ILL IMM Nearly half of long term US immigrants on welfare


TB Fanatic
Remember this is legal and illegal immigrants combined. What I take away from this is that we have almost as many illegal immigrants as legal ones. Also we are admitting far too many "refugees" under humanitarian grounds.

Slow path to progress for U.S. immigrants

43% on welfare after 20 years

By Stephen Dinan

The Washington Times
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

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Immigrants lag behind native-born Americans on most measures of economic well-being — even those who have been in the U.S. the longest, according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, which argues that full assimilation is a more complex task than overcoming language or cultural differences.
The study, which covers all immigrants, legal and illegal, and their U.S.-born children younger than 18, found that immigrants tend to make economic progress by most measures the longer they live in the U.S. but lag well behind native-born Americans on factors such as poverty, health insurance coverage and homeownership.
The study, based on 2010 and 2011 census data, found that 43 percent of immigrants who have been in the U.S. at least 20 years were using welfare benefits, a rate that is nearly twice as high as native-born Americans and nearly 50 percent higher than recent immigrants.
The report was released at a time when both major presidential candidates have backed policies that would make it easier to immigrate legally and would boost the numbers of people coming to the U.S.
Steven A. Camarota, the center’s research director and author of the 96-page study, said it shows that questions about the pros and cons of immigration extend well beyond the sheer numbers and touch on the broader consequences of assimilating a population defined by tougher socioeconomic challenges.
“Look, we know a lot of these folks are going to be poor, we get it. But don’t tell the public it’s all going great, which is the story line I think a lot of people want to sell,” Mr. Camarota said. “There is progress over time. Every measure shows improvement over time, but still, the situation does not look like we’d like it to look, particularly for the less-educated. They lag well behind natives even when they’ve been here for two decades, and that is very disconcerting.”
Federal law requires that the government deny immigrant visas to potential immigrants who are likely to be unable to support themselves and thereby become public charges.
On Tuesday, a handful of Republican senators wrote to the Homeland Security and State departments asking them to explain why they don’t consider whether potential immigrants would use many of the nearly 80 federal welfare programs when they evaluate visa applications.
Neither department responded to messages Tuesday seeking a response to the senators’ letter.
Expanding legal immigration is a contentious issue for voters, the vast majority of whom tell pollsters that they want the levels either retained or decreased.
But most politicians want legal immigration expanded.
During his time in the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama backed bills that would have dramatically boosted legal immigration, potentially by hundreds of thousands a year. As president, he has called for the same thing.
“We need to provide our farms a legal way to hire workers that they rely on, and a path for those workers to earn legal status. And our laws should respect families following the rules — reuniting them more quickly instead of splitting them apart,” Mr. Obama said in a major speech on the subject in El Paso, Texas, in 2011.
His presumed Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, in June called for increasing legal immigration for students who study in high-tech fields and admitting unlimited family members of those who hold green cards.
“Our immigration system should help promote strong families as well — not keep them apart. Our nation benefits when moms and dads and their kids are all living together under the same roof,” Mr. Romney told the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.
Mr. Camarota’s report took a broad look at the immigrant population and found that immigrants are contributing to major changes in American society, including that one-fourth of public school students now speak languages other than English at home.
It also found that immigrants as a population lead complex economic lives that aren’t easily put into one category or another.
Immigrants made up more than half of all farmworkers, 41 percent of taxi drivers and 48 percent of maids and housecleaners, but they also represented about one-third of all computer programmers and 27 percent of doctors.
The statistics varied greatly by geography. In Massachusetts, native-led households averaged $89,000 in income while immigrant households averaged $66,000.
In Virginia, immigrant-led households averaged $93,000 in income, far outstripping native households’ $80,000 average. Likewise, immigrant families averaged a larger tax burden in Virginia — though they also had higher rates of use of welfare or Medicaid.
The center found that use of public benefits varied dramatically based on where immigrants originated.
Mexicans were most likely to use means-tested benefit programs, with 57 percent, while 6 percent of those from the United Kingdom did. The rate for native-born Americans is 23 percent.
Mr. Camarota said a key dividing line is educational attainment. Immigrants who have been in the U.S. 20 years and who have bachelor’s degrees or higher make slightly more than the average native-born American. But immigrants with only high school educations make less no matter how long they have been in the U.S.
“The fact is the less-educated in particular — they don’t do well over time,” he said. “It’s not reasonable to expect an immigrant who comes to America with only a high school education to close the gap with the native-born.”
Scholars debate whether the current wave of immigrants will assimilate differently from those in the 1800s and at the start of the 20th century.
George Borjas, a Harvard University professor, has argued that second-generation Americans — the children of today’s immigrants — will fall behind in wages by about 10 percent by 2030.
But in “Assimilation Tomorrow,” a report released in November, Dowell Myers and John Pitkin said immigrants of the 1990s eventually will attain high rates of homeownership and 71 percent will become U.S. citizens by 2030.
Those authors said immigrants were set back by the recent recession but were still on track to follow the same assimilation path as previous waves of immigrants.
They also said a program to legalize the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. would be critical to helping assimilation


I give up.
It says politicians want to let in even more of them. This is why they are all sick in the head and need to go, and the "laws" revamped. They are ALL burdens on the rest of the native Americans struggling to get by. I'm so disgusted by everything I could just puke.



What happened to proving your ability to support yourself and/or having a sponsor in order to come here legally? To my knowledge, no other country would allow someone to enter and then be eligible for government support.


Faithful Steed
I think they're called "captive voters." Those who have a total reliance upon the government as it is - and will vote consistently to maintain that relationship.

Beats the possibility of discovery for the obvious sham of deceased voters - and is endorsed by TPTB as the "path to diversity."

Noble goals with an ignoble motivation.



Son, Husband, Father
Immigration (legal) has been used to change the demographics and character of this nation.

1:9 people living in the US today were not born here. This is a direct result of opening the flood gates of legal immigration during the Kennedy administration. Prior to Kennedy's involvement, the US was admitting about 100,000 people per year, and most were from developed countries. Since then, we are bringing in between 1m - 1.5m people a year, the majority from the Third world.

In 1990, the population of the US was 225m. Today it is 320m. This is not a result of our 1.7 native population birth rate (2.1 with illegals.)

Third world immigrants living on welfare? Why do we allow this?

TPTB WANT the Turd World to immigrate here. They PAY them to immigrate here.

It all comes down to Borders, Language, and Culture.

Wonder how Soetoro has 45-51% of the vote?

Anyone have a question what the future of this nation will portend?



Time Traveler
It's always fascinated me that these people come here because it's a far better life than where they come from, yet their presence and refusal to integrate or become useful members of society are creating the very cesspools they left.

The globalists who sit in deecee with big fat paychecks and cushy retirements pretending to represent legal Americans know this, they are purposely dismantling everything American stands for and bringing in a foreign army to kill and steal what is left. The levels of deliberate, cold blooded treason in deecee is beyond words.


Veteran Member
43% on welfare after 20 years... and yet, the money the Mexicans send home increases month after month... "Doing jobs Americans won't do." I guess field work and maid service pays well??

Mexico’s central bank said that in May the amount of the remittances received ($2.34 billion) increased by 15.32 percent over April, when $2.03 billion had been received.

I don't understand why every American isn't totally irate about our immigration laws and lack of enforcement.


Veteran Member
What happened to proving your ability to support yourself and/or having a sponsor in order to come here legally? To my knowledge, no other country would allow someone to enter and then be eligible for government support.

That has been changed by Obammy. Harry Reid even made sure that Obammy's executive policies stayed in place.

The Obama Administration Pays Illegal Aliens to Come Here

If you have high blood pressure, take some medication before reading further.

A basic premise of immigration law is that immigrants to the U.S. are expected to be self-supporting. We obviously don’t want to attract people who have no intention of working, but simply want to benefit from our generous welfare system. This principle is incorporated into the Immigration and Nationality Act, which provides:

An alien who, in the opinion of the consular officer at the time of application for a visa, or in the opinion of the Attorney General at the time of application for admission or adjustment of status, is likely at any time to become a public charge is inadmissible.​

But, as in so many other instances, President Obama has simply changed the law by executive fiat. In this case the administration acted quietly, so that it took quite a while before others understood how badly Obama had subverted the immigration laws. Yesterday, four Republican Senators wrote to Janet Napolitano and Hillary Clinton; you can read their letter here:

It has long been a sound principle of immigration law that those who seek citizenship in this country ought to be financially self-sufficient. We were thus shocked to discover that both the State Department and DHS exclude reliance on almost all governmental welfare programs when evaluating whether an alien is likely to become a public charge. Your agencies apply a cramped interpretation of the law in this regard, considering reliance on only two of nearly 80 federal welfare programs as evidence of likelihood of becoming a public charge: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

In fact, guidance from your agencies specifically prevents consular and DHS officials from considering the likelihood that an alien will receive SNAP benefits [food stamps], WIC payments, Medicaid, child-care benefits, foster care, energy assistance, educational assistance, other medical and health benefits, and assistance from at least fifteen different nutritional programs.

The Obama administration advertises the fact that anyone is welcome to come to the United States to receive food stamps:

Barack Obama’s mania to make everyone a dependent of the federal government extends even to illegal aliens. The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration has uncovered the astonishing fact that the Obama administration pays billions of dollars in child tax credits to illegal aliens:


A few tidbits from the IG’s report:

* In one instance, four illegal aliens fraudulently claimed that 20 children lived with them in the same trailer and received from the IRS $29,608 in ACTC refunds. The children claimed did not even live in the U.S.

* The Inspector General recommended that, “Legislation should be considered to require a Social Security Number in order to be eligible for the ACTC, consistent with the requirements for the Earned Income Tax Credit… As it now stands, the payment of Federal funds through this tax benefit appears to provide an additional incentive for aliens to enter, reside, and work in the U.S. without authorization, which contradicts Federal law and policy to remove such incentives.”

Republican Senators proposed such legislation, but Harry Reid refused to allow it to come to the Senate floor for a vote. So at the same time that the United States is going broke, with $16 trillion in debt, we are bribing people from all over the world, illegally as well as legally, to enjoy federal benefits at taxpayer expense. And Barack Obama and Harry Reid refuse to permit anything to be done, even to the extent of limiting blatant fraud.
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