WHY do hackers hack? Or WHY do they send out these viruses?


Goin' where the lonely go
I got that damned hell-virus called the FBI/Interpol crap awhile back...got rid of it but I was just curious...WTF does this and WHY?

The people who usually get it are the people who don't have enough money to start over.
Do these demonic-DWEEBS from hell just sit around in mommy's basement and dream this shit up or something?
Do they get PAID for every PC they ruin?
PLEASE tell me that nobody who gets something like that virus is gonna pay the 'ransom' to clear up their computer....

AND let me just make one thing clear (to quote Ubama)...I am the ONLY one using this PC and I have NEVER been to a porn site.


Veteran Member
IMHO, it's a power thing for a lot of them. Seeing the news about computers being infected with X virus or Y trojan and knowing they were at least partially responsible gives them a real high....POWER to disrupt the whoooole internet. Mwuhahahaha! Others do it for the "ransom". Some for profit, like getting bank passwords or credit card info. And some just for kicks.

So, lots of different reasons. The "pros" are pretty well organized, from what I hear, but I would imagine there's quite a few "basement internet terrorists" out there (who are legends in their own minds), who are as you say, living in mommy's basement and dreaming up ways to screw with as many folks as they can....without ever having to have a job or leave the safety of the basement. Empty pizza boxes and red bull cans all over comes to mind. :P Pretty poor social skills if you know what I mean.



Membership Revoked
For money of course.

They make slaves out of computers, creating botnets to attack corporate sites, to create bitcoin miner slaves. Heck, the one you got hit with isn't all that common anymore - usually hackers don't want you to know you are infected.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Sorry for ya, VS. I got the same thing about a year ago and it's a pain in the butt to get rid of. And no, I was not looking at any porn sites. I was looking at a fleece vest on LL Bean's website.

I'm guessing that there must be some fool out there that actually believes that they can pay the fine (In my case, it was a run down to your local Walgreens and purchase a Blue card or Red card...I forget. And then put the number code from the back into the nifty little boxes on the screen and Voila!!! The FBI won't be storming your door!) and escape the FBI hell that will soon be at your door. Otherwise, it wouldn't be very lucrative and they would move on to some other scam.