UNEX Why do so few seem to care about the Jan6 prisoners?


I know a majority of people on this forum said do not go to DC, it was a trap. Many did not believe it or decided they would pull their sword for that cause. 17 months later those apprehended are still in jail, not charged and still trying to win their freedom. Not going to happen till next year after the mid terms and if the conservatives don't win those guys will be locked up for 20 years. Vote now and often to beat them and hope for the best
If everything is viewed as a "trap" and no one will go let tptb know they are unhappy....then the opposition has been effectively silenced.


Dot Collector
Jan.6 political prisoner speaks out as hearings begin (6min)
Political prisoner Jake Lang speaks about his experience on Jan.6 as the public hearing are set to begin. He spoke to One America’s Caitlin Sinclair from his prison cell.
June 10, 2022