Tumeric for cancer?


Veteran Member
Eat This Spice. It Could Save Your Life

The curry spice turmeric could help prevent and possibly even cure cancer.

Also found in yellow mustard, turmeric contains an ingredient called curcumin that researchers from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston say may help suppress and destroy the blood cancer multiple myeloma. Curcumin is what gives mustard and turmeric their yellow color.

In the laboratory, the researchers added curcumin to human cells infected with multiple myeloma. The result: The curcumin stopped those cells from replicating, and the cells that were left died, reports Reuters.

Even though the study did not actually test curcumin in cancer patients, lead researcher Dr. Bharat B. Aggarwal is so impressed with these early lab results that he recommends cancer patients eat food seasoned with turmeric. And with good reason. Previous research has shown that curcumin may fight other types of cancers besides multiple myeloma. It has also been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can heal wounds and possibly fight Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. Best of all, curcumin has no known side effects in human beings--even in large amounts. The study findings were published in the journal Blood.

A study last year from Kumamoto University in Kumamoto, Japan, that was published in the journal Cancer also found that curcumin prevented cancer and stopped tumors from growing. Reuters reports that the Japanese researchers determined that curcumin inhibited the production of interleukin-8 (IL-8), a protein that attracts white blood cells to a particular site and leads to inflammation. The compound also reduced the activity of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-kappaB), a molecule that helps regulate the gene that produces IL-8.

What does that mean? Tumor cells secrete high levels of IL-8, which is a protein that causes inflammation. The exact role IL-8 plays in cancer growth is still unclear, but previous research shows it may stimulate tumor cells to produce at the same time it suppresses the immune system. But the compound in turmeric--curcumin--curbs IL-8. If the spice actually does what the study findings suggest, then "curcumin is capable of working as a potent agent that reduces tumor promotion," the researchers concluded.

In yet another study, researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, N.Y., found that curcumin helped protect the skin of cancer patients who were undergoing radiation therapy. A common and painful side effect of radiation is burns and blisters. Mice who were given three doses of curcumin for five to seven days a week along with a dose of radiation had minimal skin damage caused by the radiation. In addition, curcumin was found to suppress the development of new cells in tumors, which furthers the effectiveness of radiation therapy, reports Health Newswire.

There's only one problem with what could be Mother Nature's miracle cure for cancer, and you won't believe what it is: Greed. To learn more about turmeric's cancer-fighting properties, including the proper dosage, requires large medical experiments with a great number of patients. Such ventures are costly and are typically financed by drug companies eyeing future product development. However, in this case, the "drug" is a natural compound. Aggarwal explained to Reuters that no drug company can reap the financial benefits if turmeric proves to be an effective anti-cancer drug so no drug company is likely to pay the big bucks needed for the medical studies.

--Cathryn Conroy


Turmeric is used in most of the dishes in India. It is also used as a beauty treatment, it is used to heal wounds, and used as tea when people are sick. Tumeric is antibacterial as well as viricidal.

Ginger tea is also used widely for a myriad of trouble.

Lots of other culinary herbs are very healing, too....



Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory as well. Curcumin is a COXX 2 inhibitor (like Vioxx and Celebrex and those other dangerous drugs!) and can work as a painkiller when taken in capsule form.

I use it frequently on animals in a salve, and it's nearly miraculous for healing serious sprains and ligament tears. It reduces swelling better than almost anything I've ever seen. If you've ever tried to milk a cow who stepped on her teat (ouch!) and it's bruised and swollen shut, you'd appreciate how well turmeric salve reduces that swelling and allows the milk to flow again. AND apparently reduces the pain, because they kick a lot less.

To make a turmeric salve, combine 2 parts turmeric with 1 part table salt (or pickling lime). Add this mixture to anything you wish to use as a carrier.... a basic hand lotion, herbal salve, or plain vaseline. (Vaseline works well for animals, but it's an awful messy choice)

Mix well and store in a covered container. If you use vaseline, the stuff will keep practically forever. Some other salves or creams will go rancid after awhile.

This stuff WILL stain your skin a bright yellow orange. But if you've got a badly sprained ankle or knee, plaster it well with the salve, then wrap it firmly (but not TIGHT) with an elastic bandage. I usually wrap either cotton batting or a cotton gauze wrap on first, under the elastic. On animals, I leave it on for a week, or until the swelling reduces so the bandage is too loose.

I have seen this heal a 4th degree ligament sprain on a cow. This is a sprain where the joint is completely unstable, with almost complete destruction of the supporting ligaments. In heavy animals, it's usually a death sentence.... you can't very well teach them to use crutches for the 2-3 months it usually takes to heal. The first time I tried it, it was a "nothing to lose" choice on a good 2 year old who had blown the ligaments when she got tangled in a fence during calving. I was hoping it would at least help her pain so she could hobble around and manage to limp to pasture... and then figured when it came time to put them back in the barn for the winter, we'd have to sell her for beef, because she'd never be able to get up and down in a tie stall with the ruined hock.

Unbelievably (and believe me, I didn't!), when I cut the bandage (a soft cast) off in 1 week, the swelling was down almost 80%. I reapplied the turmeric and another soft cast, and in another week, she was almost completely sound. She had her second calf this spring, and you literally can't see which leg was hurt.

I'm working on developing a liniment form of this right now... it would be less messy for humans.



Veteran Member
Where do you find tumeric in capsule form? My husband is on Celebrex and also has had cancer, so I'd really be interested in these. I'll have to have him try the salve the next time his ankle or knee swells up.



You can buy capsules at the drug store and fill them yourself. Here we have to ask for the capsules to be ordered in. It is a boring thing to fill the capsules...but if that is the only way you can get them.


Dingy- I make them myself. Try <http:/www.atlanticspice.com> for a great source of gelatin capsules, herbs, and a little gadget called the "cap M Quik". It's only a plastic rack (and it's under ten bucks) that holds 50 capsules at a time. Once you put the empty halves into the rack, you dump whatever herb or substance you want onto them, scrape them level, and then put the tops on the capsules. It's a LOT faster than scooping each capsule through the turmeric or whatever. Hubby says that 4 capsules of turmeric seem to work *almost* as well as the Vioxx... not quite a potent, but enough that it gives him some relief on the rare occasions his arthritic hip flares.

I can't say that the turmeric will be as spectacularly successful on "chronic" problems like arthritis, etc, but it can't hurt. The vaseline based salve is REALLY messy... you can experiment with other stuff, and see how it works. I'm trying to find time to make an alcohol based linament with turmeric and wintergreen essential oil. The weather is supposed to get nasty this weekend... maybe I'll manage it then.

I don't know the reason for adding either salt or lime to the turmeric for topical use, but it's how they do it in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, and that's where I got the idea for using turmeric in the first place. They must know what they're talking about... they've been doing it for a few thousand years!

Having empty caps and a way to fill them on hand is a huge money saver for us. I buy glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM at vet supply places (99% pure powders) and fill out own. Couldn't afford it otherwise.



Contributing Member
I do the same thing sumerthyme does... I have found that these folks have almost everything I use in bulk at very reasonable prices... Including the empty caps and the Cap m Quik devices. I have never had any problems with this vendor and they are very fast too.


They even have the glucosamine, and MSM powders...

Summerthyme, if you get that linament to work out please post instructions... I would love to have the recipe..


Veteran Member
Thank you all! I bought tumeric when I went for groceries today and snuck it in the salmon patties I made for supper! I'll have to talk to hubby and see if he'll take it as capsules.


Membership Revoked
The salt added to the mix, would reduce swelling (infection) by pulling it to the outside of the skin. Salt attracks moisture.



Veteran Member
I wonder if that would be good to draw out an abcess(sp?), or if it's just good for muscle swelling? I have a cat that had one side of his face all abcessed and I didn't know what to do for him.


Membership Revoked
Dinghy, that close to the brain, makes me very nervous. Been to the vet?

The above might work IN ADDITION to some evaluation by the vet, to determine what caused it.



Veteran Member
Haven't been to the vet. The abcess drained and looked good for a couple weeks. I kept putting Neosporin on it and gave the cat amoxicillan. Now it seems to have a hole in the middle of it. I started putting Neosporin on it again. If it doesn't improve I'm going to have to take him to the vet. I keep putting it off because I really don't have the money right now.


Dinghy- I used it on a cow whose leg had swelled up to 3x normal (seriously- I measured it- the hock joint was 28" around- the normal joint was 9"!)

We thought she'd blown the ligaments, and I think she did.. but apparently she must have gotten kicked hard or hit it somehow as well. Within 3 days of applying the turmeric in a thick salve, the swelling had resolved into a localized abscess, and it opened and drained 2 days later. As a general rule, when they bang a hock like that and it swells and then abscesses, it takes three WEEKS or longer to come to a head and drain.

If you can get the cat to tolerate it (it will probably take someone wrapping it in a sheet and holding on tight- don't get bitten!), flushing out the "hole" with colloidal silver might help a lot. If it was improving but is getting worse now, it's likely there is a foreign body of some sort in there. The thing is with abscesses, though, is they take a LONG time to heal, because they form a thick wall of scar tissue, which opens and drains to the outside (you hope!!). After it drains, there is still that stiff scar tissue which sort of holds the shape of the abscess.,... sometimes for a long time afterward. Sometimes it's fine, but other times there is either a foreign body inside, or else a lot of rotten tissue (sorry, gross- but these ARE gross!). Either way, if that's the case (you'll usually see continued drainage and it won't smell very good), you need to get the bad stuff out. If you really can't do that, then a vet will have to open it up thoroughly under anaesthetic to resolve it. 99% of the time, flushing it out, keeping the fur trimmed away from it (so it doesn't matt over the opening, and also to keep bacteria from congregating around the opening) and keeping antibiotic salve on it to keep it from sealing up will heal one. But they do take time.



Adding my 2 cents for herbal com. I have used them for several years and they are top notch with free shipping and no minimum order requirement. I usually get my stuff within 3 days of ordering. Good culinary spices and prices also in addition to healing herbs.


Veteran Member
Grow it

Tumeric is a bulb that will grow in your garden, kind of like canna bulbs.
It is a nuisance here because it never gets killed by a freeze. I am always digging it out and giving it away.
PM me if you want a start.


Veteran Member
Thanks for all the info. A quick update on the cat, he's doing fine now. The abscess seems to be gone and the fur looks like it's growing back. I'm hoping that means there isn't anything stuck inside. Time will tell.
Lei, would tumeric grow here in Pa.? I don't know if it would keep over the winter. I'm new to all this stuff so I have no idea. I'm still a little afraid of taking much of some of the stuff. My daughter who is a nurse keeps saying some of this stuff can hurt if you take it too often, even if it's natural. I had a hard time talking her into taking elderberry when she was sick. But it helped her, so she's a little more convinced


Saved, to glorify God.

The active ingredient in Turmeric that possesses all these wonderous healing properties is CURCUMIN, BUT THE SPICE YOU COOK WITH AND THE "TURMERIC" PILLS THAT A MISINFORMED POSTER ABOVE RECOMMENDED ONLY CONTAIN BETWEEN 2 AND 7% CURCUMIN, depending on what variety and what time of the year it is harvested. THE MEDICINAL QUALITY TURMERIC MUST SAY 95% CURCUMIN!!!!!/

I know, I take Turmeric (95% curcumin) 2-3 times a day and have been TOTALLY FREE OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS SINCE STARTING IT. I should have given my mother more, (she only took 2 per day) but died last march. She had multiple myeloma and the doctors did not expect her to live as long as she did with it (Turmeric , actually curcumin causes myeloma cancer cells to commit suicide- what dr.s call "induces apoptosis") It also does the same to many other kinds of cancer.

TURMERIC(95%CURCUMIN) will stop what they call a "cytokine cascade" which is often implicated in a runaway infection and "your body attacking itself" autoimmune disease. It has been found useful for preventing the spread of inflammation and infection(I can personally testify my mom had a BONE DEEP (exposed bone) deep sore on her ankle for over a year, which because of her poor circulation, poor health, diabetes and chemotherapy I WAS NEVER ABLE TO GET HEALED COMPLETELY BUT WITH ORAL CURCUMIN WAS ABLE TO IMMEDIATELY, COMPLETELY GET RID OF ALL INFECTION AND SURROUNDING REDNESS AND KEEP IT TO THE SIZE OF A DIME FOR OVER A YEAR!!

Turmeric (95% Curcumin) is showing promise for good results in treating CYSTIC FIBROSIS.

It is now being recommended by radiologists to patients undergoing radiation treatments to minimize collateral damage such treatments cause.

It is showin strong anti cancer properties:

HELL, WE ARE EVEN GIVING MEDALS TO CHILDREN who discover and prove in their "science projects" the truths about THE HEALING PROPERTIES CURCUMIN that the DRUG INDUSTRY AND CANCER industry does not really want to investigate much.

(Except I do buy the more economical large size bottle six bottles at a time, or these 60 tablet bottles a dozen bottles at a time)
My brother in law has tongue cancer and is finishing radiation treatments and has been taking this all through the therapy to minimize radiation damage and increase the cancer kill rate of the radiation.

Edited to add: Unless you know how to process turmeric to get the 95% curcumin concentration or want to eat a QUART of it at a time to get the same effect as a properly made 95% strength tablet, I WOULD DISMISS trying to grow it or eat the NATURAL FORM OF THE SPICE for it's healing properties, because WHEN YOU DONT GET RESULTS TAKING IT IMPROPERLY YOU WILL FOOLISHLY BELIEVE THAT IT DOESNT WORK AND DISMISS A POWERFUL NATURAL DRUG AS WELL AS WRONGLY GIVE IT A BAD REPUTATION.
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NC Susan

Dinghy said:
Eat This Spice. It Could Save Your Life

................curcumin helped protect the skin of cancer patients who were undergoing radiation therapy. A common and painful side effect of radiation is burns and blisters..............

I dont know about the tumeric, but I do know that hydrogen peroxide poured into the radiation burns heals the blisters fast (and takes away the rotting flesh smell).
I Also used it for the mouth sores from the chemo. Cant eat or drink anything if your mouth is ruined and painful. Hydrogene Peroxide as a gargle with Lots of foam, but no more blisters.
Great stuff H2O2. Works by adding extra oxygene to the site. Nothing bad grows in oxygene so you heal faster.