 8 episodes of the documentary
  • Take a history lesson on the eradication of smallpox and the creation of the smallpox vaccine
  • RFK Jr shares the real reasons why vaccine manufacturers have no liability and also describes the “precautionary principle”
  • Get a “behind the scenes” look at a “vaccine legislation” meeting with a Congressman in the Rayburn House Building in Washington D.C.
  • Hear the personal story of Davida and Nico LaHood (San Antonio District Attorney) as they describe the differences in their four children
  • Mike Adams (“the Health Ranger”) elaborates on difference between “vaccinations” and “immunizations.”
  • And so much more …


Has No Life - Lives on TB
IIRC, India kicked out Gates and his vaccine program after they had a horrible outbreak of the very disease that he was supposedly providing them the vaccine for.
I can't say that I'm fully anti-vaccine. I have seen them work. But I've also seen them do horrible damage and VAERS is a bad joke. Unless you are really, really lucky, have a lot of money, and a brave doctor(s), you don't stand a chance through VAERS.
Most anti-vaccine people I know would happily use vaccines - if the vaccines were ever subjected to Double Blind w/ placebo studies. And then doctors correctly educated on their uses.
They are not supposed to be given to people who are sick or have immune system issues. Yet that is not how that works out. The saddest case I know of personally was a child already on the edge in NICU. The doctors insisted that he must be given all the vaccines on an accelerated schedule. He didn't make it another week after that.
My plan, if I'd had another child, was to not start vaccines until they were 7 (more stable immune system which would also require less boosters), follow the European vaccine schedule, and insist on individual dose bottles (less of the preservatives). But life didn't go that way.


TB Fanatic
if vaccines worked, they would pay for your medical expenses should you contract the disease after vaccination