URL for personal pictures

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Hi all. I just realized that I may have given out the wrong URL for some of your pics.

Use the following as the BASE URL. Follow immediately with your file name (as I sent it back to you. It is important to MATCH the case of the text. If I sent you "My_Picture.JPG", you can't use "my_picture.jpg". They have to MATCH case, exactly.)

Anyway, here's the BASE URL (This will change when the site moves, but the idea is the same, and I'll post the new one then):


Again, you would add your filename IMMEDIATELY after the text above. (You can enter the string into your browser's adderss window, click "go" and see your pic immediately.)

Hope this helps.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
LP, what was the filename you sent? I've had a bad couple of days (went to the doc today), and things have been really hectic.)


. . . .

Might be cool if you could allow directory browsing on that picture folder. If these are community pics, we could all take a look without having to find the links scattered throughout the posts.... If not, maybe a script that would create a page of links to all the pics.