CRIME College student grabs attacker's gun, stops attack


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NEW: Female University of Chicago student fights off a robber by grabbing his gun as he tried stealing her phone. 21-year-old Madelyn fended off a thug by grabbing his gun and removing the magazine before he hopped into a getaway car with her phone. The thug looked dumbfounded as he looked for his magazine but Madelyn had thrown it in a bush. Shortly before the incident, four suspects robbed two other students and demanded their belongings at gunpoint. "I'm able to get my hands on the gun... and remove the magazine from the gun, and I toss it into the bush," Madelyn recalled. Bad*ss


Veteran Member
Action is quicker than reaction. Good for her. It could have gone soooo different. She played the hand she was dealt.

Note in the video the simple-minded-sloth-impersonating dolt sitting on the ground. If you're not going to be chivalrous as a true man was equipped to be, at least run at first sign of danger.

No wonder the world is being overwhelmed with cucks...jmo


Veteran Member
Yes, Luddite, I also noticed the total lack of situational awareness from the student sitting on the grass. He is within feet of the attack, but he only seems to notice it right at the end of the video. This “living in my own bubble” mindset is what criminals love to find. Unfortunately for the perp, he picked the wrong student to try rob. Ha,ha,ha!

There has to be some great fingerprints on that extended magazine. But then, since it is Chicago, and the thug is one of the protected species…
”Now, honey, we shouldn’t be doing bad things, should we? Please don’t do this again. You can go now.”


Veteran Member
The good and proper response from her could and should have been to take two steps back produce your own weapon of chose and off that POS, but alas we don't live in that world now, even less so in that God forsaken city.


Veteran Member
When she dropped his mag and he ran, tells me he has no skills. One of those - the first shot always misses and adjust by follow up shots. Lucky her, he may have had one in the chamber...


passin' thru
I dunno.

Been watching it for a few days and still my opinion flip flops.
- I'm no coward, I've been known to yank back shower curtains when I see shoes of people hiding in the tub, go toe to toe with armed people just because I find bullies and azzhats so contemptible, and even have ate Micky D's fish at closing time-

..but I'm not sure I'd have gone for the weapon like she did. Some things are worth dyin' for.
Apple ain't one o' em.

and don't get me started on the gelded american male- it's so bad even those old enough to have once been men are as likely to be over emoting sky screaming safe space seeking snarkie rantie azzhats/eunuchs these days :eek:


Contributing Member
Yes, the dude sitting nearby is most likely a liberal pansy coward; however, if you sit back and think about it from the big picture standpoint he may be right. This is in Chicago. Let's say he decided to be the brave man and rescue this girl and gets in a struggle with the attacker. The gun goes off and the attacker is fatally wounded. How much confidence do you have that the Chicago police dept and DA's office would do the right thing and give this kid a pat on the back instead of charging him with manslaughter? Even if he is acquitted in a trial, his life is changed forever - see Kyle Rittenhouse.

If this was a friend or relative being attacked, the whole risk/reward calculation changes, but for someone you don't know I just don't know if it's worth the risk to intervene if you are in one of those liberal paradise places.
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Veteran Member
I don’t understand what folks think an unarmed person is supposed to do. First off, this guy is young and for decades kids were raised to not get involved, go and tell some authority figure. Second if that is campus property, firearms are not allowed. While the criminal may get a slap on the wrist, the guy could get expelled from school. Lastly this area is in Illinois where gun ownership has historically been very controlled so it is unlikely such a young person would even have a gun. Not to mention local city restrictions.

I do agree his awareness seemed off. Best course of action would have been to run and call the police. Those who said he should be a hero, I once heard a comment, “Cemeteries are full of heroes.”


Veteran Member
I've watched this a few times and I think her pulling the magazine out was purely accidental. Before this happened, I'm betting she didn't know what a magazine was. By her own admission, she was just grabbing for something in an effort to get her phone back. Had she ended up shot and dead, we would have all wondered why in the world she risked her life for a phone instead of thinking she's brave for fighting. You have to pick your fights in this old world.

As for the guy on the ground, there's a few thoughts to keep in mind. The guy wasn't attacking her, he just wanted her phone and she was foolishly fighting for it, knowing he was armed. I wouldn't advise my own sons to risk their lives for someone who has chosen to risk their theirs in order to keep a phone we wouldn't buy in the first place. Had he intervened and been shot and killed, we'd all be wondering why he risked his life for a phone. His only fault was situational unawareness. Had the thief grabbed the girl and tried to take her, it would have been a whole other story. I did notice the girl turn around and give him a "what the heck" look for not helping.


Veteran Member
I don’t understand what folks think an unarmed person is supposed to do. First off, this guy is young and for decades kids were raised to not get involved, go and tell some authority figure. Second if that is campus property, firearms are not allowed. While the criminal may get a slap on the wrist, the guy could get expelled from school. Lastly this area is in Illinois where gun ownership has historically been very controlled so it is unlikely such a young person would even have a gun. Not to mention local city restrictions.

I do agree his awareness seemed off. Best course of action would have been to run and call the police. Those who said he should be a hero, I once heard a comment, “Cemeteries are full of heroes.”
Ha...I posted without seeing your post. Great minds think alike lol.


Country exile in the city
and don't get me started on the gelded american male- it's so bad even those old enough to have once been men are as likely to be over emoting sky screaming safe space seeking snarkie rantie azzhats/eunuchs these days :eek:

The only REAL MEN still around (except for a very few) are the ones as old as I am or older--different generation...


Finally not a lurker!
I can't blame him for not charging unarmed against someone with a pistol but to sit, observing and do NOTHING, not even for your own safety???


Country exile in the city
The perp had an accomplice--he started to run get in a black car on the street, then turns and starts toward the girl again, but by that time she (and the notaman sitting on the ground) had fled the area, leaving GTR standing there looking confused.

The video says "two armed robbers" had earlier that day in the same area robbed two women--may well be the same ones.

Note the typical uniform: hoodies and Covid masks.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Seeing in the video that the magazine was extended tells me there is a definite possibility that it wasn't seated properly. In that case there would be no reason it couldn't just be pulled out without hitting the release.

I have seen first-hand at a show where the same guy came by a neighboring dealer's table 2 days in a row and bought extended mags simply because they were extended. The 2nd day the dealer told him neither of the 2 mags he had in his hands would work in whatever firearm he was trying to fit. This was a couple of years ago when we had 'bangers loading up at the shows. Now, not so much since a group was expelled for 5-finger discounts.



Veteran Member
First you have parents who still willingly cough up tuition for their children to go to Univ of Chicago which has been surrounded by ghetto for the last 4 decades.

Northwestern up in Evanston is not much safer crimewise these days either.

Young doofus observing made the near fatal error of assuming it was her boyfriend confronting her and that she was race mixing. That it was passion related, that they broke up and he wanted the phone back. Not realizing that if he had shot the female, perp would have fired on him too as a witness.

That campus is a tiny bubble of white nerds in denial, completely and utterly surrounded by some ruthless gangs. Parents sending their children into that maelstrom are guilty of gross negligence. I refused to take CTA beyond Chinatown south bound. Its a no go zone like the west side.


Veteran Member
As the principal of a 1200 student school, I once had a guy pull a knife outside the school at dismissal time on a very sweet mentally challenged special Ed student. Without even thinking I karate chopped his arm and stepped on the knife when it fell to the ground. The perp ran away. I also told a mafia guy to quit coming around at dismissal . I later found out that They had lost the contract to transport students and wanted to see if their competitors were overloading the vehicles. Who knew that’s one way the mafia makes money. I knew he had no business on our school campus; his skin color was a dead giveaway. Even though he was built like a linebacker and towered over my 5’3” frame, he left and never came back. The stories I could tell..,,


On TB every waking moment
What gets me is that these idiots are so emboldened to do armed robbery over cellphones that can be easily "bricked" and think it's a "good idea" (the general mugging/armed robbey in itself is what it is). It says so much about conditions on the ground.

Yeah, having gotten the gun from the robber, my "old man knee jerk from the armchair" impulse would be to put one in the assailant's posterior, and that's over riding the initital impulse to make him and any associate in sight room temperature.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
It should not have surprised you that your Family Guy left and didn't ever come back. YOU were doing your JOB, just like he was and HE had no specific beef with YOU.
Family Guys respect people doing a job.

Heck, he may have told the guys about that woman who impressed him by standing her ground DOING her job!


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Action is quicker than reaction. Good for her. It could have gone soooo different. She played the hand she was dealt.

Note in the video the simple-minded-sloth-impersonating dolt sitting on the ground. If you're not going to be chivalrous as a true man was equipped to be, at least run at first sign of danger.

No wonder the world is being overwhelmed with cucks...jmo
Yes just your opinion but I didn't see a host of decriers of that perspective.


Veteran Member
As the principal of a 1200 student school, I once had a guy pull a knife outside the school at dismissal time on a very sweet mentally challenged special Ed student. Without even thinking I karate chopped his arm and stepped on the knife when it fell to the ground. The perp ran away. I also told a mafia guy to quit coming around at dismissal . I later found out that They had lost the contract to transport students and wanted to see if their competitors were overloading the vehicles. Who knew that’s one way the mafia makes money. I knew he had no business on our school campus; his skin color was a dead giveaway. Even though he was built like a linebacker and towered over my 5’3” frame, he left and never came back. The stories I could tell..,,
I bet you have many amazing and disturbing stories. I hope you were an awesome administrator. As a retired teacher I can fondly remember only two awesome administrators from my career as a teacher. And I was an administrator for one year in a tiny school and it was incredibly daunting to deal with all the regulation and compliance issues. For you to survive and hopefully thrive in a 1,200 student school is admirable.


Veteran Member
Rewatching the video and listening to her describe her lack of situational awareness, blacking out and not intentionally going fir the gun versus trying to keep her phone, then saying fighting back to save her phone and losing her life is not worth it. She is in la la land and is extremely blessed to not have been shot. The defused on the lawn is as naive as her looking to him for help.


Veteran Member
A couple things not mentioned here that I saw in the video.

1. The driver appears to jump out of the car and then run after a person on the far side of the road from where the girl in this video was robbed. The driver (I assume) stops at the person on the far side of the street. He may have attempted to get that persons phone as well?

I am guessing these were the two who had done the earlier robbery mentioned in this video.

Additionally I have not seen it mentioned here but notice the guy standing at the table as this unfolds. He sees what is going on and runs away immediately as well. Another spinless pussy.

These guy seem like a bunch of pansies. I gotta say I have been in a couple of situations where people had guns and were robbing the place. I did not run but nor did I directly confront them.

One was at a convenience store. I walked in and made my purchase. Walked over to a door and opened it, looked back and saw the two guys there had looked away from me. I let the door close but just stepped inside and watched this event unfold. The two guys were gonna roll this young girl. One was stuffing his pants full of cigarettes. The other had made his way behind the counter and asking about hats on a rack. Each time she looked up at the hats he turned at looked at the cash she had piled up under the register. The guy stuffing his pants eventually saw me and had a deer in the headlights moment then reached for his pocket and I am pretty sure I saw the outline of a gun but he never pulled it because I acted like I had a gun behind me and already had my hand in position like I was gonna take him out. I stepped forward and gave him every indication I was ready if he was. He froze, dropped whatever was in his baggy pants pocket and ran out the door. Then his buddy looks at him like what the hell? Looks over and sees me, acts as though he wants to confront me and he was a huge bull looking darker colored person. I still had my arm behind my back as though I was ready for him and stared him down. He then ran like hell after the other guy out the door and down the street.

The cashier was like what is going on? I said how much money have you got behind that counter. I knew her. She looked down and said not sure yet its my shift money I have to drop. I said those boys were about to take you out for that money. She all but fell to the floor, ran and locked the doors and begged me to stay until the police could get there.

The police got my statement and said I would have been a smart man if I would have just ran and called for help but she may not be standing here now had I done so. She thanked me over and over for staying. She walked out that door after the cops left and never returned.

The cops looked at the camera footage and said these guys had been wanted for armed robbery for some time and were known to use the guns. Lucky me the one guy apparently thought I had a gun. I was no hero. I simply was not going to stand by and let that young lady, someone I saw every couple days get rolled over some pile of cash.

You may say I was a fool for acting like I was about to draw a weapon from behind my back but it was all I had at the moment and it was a knee jerk reaction that paid off. I was standing next to an exit door and was ready to run if I saw a gun coming out though. I am fearless to some degree but I have a family to think about as well.

Getting back to those college students who ran rather than help her. With all that has been going on. All the shootings. All the craziness. I really do not blame them. Not everyone is a hero. Not saying they are not a bit soft but their knee jerk reaction, their programing based on the current state of the world, the conditioning based on all the screwed up policies of our court systems. They probably realize its smart to just get out with your life.