[HLTH] Bacillus anthracis killer, Oil of Oregano


This looks like something we might want to have for our preps.
Seems that it will kill a lot of bad actors


Oil Of Oregano Rivals Modern Antibiotic Drugs
by Bill Sardi

Oil pressed from oregano leaves that contain the active ingredient carvacrol may be an effective treatment against sometimes drug-resistant bacterial infection. Georgetown University researchers have found that oil of oregano appears to reduce infection "as effectively as traditional antibiotics."

Oil of oregano at relatively low doses was found to be efficacious against Staphylococcus bacteria and was comparable in its germ-killing properties to antibiotic drugs such as streptomycin, pencillin and vancomycin. [Science Daily 10/11/2001] The findings were presented by Harry G. Preuss, MD, professor of physicology and biophysics, Georgetown University, at the American College of Nutrition'a annual meeting in Orlando, Florida. The oregano oil was obtained from North American Herb and Spice Company, a Waukeegan, Illinois company that sponsored the study and markets their non-prescription products in retail stores un the trade names Oregamax and Oregacyn.

Earlier this year researchers at the Department of Food Science at the University of Tennessee reported that, among various plant oils, oil of oregano exhibited the greatest antibacterial action against common pathogenic germs such as Staph, E. coli and Listeria. [Journal Food Protection, Volume 64, July 2001] Last year British researchers reported oregano oil had antibacterial activity against 25 different bacteria. [Journal Applied Microbiology, Volume 88, February 2000] A clinical study in Italy has shown that oil of oregano can be used to treat intestinal parasites. [Phytotherapy Research, Volume 14, May 2000]

The body of positive evidence for oregano oil as a major antibiotic is growing. Among 52 plant oils tested, oregano was considered to have "pharmacologic" action against common bugs such as Candida albicans (yeast), E. coli, Salmonella enterica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. [Journal Applied Microbiology, volume 86, June 1999] Pseudomonas is a type of germ that is getting more difficult to treat as it has developed strains that are resistant against antibiotic drugs.

Of recent interest are reports showing that carvacrol from oil of oregano kills spores, such as Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis (anthrax). [Archives Microbiology, Volume 174, October 2000; Quarterly Review Biology, Volume 73, March 1998] Bacillus cereus is considered to be from the same species as Bacillus anthracis (anthrax). [Applied Environmental Microbiology, Volume 66, June 2000] In tests of antibiotics and antiseptics, Bacillus cereus is often used in studies in lieu of the anthrax strain. [University of Michigan News & Information Service, Sept. 23, 1998]

Oil of oregano is not to be confused with common oregano in the kitchen spice cupboard, which is usually marjoram (Origanum majorana or O. vulgare) rather than true oregano (Origanum vulgare).

The growing problem of antibiotic resistance has health authorities concerned. Already various germs are showing resistance to vancomycin, particularly to intestinal bacteria (Enterococcal species) among hospitalized patients. [Southern Medical Journal, Volume 94, August 2001] Vancomycin is considered to be the most potent antibiotic available and is withheld from use as a drug of last resort. Vancomycin costs about $16 per pill versus about $1 for the purest-strength oregano oil. Drug resistance does not develop against naturally-occuring antibiotics such as garlic and oil of oregano.

October 13, 2001

Bill Sardi [send him mail] is a health journalist at www.askbillsardi.com.

Copyright © 2001 by the Word of Knowledge Agency, San Dimas, California.

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Well, there's always http://www.oiloforegano.com (go figure)

Their site says, "According to Julia Lawless, author of The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, the vast majority of oregano oil is mislabeled, because it is derived from a thyme, that is
Spanish thyme." Wasn't there a thread a while back regarding thyme oil?

Anyway, another essential oil site had the following to say, just FWIW (I have no knowledge of essential oils personally):

"Recently there has been tremendous interest in the oil of Oregano. This seems to be mainly the result of the efforts of one man who has relentlessly promoted this particular Oil on coast-to-coast radio and in a book. He has convinced many thousands of people that this Oil is a cure-all for practically any ailment, and that the best way to use it is to take several drops by mouth.
We must disagree. We have heard from many people who have burned their mouth or throat trying to take Oregano Oil orally, after listening to this man preach on the radio.

While Oregano is a wonderful Essential Oil, it is really of no greater therapeutic value than many dozens of other wonderful Essential Oils. To single Oregano Oil out as THE most important Essential Oil and a cure-all in our view is totally misguided. Especially to encourage people who have no experience with Essential Oils to take this Oil orally is a very dangerous practice.

Please be careful to NEVER take Essential Oils orally unless under the guidance of a Doctor or professional Aromatherapist who is present at the time of use."
From: http://www.tiferetonline.com/oregano.html



Yes I would like a source too. I hav Oil of Oregano (Thymus Capitatus) so am not sure it would work the same though it does kill microbes.


Leska Emerald Adams
If you search this forum for "oregano" you'll see Squirrel Hunter has posted a bunch about it, other oils, and how to get them.


Essential Oils are available at most drug stores and I got some a week ago at Wall Marts




Thanks for the clarification - I wouldn't know the difference between an essential oil and canola, I'm afraid. Sorry for the not-so-great link :)


Squirrel Hunter

Membership Revoked
Try www.youngliving.com for very pure organically grown oregano and other essential oils, or look in your phone directory under "herbs" or check with a pharmacist. Best to accept nothing less than "100% pure" -- not just "pure" -- EO's or you will dminish the therapeutic return on your investment.

Anthrax bacillus is "literally destoryed" by thyme oil, per the reserach of French MD Jean Valnet. I have been READING UP on EO's and just learned that the IMPROVE WITH AGE and efficacy. You may be able to find anantiquities/collecitbles dealer in your town who trades in old pharmaceuticals.

Don't turn away from the EO's because a few nitwits tried to gargell with oil of oregano. Get yourself MARINATED in thyme, oregano, lemon, lemongrass, lavendar, clove, cinnamon, hyssop, melaleuca, etc. These are HEAVY DUTY antimicrobials, proven historically to ward off bubonic plague, black death, etc.

Don't overlook these accessable, affordable, PROVEN anti-microbials!



Oil of Oregano

I have been using Oil of Oregano for over a month now, and am feeling better for the use
They do have it in jello capsule form which digest easily for those who do not wish to burn their mouths
Look at your local health food stores for this item from Solaray in 60 softgels containers
At the cost of about 9.00 dollars per container
hope this helps


Membership Revoked
Hi SQ! :)

I agree with you about Young's Essential Living Oils. In fact I am so impressed by their effectiveness than I have become a distributor for them so that I can help folks in these remote parts.

Anyone who wants to get it at the best price (without becoming a distributor yourself) can order if from me at wholesale, plus whatever the cost of postage is if y'like.

For starters I'd recommend Oil of Oregano, Thyme, and Cloves. A couple of bottles each, and then you can build from there, - assuming we have postal service...

I'd just like to see everyone have readily accessible front line protection against whatever comes our way.

PM me, if you need to save a few dollars off the retail prices on the site. ;)

Love in Christ, - Jesse.
I'm a believer in the Young Living Essential Oils- you can't find more pure or potent oils. Before Y2K, I learned about them, and built up a mini "pharmacy" of them, and have been adding to them, ever since.

The company has books that show what certain oils help with.....good to get at least one of those, too. Maybe Jesse could steer you in the direction where to get them. Otherwise, the website mentioned above, could do that.

I rarely get sick, but felt a cold coming on, last week (at work, the girls come in with sniffles), plus my lack of sleep. I dabbed a few drops of YLEO's Purification oil on my throat and forehead a couple of times, for a couple of days, and the cold never took hold. I've also warded off colds, before, with a couple of their other oils. They have my vote!

When I read how the Oil of Oregano, Thyme and Cinnamon oils can help against these frightening diseases, I made sure I had several bottles of them. (The bottles are small......they hold only about 15 ml., which is a Tbsp.) They last a long time, tho, since you usually use just a drop or two at a time, and don't usually need them for very long.

Jesse is giving you a great deal!