GUNS/RLTD What's going on in Colorado?!?!?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Nor did I suggest you did on this thread. Please note that Packy was commenting upon my behavior on several threads, and I was responding as such.
And if memory serves Packy as being called here, has become a bit of a pain with some of the insanity going on right now...


Veteran Member
Oh come on . There aren’t enough Californians to do all the damage people says. There must be some homegrown commies too!
Folks forget their Steinbeck.... California was heaven on Earth until Ol' Tom Joad and the rest of the drunken Oakies came stumbling in!


Veteran Member
Sir....(and I use the term loosely).....I - DO - NOT - POST - BULLSHITTE...

And BTW, why would you ever address me as "Sir" - loosely or otherwise? I thought it obvious from my Avatar that I am not a "Sir"! Really?